East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 08, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    VmI always, get GOOD UUUUb ai Alexander's. i
Are You Prepared For the g
is not so far off as it seems these winter davs
en hninn now iiiai piece 01 lancy worK intended lor
i,:.ml vve are snowing me very newest in ninow
hmoed linen tno, ctcning, rope ana royai shk. riana-
Big Handkerchief Values
100 dozen Ladies' fine linen handker
chiefs, plain and fancy borders, each
35c 25c 15c 10c 8c 5c
-r ,r o yfl f y-v w u a S
r be u n taw r e- j
A -
There is Harmony in the Home
with a good piano. And the
best la the cheapest. There
are none bettor made.. They
are strictly high grade in
struments, perfect in con
struction and action. TJnsui
passed In touch and tone,
and finish. Durable, too, and
They are handsome In design
reliable always. Sold with
a gaurantee at bed rock fig
ures for cash, or on Install
ments. S. L Wakefield k Co.
"Whole enlcnnd Itotnll Jluilc Dealers
t . i o.i . 1 1 t. r it
J CJ ' -
neavv nouse imiiiu, wiuic u nisib o1- yu
n uiitcK iziniiiiH.ni. lmiuu izraue hl vu
crade. wide nercalc 8c yd
. I.I .1 . . 1 1 1 1 3 . .,1
ii luwcimiz. mcauiicu anil uiiuiculucu vu
i i .s-a ...;.to r-i
a neavv waierprooi overcoats, ior out; ween puo
The Place to
Lumber, Coal, Building Stone and
Gold Are Waiting Development and
Transportation Oh, for a Rail
road I
(Staff Correspondent.
Alba, Or., Nov. 7. Camas Prairie
country is one of wonderful resources
remaining undeveloped. It lias many
resources, It is true, that are bringing
In rich "returns, but they are few com
pared with the undeveloped wealth of
the country.
Stockraiswg and dalrving are the
main industries at present, with the
lumber business coming to the front.
Lumbering, quarrying building
stone, and mining will probably be
r.dded to Eastern Oregon's great in
dustrial output in the course of only
a few years. There Is no question as
to the timber and building stone, and
prospects are good for both coal and
gold. Camas Prairie is surrounded
by a forest of yellow pine. Tamarack
and rod fir that only need transporta
tion to the outside world to make
them eagerly sought for. It is a. good
class of timber, too. Trees that make
a high grade of lumber rover thous
ands of acres in the mountains and
abound along the mountain streams,
making them easily "logged ' into the
valley below. In the neighborhood of
the Dixon ranch alone stand within
a radius of three miles of a given
point more than 50,0(10,000 feet of
choice timber ready for transporta
tion and the logger.
Excellent Quarries.
Along the banks of Owen Creek and
other streams are vast quarries of a
superior building stone' that would
rival much that is shipped for long
distances in the East. Like many
of the building stones of Eastern Or
egon, when first quarried it is soft
and can be cut like cheese, but when
exposed to the sun and weather, it
.hardens, becomes glazed and lasts
forever, having a beautiful dull light
brown color.
Coal Beds.
Coal has been discovered at the
head of Butter Creek, eight miles
from Alba that may prove the begin
ning of great coal discoveries in this
country. It is believed that the Bluo
Mountains are rich with this deposit
in many places and this section of
the country has hopes in this line.
The famous Morrow county diseov-
erles were mado Just 15 miles west
liom this point and it is believed that
the JJutter Creek discovery is a part
of this great vein. Developments so
far have found veins from a foot to
18 Inches in thickness, and though
but little' prospecting has been done.
It is expectpd to find larger forma
tions at a gre..ter depth. The qual
ity discovered burns well and al
though there Is enough wood in tills
section to supply the Northwest Pa
cific country for a siege, it is believ
ed that ere many years the people of
Camas Prairie will bo burning nativo
"Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work."
Save Money
Quick Heat
Th what you want on crisp
mornings after a BUdtlen
change. This U another de
mand that will show the ex
cellence of
Cole's Original
Hot Blast Stoves
The room heated to 60 do
drees in live minutes; nud
this temperature maintained
for three hours in the morning
with the fuel put Into the
stove the night before, is the
The Hardware Man
Sole Agent
LrOUl MUU CUUUK lino juui (muuiimwin rr, "
.SOU scourinc and scrubbing, bendine ana ruDbtnr,
stakes housework easy. It cleans everything an
injures nomine, more economical uwn
A Chicago. New York. Boston. St. Louis.
Enormous !
The growth. of The Mutual
Life Insurance Company of
New York is one hundred
times greater than that of the
United States.
I h population of the United States in 1830 was
Railroad Needed.
"A railroad Is what we need," said
a prominent citizen. "We have been
expecting one for 20 years, and why
our resources do not attract the men
who build railroads is hard to tell,
but fc-e know that It will be only a
question of Ume until we get one.
"Coal and building stone do not
constitute the whole of our under
ground wealth. A large quantity of
quartz has been discovered at tho
head of Owen's Creek, and while it
ras not proved high grade ore, yet
o.ily surface specimens have been
assayed. In fact, there Is gold in
small quantities all over the basin
and wherever the mother lode lies
there must be quantities, and It Is
somewhere near Alba in the Blue
Soil Is Rich.
A few sawmills with small capacity
have been established in sections of
the timber belt, but the slow meth
ods of transportation retard the In
dustry. Camas Prairie Is a basin in
the mountains. It was probably onco
a lake. Its soil is rich as cream.
and while its principal product now
is nay, it will produce vegetables of
tho hardier kind and many varieties
of fruit It Is stated that grain
thrives here, but most of the product
is now converted into hay. With the
coming of a railroad and the devol
opment of her dormant resources. It
Is expected to see tho product In
crease ,n every lino and that Camas
Prairie will bo one of tho business
centers of Eastern Oregon.
Hot Springs.
Adjacent to the basin are two won
derful hot springs. These are Ilida
way and Teal Springs., They possess
wonderful health-restoring qualities,
and the people here think In a few
years they will each be great health
resorts. I)E LANEY.
Airships Free
With every purchase of One Dollar or
more of Children's clothing of any kind
$3.5o Shoes for Lndies
have thick plinblc soles
and magnificent style
and wearing quality.
The November
The population of the United States in 1900 wu
The Mutual IMe Insurance Co
York in 1850, when 7 cars old.
Vsseti of The Mutual Ufe Insurance Company (
New York, January 1, 190a,
The largest, strongest Life
nsurance Co. in the world.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New' York
Kiciiaud A. McCvaor, Piuident,
Seattle, Wash.
Wen of The Mutual Life Insurance Compiny of
Now York in 1850, when 7 cars old, was
Final Chapter In Deadly Feud
tween Bear and Wolves.
A -leadly feud had an ending in the
desert town of Randsburg. Cal.. re-1
cently. George Hurton, a San Diego
prospector was a witness of the final
act in tho tragedy. What the early
chapters of the desert drama were
"will never be known, for it is a story
not of man, but of beast. That tho
quarrel was a hitter one Is attested
by the fact that the participants in
it were so absorbed that they forgot
their fear of mail, their most formida
ble enemy, and brought their quarrel
to his very door.
Burton and the members of the
household where ho was staying, were
sitting on the veranda of the house
late one afternoon, when their atten
tion was nttracted to a column of dust
traveling across the lescrt, betokening
the movements of some animated ob
ject. They were soon able to deter
mine mat tne oust column was ap
proaching, and as it came nearer it
was seen that a number of animals
were swiftly approaching the village.
A little later it was seen that one of
these animals was a full-grown bear
and the others three of them were
engaged in worrying the larger ani
mal. The bear was headed straight
for tho town, and it was not long till
he was opposite the house.
Either because the bear had become
exhausted or that he discovered that 1
ho was entering the domain of his
enemy, man, ho wheeled upon his ad
versaries and showed fight.
The wolves showed a high degree
of cunning in the battle which fol
lowed. Separating, they began circ
ling around the bear, keeping suffi
ciently far apart so that ho would not
have more than one of them in front
of him at a time. Then, while ho was
endeavoring to face them all at once
those In tho rear would dart forward,
from time to time and sink their sharp
teeth into his tough hide. This would
cause the bear to wheel about, bring
ing another of his enemies upon his
Burton and the man with whom ho
was staying each had guns, but they
determined to let tho animals settle
tho battle for themselves. In the
course of the two hours that the bat
tle continued the contestants moved
several rods away from tho house.
but they were all the time In plain
view. At last the bear showed nlgns
of great fatigue and semed about to
weaken. Then all the wolves rushed
upon li f 111 at once, with the evident
determination to end the struggle
then and there. They reckoned too
soon upon the victor)', however, for
with a blow of his paw he laid one of
their number out stiff. Tho other two
fought shy for a time, but they had
too nearly conquered their formidable
foe and he finally rolled over com
pletely exhausted. In an Instant the
wolves were at his throat, and they
did not leave him until Ilf was e-1
tincL Then, with n dismal howl.'
they turned and trotted away atidj
were soon lost to sight upon the des-1
ert. Denver Post.
Starts out with a boom
MrfiPP Black Satin Skirts with Yoke, close
iTlLAJCC fitting hips, flares, many ruffles,
patent invisible fastener, changeable waist, and
a low price. Once worn always desired
1 A percent Discount on all Golf Gloves until
" Saturday night when prices will resume
A full
1 002
and Overs
of all kind
Boston Store
Frazeir pera Moise alch
"(5c Wight - "And TiafsTlT
The, Plausible American Comedy-Drama
mi ttl S(trk
ff Tweflw
By Joseph Le Brandt
Direction of W B. Lawrence
TT IT Dcn ' Counterfeiters 1 rp rp I
vn 1 he Pawnbroker's hopl -c I
LLs7 I L7 Great Prison Scene I 1 1 7 1 1 -j I
PRICES: First Three Rows 75cj Last 13 Rows $1; Box Seats I
$1.50; Gallery 50c and 25c. Seats at Frazier's I
Grand Clearance Sale
For the next Sixty Days we will sell Carpets, Rufjs, Lace
Curtains, Portiers, Wall Paper and Sewing Machines at a
Big Reduction. In fact everything in our store will go at a
Great Discount for Cash. This is the chance of a lifetime
to buy goods cheap, Call and get our prices.
Undertakers' goods always
on hand at reduc;d prices
Phone Main 24
Leg Broken on Gridiron.
A serious accident occurred on tho
North Salem school grounds yester
day, in which Frank Needham, a boy
of 17, had ills left leg broken Just
aliove the knee.
The boy Is a football enthusiast,
and was a member of tho North
School football team, which at the
time of tho accident was engaged In
a match game with tho team from the
East School.
In making a rush, the young man
was thrown down in a general mix-up,
with tho above result, Statesman.
Sick Headache, Constipation, W;nd,
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver & Female Ailments.
Prepared only by the Proprietor, Tiiomai Iiikctiam, fit. Helens, Kng., nd
SU6 Canal Street, New York. Bold everywhere In boxia, 10c. and ac.