East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 07, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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J 5c A WEEK.
Eastcmjpfcgon Weather
Tonight and Saturday oetaslonnl
L. 15.
NO. 4"S1
j Hand Dealer Declares
.i a : u:
btaP" MNbWBimg mo
Sold Watch-
Lt Gained Which Proves That
G. Mason Is the "Jack the
gtr" Who Killed Two Young
nen In Boston.
Bon, Mass., ssov. i. a muimiu,
ring the description of the ono
awned the murdered Clara Mor-
Iwatch, was locked up by the
j last night. Ho la regarded as
blclous character. At 1 o'clock
fcornlng a second negro was ar-
Both negroes are said to havo
teen frequently at Waverly. Al-
rMason Is still held, ponding illations.
the colored mon were releas-
Is morning, havl.ng satisfied the
that they had nothing to do
the "slugger" crimes. Second-
dealer Nemser, who bought the
and Morton watches, says
linen wrote the names of John
ell on the cards. He now says
he SlcPkee watch was sold by
neriean answering Masons de-
lion, lie was taken to the (Jam
Jail, where he will see Mason
wide whether or not he is the
Grover Cleveland to Speak An Inter
national Leper League With Japan
Students Earn Their Living.
New York, Nov. 6. One of the most
Interesting features In conectlon with
the opening of the new chamber of
commerce next Tuesday will be the
oration delivers 1 by ex-President
Grover Cleveland. This will lbe the
mo3t Important occasion at which Mr.
Cleveland has appeared since he left
the white house. He will have the
world ns an audience as representa
tives of nearly every nation will be
present as guests of the chamber.
The opening exercises will take place
at noon. There v;lll be no long ad
dresses other than Mr. Cleveland's.
In fact, most of tho oratory will be
reserved for the dinner In the even
ing at the Waldorf-Astoria. Bishop
Potter will make the prayer.
Young Americans of Chicago
Demand the Resignation or
Removal of their Principal,
Dr. Albert S. Aslimead ,of this city
Is, urging an international leper treaty
between tho United States and Japan
He says that there are nearly 100,000
lepers in Japan and sees danger to
this country in Increasing Japanese
Immigration to our Pacific coast.
The committee on the employment
of students In Columbia University
has just made public some figures
concerning the earnings of Columbia
boys during the last college year and
the last summer vacation. The figures
are upon 101 men, who earned In the
aggregate $15,531.95 last summer.
During the academic year 118 stu-
dents earned $15,GG4.15.
ds the Emergency In the Money
Situation as Past.
ithington, Nov. 7. Secretary.
returned to Washington wis
ng and after a lengthy conBtil
i with Assistant Secretary Ailes,
nced the he would accept no
(state or municipal .bonds .as-se-
on government deposits. Ho
Bs the emergency In the monota-
luatlon as nast. and, says lt is
ager necessary to accept any
than government bonds.
"Eugene Field" Day.
Louis Mo., Nov, G. In accord-
itlth an order Issued by V. T.
prion, state superintendent of
schools of Missouri, Eugene
tho anniversary of tho
to! the "Children Poet," was gen-
observed today by the -public
U throughout the state. The ex-
s consisted of tho reading of
xems of Eugene Field and a
t the life of the poet.
Hlnie's Men In Court.
I1. Mont., Nov. 6. Judge WI1-
IV-bmj ol the district court and
f uturtU, tho man in charge of
f' WW, the Reveille, were ar
'J com. today on a charge of
""uioei. nie charge grows out
1 iSdlTlt m.,! I... ninnn.f ntiil
""M IB Ilia To.,I11q Minvirlnfr
P'" Slink IfflO n T WnnnnflKnv
in nnvnmtlir (n flu on no
VJ'u0" ln a decision of the Bos-
Mwiiana receivership case.
idllt of the Erie Says Shipments
Ar Increaslna Dalta.
!SL?,f the Brle 'railway today
rale coal wnuM i. .,,.,. n
j 11x3 BHunuvuia uiu
daily 3ml tliot mnnnrt
mlne1 (,a"y in e Lack-
Once upon a time not so very
long ago. either. Now York literally
went to market fot its food supplies;
but conditions have changed. The
population has shifted. New methods
of doing business have been intro
duced and many of the markets once
so popular are falling Into disrepute
and bad condition and will soon be
discontinued. This will destroy many
landmarks, but It will improve condi
tions of the city very much.
Business Change.
Fred Lungever has purchased the
stock and business of the City Brew
erv. at the corner of Court and
Thompson streets, from Polydore
Moens, and will conduct the saloon
business in the future.
Agree to Become Parties to the Con
troversy In the Anthracite Region
and Will Accept Award of Board.
Washington, Nov. 7. Thomas H.
Watklns, of the strike commission.
telegraphed Recorder Wright from
Scranton that all of the independent
operators In the Wyoming tnd Lack
awanna regions have informed htm
of an agreement among themselves to
become parties to the controversy
and bind themselves to accept the
commission awards.
' .Welcomed by Southerners
" Hlohlv di.,..j .
Ms hlehir ,Shln8ton thls morning.
t riven ii '"caoi wun the recep
BTe Mm on his Southern tour
Itrlln m- . w u.-no.
Pithe'kVulV ''rao Hohenzollern,
oat h; tlerland 1,18 cort aboard.
fthe Eibo!1; P??8 the mouth
at -t O ClOCK thlS
Pr bushel.
flOV. 7 TUkoo nit, .
Woman Who Charged Him
Rape Has Left Town.
Kd Gaston, accused of rape, Is still
being hold. Mrs. Jackson, who was
so anxious to have him arrested on
such a serious charge, has left town
nnd it 1s now thougnt that he may
be released because of no one to ap
near against him. No one credits her
story, as .Mrs. Jackson Is a woman of
notorious character in Walla Walla.
They both may be tried on the charge
of adultery.
rive Hundred More Pupils of the
Jackson School In Sympathy With
the Third Department
L,IUcago, Nov. 7. Five hundred
more pupils joined the strike against
the Jackson school this morning
through sympathy with the pupils of
uie miru aepartment, who struck
yesterday because their teacher, Miss
McKeon, had been suspended for al
leged insubordination. The pupils
aemona wo resignation or the rcmov
al of Principal Hedges.
no Evidence of Foul Play All Bones
of the Unknown, Except the Arms,
Were Found In Place.
Wallace. Idaho, Nov. 7. The skele
ton found on the hillside north of
Wallace laHt Saturday, was brought
to the city. All the bones were in
piaco except tne arms, wfiich were
gone. There was no sign that tho
man had been murdered. The upper
.two front teeth were gone, but no
bones were broken. Tlie skeleton
had the appearance of being .that of a
tall and stout man. AH the clothes,
even to the underwear, were found,
but they were badly decayed. There
was nothing in the pockets that
would identify the man. A pocket-
book containing a small piece of iron
was found. There was no money In
it. It Is believed that the man had
died about a year ago, probably being
lost in a storm Inst winter. The
bones will be hurled in the Wallace
W. 0. Hamisch Awarded that
Amount for Injuries Receiv
ed By His Child.
Injuries Received in This City, Result
In Damage Suit Circumstances of
Accident Pathetic.
Portland, Nov. 7. The jury In the
Hamisch. damage case, returned a ver
dict for the plaintiff for $6500. Tho
sul generis feature of the case was
the basis for the verdict.
iSu! generis is a law term, meaning
unique, or without precedent.
This Is a suit which was brought
against the W. & C. H. Railway by
W. O. Hamisch, for Injuries sustain
ed Dy his 5-year-old daughter on an
unlocked turntable, ln this city, last
April. The circumstances of the ac
cident were very pathetic and the
case has been followed with much
Interest by residents of Pendleton.)
Election Results In Victory for Antl
scmlte Burgomaster of Vienna.
icnna, .ov. 7. Kicction of mom
hers to Uie diet ot the lower Austria
In which tho anti-semltlc burgomaster
of Icnna, Dr. I.ueger, Is supremo,
have resulted ln a complete victory
for the Christian socialists, or clerl
cal antl-scmitic party, which captur
ed all but one of the seats for Vienna,
and which commanded 50 out of 78
seats in the legislative assembly. The
Increased majority gives Dr. Lueger
complete control of both tho lower
Austrian diet and the Vienna town
council for the next year.
Coroner's Jury Decide That Ada Gil
bert Was Killed by Richard Cole.
Washington. Nov. 7. The coroner's
Jury in tho Ada Gilbert caso this
afternoon returned a verdict, holding
Richard Cole, her colored servant, as
the murderer. He was Immediately
arrested. Julius Broklc, Uie proprie
tor of tho Brunswick hotel, testified
that Cole several times had said that
he wished Ada Gilbert would die.
San Francisco Art Show.
San Francisco, Cal., Nov. G. The
fall exhibition of the San Francisco
Art Association ouenB this ovenins
and continues during the next two
weeks. Tlie exhibition which will be
held in the Mark Hopkins Institute of
Art, will include water colors, pastels
and studies in black and white. The
number of entries Is unusually large
and the exhibition gives promise o
being the most notable of Us kind
ever held on the Pacific coast.
Will Sell Groceries and Conduct Bak
ery $5000 Capital Stock.
Articles of Incorporation were hied
at tho court house this morning by
Elmer Miller and L. B. Miller, who
recently bought the Relmann grocer'
and bakery. The object of tho new
corporation is to conduct a grocery
business and other business connect
ed with such au establishment The
capital stock is to be $5000 divided
into 50 shares of $100 each.
Jewelry Stolen.
Now York, Nov, 7. Ten thoutand
dollars worth of jewelry was stolen
from the residence of George Scofield
on Madison avenue, last night, while
tho family were' at dinner.
Prince of Slam Indignant,
Chicago, Nov. 7. The crown prince
of Siam today Issues an indignant In
terview in which he says he was
treated like a Japanese at last night's
banquet in tho Auditorium.
Pulp Wood Hearing.
New York, Nov. G. The board of
classification of the United States
general appraisers today took up the
hearing In the wood pulp protest case
of the Sault Ste. Marie Paper & Pulp
Company, of Ontario. The protest by
the importing firm is against- the levy
ing of a countervailing duty on Ca
nadian wood pull) brought into the
United States. Over 90 protests have
beon filed with the board complaining
of the. action of the treasury depart
ment n levying the additional duty.
Austrian Sentenced to Jail For Forg
Ing Patents of Nobility For Ameri
can Customers.
Prague, Nov. 7. Von Mlldenburg
was sentenced to prison for two years
today for forging bogus patents of no
bility for Americans who wanted to
claim ancestral nobility. The trial
brought out the fact that In orte case
be received a $15,000 feo.
Announces That He Will Make
Fight for Speakership.
Washington, Nov. 7. Dalzell, of
Pennsylvania this morning formally
announced his candidacy ln tho race
for the speakership of the house to
succeed Henderson. He claims
have Quay's support.
Robbers Make Rich Haul In Santa Fe
Offices One Captured.
Albuquerquo, N, M., Nov, 7, The
sates ln the Santa Fe railroad offices
in this city, were blown open last
night and $2000 In money and Jewelry
secured, One thief has beon arested
with a portion of the plunder on his
H. Clergue at Soo Canal Opening
Says Water Power Era Is Near.
Chicago, Nov. 7. At a banquet
given by the Consolidated Lake Supe
rior Company in connection with the
celebration of tho formal opening of
tho power canal at Sault Ste Marie,
H. Clergue said this canal Is but
the beginning of tho development ln
the Soo. Speaking of water power de
velopment In general, he said:
The fall of water between Hamilton
and Quebec is equal to 10,000,000
tons of coal a year, and I predict that
in 10 years not a ton of coal will be
used in Canada between Hamilton
and Quebec for manufacturing pur
poses. In tho State of Michigan not
a ton of coal will be used for manu
facturing purposes. Water power
will have taken its place.
Disposed of Stock of White Swan
Mining Company, of Baker City, by
Des Moines, la., Nov. 7. For ob
taining $250,000 through a fraudulent
use ot the malls, in disposing of Btock
of the White Swan Mining Company
ot Baker City, Or., Letson Balllctt
today was sentenced to ono year'H im
prisonment in the Polk county jail
and to pay a fine of $1000. Hp hns
given notice of an appeal to the su
preme court.
Local Conditions, May Be
Taken as Illustration of In
dustry in the West.
Result of a Quarrel at Glasgow,
Mont., Over an Election Matter.
Havre, Mont, Nov. 7. William
Humphrey, saloonkeeper, of Glasgow,
Mont., was shot and killed by James
Stevens, a customs inspector, last
night The quarrel was over election
matters. Mayor Hurt, of Glasgow,
was shot in the foot by a stray bul
let. One other man wbb also wounded.
His Testimony In Molineux Trial Con
flicted With That of Previous
New York, Nov. 7. Cornish, on tho
stand In tho Molineux trial today, bo-
came badly confused and his testimo
ny conflicted with that of the previ
ous trial.
Cornish presented much testimony
through witnesses to prove an alibi
Just before noon the defense rested
the case and tho ?ourt adjourned un
til Monday, when both sides will sum
up their evidence.
Count Bonl Castellines Rejected
From Chamber on Charge of Elec
tlon Corruptions.
Paris, Nov, 7. The chamber iof
deputies this afternoon, by a close
vote. Invalidated Count Boni Castel
lines, recently elected to that body,
on the charge of methodical corrup
tion. Bonl claimed that the money
expended in his. district was simply
an act of charity toward his constituents.
His Plurality Over Lane Is 2197 After
Allowing Opponent All Doubtful
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Chairman
Spear, republican, completed a table
at noon today showing that Pardee's
plurality will be 2197. He says the
mountain counties will increase this
plurality. He gives all doubtful pre
cincts to Lane.
Six of Crew, Including Captain, Were
London, Nov. 7. The French brig
Gabriello, struck the rocks off tho
Isle of Jersey this morning and sank,
drowning six of her crew, including
tho captain. Six others were saved.
Dam Breaks In Colorado.
Glenwood Springs, Col., Nov. 7.
The dam on Eagle River at Pende,
broke last night and flooded the canon.
It is believed the settlers had warning
and all escaped.
Case Will Be Made a Test to Settle
Dispute Supreme Court Will Fix
Status of National Guard,
Pittsburg, Nov. 7. Private Arthur
Wadwsworth, of the Eighteenth Na
tional Guard, was arrested here this
morning for tho killing of William
uurharn, a union miner, at Shenan
doah. Wadsworth fired under orders
from his superior officer whilo on
duty as a guard. Tho case will bo a
test to settle the dispute between tho
civil and military authorities. It will
bo carried to tho supremo court. It
Is of unusual Interest throughout tho
unions, as it will decldo tho status of
the national guard when on field duty
Ohio Teachers Meet In Indiana.
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov, 7. Attract
ed by tho reputation of tho model pub
tic scnooi system of Indianapolis, tho
uentrai unio Teachers' Association
began Its annual convention in this
city today, tho mectlni; being tho
first ever held by tho organization
outside of (he homo state. Tho visit
ing teachers, nearly J, 000 Iu number,
spent today In visiting tho local
schools. The convention will be for
mally opened In ToinJinson Hall tills
evening and the sessions will be con
tinued nnd concluded tomorrow.
Among the pormlnent educators
whose names appear on tho program
are William If Maxwell, superintend
ent of schools If New York Cltv: C
B. Gilbert, superintendent ot fcrlr ols
of Rochester, N. Y.; W"lila 11 Worth-
ner, of Dayton, O., and Wl'llum Haw
ley Smith, of Chicago,
Greatest Show's Home Coming.
New York, Nov. 7.- The narrurn A
Bailey circus, which has been tm'. cl
ing in Europe for five years, Is ex
pected to arrive here tomorrow on the
chartered steamer Minnehaha, Tho
show will go at once to its old winter
quarteri at Bridgeport. Conn., and
will open tho season la Madison
Square Garden In March,
Mrs. VS. Fuller arrived last evening
from Halifax, N. S., and will spend
the winter with her son, A, W. Ful
ler, of the People's Warehouse.
W. G. Settle, of Kilbride, Is In
Ranges Well Stocked Now Feeders
Moving Slowly Short Corn Crop
Makes Light Demand In East.
Tho livestock Industry is full of sur
prises. Llko ovorj- Western enter
prise, It has Its various forwurd and
backward movements; It' rises and
lowers, llko tho unerring finger of the
barometer, with tho changes of mar
kets and conditions. In Umatilla
county, tllo Industry Is found at its
best Our local conditions niav be
taken ns a fair illustration of tho con
ditions which prevail in tho West Wo
are subject to tho Bamo variable
markets, tho samo fluctuating supply
and demnnd and feel tho gcnoral pulse
of the entire Pacific Coast In our lo
cal conditions. Sheopmen havo look
ed for n brisk market for feeders this
fall, but so far thu demand from tho
corn belt haB not attained any mug
nittulo. Shipments havo boon vory
light ln this direction. Tho Portland
and Sound markets havo drawn heav
ily on the mutton herds. Within tho
past week sevornl thousand head have
changed hands among local buyers,
but will all remain In the country.
Tho ranges nro well stocked and It
has been hoped by sheepmon that a
brisk demand would bo mado this fall,
ln order to clean out tho herds and
prepare for a 100 per cent Increaso
In next year's lamb crop.
Rejiorts from tho Inland Empire
indicate that tho samo condition pre
vails In adjoining districts. Short
crops In somo of the principal feed
ing centers in the mlddlo states luui
caused a congestion on tho Western
range. Prices uro holding up dcsplto
the slow movement. Ono of tho sur
prises of tho 'market tills season was
a heavy shtpmont of snoop from
Northeastern Oregon to tho San Fran
cIsco markets. Formerly, Southern
Oregon, Novada and California ranges
have supplied this domand, Thero Is
a brisk oxchangn of thoroughbred
rams among all tho owners of flocks.
Tho tendency Is toward hlghor grades
and smaller holdings.
Oickoii wool has Increased In fine
ness 20 points In thrvjo years,
Troops of Alabama Being Forwarded
to Keep Mob From Burning 4 Ne
gro. Annlston, Ala., Nov. 7. The stat
troops havo been ordered out and are
now assembling here to provont thp
lynching of a negro who assaulted
Mrs, Williams and Is said to have
beon caught near here. A mob of
1000 men are on tho scono preparing
to burn the negro. The troop will
ba rushed forward and may proclpl
Into a battle.
First Since Adjournment of Congress
Discussed President's Message,
Washington. Nov. 7. Tho first cab
inet mooting slnco the adjournment
of congress was held today In the new
office building. The largest portion
of tho time was dovot(-l to a discus
sion of tho president's forthcoming
messago. It Is said that he will be
vory outspoken In his discussion of
noedr-d antJ-tniBt legislation.
Wheat In San Francisco.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 7,-Wheat
$1.28 1.28 per cental,
WitJi Five Companies owning
four miles of ground. Ore bodies
are in sight as follows;
South Pole $ 300,000
North Pole 11,000,000
Columbia 3.000,000
& E 3,000,000
Golconda 500,000
A large force of men are now work
ing on tlie South Polo and In 6 months
will put four times as much ore in
sight than at present. Sep maps and
f holographs at office of T. Oaii&gitn,
fartman's attract office.