East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Musical Instruments
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Accor
dtans, Concertinas, Zithers, and Aotoharps
We handle none but the best makes, and
our prices are the lowest . . .
Brock Sl McComas Company $
ll UHlli Mill"
The French duel fought upon moil
em plans, does not present oue-hnlf
tho excitement of a rousing football
The returns from yesterday's elec
tions, so far as authentic leports arc
in, indicate a sweeping republican
victory throiiRhout the country.
Oregon should hurry up and change
the date of her state election. If
elections continue to grow in warlike
tendencies, however, it might be bet
ter to have them scattered along .in
broken doses.
fin Kansas city an electric car
jumped th track and "crashed" into
a saloon- If JttMiad 'been just across
the line o nthe Kansas side, it would
be quite proper to say it "smashed"
into the saloon.
Pendleton Is building some of the
best sidewalks on the coast. It will
be a pleasure and a lasting benefit
to the town. More of it is wanted.
We need it to complete the story
of the year '02.
Lieutenant Greely, chief signal offi
cer of the United States, recommends
government control of the Pacific
cable. The wireless system will even
beat government control. There Is
no "wire pulling" to do.
The Portland Chamber of Com
merce bulletin for November Is out.
It deals, with the live subjects of irri
gation, mining, river improvement,
forest .reserve and immigration, now
before the people of Oregon.
The people await with much inter
est the outcome of the trial of the
motorman and conductor, found guil
ty of manslaughter In the accident in
which President Roosevelt's body
guard was killed.
The defeat of J. P. Morgan in Lon
don financial circles, by Yerkes, is
only temporary. The old organizer Is
planning some more brilliant stroke
than he has yet made. A deep man
with a deep pocket is a strong com
bination to fight.
President Roosevelt remained in
the voting booth so long that his
friends feared he scratched his ticket.
Perhaps he thought it was the only
place on earth he could go where an
ofllceseeker wouldn't follow him, and
he would just enjoy the novelty of
being alone a moment.
A Baker City attorney. Emmet Cal
lahan, has been sent to Washington,
D. C, to present to the president the
forest reserve situation In Eastern
Oregon. It Is hoped the present boun
daries and restrictions of the Blue
Mountains forest reserve may bo thus
changed to suit the Interests of the
people directly In the zone of tho reserve.
The only way to make the '05 fair
a success is to wipe out the thought
that It is to he of a local nature.
While Oregon Is tho central and piv
otal hub from which the Intense in
terests of the fair radiate, there Is
just as keen activity and Just as high
appreciation of the wide scope of tho
events it is to celebrate, at the outer
end of tho spokes, as there Is at tho
hub. Oregon Is only one of the dozen
states Interested, but being at the
very. heart of tho territory ombraced
end being tho scene of that historic
winter camp of tho Lewis and Clark
expedition, sho will largely Indicate
the scope of the fair by her actions.
The report of John Mitchell, presl
dent of the American .Mine Workers,
to the boaid pf arbitration, Is a doc
ument vorlhy of 'leep consldernllor
by the American people. It contains
much more than a transitory review
of a local subject. It Is broader In
Its treatment of this vexed labor sit
nation than might bo expected from
a man fighting to win a battle that
is now waging, aside from all future
Ills-claim for a .20 per cent Increase
in wages Is based upon the ground
that the miners cannot live and raise
their families in accordance with the
American standard of life, on present
wages. His demand for a 20 per cent
reduction of working hours Is based
upon the ground that laboring men
are not allowed sufficient leisure nor
time for self-improvement, under pres
ent labor laws.
These two claims, If substantiated
by facts, ere sufficient to convince
the public of the justice of the miners
cause. j
No citizen of this country wants to
see anything but an American stand
ard of living prevail in this country.
Every citizen wants to see the masses
living in the full enjoyment of the
blessings which liberty and enlight
enment vouchsafe to men. If these
can be diffused more thoroughly by
a reduction of the long day's work
and tho increase of salary in only a
small degree, let it be done. The
truth of the mutter is, this is not a
fight between 10 coal road presidents;
and 200,000 minors. It is a contest
between two forces which are strug
gling for the mastery in society and
We think that no exception will bo
taken to the assertion that t'iU is em
phatically the age of the emancipation
and advancement of women. The very
lact that there is not much fuss helng
made over it as 40 years ago proves
the force of this movement. Wcruau
no longer need don bloomers and
mount the lecture platform to empha
size her Independence. Today the
learned professions are open to her
without question, and In the great
army of commerce and Industry sho
marches by the tens of thousands in
the ranks, and by hundreds among the
commissioned officers.
Never in the history of tho world
were so many women doing so many
things for the advancement of human
ity, and doing them so well.
It Is not extraordinary that the
new activities of woman, her assump
tion of new duties and her invasion
of now realms should stimulate dis
cussion of her deeds and of her pow
ers. Men ask If these new functions
are likely to affect the world more
than uer older one of bringing up
sons to do tho world's work. Survey
ing the history of the world, and with
the accomplishments and ambitions
of the women of today In plain view,
one asks:
"Who nro the greatest women of
Is It not safe to answer, tho women
to whom may bo traced tho Influences
or the forces which have most affect
ed th-j history of the world. The
mothers of great men, the women
who by transmission mid the tcudyr
est nurture Implanted In childish
minds those qualities which ripened
In Napoleon or Washington, Lincoln
or Cromwell, Alexander or Caesar
were not these women who exerted
the greatest Influence upon the world's
liistoi y, were they not, after nil, the
greatest women the world has known?
To tnko a city Is a triumph. To
hoar and nurture a son who remakes
the map of the world Is a more lofty
The mother of Napoleon was Ines
timably greater. In her truest sense
of the world, than Queen Elizabeth.
To rule the nation well, with tho
aid of the wisest councillors a demo
cratic people may select, Is n noble
service to mankind, but to bring up a
son to stand sturdily for the right, to
instill Into his mind such devotion to
the principles of human liberty, such
nn aversion to the license of courts
and the aggressions of monarchs that
when tho time comes ho shall dare
risk his head in the battle for civil
and religious liberty, is better.
The mother of Oliver Cromwell was
greater than Queen Victoria.
Wo have no hesitancy in formulat
ing a general rulo:
The world's greatest women are
those whose sons did the greatest
deeds. New York American,
For Sick Headaches
try these famous Pills.
They remove the cause and
act quickly. You will feel
like a new person after tak
ing Beecham's
Sold Ererjithrre. In boin 10c. and S5c
For Sale
Deau.iful residence property on
Court street, two lots and dwelling,
Residence lots, well located, at
prices ranging from $100.00 to $250.0
Boarding house and one lot 14
rooms centrally located, $2,500.00.
Boarding house, 19 room-,$l,900.00
One lot with dwelling and stable.
One lot and house, $500.00.
Two lots, dwelling 6 rooms and
stable, $900.00.
One lot with dwelling of seven
rooms, oath ana sewerage, tnree
blocks from Main street, $2,000.00.
And much other property,
all on easy terms
E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street
Laatz Bros.
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
We are in the transfering anc"
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light or heavy arti
OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot,
Telephone Main 61.
-AT Tit a-
127 and 129 East Alta Street
For Shooting Pistol Cartridges in Rifles
Patetiti coTr U, B and Canada
8avei5to70 per cent on coit of ammnnl-
and B Urn. Mamillcber. Mailed tor llloanr
addreu. Order from
The S. C. Company, 8SS5?'
iiamwii laamaiwwanai awa mm aw.
rs. La.ura S. Webb, LwA
Vice-President of Women's Democratic Clubs of Ncrtheru Ohio,
Tllir.m. Alii, juunj.
sickly women be
tween the uses of
45 and 55, but thuro uro
very few invalids over 55
nnd GO years of ago. The
chango of life coming to
a woman near her forty
fourth year, cither makes
her an invalid or gives
her a now leaso on life. Thoso who
meol this change In ill health sel
dom livo ten years afterward, while
a woman who lays asidu the nctivo
duties of womanhood in health sel
dom fails to livo on in happiness,
years alter sho has passed 00. This
is truly a critical tinio.
Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo,
Ohio, recognizes the chango of llfo
as a dangerous period and sho also
has faith in Wino of Cardul. Sho
"As I hid always rjeen troubled more
or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded
the change of life which was
fast approaching. While vis
iting with, a friend I noticed
that slie was taking your
Wine of Cardul, and she was
so enthusiastic about it that I
decided to. try a bottle. I ex
perienced' some relief the tint
month, sol kept on taking it
for three months and. now I
menstruate with no pain and
I shall take It off and on now
until I have passed the climax. I do not
dread It now, as I am sure that your
Wine of Cardul will be of great benefit
at this time."
Wine of Cnrdut Is tho remedy to
re-inf orco a woman against tho shock
that cornea with tho chango of life.
It re-establishes healthy functions
after years of suffering. In doing
this It has saved thousands of suf
ferers lust In tinio. Do not wait
until suffering is upon you. Thor
ough preparations should bo made
lu odvanco. liecrin tho Wins of
Cardul treatment today.
A million suffering women
nave rouiiu react in
Wino of Cardui.
Beginning Monday, November 3rd, and continuing until
Saturday evening, November 8th, we will make the following
special price- on Staples and Furnishings:
T T !,.,.,.. I,.. !:: t ...
j m- ncovj uuusc muiiy, wuiic- 11 uiiiis 5c ya
Calico, all colors . 4c yd
njuuii uuuck giguam, gooo. graae 5c yd
Good grade, wide percale 8c yd
Cotton toweling, bleached and unbleached 3jc yd
Double fold heavy goods for skirts and suits 35c yd
Extra heavy suiting, brown and oxford gray, 56-in. wide 51 yd
Double fold Venetian suiting 50c yd
Men's heavy waterproof overcoats, for one week S5.00
Ladies' fine dress skirts, Etamine cloth, regular Jo 7.50
Ladies' silk skirts, regular go, Sri and $12, special
discount 2o per cent
Ladies' 10c hose, special for the week, three prs. for 25c
i( PRBD1
The Place to Save Money
Save the half of the
coalyotthave been
throwing away
One-hulf the carbon in
soft coal is GA8. The cut
shows how Colt-'s Original
Hot Blast Stove burns this
gas half of the coal, which
is allowed to pass up the
chimney with nil other
stoves. This wonderful
stove makes soft coal at
J2u ton equal to hard coal
at $8 a ton. Same clean
liness and even heat day
and night. Fire is never
out. Comein and see them
the Hardware Man
Is none too good for oar PATRONS
2?d ,,avtl choicest liquors and wines that are
made. No misrepresentation as to quality, age. or
measurement. We sell at reasonable prices as we
believe in living and letting others live . .
Sample room now opun
LIQUOR STORE, 6t9 Main Street
All kinds
Sask, Door,
Planing of ,11
I , I - - TO
u uiuer.
Don't nbr. . I
Building Mat-mi?.!
1 t. . mm
M-unsuited US.
Pendleton Pl
H you have pji
Hnnrvinrr m J..
tjb uewa
want done in first-d
then enmp n ...
Our prices ire 1
t... A. 1
uui iow. Let us I
E. J. Mt
Cowt Shd
gOZY parlors have baS
v every thine will ha
city style. Eastern ul E
Rav ovstf will be 1
una as you like 'em. Our
lots will be kept open fyi
and will allonl a'spleniun
to eulov a lunch ifwit
other entertainments, ill
served by us .are receitrii
from our own bedsln EIio!
and are a delicacy tint
predated must De eaiau
m tirn
dkui run
Let Us Do
Yw t Hauling
We do trucking
of all description
able prices.
Your horses
for if taken B"1
Henry Fed
Alt. andl
t 1 ...... ,n and V1
foi'imiipht andsft
Horses for sale
Successtor to Hays 4
to locate
now uuuo' -.
This means i m
for flrut-coaierf.
Have some