East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 01, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    Best for medicinal uses
our physician will tell rou that too should lwmy hire tome mod whUker la Uie
house. Ftor accidents, falntin spells, exhaustion. and other emenreBcjr uses. It reUeres
and rsTlTfs. But you must hare mod whisker puie whiskey, lor poor whiskey, adulterated
whiskey, may do decided harm. HAYNER. WHISKEY Is Just what you need for It soes
direct trom our own distillery to you, with all Its arista! atreotth. richness and n.Vor
ITr and AGE and tartar the dealers' enormous wonts. We bare otct a quarter at a
million satisfied customers, oeluslrely family trade, who know It U best lor medicinal
purposes and prefer tt for other uses. That's why YOU should try It. Your money back if
you are not satisfied.
Direct front our distillery to YOU
Sam Infers' Profits I PrtvMts AMttratlM I "
RYE for UOO, and we will pay the express charses. Try it and
u you don't find It all rUht and as rood as yon ever used or can buy from
anybody else at any price, send It back at our expense and your H.CO will be
returned to yon by next mall. Just think that oser orer. How could it be
fairer If you are not perfectly satisfied you are not out a cent Better let us
send you a trial order. If you donl want four quarts yourself, set a friend to
Join you. Shipment made In a plain sealed case with no marks to show what's
If you can use H Quart n or can yet some ofrour friends to Join you.
we will end you SO luartK for M6.00 by Freight Prepaid, thus
ssTlnc you H.OO. We hare been in business orer 36 years and hare a
paid-up capital of tcOO.000.00 so you run no risk.
Write our nearest oStce and do It NOW.
Save the half of the
coalyotihavc been
throwing away
One-half the carbon ill
soft eoal is GAS. Tbe cut
shows how Coli ' Oricinul
Horaiast Stove burue this
gas half of the eoal, which
is allowed to pati up the
chimney with all other
stoves. This wonderful
Rtove makes soft coal at
12 a ton equal to hard coal
at J9 a ion. Same clean
liness and even heat day
and night Fire Js never
out. Come in and iee them
the Hardware Man
Sipeenaills att
Saturday, Nov, 1
Millinery, all grades, 20 per cnt oil of the regular prices.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets 10 per cent off.
Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one person, 35c
Gingham, apron check, 10 yards to one person 40c
LL house lining, 200 yards to one person... t 5c a yd.
We want your business. We can save you money.
Tifiif FAIM
Wiiere Whole
Families Can Trade !
If you are seeking the newest styles in Furniture, Carpets,
Bugs, Portiere, etc. We have some new novelties never be
fore shown here. See the Antique Furniture we are Bhowing.
Furniture Store near Poatolllce
1 QS&i&t&i&S
Pendleton Not the Only Town in
Umatilla With a Building Boom.
J O Hales sold 9000 bushels of red
haft wheat Tuesday to Malcolm Me
lufvre for 60 cents a bushel.
Mrs M A. Fcrsmson has returned
from Pendleton, where she visitel
sveral days nt the home of her pa
ents Mr anil Mrs. 3. M. Bently.
Mrs Ella flollnt: and ltttlo itausa
tcr Alleen. Mrs. John Geiss and Mrs.
,1 K Stanfield went to Pendlston yr
rrday and will remain until tomor
row J H Ferguson, who resides at Pen
tlleton. was in Adams Wednesday
Mr Fercuson owns a fine farm nea-
Adams and was looking after hi
faminp Interests.
John Bean, sheep Inspector for
'matiUa county, passed through Ad
; ms Sunday last on his way horn.'
mm the state line, near Milton
where he received a number of sheeu
'ron Washington. Mr. Bean says
that there is absolutely no scab
nn-Diic the sheep of this county, nor
has there been for nearly thre" years
Prices are still firm, yearling wethe;-
rolling as high as S2.90 and $3 p
head Those that are now beint,
brought In from the mountains arf
fit for the block, grass being abuni
ont In fact, the inspector says he
never saw sheep looking better at this
season of the year.
F C Schmidt, of the well-known
Pendleton firm of F. TV. Schmidt &
Co. druggists, and J. B. Mmnforc-. a
substantial farmer or this ounty. uow
, a resident of Pendleton, were in Ad
ams yesterday. They drove up from
the county seat, and after feastius
their eyes on the beautiful scenery
surrounding the city of Adams ano
satisfying the "inner man" at the
Hotel Oregon, they drove on to the
own of Helix, in the neighborhood o
which Mr. Mumford's farm lands art.
located. These gentlemen were ver
much surprised at the number of ner. j
j buildings In course of erection in Ad f
j ams. and remarked that Pendleton ,
was evidently not the only town in th j
' county that the building b iu ha;i j
struck. Adams Advance. ,
1 Walter Melton Bumps Against Stick
I of Wood and Breaks His Jaw.
Weston is now a closed town on
, Sundays and no business is allowed
1 to be running except that exempt b
law. For several mouths there has
, been a move to close the saloons and
' card joints in Weston but up to a few
( weeks ago the proposition did not ex-
I tend to any other business. The agi
j tation was kept up by the saloon men
who remained open for two succes
I sive Sundays and each Monday morn-
ing the proprietors were fined and it
was seen that in order to promote
. harmony and gain the desired end
without too much friction, everything
would have to close. Gambling was
suppressed several weeks ago and
now Weston is among the moral
Walter Melton is the victim of a se
rious, though not necessarily fatal ac
cident. A few days ago he was work
ing with a wood saw when a stick of
wood caught in the teeth of the re
volving saw and was hurled against
his jaw. Melton was knocked sense
less for several minutes, but soon re
vived and when examined . was
found that his jaw was fractured. He
is now out. but the break anu bruise
was quite painful.
Today the football teams of the
Eastern Oregon State Normal school
and the Walla Walla high school, will
vie with each other for honors on the
gridiron. The normal team is quite
well trained and are husky lads. They
confidently expect to win the honors
from the farmer boys.
The enterprising town of Weston.
Oregon, has an association known as
the Weston Improvement Association.
ilt is an organization in which the peo
ple get together and .work for the
advancement of Weston. Weston
' Is a live town, made so by its enter
, prising residents and backed up by
, natural advantages. Many other
I towns in Oregon would do well to fol
low the example of Weston. Hepp
1 ner Gazette.
Girls -who -work are particularly susceptible to female ills, especially -when obliged tot
foaf. fiTim mnrnini- until nirflt.
Day in and day cut, month in and month out, the year through, the working girl toils; shiii
bread winner 01 tne inniuy, iinu must wont uias ouiers may e, ucuier mie 13 rick or trei
tains or shines, whether it is warm or cold she must get to her place of employment aid
luaes exacted trom her.
Anion"- this class the svmntoms of female diseases are early manifest by weak and i
pain in the lower limbs and "lower part of the stomach; in consequence of frequent wettfcjil
montniy periods become pamiui ana lrregumr, anu irequenuy im mm iuy speus, wuutosjfj
until life is a burden and it is hard work to drag about All these symptoms point to a dencsraw
female organism, and if taken in time can be easily and permanently cured.
A Cordial Invitation to Every Sick
Ailing Working Girl.
It is to these girls that Mrs. Pinkham holds out a helping ha
extends a cordial invitation to correspond with her. ner unnvalledi
success in treating woman's ills makes her letters of advice of untold i
to everv ailing working girl, and from her wide experience and
quickiv points the way to health. Her advice is free, and all leti
held by her in the strictest confidence. Address, firs. Pinkham, Lyra,8
Don t put off writing her until your health is wrecked.
Grateful Words from Working Girls
Have Been Helped.
"Tirj.n "Mns. "PivicnAMi T Tvymf-, tn thank1 vnn fnr whjif vnti havp. rinn fnr toil I TR5
l ieei entm;iy ainerent now: it is a wonueriul medicine. I do not leel tnat nir worKisisrc
recommend vnur medicine to other frirlu whn nm nlrnivo tirort " Vtrs Tsxhet. Sraont. 293
isew lork uty.
UEAr. .URS. nxRRis I I.rilin !' MinU-litim'E A'wtnil rimnnimil nas onnn EO ma
me tnat 1 wisu to reeommenu it to ail girls wiiose wore Seeps them standing on tneir k
hot store. The doctor paid I could not live and I must rive up work, and stay ont of doos;
seem iu reuaze mm. gnu cannot anora to stop wording. Jay duck acnea, my appeuie
couiu not sieep : mensiruation was scanrv and verv rainfui. One dav wnen sunennK 1 1
take Lydia E. Plnkliam's Vegetable Conimtunri and it. helwd rnp. T soon found that 1
"Tvriftds IV1 rp frw fmm tain a ti fl Y-.nfiinl . nnn ... K,.nul. 41n.. .1 ...- w ?a riming l!
m me, and I cannot be too grateful for what you have done for roe." Miss Jxsvt Fad
' J - J V W 4 f" 9
! Pendleton Red Men Drink Portland
I Whisky and Get Fined.
Three real native Americans In
I'ians from Pendleton John Morris
E. A. Thomas and Logan Larkin. were
liefore .Municipal Judge Hogue Thurs
day charge with drunkenness. Lar
kin was tbe speaker for tbe crowd
anu sam; "Ail mat l Know la, we
came to town to appear as witnesses
in a case before the United States
court, and we took whisky we were
not used to and got drunk."
"Where did you get this whisky?"
asked Deputy City Attorney Fitzger
ald. "In a saloon, but I do not know
where it is located," answered the
"If you had taken a scalp or two,
you would have known where you got
the firewater, would you not?" quer
ied Mr. Fitzgerald,
The three Indian's shook with sup
pressed laughter, and were fined $5
each. Oregonian.
Pendleton Marksmen Bring In the
Southern Emigrants by Wholesale.
A wagonload of wild geese on the
streets early this morning was the
novelty. They were dead, but they
were freshly klllea and just looked
tempting enough to cause the citi
zens to rush after them and nav thu
sum of 50 cents apiece for thm
There were just exactly 24? nf hom
and they were big, fat. juicy ones.
They were the earliest birds and they
eie 1-nugni oy r-ennieton marksmen
It was the biggest kill within thP his.
tory of the state in the'eiven
of time. It only renuirert tw dnvl
imny ui inree to do the work
juc i-uu, (jiio .rurner and will
ijinp m:injin nut . .
wt. . i tuuiSUilJ Willi I
their Winchester "pump guns" to the'
i heat fields near Arlington and re-1
mrnea mis morning with the results
auuuuuuva &Dove.
aoe wim geese have just begun
uuuiara irip in earnest and
the boys happened to get in the midst
of the best of them. They are noted
v sood marksmanship and
; . oi lose xneir reputation In
this instance. Flocks of nine and 10
ancmpira io pass over them, but they
claim that they did not 'permit one
to escape "it was just like finding
them,' said Joe Nolf. "Wfi iMv .h
as they came and we were strictly lm-
nnftlol TI.. ...
uui us a remarkable coin
cidence, we did not kill
They were all large and fat. You see
the 242 fill this wagon to the gun
wales If there had been another we
should have had to get another wag-
Then he was cut short W
citizens clamoring for eeeac. Tm.
row promises to be the
feast In the history of the town.
No. 38 Perry Street,
A couple of wmten m I
tlimti oa a imzea sidewalk
ana fell flat on my back. On
being examined I found that
I had sustained Internal inju
ria which Ludmeupior more
than two months. After that
I noticed that I had pains in
the back and groin which I
never had before. I doctored
and doctored for several
months but as the pains in
creased instead of growing
better i decided that I was not having the
right treatment. Reading in the papers
of the wonderful cures performed by
Wine of Cardul I wrote to one of the
parties and received a very satisfactory
reply and I immediately sent for
In a, very short time I left generally better
and after seven weeks faithful use I was
once more well and strong. I have sever
had a sick hour since and I daily bku
your splendid m,At
INE OP CARDUI is one medi
cine that should always be kept
uu uanu in every nome lor lm
MU$ Uoiiit BoiMy.
mediate tun wnn f.,o.!o MV.
ness first makes its appearance. Miss
Bowev g painful and dangerous accident
would not hare resulted to seriously
had she taken Wine of Cardul promptly.
.... i
men more
Canlui catif.
in rerr vn
our sirf. J.
L ,r.B0k'
r,rwDt toft1
than a U-uie of Uu
v.... r.M ..f?pnriir r fr
A VIA M.V . ' , .
, 1'7.. -.ii.-. tt
Ptwat uh UaS
Wine of CadB'i'
v i, wrtrlrinf VOCr6
strength lor 'TTfa !
rateient than .
. ll HUP'
v J
as Bunai j -
hire ix?J
i nroTivr I ii ii- v jU