E$faess C&tds and Societies LpESSIONS AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. "omciTlN JDDD iSZh-nn. i" - ' "TTUPsrAlS BLOCK. l 'L."Te trouble. itar at 'fmnalred beating. ItW?. for refracilre er- "S? Htln I"' rhTncB over tiih ! T.lnhnne. 30: ,srtu?s,nr MS1U . FlE;n Un. Office In Jnrtrt fcovsE. nirs ciAN and WM 'I"10116' blck ntCO' FRATERNAL ORDERS. IJOTAL NBIOBDORR OP AUnniOA. Wlldwood Camp, No. 28S3. meets second ad fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd reuowi- oaiL tus. iaa uoleomb, Oraela Urs. Nettle Robbina, Recorder. OMATIM.A TENT. NO. 37, K. O. T. It. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second ana roarin Tuesday In each month. All nailing ir Kmgnts cordially inrlted. J S. Keea, Record Keeper; H. D. EiUbrook, uommanaer. BOOM 17 A8S0CIA TeSone. mam imi ; rrai -SfllERSOS. rilYSICIAN .-.i.iHm .r.. ear. rose HirSICIANH, DR8. Offlce one block west Hold Pendktnn, Cor. Water ' . , i . ... rW. 'Phnnn DENTISTS. BlIAM. DBSTIST. OFFICE IN Tnone reu n. STdextist. offich in as- klocf. orer acnmiai b new urus led 271. XS AND BROKERS. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 62. A. P. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays ot racu monm. t lining nretnren welcome. i. j. xweeay, w. u. ; joe u. nrtea. Bee, PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 2S T. C. Taylor, Hr P., P. P. Wamsley, secretary. aieei. am ana ioqitii rTiaay or eacn montn in Masonic Hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OP rrtnlas. L. W. neld. C. C: R. W, Fletcher, K. of R. and 8. Meets erery sionany in secret society uan. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Tutnina camp, no. 0398. Meets first and intra Mondays or each month at Odd f euons- nan. ueorpc A. uamDiin, con sul ; 0. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp. No. 41. W, of W. ate held In Secret Society nail erery Saturday erenlne. Vlsltlnc neleh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, uiera; a. j. uwen, u. L. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD SEMPLE PEED YARD, 72S Cottonwood street, Lindsay & Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Bad- die horses at all times. Horses for sals. Phone Red 41. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alts street KOSAL BASK OF ATHENA. iiUI, f mJ.ouu nuri'iim muu Interest on time deposits. ii:tn and Domcotlo exrlnuw rn nt y tendM to Henry tirMnt; T J Kirk, vli'e-nresl. Rarnett, cannier, t. n. i.e , oiusuun itkeu xauu, v. r, anf caRlt.'r . iTop. COMMERCIAL STABLES, O. W. PROOME Prop. Livery, Peed and Boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 181. !' BANK OF WESTON, Oregon. Does a general dbdk I LXCDaDKe DOURUl UUU BUIU. ! proaiptll attended to. K. rldeat: (ieorce W. Proebstet, it, J. It. Kllitore, casmer; ai- fA. nartman. M. M. Johns, T. D. Draw, J I'. Kiigore, iiooerci lkto.v 8A VINOS BANK PKN Kkoii. Orcanud Marcn l. 4l J30.000: surplus JOO.OOO: Ktfi on imie ilopiralts. Ex- ami snlil jn all nrlncliml alHitlun Riven to "! J. FurnHh. president : J. K. mli1tnt: T. J. Mortis, cushlei. , HilitintcHihltr. BOYNTON Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. Tbone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE WniTE LODGING HOUSE, 801 South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and dean, well sept beds. Lodging 25 cents. riOSAL HANK OF PENDLE- Ntal J70.0OO; Burnlus. $5,000. t central twnklnc business. Ki telegraphic transfeis sold on In Franclaco. New York and fenti Id the Northwest. Drafts film, Japan and Europe. Makes reasonable terms. I.cvl An it J W. F Matlock, vlce-presl-ide, caihlet; n. F. Johnton, as- OMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OP E. Court and Johnson streets : goods large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and 50c a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good-table set. Rates $.4 and 5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. It. Neff, proprietor. BOOT AND v. HOE REPAIRING. L. OREENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First class repalrlns with best materials. Shop In rear ol litndlnger, Wilson 4 (Jo. ECTS AND BUILDERS. AM). AUCHITIX'T AND 8U- ft, makes complete nnd re'la- f Dmidlnsr! In the cltv or coun- Jutlll hill'ililii; I COLE. CONTRACTORS AND I fKsltrantes (urniihxl nn short woiK a specialty. Prompt ) on Muff street near Main. CONTRACTOR AMI !U'II.D-i lurulshed on all kinds teoent walks, stone wnlls. etc. tt Fast Jreconlan offlce. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS 8HOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Rhop 11T Alts I street. FOR RENT, FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single rooms. 719 College street, opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. VITRIOLINC WHEAT H0TOGRAPHER8. WAS, LEADING PIIOTOGRA- M tlty Harvest views, In I'or sale. Finishing done for St., near bridge, 'l-uone TRICAL SUPPLIER Eleetrlclans, dealers In elec- A"", "tores, wired for or telenhon. P.le-. Utail net our prices. ;UND business. -PENDLETON MACHINE SHOP AND FOUN- i dry, Baltczoro & Howe, proprietors. Black- amltntng ana geui rai ioiDiiig iron una orass casting. All kinds ol inachl ery rep-.lrs Phone Red 26 KELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates furnished free, wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai Zahner's cigar store. Main St., P. O. bt 104. onm ( at. , a offl ."l claims an Inl- r- p :r,""' made LAND COM- or land ni- !rine,,1,ectlou8 W HACK, CARRIAGESr RW E .VWcV'the publli I Comm.f:, 8: . McKay, prone. Ht aiS it: "I1 . oDie or . and the hack will call H.VE. BbST.. "lis M "'l.BA., PROP. f-triat, tllna ln 'font of DEALER8. ANT H nd so M n'RArl,,nl.! him, SECOND Court St., "'E IN SECOND P r 'i "gibing you '! w,M:! hand' fnrrTltS LUcK8MlTHlrJR "'i al4 Webb St. FER8 AND-8Up'ii7 Mr.KAL85: rellnin. """""ana - e"nlng- renalrlnr IEY8, "ICE IN JODD CONNUBIAL JOYS are greatly enhanced by finely laundried linens. We can add to the 3uni of domestic hap piness in this respect. Can't be beat at laundry work. Do up your shirts and collars in Ai style. And you'll then havea "bosom friend" that'll give you comfort and pleasure. Special attention to collars and cuffs. Finest work. Low est prices. Satisfactory service THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY . F. Robinson, Prop. PercUeton The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate H and 'show It by their liberal patronage. It Is the advertising me lum of this section. U F. SMITH'S METHOD OF CLEANSING SEED Can be Used by Any One and Is a Safe, Sure Way of Getting Rid of Smut or many years the farmers ot Eastern Oregon and Washington have been experimenting with tests to do away with smut In wheat Smut is something that is found to a more or less degree all over the country and some years it Is very bad. So far the efforts of the farmers have been of small avail In handling tho smut although it Is claimed that by proper care of the seed wheat there. Is little need for tho farmer having to pass his wheat off as second class on ac count of this nuisance. Not only does tho smut injure the sale of wheat, but it is said to bo re sponsible for the numerous machine explosions which occur each season. It is no uncommon thing to hear of some separator exploding and burn ing up and it is claimed that the smut causes gas to ignite in the machines which results in an explosion. The Wheat King of Washington. The following statement from LIssIs F. Smith, called the "wheat kins" of Washington, who owns a large tract of lnnd in Whitman county is fol lowed with Interest by wheat growers. He Is sure, If followed, this method of vitrlollng wheat will not only keep the grain free from smut, but will do away with the numerous explosions which occur In harvest time. His method is easy to use and is as fol lows: "I first place vitriol In a trough. The trough should be a little wider than the scoop, which should bo a small one. My trough Is 12 inches wide, 121nches deep and 12 feet long. I put from 10 to-25 pounds of vitriol in a grain bag and put it ln one end of the trough. This keep the vitriol from mixing with the wheat, but al lows the water to absorb all the vitri ol it will, insuring strength. I pour the wheat out of the bags into the trough and stir it up several times. skimming off the white caps, straws and unthreshed wheat and other ref use. In the other end of the trough I have a place to hang a bag so that ono man can fill it two-thirds will of wheat with the scoop, when It is placed ou a drain board on the opposite side of the trough from where the man works so that the surplus vitriol water can drain off into the trough. Cheap and Effectual. There is no doubt there are other ways of killing smut in grain, but I know of none so cheap and effectual. I have used this method for seven ears, during' which time I raised 00,000 bushels of wheat and I have raised no smut Before that time I alsed a good deal of smut from vlt- iollng In a barrel in the sack. "Dry. wheat in sacks can be left uncovered and take rains all winter and not absorb enough moisture to prevent wheat from being No. 1 mill ing wheat in this cllmate,and yet we expect every part of every kernel to be surrounded by vitriol water by five minutes immersion In a sack In barrel. Smut Is a Live Plant "Smut Is a live plant, a parasite, growing on other plants like wheat, of which the smut dust is tho seed. Wheat in a bag In a barrel is so close ly packed, that every kernel must, at some points, touch other kernels so closely as to prevent water pass ing between, and if at this point there is a smut seed kept from contact with the water It would not be killed, It there was a whole, unbroken ball "of smut in the bag and tho water did not permeate its center, there would be live smut seeds In It which our force feed drills would break and scatter all along the tubes through which tho seed wheat passes, which would adhere to some of the kernels. "I think It wise to procure seed wheat clear of smut, rye, oats, cockle or other foreign seeds, of which an abundance can be procured In this neighborhood at market price. Uses No Fanning Mill. "I seldom run my seed wheat through a fanning mill, as they are no seeds in It to take out, and by stirring and skimming It I take out tho white caps, etc., that interfere with the drilling. One man can vitriol and skim more wheat In this way than he could cleau in 'a fanning mill and more than ie could vitriol in a barrel. So I find It c.eouo'hiiral mid sure. It don't pay to raise smut. One fourth smut on a 20 bushel crop means a loss of fivj bushels per acre, besides loss on the price oi the a.il- ance, and dangers of explosions and being disagreeable to work ln. It easily represents a loss that takes off all the profits, and sometimes more. I believe If farmers would adopt this method, keeping plenty of vitriol In the bag ln the water and letting It be In the water long enough to absorb all the vitriol It could befoiio putting in tho wheat, that we would not -hear many, If any, complaints about smrit. especially If you choose wheat for seed that Is free from smut, although I have got new seed that was smutty twice from others and raised no smut after treating It lu this manner be fore sowing. It might be well to Immerse the I bag in which you put your seed wheat alter vitrlollng, ln vitriol water before putting the wheat Into It, especially if it is second hand for there may be smut germs sticking to it" IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 19 Call Issued For November 18 and at Portland. The following call has been Issued and a 111 be sent to all the public oftl cers ln Oregon and to all persons In tercsted In the Irrigation ot tho arid lands In this state: Oregon Irrigation Association. At a meeting ln Portland of tho Oregon delegates to the National It rlgatlon Congress recently held at Colorado Springs, Col., It was decided to organize a Stato Irrigation Asro elation. Officers were elected and lu stmctcd to call a general meeting ot delegates from all parts of tho stato at as early a date as practicable nnd m accordance the following omcial call Is therefore Issued- Official Call. The first convention of the Oregon Irrigation Asoclatlon will b.j held at Portland November 18th and 19th, commencing at 10 a. m The convention will consider fully all questions ln regard to irrigation roresiry and colontmilon. an I It l desired that all delegates come pre pared to furnish full Information as to the opportunities for the let-lama- tlon of arid lands in their localities. Newspapers of the state are urged rb give publicity to this call and to keep before the miters the inipoit- ance of this convention. The governor of Oregon, mayors of cities, county courts and all organiza tions entitled to appoint .lelog.itu a-e urged to act promptly, and to select men who are enthusiastic for the de velopment of Oregon The basis of representation in the convention will be as follows. Delegates to be named by the gov ernor, 20 delegctes, ;md jne addition al for every 2500 people or major frac tion thereof. Boards of county commissioners 2 delegates; commercial associations, 2 delegates and one for each 30 mem hers; Irrigation companies, 2 dele gates; state university, 2 delegates: state agricultural college, 2 delegates; state experimental station, 2 dele gates; all delegates from Oregon to the Tenth National Irrigation con gress. Ex-Officio Members. The following are members by vir tue of their respective offices: tho governor, the secretary and treasurer of the state of Oregon, the members of the state board of agriculture, the members of the state boadr ot hor ticulture, the state biologist, the state game and fish warden,, the state Fish commissioner, the stato dairy and food commissioner, the state vet erinarian, the state land agent, United States senators and representatives in congress of the state of Oregon, coun ty judges, county commissioners, county surveyors, city engineers and surveyors of incorporated cities, all members of the National Irrigation Association from Oregon ,tho gover-l.or-elect of tho state of Oregon. Railway Rates, The Northern Pacific, Southern Pa cific and Oregon Kallro.id ci Naviga tion Companies have granted a rate of one and one-third single fare for this convention, delegates to purchase one-way tickets, taking receipt there for from issuing agent on regulat form of certificate ln use for that pur pose. The secretary of the associa tion will endorse each certificate to the effert that the l9l?,?H has bcf-n In attendance, and tipon I'res.'ntitlon of this document to the Portland agent of either of the abovi-named companies within 48 hourn niter' con ventlon adjourns! return tickets will be sold to destination at one-third fare. All delegates It ni Irrigation conv panles to be under seal of corpora. tion. Address all communications regard ing the i'onei:tinn lo JAJIKS M. MOOKK. Secretary Oregon Irrigation Association. HOTEL8, HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. 9$. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dlnlngroom Service. Every Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Streets , Pendleton, Oregon. Kolly, Proprlotor. M. F. HEATED BY STEAA1 LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Aiiioi lcuii I'Inii, rat cm 1 'J r, toV!.OU ptr liiv. Euroicuu l'luli. Oc, "So, SI.OO, Hpecltil rHtcH liy week or month. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention (liven Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS, EX-SHERIFF TO PRISON. Found Guilty of Defalcation ln Office Must Go to Penitentiary and Pay $6000 Fine. Lakevlew, Ore., Oct. 31. A. J. Niel on exBherifT and tax collector of Lake county, who was found guilty ot defalcation by a Jury at tho May term of court, was sentenced Saturday to four years in the penitentiary and or dered to pay a $0000 fine, to cover the amount of the defalcation. M tho hour of pausing sentence the court loom wag crowded, as this was a case of extreme interest to tho people of Lake county. Nollon has many friends in the county, was a democratic sher iff, and his case was deftly handled by counsel. Much sympathy Is felt for the accubed, as he was well liked, nnd his family is one of the most prominent In the county. Judge Dun ton passed sentence. Attorneys foi Nellou appealed to the supreme court on a certificate ot probable cause Pending the action of the supreme court, Nellon Is in charge of tho sher iff. At the same time the caso of Lake county vs. tho bondsmen of A. J. Nellon was called; motion for a change of venue was asked for ana granted on tho ground that no tax payer was eligible to sit on tho Jury In that case. The case -will bo sent to Judgo Ilanna, of Jackson county, for (rial,-ami will probably bo called In December, si That EVENING or PARTY Dress Should be made according to the latest fashions, and should be a perfect fit. We make a specialty of making nobby dresses, for swell social functions. Art enters into our work. Bear in mind wo do all kinds of dressmaking on snort notice. THE EASTERN CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST FACTORY 63 MAIN STREET OB 9 a a $ a a 9 CB a a a a a a ED. EBEN, Propr. 003 RI 11 L t t I Are You Looking for a Home orQood Investment? 6-10 acre, Stock "or Dairy Farm, all dark rich soil; 600 acres oxoellout timothy meadow; balance lu open timber for wood or lumber nnd saw mill near; two springs and cieek; gov ernment laud Joining; fences house and barn; postoftlco and Hchool one-half mile. Price $10 per acre. ICO ucrea, Stock Ranch, live and one half miles from Pendleton; creek runs acrora; 60 acres Irrigating land; in all, 100 acres for grain. With smull outlay an oxeelleut ratm Prlee. i'2V(). 600 acrt, Stock and Wheat Farm ou Hlrch creek 10 miles from I'endleton; 70 acreu alfalfa laud; 300 acres summer fallow; 100 acres pasture; 6 acrea excel lent orchard; good sprlug, cellar, apple cellar; six loom bonne and bam; pleaa mt home. t0300. A new grocery store, 2 lot, llxttires, fresh stock, lu all, oont $2600; will sell for $1800. A great saorltloe. N. T. CONKLIN. Ofllce hi rostolllce. Cash Grocery I invite you to come and see me when you need groceries or baking, I have purchased the Rei man Grocery and Dakery at 636 Main street where I will conduct a strictly cash grocery. My plan will be to give you more for your money than you can get elsewhere because I will give tho cash pat rons the benefit of my saving on bad dubts, M. MILLER CASH QR0CERY AND BAKERY X GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Flan Block and a half from depot. Sample room in connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 75o, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American l'luli, ii ixrr (lav uud uuwanl. llca!uuartcr for tourists ami cummeri-fal irav. tiers, bcll rates made to families and single gentlemen, 'flic management wilt be pleased at alUiruts to show rooms aud giie prices. A modern Turkish bath esUlillsUmeut lu I lie, hotel. 11 v.- iiMWHKB, Manager. Babbitt Metal, bet In the world, In bars. Price 11 per bar. at the Eajt Oregonlan Office. (8e PLUMBING J First ulosa work. All kluili of rsi 3 MumolngHtippiiM. Tinning Kverythlng In tne Hue of repairing and now work done promptly and satisfactorily. B. P. BECK, 214 Court St, Phono Uluok 44 iSffifflfflfflS PENDLETON-UKIAH STAGE LINE BT17RDIVANT JIItOH,, Proj. Bug leaves: Pendleton dallr , eic.pt Bao4tf s. .in, niiifuiuiHii iuu ,nirinejiai0 poiBie, nMs, ,11 J'lioi IfcOCI, 7MJJ IlOl BOCg ADQ tint Hack and r. turn. il.tSl Ta Ms., f I 9ft Hn 11,4 im,. .1, To Hldf , 11 761 to Rldie and return, tt toi All. 11.33! to Alba and f. turn. II mi To Iftlsk U. 60J to Uklah and reluru, $1.00. Of Nee In Golden Ride Hotel, Fendleto Unrmon Hlkhnna PI 1 1 Lai Lcca 1a uj at aii i. iLa ir..Ura .i Uotuk Cburcfa turf Uif iMUhi fvtuirci tum tb wU cum U pU u yuujv twUia Uut iltuu POtpncy. Lost Power. Nlght"Lot, Bprmtitorrhoq Inftomnla. Pains rnBacKiCvll pttfllrek. 6mfnql 4rti(lonL Lum UaoX, narvoj D or Canstl notion bton Ou ckniii'Af Uls ffll chufff. Htnot Ndf' Vflin nhln tt tW I'kfnllrtsT. i-Ulf AM iuiiaii,La1. 1 M ill.iwniuf avl IsiUKI it tvAsisr AxuciUin. l.r.r u at cL wia)n.(.r!i m ri.o ta al IiaaiI. RTTtTI UauU ftuiklL uiulsivaLsIAl (jttrftnl. fctlmiilMec thai taruu avcrl i tarry a Linten. cor. im. fl I liuLriuil m A ail turn fUArftui. Lcui awwyiduww, wiit. ft uwu. ciicuiw !. Addra, Bishop no mod Co.. oun pruncUco. OmU SOLD BY TALXMAN A COH DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREQON.