East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 31, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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November 1st
10 to 11
A. M.
25c Ladies' Cotton Hose
0 Cents
Best Calicos
3 Cents
Cotton Thread, three spools
h 5 Cents
1 to 2
P. M.
Lonsdale Muslin
6 Cents
Best Apron Gingham
3 Cents
35c China Silk
23 Cents
4 to 5
P. M.
V.S0-inch Outing Flannel
& all colors
3 Cents
$1.00, $1 25 and 1.50 Kid
1 39 Cents
36-inch Percales
t 72 Cents
7 to 8
P. M.
35c Ladies' Fancy Hose
9 Cents
Ladies' Lawn Hemstitched
3 for 10c
Special Line Fancy Neck
5 Cents
Don't Miss this
Saturday Sale
Only Certain Quantity
to Each Customer . . .
Mr. W. F. Matlock Says One Will Lc
Built Soon at a Cost of About $75,
"William F. Matlock. ex-seuatoi
from Umatilla county, has Just re
turned from several days spent In
Portland. "While there, Mr. Matlock
said to the Dally Journal:
Tho smelter which we will con
Btntct next Bprlng at Skagwny will
cost some $75,000, but there seems to
be no question as to the necesslt
for such an enterprise at that point.
There are big ore .deposits In all di
rections from Skagway within a rn
dlus of 150 miles. The Engineei
mines at Taku, the copper properties
at White Horse and the Porcupine,
and the low-grndo concentrating ores
at Atlln, all require an easily acces
sible smelter. It this cannot be fur
nished to them the transportation
charges on ore will eat up all possible
The erection of a smelter at Skag-
way will he the first productive In
dustry that tho Alaskan town has
ever had. and will do much toward
recuperating the rapidly dwindling
energy of the city.
All concentrating ores now mined
In tho north have to he shipped over
1000 miles to tho nearest smelter, and
while the freight charges are said to
he reasonable, considering the dis
tance traveled, they are, nevertheless,
heavy enough to make the shipping
from tho smaller mines unprofitable.
As a consequence, this part of the
mining Industry has been sadly neg'
lected around Skagway and with the,
Installation of a smelter things will
change materially and the small
miner will ho able to reap some bene
fit from his labors.
Loud's Re-election In Doubt.
"Washington. D. C. Oct. 31. Of all
the political contests to bo decided at
the polls next Tuesday, tho result of
nono Is nwnlted with such Intense In
terest by tho leter carriers and other
postal employes throughout the coun
try as that In the Fifth congressional
district of California, now represent
ed by Congressman Loud, republican.
Mr. Loud Is ono of the most notable
figures In congress. Ho has for years
been at the head of tho postal com
mittee, and Is reputed to know more
about postal affairs than any other
man In either house He has been
the stumbling block In tho way of
wholesale Increase of salaries for
postal employes, and tho letter car
riers and labor organizations are
fighting him so vigorously that tho
democrats have hopes of electing their
candidate for Mr. Loud's seat In congress.
Neither CanYou Kill Deer After .the
First of November.
tf vnn Will iip(r antelnne moose or
mountain sheep after tomorrow, you
had better not let. the game warden
know anything about It, as the closed
season for this class or game ww
ndnimiiiinn nn thp first nf NOVflmllfir.
and will continue until the 15th ot
TiiK- inns.
- -.. .
This law applies to all the counties
in rrpi?nn pxrnnt Malheur. Harney
and Baker, where the closed season
onmmoncod Ortnhnr In fltlrt contin
ues until the first of October, 1903.
Tho nennltv for violatintr this law is
a fine of not less than $25 nor more
than 500, imprisonment not less man
30 days nor more than 120t or the fine
and imprisonment both.
The closed season tor iroui aiso
fnmmnTippa nn Nnvflmhor 1. and con
Inline until Anril 1. This law ex
cepts salmon trout, which fish can
only be caught from November 1 to
April 1, in tide-waters. In all other
waters no trout can be caught with-
mi hA nntnhor lflVlnfr hlmSPIt lmDie.
The penalty for violating this law is
n fine nt nnt lnsa than S20 nor more
than $100, Imprisonment for not less
than 10 days nor more man ou uao,
or the fine ana imprisonment uom.
in 'ilium HIIIIHM
Struck by Engine and Both of Her
Feet Cut Off.
Tnnnmft "Wash.. Oct. 30. Louise
Napoleon, an Indian girl about 20
years of ago, met wim a ineuuui ac
cident in the eany nours meauay
inir sho was struck hv an en
gine on the Northern Pacific track-
where it crosses South Tweniiem
street Both of the girl's feet were
cut otr at tho ankles and for hours
she lay bleeding until discovered nt
daylight by some passersDy. Tne In
dian girl was conscious when found,
ntthmifh nhn vim so weak that she
could scarcely speak. Just how thb
girl was struck she does not Know, as
nho wna ronslderablv under the Infill-
of linuor at the time. It is
thought she may recover.
Currant Import Case.
nhinmrn rw 30. The. custums nro
test case of Ileid, Murdoch & Co.. of
Chicago, which In Its earlier stages
of litigation before the Doaru 01 gen
okI tinnrnianrn nnd the linked States
circuit court attracted widespread in
terest, came up ror argument, muay
beforo the federal circuit court of ap-
noolo fur tho HPVflnth district. The
question at issue Is whether the duty
on currants sneuici do imposed upuu
the government weight of the article,
acording to the find and record of tho
weighing officers, or whether tho duty
be imposed upon the weight determ
ined after subjecting the merchandise
to a cleansing process.
Mothers' Congress Is Begun.
Pittsburg, Pa.. Oct. 30. Tho Na
tional Congress of Mother meets -In
Pittsburg tills ovenlng for a session
that will continue several days. More
than 300 delegates, Including most of
the officers nnd advisors of the coun
cil, have arrived, and entertainment
has been orange for many more. Con
vention headquarters have been open
ed at tho Hotel Lincoln and the ses
sions will ho held hi tho auditorium
of the First Presbyterian church. An
interesting program of papers, ad
dresses and discussions has been ar
ranged for the meeting.
Political Contest In Texas.
Austin. Texns, Oct 31. The re
turns from the Fifteenth congression
al district of Texas will bo watched
with Interest all over the state next
Tuesday night. The district is n new
one and the contest to ropresent it
In congress is one of tho most spirited
In the political annals of the stnte.
John N. Garner, of Uvalde, Is the
democratic nominee, and John C,
Scott, of Corpus Chrlstl, is the repub
lican. The republicans are now on
the wind-up of n whirl-wind campaign
In tho Interest or Mr. Scott's candi
dacy, nnd the fact that the democrats
are uneasy over the situation Is evi
denced by the prominence of tho par
ty leaMors who have been stumping
the district for Garner, the number
including Senators Culbortson and
Two Ways Open.
Wnnhlnctnn Oct. 31. There nre two
wnvs nnen tn eet the Panama canal.
even In case of nn adverse attitude on
thn njirt. nf tho Colombian govern
ment, namely, either the United
States government to proceed without
riplav tn t-nmnlete the treaties with
Nlrnrnmia nnd Costa Rica necessary
for the construction of a canal in
those countries, or and this latter
rnnrcn wnnlH hp nilnnted with relllC
tance the government might pur
chase outright the franchise of tne
French Panama Canal Company and
pn on resolutely with the construc
tion of the Panama cnnal, taking the
ground that it would have a rigiu 10
Improve its own property without ref
erence to any other government, and
taking no further notice of coiomma.
New Railway to Southwest.
Omaha. Neb., Oct. 31. What are
snfil tn lin nlnns for tho extension of
the Chicago & Great Western Rail
road from Omaha soutnwest mrougii
Nebraska and Kansas to the Pan
TTnnillo nf Tpyhr nrp. helnir worked
out by Kansas City promoters. If
Dullt, the new line win pass tnrouga
a fine stock and grain country and
will give to the pacing houses of
Omaha a direct road to the ranges
of Northern Texas and Eastern New
Mexico. The road will parallel Still
well's Kansas City, Mexico & Orient,
but will be 200 miles from that road
at all points.
Chlcago-St Louis -ine.
Chicago, 111., Oct. 31. There is
every indication thnt the Rock Island
Railroad will have a line from Chi
cago to St. Louis before the opening
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
It Is proposed that the road shall run
straight from Morris to East St.
Louis. No Important cities are to be
touched, except Bloomlngton. Little
field, Springfield and Alton are missed.
30 days
free trial
Saves labor and produces clean
clothes- - - - Cash Price $io
Court Btreet
U. B. Supreme Court
D. S. Patent Office
Trade Markf nd CopjrlgbU
700 Ttti.Vt, N. VT., Washington. D. C
Tour Place
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our
bill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurant
Don't I Pt tho
Bother You
rrr t. mar f i.1 &-I n i-. ... AMJ f 1 I . rv
i linn r vvnrri it- i i iir i tr-si i iiru si 1 1 i,i nu nn vn.
fc I II III W III w X-F 1 mm w -mimmm-mm W M 1 1 2- I III
v . . - j ' a " V
The Stove Question Is easily settled if you will come to
The Wilson Air iignt neaters
The original and best hot blast heaters; the one that all others are t
i rn lruTii w it ill i ini i itv ii.t. i l. a n liio i iiiui jm. i-x aawti luuit vji nu.viiir
Money Saved is Money Made
-i i 1 1
So let us save vou money on your stove, ana aiso dv cutting aown your
The Time to Buy a Stove is Now
ihe universal Meel
Has given universal satisfac
tion. It is no new experi
ment but positively the best
points of superiority over
. t i
otner maKeB are nuraerom
Not high in price, but 1
in quality
ti Hana iinHnfihtarfWf honn ctiiHirtniv Tho IlllPctinn m Mrll
Hnmp nr P nrp nf Kucinpcc- vnn hnvp nprhnnc PYnmfnefl 80M
" - " - J- J TW -
rf -4-rckf 1- 1 1 4- iintaffc unll nana vpiaii-arl mil- cfnfA Itit M fl VP Tl fit
Wilson Heater for they are sold exclusively in Pendleton
There is but one Wilson Heater and we have it In all sizes. Of
' - r i i : i i lt r 1 -.A WInnn
ib ian;c anu new unu inuiuucs an sixes ui wuai tuu muv-
and Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges, but only the good kind.
& - . . , V
m lliir PriPAC nn Ntnvpc Will PlA5in a Savino Tfl
D M t T ? f 1 I ffwf i n 1 CI - nnl linn n l "1 f T fQ
I 1 .1 t - . . L. . HITT
UUI DUWVOD Hum UVD1 UklJOl lllUn.OB UUU ItJiVl U Wllttt VUU UttH "J - I
Wilson Wood Heaters
Wilson Coal Heaters
Universal Steel Range
Cast Cook Stoves -
ffitt.sn to
$1 q.oo to $22
. nil
$20.00 to
$12.00 to $25.1
Simply reading the prices will not give you a correct idea
bargains, but an inspection will
I No Matter What Ypu Want in Hardware,
f I