East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Boys' Clothing and
Two piece suits, $1.50, $2, and $3
Three piece suits, $2, S2.50 and 5.
Norfolk suits, $3 to $5.
Boys' long pants suits, age 10 to 20, $4, $5 to $12.
Knee pants, a great variety of patterns, to
select from, 50c to Si. 25. f
Sweaters, 50c, 75c to Si. 50.
Suspenders, 10c to 25c.
Shirts, white and colored, 50c.
Shoes, $1.25, $1 35 to $2.25.
Underwear, per garment, 35c to 45c.
Hats, 25c, 50c 75c to $1 25.
Caps, 25c to 50c.
Our Lines of Furnishings and Cloth
ing for Men and Boys is the Best
in the City.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters
Mexico Is said to be prepailngr to
abandon a bl-uietallic standard and
adopt gold Instead.
The students oC the Michigan Agri
cultural college are on a strike
against the faculty.
The actors and clergymen of New
York have merged to fight against
Sunday performances.
General Urlbe-Uribe has" at last sur
rendered at Santa Marta and the rev
olution is about over in Colombia. I
In 10 years tho city of Chicago has '
lost $5,010,000 in uncollected taxes, I
owing to fraudulent tax collectors. '
William J. Dryan concluded his 1
canvass of Colorado Wednesday with )
an address to women in the Broadway 1
theater in Denver. j
Serious riots took place in Porto
Rico Tuesday, the occasion being the
registration of voters. Five police '
men and several citizens were killed
at San Lorenzo.
A 14-year-old negro boy of Oxford,
Miss., who had witnessed a hanging
recently, secured a clothesline and
arranged a mock hanging of himself.
He got excited and kicked the jav
upon which he stood from under him.
When found, he was dead.
Hotel Pendleton.
E. A. Rand, Cincinnati.
Sam Wolf, Cincinnati.
George W. Palmer, Chicago.
Henry Dechant, San Francisco.
J. II. Williamson, Portland.
D. Bay, La Grande.
J. H. Bay, La Grande.
It. R. Cotton, Missoula.
W. E. Moses, Northfield.
C. H. Moore, Boston.
R. F. Robinson, Portland.
O. D. Rich, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
H. McGulre. Portland.
Ed Blackburn, Portland.
Thomas A. Hodgson. Helix.
E. C. Park, Denver.
Rev. D. C. Sanderson, Milton.
E. W. Dooloy, Yakima.
J. P. Wllfong, Yakima.
J. E. Byler, Sau Francisco.
C. L. Dogchest, Cincinnati.
John A. Clark, Portland.
E. Griswold. Portland.
M. Mayer, Saan Francisco.
George Hanson, -San Francisco.
Roy Shaud and wife.
J. L. Mlloy, Chicago.
C. C. Anderson, Boise.
George Turrell, San Francisco.
Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Pullman.
W. H. Patton, Spokane.
A. Freeman, Portland.
George Moyer, Portland.
The orange-growers of California 1
have combined and will not ship any ;
fruit East this year until it Is ripe. J
An official call has been issued for 1
the first convention of the Oregon !
Irrigation Association at Portland, i
November 18-19.
The Oregon Fish and Game Associ
ation desires that the China pheasant
season be changed so that It will ex
tend from September 15 to Novem
ber 1.
The Ashland Fruit Association
made a shipment of 52,810 boxesof
peaches during the present season,
an increase of 15,768 boxes over last
The International Longshoremen ot
Portland threaten to go on a strike
to bring the Balfour-Guthrie Company
to pay 60 cents per hour for ovei-time.
Women Listen to Addresses.
Ashland, Wis., Oct. 29. Tho ses
slons of this the second day of the an
imal convention of the WIscon State
Federation of Women's Club opened
with the reports submittted by the
district presidents, followed by an in
teresting report from tho treasurer
of the endowment fund. The feature
of the forenoon session was an ad
dress delivered by Mrs. Linda Hull
Lamed, of Syracuse, president of the
National Household Economic Asso
ciation, who took as her subject, "Tho
Educatioual Value of Household Eco
nomy." Papers presented at the after
noon session were as follows: "Mes
sage of the Sixth Biennial," Mrs. Ar
thur C. Novlllo; "Child Labor In Wis
consin," tho Rev, H. H. Jacobs: "Tho
Girl Child of tho Factory," Miss Ida
Jackson, Wisconsin factory inspector:
"The Pre-Raphaelite Movement In
England," Miss M. G. Slaughter.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fastest selling article I have
In my store," writes Druggist C. T.
Smith, of Davis, Ky., "Is Dr. KlngB
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds because It always
cures. In" my six years of sales It has
nover failed. I have known It to save
sufferers from throat and lung dis
eases, who could get no help from
doctors or any other remeay.
Mothers rely on It, best physicians
prescribe It, and Tallman & Co. guar
antee satisfaction or refund price.
Trial bottles free. Regular sizes,
EOc and fL
The Dally East Oregonlan Is on
Bale In Portland at tho Rich news
stand In Hotel Perkins, and at tho
Hotel Portland.
The Golden Rule.
Llllle Newcomb, Lockwood.
Mrs. R. Kelly, La Grande.
J. M. Fanberg, Thunder Mountain.
J. W. Brooks, Walla Walla.
James Ells, Walla Walla.
Mrs. M .E. Curtice, Rochester.
Mrs. C. S. Curtice. Rochester.
Mrs. M. D. Cowglll, Spokane.
Anna S. Huffey, Missoula.
Blanche Canfleld, Weston.
George F .Moyer, Sau Francisco.
A. E. McBreen, Portland.
Mrs. John Allen, Portland.
Mrs. Ryan, Meaehnm.
P. B. Smith, Walla Walla.
R, McGahey. Walla Walla.
R. E. Porter, Meachani.
Mrs. Laura A. Smith. .Baker City.
Mrs. Cornelius, Baker City.
Thomas A, Hodgson and wife, Helix
J. C. Hamilton, Walla Walla.
Anna Mortenson. Freewater.
.Mrs. W. M. Baker, Adams.
Miss Eva Baker, Adams.
Charles Mason. Grinnell.
Jessie Raymond, San Francisco.
James Mustard, Indianapolis.
G. E. Rldgeford, Portland.
Charles Royse and wife, Spray.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
R. P, Tufts, Juniper.
R. L. Earnest, Juniper.
H. Huber, Milton.
H. A. Montgomery, payton.
Ed Leep, Baker City.
A. C. Hall, Spokane.
T. W. Tandy. Umatilla.
John E. Cleghoni, Echo.
W. J. Townsend, Portland.
All who use atoinlzeis in treating
nasal catarrh will get the best result
from Ely's Llnuld Cream Balm. Price
Including spraying tube, 75 cents.
Sold by druggists, or mailed by Ely
Bros., 50 Warren street. New York.
New Orleans, Sept. 1, 1900.
Messrs. Ely Bros; I sold two hot
ties of your Liquid Cream "Balm to a
customer, William Lamberton, 1415
Dolachaise street, No wOrleana; he
has used tho two bottles, giving him
wonderful and most satisfactory re
sults. George W. McDuff, pharmacist-
The decision ot Attorney-General
Knox on the canal title gives much
satisfaction to tho French. ,
How'e This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. 3. CIIKNI1V & CO., Toledo, O.
U'o tim uniVralimpd. have known I. J.
Cheney for the past 18 years, and bellere
1 him to be perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions ana nnancuuy aoio iu
carry out any ' obligations made by their
.WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists.
To I wl 0 O
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucona
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
President Mellmann Declares That
Work Will Begin In Ten Days Has
the Money Ready Power to Come
From the Tukannon.
"Not only will the electric line be
built from Pendleton to Dayton,
Washington, but It will be extended
from the latter place to lijwlston,
Idaho. Wo have the money leady for
the enterprise, and nil of the arrange
ments except securing 11 few strips
for a right ot way between the last
two points mentioned."
This Is a statement made by H.
Mellmann, president of tho Washing
ton & Oregon Electric Railway, Light
& Power Company, which will start
construction Inside of ten days on a
line to start from Pendleton, Ore., and
to end at Ixswlston, Idaho.
"I worked hard," continued the
president, "to raise tho money in
Portland, but I failed. I had no trou
ble In getting tho necessary funds In
the East, and we nre ready to go
ahead with the work. The proposed
load runs for the most part over n
Hat country, and will cost very little
for grading, about 3 cents a yard. The
force will easily make a half mile a
day over the best parts. We have se
cured all of the necessary rights of
way between Pendleton and Dayton
and anticipate no trouble In getting
the same between Dayton and Low
istou. At first it was intended to
build only the line as far as Dayton,
but upon tho representation of the
business to bo had for such a line to
Lewiston, and as we have plenty of
funds to carry on such an enterprise,
we decided upon the extension. We
naturally feel somewhat Independent
about the matter. The power will
come from the Tukannon, near Pome,
roy. We have all of our water rights
secured, and will have enough power
to not only light up the towns along
tho line of our railway, but to supply
manufacturing Interests as well. You
will see a great Improvement in the
territory adjacent to our line in the
next few years."
their possession, and of which Chll
deis gave a description.
Tho man Chllder3 has a bad record
as a desperado, having killed a man
In Canyon City, Ore., and done time
therefore In the Oregon penitentiary.
The capture of tho notorious criminal
by Mr. Fulton acting single handed
aid alone, Is a big feather In the cap
of our legislative nominee, and bears
out the record he brought with him
Irto this county that ho Is n man of
sheer grit nnd bulldog tenacity, and
tM.4 latest enterprise will not lower
him in the public estimation. He is a
good man to tie to, and he was never
known to desert a friend. The people
of Idaho county will find no more
loyal and ralthful representative In
the halls or legislation than Mr. Ful
ton. Boise Capital News.
Room and board wanted by gentle
man and wife In private family. State
terms and location. Address P. O.
box 550, cit7.
The most effectivoskln pnrlfyiDg and bean
tlly ing soap, as wel 1 as purest and sweetest,
for toilet, b.itli, and nursery. It strikes at
the came of b.ul complexions, red, rough
hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes,
viz., the closed, irritated, iulhiuied, over
worked, or sluggish Pokes.
Bold everywhere. PMTTm Uica asd Cuim. Coir,
bole frop. tloeloa, U.S.A. Hntlth depotl I. Nrw.
BERT sas. Irfindoit. How to Car) ttmp!ea,'fref.
Briglit's Disease and Diabete
Positively Curable,
Idaho Nominee for Legislature Makes
Himself Useful.
Hugh Fulton, one of the nominees
on the democratic legislative ticket
for this county, arrived quite unex
pectedly on the stage Sunday morn
ing, having in tow a horse thief named
Bob Chllders, says the Grangevllle
Free Press. It appears that Mr. Ful
ton was camped at Burgdorf's hot
springs, near Warren, on October 8,
when Burgdorf's horse was missing.
After searching for 48 hours, he as
certained that the nnlmal hnd been
stolen and he set out in pursuit, and
notwithstanding that Cildera had go(
got a -IS-hours' start, iur, Fulton suc
ceeded In overtaking the fugitive at
Baker City, Ore., and arrested him
there on October 12. The arrest was
made without waiting for the formnll-
ty of requisition papers and Mr. Ful
ton started out for Graugovllle with
his man without assistance, having
captured him by sheer binding. At
Colfax, on Saturday, they had a wait
of several hours for the train to Mod
cow, and as the fair was in progress
the horse thief in some way communi
cated with his frienus wu the result
that later in the evening Mr, Fulton
found him in possession of a loaded
six-shooter with which he undoubted
ly would have killed Mr, Fulton on
tho first opportunity. But Mr. Fulton
has had much experience In dealing
with tho criminal element during the
time ho was In the service of the pen
itentiary, and Chllders found himself
"up agalust the real thing" with no
chanco of getting away rrom It.
Mr. Fulton has also secured a writ
ten confession from his prisoner im
plicating a whole gang of associates
who are In the horse and cattle rust
ling business, and who have been
camped at the Burgdorf hot springs
all summer. Sheriff Dixon and deputy
left early Monday morning to capture
the entire gang, together with such
stolen property as may be fouud In
They are curing Brlght's Disease
and Diabetes In California. The per
centage of efficiency (recoveries) In
these hitherto lncurablo diseases
averages as high as 87 per cout. Tho
details of the Investigation and dem
onstration of the new compounds are
so conclusive that we at once sent
for a bundle ot the reports and for
the new treatment for urgent cases
In this city. Call or send for one of
the reports,
F. W. SCHAUDT & CO., Pendleton
Good, Fresh and Ck
Are urocencs wnen you oruer them from outst0r
We pride ourselves on the satisfaction we give oar
We want to remind you that now is tlm t.. .
- . . , J, . . MHIC A ...
Orapes, Malaga anu uoncord. Large juicv 5 S
ujjjjiua, jiiuui' uiu uuunu, tu ictuive r rench anH t 1
lettuce, fresh every day. For Sauerkraut, sweet d 11 N
.w..Vw t -- - j j - - n.umj aWCCt dill
pickles leave your orders with us and you will get
.1 1 f T T A T TAVT Prrrrf. - .
i new uencucy, ixni.iin.vt niiiiac, it's certainly ij
R. MARTIN, Propr.
There is Harmony in
with a good piano, iyl
uum is ine cneapst t
are nnnn lipttnr .
are strictly high
struments, perfect Ij i
structlon and action, ti
passed in touch am
and finish. Durable,
j'li-j uiu nanasomeltJ
reliable nlwnva ci,
a gauranteo at bed roct
ures xor casn, or ot is
Wholesale and Kerall Hrttb
Tambourets, stamped
ready for the paint
Such as nut bowls, toilet
sets, steins, clocks, card
trays, tie racks, picture
frames ......
Chamois Skins, As
sorted Colors ....
Dan A 1 otnn
l wiiuivtvui
Offers: College Preparatory Course
Business Course
Teaohors' Course
Takes all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter i
man Class in such Colleees as Yale. Princeton. Stanford.
Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can tali I
Certificates on same buds as Normal Sohools Fall term optaj
lemuer .10. pot catalogue aauress
F. L. FORBES, D. D., Principal
Wood, Coal
and Hay
Exclusive agent for the celebrated
Gov. Test 122 over Rock Spring and 278 overtoil
Phone r r nrw inn e nn OIM
Main 1121 r. r. iULLicrc ex tu. mi
give nu air of luxury to
men 1 tuai nuiuiug h -
j a, ,H rtrirf
una ruey peium --.
We are showing a mm
mentiurich andartlrtlcM
Wall paper and 1
Undertakers tjO
always 7,-;
Machine Repairer m1"
Play Golf
We are headquarters for
everything in athletic goods.
GOLF is the latest sport,
we have the Clubs and the
Balls, also all kinds of
Games for indoor and out
door sports. Ping Pong,
Parlor Croquet, Hand Ball,
K Tennis, etc.
Foot Ball Goods of all
Book Store.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Is reached in BYERS BEST. Better flour """''ukM
The cream of the wheat crop enters in
Flour, which is right for bread ana
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.