m , 1 1 MB Pi! 1 mi m 1 it tor TRY ATWOOD'S CASCARA COMPOUND The surest and salest remedy for regulating the ac tion of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels For Constipation It Has no Equal Brock Sl McComias Company DRUGGISTS i ii luirtt I mi ,lSkl WEDNESDAY, OCTODEIl 29, 1902. Who says Umatilla Is not blesseiV with beautiful school-marms? The Idaho campaign Is waxing warm and the Idaho papers are, say lnsr lovely things about one another and the opposing canu.dates. tt-mllltonairc or pauper, he should bo placed In confinement until such time as there should bo no fear ot his going crnzy again or going, on a 1(111 ing escapade In his sleep. Inventors are worth a great deal to the country but human life Is also of some value, Henry mado the curious ' statement that the municipal theater had ai ready "arrived in tho United States." Coming from so a diatinguisiieu tiro matlc authority,, ono who has several times toured tho United Stntes, wo hesitate to say that This Is not so. Yet wo cannot think of any American city which "owns and operates" Its own theater or opera house. Ardent champions of municipal ownership will easily convince them selves. If not others, that theaters are "public utilities" If not "necessl ties of life. Does not Shakespearo himself say that "all tho world's a stage." and la not that a declaration broad enough to cover tho doctrine that the presentation of good plays with "wellgraced actors" is naturally a public function? Sir Henry's enthusiasm for tho enulpment of every English city with a public playhouse is such that ho will "gladly give a thousand pounus to advance the movement." And his reason is that "it would help to drive from the stage those hlgh-Ulcklng discreditable shows wlch too often pass for theatrical plays." But how would a. do that? Any city can es tabllsh a municinal theater, but it cannot mako people attend It. New York World. The lone highwayman has some ad vantage over the highwaymen who go in gangs. He Is at least not un easy about the other fellows giving him away. Eastern Oregon is not generally worried over danger from trolley cars and automobiles, but the double geared cayuse, with a back-action hind leg occasionally gets in his work j. The report comes that Buffalo Hill has failed in health and will have to rest up before he can make his trip to Europe. This historic character of the plains like many other promi nent American characters of the old school has about run his course. The reported arrest of the Mon tana train robber by a lone deputy shows that it is not always tho brav est who rob trains and commit daring crimes. 'Although he had two large revolvers dangling at his waist, the man who had stopped the train, kill e'd Its engineer and terrorized hun dreds of passengers threw up his hands when confronted by a man with equal nerve. The death of Elizabeth Cady Stan ton removes from the world a great woman. Like all of the pioneer wo men who have labored to improve so ciety and elevate men and women she has been the subject of criticism and slight remark by the unthought ' ful. But her work has been fruitful and along down the course of time her name and reputation will brighten as the years pass, until hers will be come one of the most honored in the pages ot history. President Roosevelt has Indicated that he will ask for laws In his mes sage to congress beneficial to Western mining Interests and, especially, to the Alaskan fields. President Roose velt's action all through his admin Irtratlon has shown the benefit of having a man who knows tho West In tho presidential chair. He had traveled In the West sufficiently to see what she needed and has not neg lected her interests. His action rfT the irrigation matter resulted In greatly benefitting the West " and Northwest, and now ho Is looking af ter the mining interests. Many of the former presidents never saw this country. They only knew tho Nov England States, and were naturally warped by their surroundings. They first favor those, and that countrj with which they are most familiar. For that reason it behooves the West to ever look forward to the electiun of a Western man fi the presidency if ono who has seen the: West will do. m much for us. mie who lives In the West will do more. RECTOR CARNEGIE'S RE-' MARKABLE ADDRESS. I General Nelson A. Miles will be re tired next August, and General Young will be appointed his succes sor, acordlng to a statement made by General Corbin. General Miles has served his country well, and although tho mimlnlatratlon has seen fit to often criticise him and has reprimand ed him, yet it does not reflect on the character of the old veteran. It was always more a case of politics In volved than any short-comings on the part of the great democratic general "Mysterious" Billy Smith, ex-cliam plon middle-weight champion, who scorned to meet a negro In tho ring met one the other day on a ship in Portland Harbor. "Billy" runs a sailor hoarding house, and was at tempting to carry on tho accustomed wrrk of that class when ho ran against tho negro who Is a sailor, The nrlzo-flghter Is now trying to explain how It happened, but a ma jorlty of the witnesses say that the "Mysterious" man was so mystified by the undercuts given him by tho "coon," that he will probably never be able to get the straight of it, Cawley, the young maniac who mur dered his mother and halt tho mem bers of his family Is about to provo a Hon In the world. Ho v.aa an Inven tor and It Is claimed that an air brake which he had Invented prior to the deed has been adopted by all of Andrew Carnegie spoke like a very candid friend of the British people yesterday in his address as rector of St. Andrew's University. It was hopeless, he said, for the British people to fight against "mag' nitude in comerclalism." Illustrating his meaning he pointed to the -much larger production of iron, steel, coal, cotton and textile goods. Drawing upon exact figures, for which tho modern St. Andrew has a true Scotch man's fondness, he invited Britons to consider that their, manufactured pro ducts were but one-third as large in total yearly value as those ot tho United States: that the aggregate yearly value of British exports was also less than that of this country, while tho daily Clearing House ox changes at New York are nearly twice as large as those of London. From these and other correlated facta Mr. Carnegie concluded that even If the British empire were feder ated it could not hope to again have 'material ascendency" over all other nations certainly not over the United States, possibly not over Germany. Within 25 years he prophesied tho ex- haustion of Cleveland Iron-stone, tho basis of the British Iron and steel in dustry. Moreover, If Germany was to be kept from taking tho second place among industrial nations Mr. Carnegie broadly hinted that Britons must give heed to their twice-as-great consumption of drink and tobacco and Imitate the German people in their abolition of gambling. Furthermore, to Europe as a whole this philosophic and philanthropic cltlzen-at-large of the world addressed a warning fully warranted by the facts. Tho "United States ot Europe" must bo formed, an internal league of peace and security against war and the crushing burdens of war prepara tions, or else all the European na tions would shortly "revolve like so many Lilliputians around that giant Gulliver the American Union, soon to enable 200,000,000 of English speaking people and capable of sup plying most of tho world's wants." It la a long timo since a British university listened to an address moro replete with facts that Europeans generally and Britons particularly may profitably reflect upon. Now York World. Better Than Strikes. Astoria boasts of 17 labor organlza- tions nnd no strikes which Is lm measurably better than li strikes and no organizations. Morning As torlau. Wabash "I wonder what makes old Gotrox dress so shablly?" 'Monroe "His pride, my boy." Wabash "Why. how's that?'" Monroe "He's afraid one of hi? customers will mistake him. for one of his clerks." Chicago Dally New3 Winter Eczema OR TETTER Is one of the many varieties of that tor- tnentinir disease called Eczema. It slum bers through the summer and breaks out in wiuter. The head, feet and hands are the parts most often attacked, though it sometimes appears on other parts of the body, the sit in hardens, cracks open and bleeds, while the itching and burning is at times almost unbearable. Scratching only makes it worse, sores and scabs forrainc where the skin is broken. In this form of Eczema brownish white crusts sometimes SKIN CRACKS AND BLEEDS form which scale off in fine particles, leaviiigtheskin raw and inflamed. It is especially painful and severe when con fined to the hands, which often become so badly affected that the sufferer is unable to perform the lightest work. This, like all other types of Eczema, is due to acid poisons in the blood and not to local causes. The trouble is more than skin deeo. and washes. soaDS.powders and 3alves nor anvthine else applied to the surface can possibly do more than soothe the burning and itching or relieve tempo rarily uie llinaniniiiuuii unu piu. It is the acids thrown off by the blood and which are forcing tuelr way tnrotigu the pores that cause the skin to harden, crack and bleed, and produce the jrnta tion ana soreness, S. S. S. neutralizes these acid poisons and cleauses t lie oiood of all irritatiutr sub stances and humor-, and does it cromotlv and effectually, S. S. S. purifies and invigorates the thin acid blood, and builds up lue .entire sys tem ; then the unsightly eruption and sores heal, the tkin becomes smoom ana sott, and all signs of the Eczema disappear. Our special book, on Skin Diseases free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. sss IRVING ON MUNICIPAL THEATERS Sir Henry Irving la the latest add! tinn tn the already well-filled ranks ot tho railroads and that this will make the municipal ownershlpof everything ., TOti mltllonntrn Instead of party in taumuuu, ivt moumoioi him a multi-millionaire, insteau or J , M hQ ke warmly for being crazy at tho timo ho committed t establishment ot a municipal the- tho horrible deed It is now ciaimeu ateli that he was asleep, but ho will put in , the plea of lunacy as a defense. Mul- In the course ot his speech Sir IpeensiuS ant Real Estate... For Sale Beauaful residence property on Court street, two lots and dwelling, $2,500.00. Resldenco lots, well located, at prices ranging from $100.00 to $250.00 each. Boarding house and ono lot 14 rooms centrally located, $2,500.00. Boarding houso,19 rooms,$l,900.00 Ono lot with dwelling and stable, $700.00, Ono lot and house, $600.00, Two lots, dwelling C rooms and stable, $900.00. Ono lot with dwelling of seven rooms, bath and sewerage, three blocks from Main street, $2,500.00. And much other property, all on easy terms E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street Ladies' cotton hose, regular ioc, for one day 3 prs. 25c Misses' cotton liosc, regular toe, (or one day 3 prs. 25c Boys' heavy cotton hose, regular 17c, for one day, . 3 prs. 40c Men's cotton socks, regular ioc, for one day, : . . .3 prs. 25c" MlLSWi1l(y Ladies' ribbed fleeced cotton underwear, . . ..25c a garment Men's heavy ribbed fleeced cotton underwear, 45c a garment L-31 Comforts, regular 1.35 value, for one day, $1.10 Cotton blankets, regular $1 value, for one day 85c Woolen blankets, regular $4.50 value, for one day, .. .$3.95 J 9 1 Millinery, all grades, 20 per cent off of the regular price". Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets 10 per cent off Calico, all colors, 10 yards to ono person, . 35c Gingham, apron check, 10 yards to one person, 40c LL house lining, 200 yards to one person 5c a yd. We want your business. We can save you money. Pi A 77YPt Where WMie HA M Families Cam Trade Prazer Opera louse Baker & welch A Beautiful Story of the Present Day, Depicting Love and Pathos, Hate and Passion! TIE CONVICTS BAUGITEE The Metropolitan Production An American Story of Thrilling and Heartfelt Interest, Embellished by A Strong Cast ! A Story From Life ! Startling Scenic Effects PRICES; Lower Floor 75c, Gallery SOc, Box Seats $1 WANTED ADVEUTISRItB TO MAKE USB ot these classified columns. If yon hare somethlcg yon hare no use for, offer to trade It for something that come otbtr body may hate and liave no use for, some thing that rou mar need In rour business, You may bare an extra hone that you may wish to trade for a coir or a rehlcle. Some body may bare the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A 15c or 28 cent want ad will probably do toe business. Foi POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES -OAIiTi ON- Colesworthy AT Tllh- CHOP MILL 127 ami 129 East Alta Street IN THE LIGHT ot our eperlenco In carriage snd Uuiiuen wsgon selling-, wa do not lietllate to say that we have fairly well learned tho needs of our customers-ureitnt and prospectlre. Look as lone as you like, teit as long as you please you'll find our output to be all right this day be next day, eyery day. Our Winona hacks are Just the things, well made, good looking, eusy to ride In and stronc We have tops for all kinds of buggies and ensh! Ions and dashes for hacks. Oet our prices on wagons, buggies, backs catti, gasoline en gines, plows snd saw mills. NBAQLE BROTHERS Water St, aear Usla, Peadletoa, Ot. Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Conrt Hnusr . Joseph Ell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARNESS-SADDLERY 0 8Af H AT THB BAST ORBaOMAN ..in?-0!' Urge AlPd.lM newspapers, coo Ji nl3,s. 100 b, can b ob tained tor 25 cents bundle. Mia All kindsrionnj Sash, Door, J Planing of ill a to otder. Don't nlar. Building Material , consulted us. Pendleton ft 1 ROBERT roWTUj MURPHY'S IS Glji If you have pa Hanging or d want done in 1 then come.'to oj. .1 Our prices irsl but low. Let us I you. E. J. Mi Court Sb Clearance AT BASH BargalnE Stoves. ware. G Prices cat to make the f move rapidly. al bargains. in and uw Baslets I have ! competeit' to locate Valuable Timbet Claims OnttellnJ now iw Thin Mat" forlW1 N.Beri Have son I sale. -fOB-J Wood. Delivered f r...in the"" paicu cles. nam u s"y isr