East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 28, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    trip; nml then If ho should over re
turn ho . would possibly return a
wreck, strlpt of nil ambition, and'
then nn easy victim of tho snilor
Tht is,v..
boarding house keepers mid their
henchmen, tho masters of vessels."
It is a
1 1
I Tie Tjhf
ii iiMlilML
jj BMinger,
1 1
W. It Garret is In town from Hal
W. F. Bennett is in town from Pi
lot Kock.
R, 13. Brown, a Walla Walla ctti
sen, Is a guest of Hotel Pendleton.
J. M. Garrison, of Forest Grove,
was in town Monday meeting old
E. h. McLaughlin and wife, of Som
mervllle, are in Pendleton visiting
Attorney Will M. Peterson spent
Monday afternoon in town on legal
H. Hessel, proprietor of one of
Weston's liquor bouses, was in town
on business Monday.
Mrs. C. li. Davis and daughter, El
ma, of Alba, were guests of Uie Gol
den Rule hotel last night.
Miss H. Susman, employed in the
Boston store, is -enjoying a visit from
her mother and' brother from Astoria,
H .Walters and wife, of Ellensburg,
passed through town last night on
their return from the Eastern Oregon
Umber belts.
State Fish Commissioner Holly Van
Dusen passed back through town this
morning on his way to his home aftei
a visit to the Grande Rondo salmon
H. L. Pittock, business manager of
the Portland Oregonian and one of the
founders of the paper, passed through
town this morning on his return home
from a trip into Eastern Washington
Chris Lempke has returned from
his eastern trip and rays he has
about given up the idea of leaving
Umatilla county to make his home in
the East
Dr. B. E. Perkins and family left
this morning for their new home in
Washington. D. C. The many friends
of the doctor and his family regret
to have them leave Pendleton, but all
will wish them success. Dr. Perkins
has been government physician on
the Umatilla Indian reserve for the
past several years and now he goes
to take a position on the government
pension bureau staff.
The Most Exquisite Odor
Ever Produced in a Per
fume is
We are handling the cele
brated late perfumes manu
factured by Alfred Wright
and Madame Butterfly is
one of them. Call and get
a sample
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, 6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn.. .. $4000
Good house on West Alta street... $1100
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
1 , 1 .
irom oriagc
lwo hvc-room cottages on West Webb bt., each $ 800
Dutch Henrv Feed Yard
n .i l , ,j -1 .
uuuu yruueriy in ony ana country too numerous 10 mention, any
location that one may desire.
W. F. E A R Nil All T,
Stand Hard Ware
Always Look Well
Are Stylish
Always Give Satisfaction
Wilsoi k Comply
Good Shoes Cheap
W. H. Babb is in town.
Charles Mathows is in the city from
Pilot Rock.
Mrs. Li. A, Clarke and father are in
town from Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hons Sltruve. a farmer liviui:
eignt miles norm, is in Pendleton to
Newt Cooper, an old friend of W. V.
Ulhorn, is in town today from Star
S. A. Cameron, a subject of Great
Britain, has applied for citizenship
Manuel Almcda. formerly a citizen
of Portugal, has applied for citizen
ship papurs.
L. W. Carnihan, reuresentiuu thu
Piano Manulaclurtug Co., is u guest
ot Hotel SL George.
John Luhrs, a young farmer and
stockman from Stewart Creek, near
I'lioi itocK, is in town.
Miss Mable Nye. who has been auite
seriously sick lor the past lew days
is reported considerably improved
Threu caia of cattle will leave the
W, & C. li. stuck yards this evening
anu three cars tomorrow evening tor
Miss Eva Switzler .of Walla Walia.
arrived in this city last evening and
spent the night with Miss Mabel Nye
and lett this morning for her home.
Mrs. Dewey Hand lett this moiniim
for Portland where Mr. Hand hu3 lo
cated and is going into the lau-id y
A, B. Noble and Maple Bros., have
taken their cattle trom ine uiounUins
to the Cdld Spring district lor win
ter feeding.
Frank Blair, formerly in" tho dry
goods store of Lee Teutsch, has pur-
cnaseu a grocery stock in Weston,
where ho has gone into business for
Dr. J. A. Best, of Weston, came to
Pendleton Monday afternoon intend
ing to return in the evening, but tho
mixed train pulled out and left him
hero over night The doctor was at
the depot but as the train usually
pulled out from tho north side of the
depot Mr. Best remained on Uiis side
while it pulled out on the other side.
He only realized what had happened
as tho trgin was pulling out of sight
Many Ranchmen 200 Miles
Rely Upon Pendleton
Base of
W. C. Chapman and L. (. Watter-
bury left this morning for their homes
in Susanville with two four-horse
wagon load of supplies. Tho gro
ceries were purchesod of F. S. Youn
ger & Sou and (he dry goods of tho
Boston Stou These two loads con
slsted of almost tlOO'J worth of goods
and shows thft Pendleton Is deriving
considerable benefit from tho Interior
Trade is coming to Pendleton from
as far into the interior as 200 miles.
Not long ago Younger & Son sold a
bill of $200 worth of groceries which
were taken from here to Burns. This
is only one instance. Hardly a day
passes but that one or more four
horse loads of supplies are loaded by
Pendleton merchants for tho Interior.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to mo must settle by Octo
ber 10th or their accounts and notes
will be placed in the hand of an at
torney with Instructions to collect.
900 x
1 a . 1
Shanghaied, Robbed, Beaten and
Placed In Irons by Sailor Boarding
House Keepers and Foreign Mas
ters. Speaking of the row between "Mys
terious" Billy Smith and his gang on
tho ono side, and tho sailors on tho
other, In Portland yesterday, an old
sailor snid to nn East Oregonian rep
'Among tho many nuisances and
cut-throat holes In the seaport towns
and cities the sailor boarding house
stands out preeminent for scenes of
rascality and bloodshed. Tho aver
ago sailor boarding houso proprietor
is not nearly so good as tho burglar
or highwayman. Tho burglar uses
some Industry at least to break Into
n houso or blow open a safo ami the
highwayman displays some nerve and
takes some risk, besides, u he does
not get anything he permits his vie
tlm to go his way.
"But the sailor boarding houso man
possesses 110 such virtues as these,
From tho time tho ship nrnves ho
prays upon the unfortunate slave of
the high seas until the ship's depart
ure. But this is not all, he sees that
ho does not carry away one cent ot
his earnings, be they for a year or
live years before the mast. And this
is the smallest of his sins. No
stranger who falls into his clutches
is exempt Ho will shanghai the best
as well as tho worst This ho has
often done and is doing every day.
Of course, he is a little more can
tious now than In former times; but
the Ignorant are still his victims.
"Unsophisticated young men or for
elgners drift into the cities in search
of work. They are met by a smooth
talker who would do something for
them. A few drinks are administered
socially, the victim is drugged If nee
essary, articles are signed by him
or for him. He is told that ho his
signed for a short, easy voyage to
some nearby port. He goes, aboard
tho ship and that ends the work of the
bollor boarding house keeper.
"The. victim may be carried to the
most distant country. Ho is compell
ed to scrub deck, climb tho mast,
work like a slave, and when he
reaches his destination, in one year,
two years, or longer, he finds that
he has not the means to return home.
The consul of his country is applied
to, but a common sailor has no stand
ing and no one believes him. He
may get transportation back home
and he may not. The sailor boarding
house keeper is the tool, the real
criminal responsible for all such out
rages. It is not a one-day, or one
instance cited either, but the work is
as regular as the coast towns and
cities as the ships come and go.
"It would take a book to tell their
methods and recite their crimes.
They are as varied as they are numer
ous. Tho victim is often attracted
aboard ship through curiosity, as all
like to view the majestic conqueror
of the deep. Once aboard they aro
guarded more closely than any prison,
er was over guarded on land. There
in tho scuttle hole of a ship they aro
placed in irons old-time irons such
as slaves wore in olden times, and
they arc compelled to wear them until
far enough away from land to prevent
any possible opportunity to escape.
"It is fun to the sailor boarding
house keepers and the brutal masters
o ftho ships, their henchmen, but hu
manity pays the penalty. While the
laborers of the land are finding relief
the slaves of tho sea are wearing the
same old yoke, made heavier by the
increased amount of labor placed up
on uiem.
"They Bpeak of mutinies at sea
The mutinies are usually tho rising
up ot human beings who have been
driven like galley slaves, half-fed and
nair-ciad, to work in storm and burn
ing sun until human endurance Is no
longer possible and who strlko one
last gasping blow at their tormen
"No wonder sailor boarding house
Keepers are discredited, They aro
among tho blackest spots on modern
civilization. They should bo
scourged like fiends. If all were tied
to the yard-arms of a rickety old ship
and sent adrift to sea, and the sea
gulls should prey upon them until
ueatn snouiu relievo them, they would
not nan way pay the penalty of their
"The ideal llfo on the high seas,
and the real one furnish the great
est contrast within tho scope of men.
Tho rollicksome, fun-loving sailor,
smiling at tho mermaids, in a mvth
Thero aro exceptions of course, but
in iuu miijoruy or cases he is a slave
1 rum me time he leaves port until he
escapes irom tho vessel. Tho com
mon sanor is compelled to scrub
uecit, pomeistone deck, paint deck
sand-paper deck, scrub it again, pom
eistone it again, paint it again, and
so on day after day, when ho is not
engaged in heavier work. If he gets
oca uib ui3K is maae mor oner
ous; If ho Is unablo to stand ho is
kicked and cuffed until ho Is cured or
laid out unconscious; and then for
this he Is locked in the hold and put
on bread and water; If ho resists, it
is chains and bread and water
"This is tho llfo of the average
deep-sea sailor, who happens to fall
Into the hands of many foreign mas.
ters. Tho young man who has a hank
ering for the sea, would need but ono
But Instead Shot the Man Through
the Head Was Playing the "Tell
Cold Harbor Springs. Oct. 2S. The
coroner today hold an .Inquest on tho
body of John Volkman, a harbor who
was accidentally shot and killed Sat
urday night on tho stage of tho Thes
pian hall by Charles Melnlt. n member
of tho traveling medlclno show. Ono
of the star features of the show was
Mefnlt's feat of shooting nn apple
from the head of any person who
would volunteer to became n tar
get Volkman had offered to allow the
applo to bo place on his head. Melnlt
began shooting nt a distance of about
20 feet Tho first two shots failed to
hit either tho applo or the man, hut
tho third struck Volkman in the fore
head and he dropped to the stage and
died within an hour. Melnlt was ar.
rested and held on tho charge cf man'
Mrs. Flndley Deserted Husband After
Three Months Wedded Life.
Charles W. Flndley has filed suit
against Jennlo A. Findloy for divorce.
They wero married In Michigan July
1901, and on tho Bamo day of their
marriage started to Oregon, arriving
In Umatilla county a day later. In
October of tho same year, after only
living with him three months, plain
tiff alleges that defendant bought n
ticket without his knowledgo for Chi
cago and since that tlmo he. has been
unable to locate her. Ho alleges fur
ther that her sudden departure was a
great surprise to him as sho left with
out causo or provocation nnd that lie
had always been a loving and affec
tlonnte husband. Will M. Peterson
Is attorney for plaintiff.
Town Football Team Will Challenge
the High School Team.
Pendleton will have a football team
which Is made up of boys around
town and will not bo connected with
the school teams. This team Is com
posed of Earl Borie, Mark Moorhouso,
Will Hessian, Berkley Halloy, Leo
Drake, James Myrick, Frank Downey,
Tom Mllarkoy, Sol Baum, Ralph
coon, Koss Carney, Clarence Penland
and Harry Taylor. The boys have
not named themselves yet, neither
have they selected their respectlvo
positions on the team, but they are
putting in all the tlma they can In
practice and expect to bo In trim
within a few days for a game. They
contemplate challenging tho hi eh
school team for a game in the near
future. The boys are all husky young
teiiows anu tney will give tho high
school a tussel which thoy will not
Another Brick Building.
T. C. Taylor, tho hardware man, is
removing the old wooden warehouse
building In tho rear of his store and
masons have commenced work on the
foundation for a brick warehouse.
The new building is to extend back
to uarden street and connect with
the rear end of his present store
building. Its dimensions are to be
60x100 feet
! Cordevan
Is one of the best wear.
I ing leathers made for
We have them plain and
iitouc Willi
: ' Plain. $4 00 a nnir
: : Enameled, $5.00 a pair
!' Nothinir lmttpr fnr ir-n
iW aw A. Ull
and Winter Wear
Other kinds at
other prices
TO C08T $7,000.
Mr. Roesch to Build a New Plant on
Court Street Will Have a Capacity
of 60 Barrels Dally.
Pendleton Is to have a now $30,000
browing plant in oporatlon within tho
next fow months.
Tho plant is to bo on Court Btreet,
Just cast of tho Roesch brewery sa
loon on tho present site of tho old
Roesch Browcryi Mr. Roesch has been
considering new Improvements for
some time nnd recently employed ar
chitect Howard to draw plana for the
new building. It is to uo uuiu ot
brick, 50x80 nnd will cost $10,W0. Tho
building will be two Btorles high -vlth
a basomont and will bo furnished with
the very lntcst In tho way of machin
ery. Tho lco machino alone will cost
$7,000. This Is calculated to keep thu
building cool and tho machinery for
tho manufacture of beor vIU cost
$2500. In addition to this all tho par
aphernalia will bo now and the total
cost of the plant and building will
run up to almost $30,000.
Tho plant will havo a capacity of
50 barrels dally, or 1500 gallors. Tho
lco plant will turn out 15 tons dally.
Whon completed Mr. Roesch oxpects
to havo ono of tho most up-to-date
plants in tho state.
America's Famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Erup
tions, Blotches, Sores, Pimples.
They don't havo them, nor will any
one, who uses Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
it glorifies tho face. Eczema or Salt
Rheum vanish boforo it It cures
soro lips, chapped hands, chilblains.
Infalllblo for Piles. 25c at Tallman
& Co.'8 drug Btore. ,
Take Laxative llrcmo Quinine Tablet. All
druisUts refund the money It It falls to cure.
K, W. Ororo'i tlgnatuie la on each box. 25c.
ct inir CTM
Suits worth $12.50 elsewhere, Our Fricejia
lvemcmner we nanuie me Lcieoraieu d. nw
We' give absolutely free, a good watch, with each
set and wind, and a trood time keener.
WJ p fi -n ilprt ohmititirt li a haot linn rtf I tPms T
Goods in Pendleton. Nohby line of Gent neck
The creations of our millinervrstore are the v
adept milliners, who keep in touch with thefaS
centers, They are not crude affairs got up ttj
at a Drice." The collection is now in its H
Coni2 and learn what is novel in milling
season, and if you buy, to buy what
New VJj.lc
and evMo
wire tav ..
K e ot tlio i
, t lump. im. .
VW1 ill
Drink A I,.
Take Yot
W000 buji 7J0 cru, a
water. "
1700 bu7iKicrri;
14000 bUTI 321 irr... inn ,.
unute ui uay on all CI
nnurr, wuu ml DDI a r
as one could nlib,
iui una oi Day irauMhli
ball ol tame aUalia Tali
i asieep wiia rasca.
Doltom una.
irom rtnaieion. '
ADjimng rou wmiutoii
one acre.
lAi nuc. iu u, limp hot."..
Real Estate
22.00 " 10
'" I Illii