15 ilness Ca ds and Societies E88I0N8 AND TRADES. ALFHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ' 7 nvYVCV. IN JOnD ""J? NEIOHKOnB OF AMERICA ;2tEi.H-rs 10 1 to 12 a m.: "dwood Camp. No. 53S3. meet second oacf tin. rl 3T1. J.d..foarth Tnesday of each month In Odd ; telephone l JT Fellows' hall. Mra. Ida Holcomb. Oracle;! TT ' nBSPAIN BLOCK. Hrttl. nobblna. Reeorder. f,. fltted for refractlTe ? . Secret Society Hall, tecond "T Main 1131. B?'J.,fourih T,0?'!'1" ,n each "'" All rne, Main .m-"- Xta'"n Sir Knlghti cordially Inrlted. J. rnfnroFFIcnpVF.lt TUB S. Kees, Itecord Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, jatlnp l"n!r Te'eP"one. 30 i Commander. ,ftn. Main 301 PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 62. A. P. AND HLD M. P- "2"EOVATJ,L9 M- meetB fln,t n1 third Mondaya of iarjeon. Office In Jndd each month. Visiting brethren welcome, "Shone? OIH, black 73; T. J. Tweedy. TT. M. ; Joe H. Parkea. Bet .'m.vaiPtAvTvn l'ENDprrON CITAPTEn, NO. 28 T. C U nOWB. "P,1,,? uTl''"' P- T.. P. P. Wamsley, .ecretarj! matt, room,-'". '!'' bu,,,yn: Mt flrat and fourth Friday of eack Rl BeeUmce 'phone, black month In Masonic Hall. 1 rTnU 17 AHROCIA. AMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIOHTSn Off fcADIi R0OJI?J AH HOCIA- Pythias. L. W. Held, C. C. : n. W. 1 Wepjn"'', maln 031 refll" Tletcher, K. of It. and 8. Maeta every Monday In Secret Society Hall. rSPlS eye"?ar,CJe rjUNWOODMEN 0F7mERICa7- E-i'hf Salinas Bank bnUd Tntnllla Camp, No. 6300. Meets tint C?h Ml and th,rd Mondays of each month at Odd F1" 1JI' Fellows' Hall. Geonre A. Hamblln. Coa- fc rriVSICIANB. DH8. "': O- A. rtobblns, Clerk. fnrt Office one block west K, WOODMEN OF TOE WOULD REGULAR L meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 1, W. EllLAKKRI.KK, CHRONIC of W. are held In Secret Society Hall k dlaeaaes and diseases of every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh- iHotel Pendleton, Cor. Water bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, b, Pendleton, Ore. 'Phone Clerk; A. J. Owen.'C. C. DENTISTS. ATTORNEYS. ilAN. DENTIST. OKKICB IN fcr. 'nione rea (i. "nB.VTIST, OFFICII IN AB- k. one Hcnmiats new drug lied 271. IS AND BROKER8. ON'AL BANK OF ATHENA. lapltal, ?.w,w: surplus anu flifii and l"n!"tlo etclinnicp r.,nt y ifipnuoii co tienry sMent: T, J- Krk, vloepresf. I narnett, cashier, r, B. I.e t cahier. HAILKY A LOWELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offlceln Despatn Block. BALLERAY A McCOURT, LAWYERS, Asso ciation Building. CARTER AND HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Borings Bank Bulldlnt. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. KI!S' BANK OF WESTON, legem. Does a general bank Exchange bought and sola. oromntly attended to. It. ldent: George W. l'roebstel, J. it. Kiigore, caimer ; ni Hartman, M. M. Johns. T. Uraw. J. F. Kllgore, Robert l'roebstel. ETON SAVINGS HANK PKN teeon. Organized March 1. Il $50,000: surplus $00,000; ! on inte cliMioslts. Ex ami so'rt on nil principal ral nlt'-ntlim given to cil- J. FurnUb, president J. N. Kldent: T. J. Mori la. caahlei. iaiilitant chler. lO.NAL RANK OF PKNDLE- lal $70,000; surplus. 03,000. Renerai Danxinz busln-3. Iii- tclciraphlc transfers sold on trancisco. e' York and ti in thi Northwest. Drafts Ina, Japan and Europe. Makes reasonao e terms. Levi An il! W, F Mstlock, Tlce-presl- -Je, Ciiaier: IX. F. Johnson, lis- . BERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE. Building. LAW OFFICE IN JUDD STILLMAN AND PIERCE. ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Btlllman has been admitt ed to practice In United States patent of fice and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms, 10, 11, 12, and 13 Association Block. HOTELS, HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm. THE WONDERS OF NATURE. "Don't you love to gambol on the green?" Uncle 35enas Nopeyl I tried It when I wua In ther city last wlntsr and tline want notnin' doin' but rsd an' Mack I HEARD IN WESTON. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt DInlngroom Service. Every Modern Convenience. Bar and billiard room in connection Pioneer Dead Field Corn Good An Only Three BlOCkS frOBI DeOOt. Exciting Accident, GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Joimnou StrecU, I'eudleton, Oregon. Kolly, Proprlotor. ICTS AND BUILDERS. llID, ARCHITECT AND SU It. makes comnlele and re'la- IballdlnRs In the cltv or conn iT'Judd HiiKdiiiK ICOLE, CONTRACTORS AND luHmntes furnUlihl nn short rwork a speclaltT. Prompt i on Bluff street near Main. CONTRACTOR ANU BUM.D- Hits TurnHhed on all kinds mnent walks, stone nal.s. etc. m Kat ,)regonlnn ofno? LIVERY AND FEED STABLE8. THE OLD BEMPLE PEED YARD," 723 Cottonwood street. Lindnaj A Doty props. Llrery, feed and sate stable. Bad die horses at all 'time, nonet) for aal. 'Phone Red 41. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for One turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. COMMERCIAL STABLES, O. W. FROOME Prop. Llrery, Feed ana Hoarding. Alt kinds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op posite Hotel Pendl-ston. 'Phone Main 101 OREGON PEED YARD, W. T. BOYNT0N Prop. Special care glren to horses left with me. Lower Webb street 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. i'fTK WHITE LODUINO HOUSE. 01 South Main street. M. T. Bradlej, prop. aoasekeenmc rooms ana lodaine rooms. flood comfortable rooms and eleaa, wall Kept beds. Lodging 29 centa. I0T0GRAPHER8. LEAniNO PHOTOOItA. I cltr. ITarvest views, ln- t! sale. Finishing done for m U., near bridge, 'Phone IfRICM. SUPPLIES. P- COURT STREET. LA i uvtneliBi, dealers In elec- vS 'tores, wired tor - Will ft. .lAnl. r,i-- I. 'u.s Oct our nrlccs. BMPIltR LODOINO IIOU8E, CORNER OP E. Court aad Johnson streets ; goods isrfre. clean rooms with comfortable Deal Rates 25c and 00c a night Thoa. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND .Mill streets. Board br tie day or week. Good table set. Ratea S4 and J5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard in connection. L. Neff, proprietor. BOOT AND v'HOE REPAIRING. L. GRKENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First class repalrlnc with beat materials. 8hoD In rear of Dlndlnaer. Wllaon 55 Ut BUINE8S. nOTTTONWOOD i All ""t ktt . ,-t. "aims an mi - v, I bolMin. . ... """'.coiiectlous, t, win in. carriages' Pl'fe' AND VERY P 'ad Jaa a it V-,ne nnD:' ! Comm..!?;, s; . McKay, prons. -"'n win rail WkTkhwik. "la lis i.?AAKK' PROP. nat 1D front of lND DEALERS. !-SW.IBCOND p isiort. pii ..lr- -urt at.. Jf there iT nriMr,rZ. - eoo ot. AND SUPPLIES. SALE. JOHN WILBON, PIRST CLABS 8H0E maker and repairer. Reat material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta street FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED nO08EKKEPINO rooms and tingle rooms. 719 Colleen street, opposite court, house. Mrs. Alice binitn, J'rop WANTED. WANTED NIOELY FUBNISI1ED ROOMS FOR bonsekeeplng. Apply at this office. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON MACHINE SH0PANp"f0U.V. dry, Baltezore & Howe, proprietors. Black smithing and general Jobbing. Iron and braas caatlngi. All kinds of machinery repairs. Phone Red 26. KBLLAR BROTUBR8, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates furnished tree. Wo guaranteed. Leae orders' at JJadley at banner's cigar store. Main St., P. O. fee IV. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER cameta. on sheWea. walls, or for wran- Dlng DurDosea. Old newsDanen In larca bundles of-100 each at' 23 centa a bundle at the. BAST OHKQONIAN oOVe, Pendle ton, uregonr ' MEN AND WOMEN. Um Bin O for unnataral UckauM,lnftnmtlpU, trritattona or aloratlou ui u iirhut. oi macoua ruiauxu. I Pmui, duiuiu Palaleja. sod cot ulna- 1th E EVAU S OH UICJ 1 09. gent or poisonous. aois or SJriEUaBSS nr ment In BUtn wntMl br oxpreu, pnpald, tot 31 .00. or 3 bottlea. UTJ. Circular aunt oa truest. -L Cn.T "i"ow Vail at thlaoffloa. ITYPK aMSMHEjk Standard "remedy lor Gleat, benorrhoja and Runnings IN 48 .HOURS. Curoa. Kid ney and Bladder Trouble!, (K) CONNUBIAL JOYS are greatly enhanced by finely laundried iinuns. We can add to the sum of domestic hap piness in this respect. Can't be beat at laundry work. Do up your shirts and collars in Ai style. And you'll then have a "bosom friend" (that'll give you comfort and pleasure. Special attention to collars and cuffs Finest work. Low est prices. Satisfactory service THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY F. Robinson, Prop Pendleton M. F. 4LsHKrjfljHiHF ffjjHrrfSsVT FOR SALE One of the most comfort able homes in Pendleton, Electric lights, nice lawn and shade trees, stable for two horses A half section of fine wheat land, all in summer-fallow, north of Pendleton, Good improvemtnts. Almost a section of land in one body, a short dis tance north of town. FRANK B. CLOPTON 800 MAIN STREET Jesse Mplton, an Oregon pioneer, wuB burled Sunday In the Weston cemetery, services being: conducted by Rev. W. S. Payne. Mr. Melton had been confined to his bed lor several mouths and his demise was not unex pected. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Winn, northeast of Weston. He was C7 years of age and well known all over Eastern Ore gon, where he had a host of friends. He leaves two daughters and one son. nis wile Having iiieu several years ago. I People of the Weston territory arc in-iiiuing io rurn meir attention more each year to growing field corn. inis is getting to be quitf a crop and Is being used for feeding pur poses. C. W. Courtney, proprietor of the Weston Meat Market, has pur chased the growth off 30 acres from Ed Simpson and Henry Waddlnghnm, and will fatten his beef cattle on it. Mr. Wandllllldinm'K rnrn vlplrloil ar. I bushels to the acre. Mack Cockburn experienced a very jxcltlng runaway a few days ago. He waB coming down the steep grade near the Biggins place with a four horse load of lumber when the bind ing chain broke and let the lumber sude off onto the horses. He could not Jiold the team and rolled off the wagon to save himself, preferlng to let the wagon and horses ttke care of themselves In such a predicament luiuer uiiui risn nis own neck oy . i m n t staying with them. Tim team made Special Attention Given louiftTy Trade a break down the mountain and piled up In the ditch at the foot. When Mr. Cockburn reached the wagon he could not see the animals and thpught they had broke loose and gone on. After a closer look, however, he dis covered them In the ditch completely hid from view with lumber. One of the horses had a broken shoulder. but the other three were only slight ly scratched. Mr. Cockburn was not injured. Aiuton swaggart, tor 15 years a raiser of fine blooded hogs, was In town from his ranch. Ho said that he finds bloooded hogs very profita ble and will have almost 100 head to turn off in a few weeks. A football game has been arranged to be played In Weston November 1, between the Weston normal team and the Walla Walla high school team. amd union Pacific DirAar roa Chlcago I'ortltnd Special ao p. m. tI Huntington. Tlmn Sclmlttlo From I'oniUototi rsoK Bait Lake, Dearer, Ti, Worth, Omaha, Kan, hi City, St. Loula, Chicago and Eaat. Fait Lake. Denver, Ft. . u. i, , v ,1, i u n, Anil- aaa Cltjr, St. Lonls, vnicago ana sjut. Atlantic Express i ftitia ta. I tlallunt-' lngton. Bt Panl ' W,?"?'J1-If.r,11?,on' Fait Mull , Bpoksno, Wallace, a-uaVm runtnan, Mlnnespo sa.ta.in, ii.u. n'i niU Tia i :i- - -.-"i A';"'"' Spoksn. IMl.1 U:10 i 5!M p. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates aub 8 aid m Jict to change. ,., swp. m. r,r Ban Francisco P.". Ball ererj 6 days. i"T)aTlT " BanaV Columbia Rlrer !00 SNOp m. ToAatorla and War Sundaj Baturdar Landings. logo p m. Wlllmnottn Hlvur. Boataleare rnrtland dally, except Buadar, (atage of water permitting) fur Wlllamelta an 4 Yamhill Hirer points. Leave j Lean Itlpnrla Bnske Rlrer Lewlstoaj 4Ma.m. Rlparla to Le wlaton TM)a.sa. Dallr ' Oall ' ExcptMonl Kxcpt Mca V. r. WAM8LKY. Agent, I'endUtoa.,, HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BV ELECTRICITY AniiTlcnii J'liiu, rnteH91tSiS tuV'-i.OO iiuruuv. Kuropean l'fiiu. KOc, 7 in, SI. 00. Hpoulal mteM liy-weeli or inontli. Free 'bus meets all trains Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. gsrWWVVvVVWVVSAM OTTO MIESCKE...; Formerly of Portland, Or. Wishes to announce that he has taken possession of PERRY HOUSERS - MEAT MARKET on Court Street Where ho lis ready to serve the people of Pendletou with the Choicest of Meats, Saussages, Lard, Bacon, etc; Your Patronage Is Kindly Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed Georgia Veterans In Reunion, Columbus, Ga. Oct. 28. This city is gay with flags and bunting iii honor of the Confederate veterans of Geor gla, whose fourth annual state reunion is in progress. The gathering was formally opened at in o'clock this morning with a large attendance of veterans and their frlmds. The vis- Itors were welcomed by I.. C. Ivy. speaking for the' local societies, and by Captain Peter Preer, on behalf of the Sons of Veterans. To these ad dresses response for the visitors was made by General C. A, Evans, division commander. The remainder of the opening session was taken up with reports, committee appointments and GEO. DAilVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateu European Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American I'lan. 13 tcr day aud uuward. other routine business, interspersed KK!St KftSffiSSTSS'JKl. with selections of music. This Lf tor-1 eentlrmeu The uiauacrmcnt will be ulc.K-d noon waa irlven over to brigade meet-1 t all times to show roouia and give prices. A noon was tien oyer io uuj,uue meti modcru Turkith batheatsblUhraeot In the hotel. IlifeO mm i cuitiuuQ v Ifttiwuo I J i. JJUWItKKj MSUager. panles and regiments. Tomorrow i ii l will take place the annual parade. Babbitt Metal, best In the world. In which promises to be of more than bars. Price $1 ner bar. at the Eaat ordinary interest owing to uiu largo oreaon an Offlca. ; number of participants. RUNS Pullnuiii Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Curs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. sr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DCLTJTH JKAKQO -GRAND FORKH UROOK8TON WINNEPEQ HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK' BOSTON aud all points East and South fbrotuh tickets to Janan and Chins, rla Taooma and Northern facing Btjoahlp C. and American Una. TIMB SCHSDULB. Trains leaTS Pendleton dallr azcsDl Suadas at 1XO p.m. For farther Information, time cards, aaaM and tickets, call on or writ W. Adams, dleton, Oreton, or A. 1). (JHAKLTOH, rnira ana uorriaon hu rortiana, UT. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kam bah uuy, mi. joe, unutiia, una All Points liflst and South Portland and point on the Sound TIMK OAKD. iMia fendleton. dallr nocU (nudare at 10. pin. Arrlre Pendleton Moudaj, Wednesdar aad PrldayiatMpin. Arrlre Pendleton Tueadsr. Thunder sjaa Saturdar lOK&aio. Leave Walla.Walla dallr, saat bound, f Ml pat, Arrlre Walla Walla deify, west bound, aaa. For lnlonnatlsn resardlna rates and -- - modatloas. call on or add reas 8. B, OALOKBHKAD. O. P. A., nana nana, it aaa. PENDLETON- UKI AH STAGE LINE bTUBDIVANT BUOS., Prop. BUae learee Pendlaton dallr. aacaot Bandars. at 7. iii. .for Uklah and Intermediate petals. aatesi io nioi uoca, 7001 rnoi ataca ama re lnrn.ll.asi ToKre. 11.2a. Mrs and return. Ml To lildfr, II 76! to Uldje snd return, r; a0 T Alba, tlMl toAlbaandrelnru.M.OOlloDklali K.W! to Uklah and return, in. Mflc la Golden Rule Hotel, PctidWt Venezuela's Independence Day. Caracas, Oct. 28. Today was Vene zuela's independence day, the anni versary of the birth of Simon Hollvar Owing to the disturbed political con dition the celebration was less gen eral than has been the custom, about I tho only observance In the capital being the decoration of the famous liberators tomb. MANHOOD RESTORED Tlili Kreat Vetf We VlUilur.tbeptHnrlpuoaof afiuuiaslTreoehtibrtltlan, will nvtcklroijmjoa atl nerrousor (unfASt-aoi ibe seucwure oryiuis, aud. u a.$ affkuio4a, sumaiaa am um nMH,iiniuai mui iwiuai, arrvvui ifcaiin;, x-iwp VnllUuiiloMarrr, KahBuallaa; Uralas, TarlriM-ols ainil C'unatlpallaaa, It atopauli loaiuibr liar or lilrlit. WpVKQtaaulcLifiMSdf Aiacito.it wLlrli If natriums: ed leada 10 Bnerinalorrli una and all the horrors bf Imnou-ner, Vl'III'IIi:ft KcleaiUMttia llvfr. IIia Li.liwtvii sml Ihl, l!,r Hr 9 nrt.n, tit sll ImrutHilM tf-lTUf hMH mtrnMihama and restores small w&if nmnnm. - ' " TbereMcouauffereia areiiot cuied br Docton,IsUaaMMpercntr troubleJ with Prosiatiltia, OuHIOKNi: the only known rriziMl to cure without a vperuti'jn. VW IctUnioiiutla. A writtaa ruanuitee alrnu and iconry retnriu! u SixaesUuveuot tffost a pemaueot core. ILbaa boatfMIMw r mall. Bend for vkk rrulr anil lentlnioalul, ' " ' ' Addreas JAVI MV.HIVIVK I'o.. p o. ilox S07il.fcUo PraJre. fUl. SOLD BY TALLMAN t CO., DRUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON. 19