East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 28, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Boys' Clothing and I
Two piece suits, $1.50, $2, and $3
Three piece suits, $2, $2.50 and $5.
Norfolk suits, $3 to $5.
Boys' long pants suits, age 10 to 20, $4, $5 to S12.
Knee pants, a great variety of patterns, to
select from, 50c to $1.25.
Sweaters, 50c, 75c to Si. 50
Suspenders, 10c to 25c.
Shirts, white and colored, 50c.
Shoes, $125, $i 35 to $2 25.
Underwear, per garment, 35c to 45c.
Hats, 25c, 50c 75c to $1 25.
Caps, 25c to 50c.
Our Lines of Furnishings and Cloth
ing for Men and Boys is the Best
in the City.
One Price Clothiers, furnishers and Hatters
No 729 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
FIooils auil earthquakes are report
wJ from Calabria, ntetl ami Umbrla,
in Italy.
The French cruiser D'Estres lias ar
rived at La Guayra, to protect French
interests in Venezuela.
Coal Is aow being rushed to N'ev
Tork i ngreat quantities and the price
has dropped to $0.50 a ton
It is rumored at Washington that
Kear-Admiral Walker will head the
United States canal commission.
The laborers of several large glass
tactoric sat Pittsburg struck for a
' 10 per cent increase in wages Mon
day. Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minis
ter to WishlugtoL, has been ordered'
onie to take the position of minister
f commerce.
member or the Minneapolis detec
trre force was sentenced Saturdiv to
three years In the state peniteit'ary 1
for bribery.
In the district court of Colorado
Springs, Col., a legal battle is raging
for possission of the estate of the
Ute W. S. Stratton.
At a giant temperance meeting held
at Boston Sunday, Lady Henry
Somerset and Iter. Henry Sanders, of
.London, spoke in favor of district op
tion. At Williamsburg. N. Y.. a scaffold"
in& erected for the purpose of aiding
su the construction of a high chlm
aoy, gave way anil three men were
A. H. Paget, son-in-law of Whitney,
the noted American millionaire, lost
an eye through being accidentally
ahot while hunting In England Sun
day morning.
Mrs. Mary Ayres, of Fort Collins,
Col., has been arrested and will face
a charge of bigamy tomorrow at Lara
mie, Wyo. She Is claimed to have
four husbands.
Indications of a serious car tar
Ine throughout the country are be
coming more and more pronounced,
and the outlook is causing no little
General Miles will retire under the
age limit next August and it Is an
xounced that Major-General S. B. M.
Tcung will bo the next lieutenant
swieral of the army.
The repair shops of the Philadel
phia & Reading Coal and Iron Com
pany, which have been operating on
half time since the beginning of the
coal strike, resumed on full time
Monday. Nearly ltuu hands wero sus
pended owing to the strike, and moro
than 800 of these returned to work.
large numbers in the river and are of
the white, black and speckled varie
j M. J. O'Brien, traveling out of Port
land lor me implement house of Rus
sell & Co., was arrested at Spokane
Sunday and is held on a charge of
embezzling money belonging to the
firm. The sum of $305.50 Is known to
bo short.
The bridges on the Columbia North
ern are built as far as Swale Canyon,
and the road Is in even- -way prepar
ed for the rails to that point, which
is about 25 miles from U'le. The first
load, of rails for the new road was
brought up by the Regulator lino Fri
day evening, and the work of putting
them In place will begin immediately.
Two of the Alaska Packers' Asso
ciation steamers arrived at San Fran
cisco lately from Karluk, bringing
employes 'and salmon. The President,
nine days out, brought a cargo of
6348 cases of salmon, and the KadiaU
had on board 23 employes from the
Karluk canneries, which have been
shut down for the season. The ship
Star of Russia is now on the way with
80,000 cases of salmon from-the Kar
luk canneries, and her arrival, with
that of the ships Oriental and Balc
littha, will end the salmon receipts by
water for the season.
Judge J, H. D. Gray, one of Oregon's
oldest pioneer residents, died at his
iome in Astoria Sunday evening, tho
result of a severe attack of grip.
Tho Oregon Farmers went down to
defeat before the University of Wash
Sngton by a scoro of 1C to 6 Saturday
at Seattle.
Tho latest development in the
MItchell-FuUon combination Is that
Senator A, A. Booth, of Lane county,
-irlll bo backed for tho presidency of
-tho Oregon senate.
Salmon trout are running up tho
Sandy River towards the Bull Run
fa schools. Tho trout are seen In
Hotel Pendleton.
J. A. Klklmm, Po.th.ml
Mrs. G. D. Simmons, La Clran.l.
J. H. Bryant, Pueblo.
Thomas Spencer, St. Louis.
O. S. Yoiingman, Portland.
G. Y. Harry. Portland.
Julius Garst, Worcester.
J. D. Gulllam, Boston.
A. Openheimer, San Francisco.
R. B. Brown, Walla Walla.
A. Clayburgh, Chicago.
D. Shults, Spokane.
Fred Olsen, San Francisco.
T. Sunderland, Sheridan.
P. S. Norton, Seattle.
W. D. Chamberlain, city.
A. D Chase, Portland.
"William Maher, Portland.
J. H. KJoeckner. Portland.
H. F. Herwig. Walla Walla.
W. H. Peatross, North Yakima.
J. P. Wilfong, North Yakima.
E. W. Dooly, North Yakima.
The Golden Rule.
F. P. Stauffer, Anderson.
J. J. Klllgore, Muscatine.
S. J. Klllgore, Muscatine.
J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove.
Mrs. C. B. Davis, Alba.
Elma Davis, Alba,
Mrs. McLaughlin, Somervllle.
E. L. McLaughlin, Somervllle.
R, R. Kimmell, Sumner.
H. Walteis and wife. Ellensburp
A. George, Portland.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
C. D. Rinker, Spokane.
W ,R. Garrett, Halsey.
J. W. Stover, Baker City.
Ray Stout, Portland.
G. B. Saunders, New Bridge.
M. W. Briggs, city.
Miss Eastman, Chicago.
W. N. Campbell, city,
D. Blackmore, city.
W. F. Bennett, Pilot Rock.
Frank Wolf, Spokane.
Supposed to Have Left Town Satur
day Nlght-,Not the First Time He
Has Been In Trouble.
Nothing has been heard of V, E.
Finch, the young man who forged
four different checks Saturday even
ing, sinco he stepped out of the' St
George saloon nbout 7 o'clock 'that
same evening.
Finch is a young man whose pa
rents live here and Is well known
While he has not lieen a criminal,
and was not looked npon as a young
man who would attempt to commit
crime of such a great offense as ut-
terlng false checks, he has been In
several different little scrapes which
got him into trouble. Saturday even
lug he went round to four different
places and got checks cashed. The
first place he visited was the Golden
Rule bar, where he bought a glass of
beer for himself and a mend and
tendered a check for $7.15 as pay-
mcnt. The check looked genuine and
was cashed without a word and Finch
got tho change In cash. Then ho
went to two other places and cashed
checks, one amounting to $7.15 and
the other to $11.15. At each place he
bought a glass of beer for himself
and friend and got the rest of tho
check in cash, his victims knowing
him so well that they never once
thought they were being made the
victims of a hold-up.
The last place Finch visited was
the St. George. Here ho bought the
accustomed drinks and tendered a
check for $16. It was cashed without
a word and he Immediately left tho
plnce. This was the last time he was
seen by anyone In town. It was just
as the W. & C. R. train was leaving
town and It is possible that he board
ed this train and left town. No sus
picion was felt about the checks until
Monday forenoon when Mr. Kelly
took his check to the bank to get It
cashed. There he was told that the
paper was worthless nnd ho immedi
ately informed an officer and had a
warrant sworn out for the arrest of
Finch. Ho had two nights and a day
the start of the officers by this ilmo
and his whereabout now Is not
Finch's parents are considered
among Pendleton's best people and
nis acts are uncxplalnable. A tow
months ago he got into a serious
mixup here and it was only for the
Interference of his parents that he
was kept from Jail. He was working
for Julius Oardarlan in tho country,
and stole a pair of trousers from his
employer. He was arrested and the
trousers found and returned to the
owner when the matter was dropped
and Finch allowed to go. His last
offense is too grave to be smothered
over, and If he Is apprehended he will
undoubtedly get to serve a term in
the penitentiary. He Is a young man
not more than 19 years of age.
Crushed Under Falling Log.
Walla Walla, Oct. 28. John Maicy
was crushed to death by a falling log
at Big Meadows, 25 miles east of
here, some time Saturday. Only mea
ger details of the accident are obtain
able. Tho coroner has gone to the
"Hello" Men In Session.
Louisville, Ky Oct. 28. The Ken
tucky Independent Telephone Assoc!
ation and the Independent Telephone
Association of Indiana began a joint
convention In Louisville today with
telephono men present from nearly
100 cities and towns. The meeting is
of moro than ordinary interest from
the fact that steps will be taken to
merge the two associations on a work
ing basis, and ultimately to make con
nections with associations in other
states, thus spreading the field of the
independent companies over the en
tire country.
To Avert Famine.
Manila. Oct. 28. It Is believed that
President Ro6seveIt's order permit
ting foreign vessels to engage in
coastwise trade through tho Philip
pine Islands will relieve lmediately
the insular freight situation and will
lessen tho cost of rice, In which arti
cle a famine Is threatened. The civil
commission Intends to act at once on
the president's order, hoping thereby
to avert suffering among tho poorer
people of the Island.
"Universal Baby" the Theme.
New York, Oct. 28. In the Inter
ests of tho Universal Baby several
hundred women gathered today la the
Hall of Education on tho occasion of
tho oponing of tho Statq Congress ot
Mothers. Tho congress purposes to
spend threo days discussing baby's
necessities, from requisite spiritual
.discipline to his proper food and phy
sical education.
Play Golf
We are headnuarters for
everything in athletic goods. i
uuu is the latest sport,
we have the Clubs and the
Balls, also all kinds of
Games for indoor and out
door sports. Ping Pong,
Parlor Croquet, Hand Ball.
Tennis, etc.
Foot Ball Goods of
Book Store.
Goes Like Hot Cax.es.
"The fastest selling artlclo I bavo
In my store," writes Druggist C. T.
Smith, of Davis, Ky., "Is Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Pmifrhn nml Holds because it always
cures. .In my six years of sales It has
never failed. I havo known it xo savo
sufferers from throat and lung dis
poses, who could get no help from
doctors or any other remedy."
Mothers rely on it, best pnysiciauB
nroanrllir. If nml Tallmau & Co. guar-
nntpn sntlsfnrllon nr refund Drlco.
Trial bottles free. Regular sizes.
50c and $1.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar Itewanl
fnr nnv cflaa of Catarrh that cannot be
cured oy nans i.-atarrn uure.
F. J. CIIKNIIY 4 CO., Toledo. O,
W. tho nnilenlirned. bare known V. J
r-hnnv mr the mutt IB years, and belluve
mm to De perieciiy uonorauie iu mi umbi
neas transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WKST .1 TltlUX, Wholesale Urugglsts,
Tnlwlo. O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal!?,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surrace or mo system, reaiimoniais seni
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
nail's Family nils are tne Desi.
Good, Fresh
and Cl
Are Groceries when you order them from
We pride ourselves on the,satisfaction wp n;
'1 w- give oarc
We want to remind you that now is the ti
Grapes, Malaga and Concord. Large 10 &
apples, plump and sound. Wo receive French
lettuce, fresh every day. For Sauerkraut, sweet via
pickles leave.your orders with us and you will-vet
k II T T AT T Ik f
A new uencacy, i,HlitiSE. It's certain J
Cool the Blood
In all Gases of Itching
Burning Humors
1 with the
While Cleansing the Skin and
Scalp with hot baths of CUTI
CURA SOAP und henllnj; the
Raw, Inflamed Surface with
Complete Treatment, $1.25
Or,8oAr(t$c.i Oi:T:rT. Kllyit.CCc. Sold
vcrywhrrt. l"uTfK D. a. 1 C frev iioiton.
Tambourets, stamped
ready for the point
Such as nut bowls, toilet
sets, steins, clocks, card
trays, tie racks, picture
frames .....
Shumols Skins, As
sorted Colors ....
.reliable Dkua usrs
R. MARTIN, Propr.
t Ttir? TT7KTTT E"TVKT A ' ""1
Offers! College Preparatory Course
Business Conrae
Teachers' Coarse
f Takes all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates n J
$ Graduates taking 127 weeks Supplemental Work can 1
Certllleatea on same ba-ns iw Normal Holioola Rill term 0
teiulier 15. For catalogue addrtfs
I F.L. FORBES, D. D., Prtocl
I Wood, Coal 1. Pendleton,
and nay ;
Exclusive agent for the celebrated-
Gov. Test 122 over Rock Spring and 278 over RosIjJ
Mr im P. P. COLLIER & CO, SSd
Give your children a thorough business educ&tion. I
The Pendleton Business Cum
Offers an opportunity to educate your children mil
them lor the buttlo in the business world. 1
send your children away to a business col- jj
lege wnen ronaieton atiorus an insti
tution us thorough and com
petent us any.
Conipetent-tenchors with all modem devices for instrai
uig. lhe courso inpludes Bookkeeping, CommH-J
cial Law, bhort Hand, Typewriting and all
that goes to make it first-class. Par
ents, call ut the Pondloton
1 'usiness College and
H. N. ROBINSON, LL. D Prin. College on CoutSlal
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
iriv i.n nir of luxury to uj
ment that nothing eto.Ml
and they permit a twcijj
rangentent tuaiprevt-Tj
We are showing W
ment in rich and irtWM
$5 to $50
Wall paper and mWq
Undertakers 0 )l
always on
Machine Repairer w
Pliant Mto'
Js reached in BYERS BEST. Better flour cannot t'
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byets
Flour, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and fi
Pleasure Drink '
Polydpre Moens, Proprietor J
f If fit I
II I Mill III. II I V""'
mm. xl mMJ m m mm m m mm