East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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MONDAY, OCTOnKn 27, 1902.
: PARTY Dress
Should be made according
fo the latest fashions, and
should be a perfect fit. We
make a specialty of making
hobby dresses. for swell social
functions. Art enters into
our work.. Bear in mind we
do all kinds of dressmaking
on short notice,
ED. EBEN, Propr.
Cash Grocery
I invite you to come and
see me when you need
groceries or baking. I
have purchased the Rci
man Grocery and Bakery
at 636 Main street where
I will conduct a strictly
cash grocery. My plan
will be to give you more
for your money than you
can get elsewhere because
I will give the cash pat
rons the benefit of my
saving on bad debts.
Well Cooked Meals,
With a splendid ' variety
of eatables are served at
Cooper's old stand,
Main St., Near W.&CR. Depot
Are You Looking for a
Home or Good Investment?
640 acres, Stock or Dairy Farm, all
dark rich soil; 600 acres excellent
timothy meadow; balance in open
Umoer ror wcou or lumuer nnu saw
UUUilHUi Hill DllUUgD WIU UCCA) guv
ernaient'iand joinini;: fences house and
bant; poatofllco and school one-half
nine, .race iu per acre.
160 ticrta, Stock Ranch, five and one-
laair nines rroin .renciieton; creeu runs
Acrofisr CO acres irrlcratincr land: in all.
100 acres for grain. With small outlay
an excellent num. Price. $2350.
600 acres, Stock and Wheat Farm on
Birch oreek 10 miles from Pendleton;
TO acres alfalfa land; 800 acres summer
fallow; 100 acres pasture; 5 acres excel
lent orchard; good spring, cellar, apple
cellar; six room house and barn; pleas
ant home. $0300.
A new grocery store, 2 lots, fixtures,
fresh stock, in all, cost $2500; will sell
for $1800. A great sacrlUce.
Oflice in Postofllce.
U. 8. Supreme Court
U. S. Patent Office
Trids JUrki and Coprrli nu
TOO 7th Bt N. W., WashJnaton, D. C
nrni r rrn
Gowns of Black and White Taffeta-
Brown Stands In the Forefront of
Fashionable Autumn Colorings,
New York. Oct. 27. To bo well
gowned tills season requires moro
than money and taste; it requires
Nothing Bhort of genius will enablo
a woman to distinguish between the
many wonderful gowns shown and se
lect those whoso stylo and beauty
Ml remain proof against the changes
of the season.
Never were tho modes so changea
ble as now. Even the tallor-mado
gown which at the beginning of tho
season showed few traces of the Eton
effect are returning to this feature
as a trimming and the profuse elab
oration uf Rdvnnce-iumimri frocks has j
given away to a simplicity almost
These youthful creations lose noth
ing in cost by their absence of orna
mentation, however., for the lew
tuUChes of trimming that aro used
aro selected from patterns just novel
and raro enough to bring them Up to
the required standard of luxury.
With musicals every afternoon and
matinees sandwiched between the
fashionable Gothamltu finds herself
particular In need of afternoon frocks
and separate bodices Just now.
The eccentricities and caprices of
fashion And expression to the full in
the fancy bodices prepared for' the
season. The softest, sheenlest and
most graceful fabrics are employed,
because a material which does not
lend Itself to the draperies and folds
Of the day finds no favor with the
ultra-smart women.
Some of Uo simplest waists have
only a yoke and collar of- race laid
over pale blue, cream of pink crepe do
chine and the effect is becoming in
Others are trimmed with tucklngs.
or bands of velvet rlDoon, without
any tract! of .lace.
There is scarcely any fashion that
holds its own bcter than the blouse.
This Is pretty when it assimilates
with the rtst of the dress or has an
accompanying jacket, but in vivid
contrast to the shirt, tho harsh junc
tion line at the waist is anything but
There Is creeping a most unbecom
ing fashion of wearing a short jacket
showing a full mouse beneath at the
waist and the sleeve ending above the
elbow and exhibiting only the blouse,
the sleeve extending from the elbow
to the wrist. This Idea is pretty for
demi-tollotte, but unsuitable for out
of-door wear.
A well-made gown of black and
white taffeta stands out in bold relief
in such company. It is cut on the
cross with soft flouncings at the hem,
intermixed with pyramids of tiny
tucks, headed by a waved line of lace
Insertion, Vandykes of the same lace
appearing below the waist and accom
panied by a bolero with a cascaded
flounce and a largo cabbage bow on
the front' of the bodice.
A very dainty conceit for afternoon
wear is an adjustable collar of brown
silk cord passamcntario and delicate
rose chenille embroidery fastened
with dangling ornaments and tassels.
It is not an expensive detail and com
pletely transiorms a plain waist into
a dressy bodice.
In point of service there is nothing
to equal tho tailor-made gown.
Whether he material used in Its de
velopment be expensive or not, if tho
dress Is carried out upon artistic
lines, It is apropos for almost any oc
casion, certainly for any day function
where strict formality is not required.
Brown, in all the darker shades
stands in the forefront of fashionable
autumn colorings. A smart '.allor
suit made In wood brown cloth with
clinging effect attracted attention at
a recent matinee. Tho skirt was
made with a yoke from which depend
ed nnc plaits. A panel, made of hro-
derle Anglalse, worked In cream silk
on brown taffeta ran down the front
from the belt to the bottom of tho
skirt. The plaits extended well over
Physicians Prescribe
it for their most deli
cate patients. Old and
For Bale by
tno belt, which was of celery green
Cream cloth formcu the collar on
which there were several rows of tho
same colored green bebe ribbon. The
sleeves began .10m tho neck and at
tho elbow wcro very oouffaut, tho
ci.tr being finished ou in broaorl An
It may seem almost Incredible, but
it is nevertheless true that so much
stress Is laid upon tho sleove this
season that It actually makes or mars
a toilette. Its variety has never been
equalled In the history ot dress, lucre
enn not really be said to bo any change
In tho general outline, which is that
the sleeve be tight fitting from shoul
der to elbow, whore tho graceful bag
ging begins, but this is tho only
feature of similarity. The fullness
below the elbow is caught In at tho
wrist with a long or short cuff or
gauntlctt as the fancy chooses. Ail
sleeves have a most coquettish nir,
and at the same time thoy are grace
ful and picturesque, becoming alike
to stout and slender figures.
Black hoius Its own despite the
furore tot the season's new colors.
A very chic pxloaa gown ih n
faced black cloth, anu houC" abso-
lULClJ 111111 Ulli 11 iwtb ttlV i0
Biervellle, It is of a cut that stamps
it as Parisian of tho highest order.
A lovely black silk and worsted
braid almost covers the entire gown
in a wide-open device g.ving long
lines to the front, and finishing at
each side In triangles relieved by
railing fringes of silk, the uouice
braided en corselc a bright touch
given by the glint of the gold galon
rnllnr nnil Cliffs Seen tlirOUgll the
strands of fringe which encircle them
There is a nerfect craze on
Gotham for worsted cmbromerles, and
U Ih wonderful what a style they im
nart to the simplest gown. But thoy
required to be applied with tho great
rst taste and discretion. Oriental em
broideries are also much In demand
ami the hanny possessor of real Jar
ancse and Chinese -embroideries can
not do bettor than have them arrang
ed on their autumn gowns if they tie
sire to be ouite a la mode.
Of gowns of cloth the Kusslan and
Hulearian embroideries aro euecuve
wnile the new braids and galons are
associated with tweeds and friezes
A dark blue fancy tweed was se
lected by ono ot -Now York's society
mntrnna s.i 11 1 im for Eurone recently
The sk.rt had a flounce sun-ray plait
ed at interva.s, the upper part fitting
closelv in nine 1 bands.
The quaint bodice was arranged, in
folds slashed on each side over
brlcht tartan and strappings" of nar
row velvet, the tartan at the back
finishinc in two long sash ends,
black chenille tie drooi-ing from the
Over this gown was worn a dark
blue traveling coat, Its deep turn-over
collar and reveres of white cloth
richly braided with white silk braid
and tassels.
As the season advances wraps
all kinds grow prettier and seem to
take on the elaboration eliminated
from gowns. At the theaters some
extremely rich contect.ons are seen
One particularly chic, has the top part
comnosed of heavy Irisn lace, rep
resenting a hood, and where it falls
over the shoulders there is a nana 01
sable. From the shoulders depend a
nlaltlne of rose velvet and this opens
over two narrow ruffles of moussellne
outlined In sable. The low collar is
of sable, fur tails finishing off tho
neck fastening. The entire affair is
built on a' founuation of rose mousse
line tucked and putted, with a ruffle
at the hem. Almost every wrap
trimmed with fur, and the more ex
nonsive the trimming, the smarter
the wrap.
Roosevelt Is 44 Years Old.
Washington. D. C. Oct. 27. Presl
dent Roosevelt Is 44 years old today
and. according to the custom of the
family, the anniversary will be ob
served this evening by a dinner in
which the children will participate.
The nresident's birthplace was at No.
28 East Twentieth street, New York
Cltv. While ono ot tho youngest rul
ers ot nations. President Roosevelt
Is the senior of several. For instance,
Nicholas of Russia is only .34 years of
age, while William II. of Germany, is
a vear younger than the president.
Queen Wllhelmina, of Holland, Is
young enough to be the president's
daughter, having been born as late
aa 1880. Kuanc Hsu. emperor of
China, has but 29 years to his credit,
while Sultan Abdul Azziz..of Morocco,
was born in 1878. Tho khedlve of
Egypt is only 28. King Carlos, or
Portugal, Is another who Is junior to
the president, having been norn in
1861, while his near neighbor, Alfonso
of Spain, has not reached his 17tn
birthday Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, is
still another, he having first seen the
light in 1801. Aloxander, of Servia,
is quite a youth in comparison with
him. however, having been born In
1870. King Edward VII, or Great
Britain, Is one ot these called n young
ruler, but he Is a grandfather and is
17 years older than President Roose
Paris Dock Laborers Resume Work.
Paris, Oct. 27. The dock laborers'
central committee Saturday night Is
sued a circular ordering a general re
sumption ot work. This will end the
strike ot the dockers and workmen in
various other Industries which was
begun in sympathy with the striking
Chances for Democratic Success In
New York Are Excellent Improve
ment In New York Police System
Relief to Wall Street Gamblers
Given by Secretary Shaw.
(By Special Correspondent.)
New York, Oct. 27. Any attempt
to predict Just now what the outcomo
of the election next month will be
would bo Idle folly. It Is certain, how-
over, that tho contesting parties aro
leaving nothing miulono to win vic
tory for their respective sides. Re
publican managers are trying to make
political capital out of tho fact that
Mr. Coler, the democratic candidate
for governor is making no speeches.
while their candidate Is discussing
tho Issues of the campaign with peo
ple In every part of tho state. Thoy
forget, however, that Governor Odcll
himself in his first campaign for gov-
??tiov did not gp upon the stump. Ho
made very few speeches, and spent
most of his Utile nt work In the party
headquarters. The speaking candi
date has not always been the candi
date, as has been shown In many pre
vious campaigns In this and other
On the other hand, In spite of the
fact that the strike Is over ,tho re
publicans have hard work to offset
the effect that It has had on the peo
ple, and the democrats arc taking the
best possible advantage of their gin
barrassment. Tho 250 speakers put
on the stump in New York county
have been carefully instructed on the
way they aro to present the issues to
the people. Optimistic views of
things must predominate. Special
emphasis must be put on prosperity
The case of tho coal strike Issue will
be met by telling of the efforts made
by republicans to end it and reference
is frequently mside to President Baor,
of the neadlng railroad, now popularly
called "Divine night Baer," as a dem
ocrat, to show how his influence
against the miners prevented an ear
lier settlement of the difficulty.
Although the Mollneux trial has
entered upon its second week, public
interest in this young man ot wealth
and social standing, who became en
tangled In one of the most sensation
al criminal cases on record in the
country, does not wane. Whatever
the difference of opinion there may
exist regarding the guilt or innocence
of the charge of killing Mrs. Katherino
Adams by sending her poison through
the malls in a bottle of bromo seltzer,
popular sentiment Is a unit regarding
ins aged father. And that sentiment
Is profound pity. General Molineux
has certainly done everything in his
power to save his son. He has spent
a lortune In his defense and has used
tho influence of his own character
and business standing to extend the
number of his son's friends. In fact,
he has made himself the central figure
In this celebrated case. The en
strangement which has been said to
exist between the prisoner and his
wife for some time Is no longer de
nieu anu anus another sensation to
the case. What the verdict of this
the second trial will be. it Is Idle to
conjecture, but General Mollneux has
hopes of his son's nequittal and abso
lute vindication of. having had any
pan in tue unfortunate affair.
in these days of luxurious llvinir
anu eiauorato entertaining it is noth
ing unusual for the covers nt a big
uinner to cost llfty or a hundred dol
lars each. At tho dinner of tho Cham
uer ot uommerco to he held next
month, the former price a plate will
be asked. If there is an attendance
of 500, the total outlay or this feast
or commerce will be ?25,000. There
nave ueen many private bannueta.
representing a greater cost, hut only
one puunc nanquet. That was held
nearly 20 years ago on the ocmslnn
oi tne Yonttown celobratlnn. Thai
was also given by the Chamber and
the assessment on each subscriber
was it must i.ot bo supposed
that all this money Is nnont for fnn,
and wine; only a small nart rr it i
The great cost represents the expense
ui uuiei mining distinguished guests
uum uuroau. tne nroiinrfinn nf .m,iL
nir menus, memorial medals and the
like. The coming dinner or the Cham
ber will be probably the most notable
Let Us Do
Yotir Hauling
VVe do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
&enry,Feed Yard- co""r
West Alta and Lillith streets.
Hay, grain and all kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
In tlm lone lino of Its bauauets! tiiW "
the illnnur coinnilttoo Is nofrea'dy as! . The p'ae iS
yet to niniounco Its program! " i . Weston ls amon ti fl
S..- luw"s in Oregon laJ1
The successful raids which have;?,11140 educational S
lipnn mailt! on the irnmlillnn- linnnna nfls'rn Oreznn o...
the city within the past few weeks .. n.thl? Part of tvf "
aro not only important In tliolr Im- " ,R"unaai iumiJ
"system" which Iibb so long been im-!,,. "M- Youca.
1 . !., I li, ! I "UUUlng BUB nn .
Iiil'Kiiuuil:, ii. id ii l iiioL iicuii nit ill ll'wntnr i .. ""'fflUtl
vulnerable spot. It is believed that ' trees ,, T ?lk' &
tho mills give promise of a now order' apnkin . R loif fipn?
of things and it may he asked whether I Z ?B. leant homT,
""l uc. ., cVa.' ! 'LTL0-, Improvement n0
i I i. I """"l VUllLUr JT.IJ-. " s
iicucii null urtuiii A ijrvi a niluUUO- ' 'TKiB
1 . .. , I. .. .1 ....... .. 1 t I
slon to tho
iiuiimj uMiiijiuauiuilur-
ship. When Theodore Roosevelt was
police commissioner ho gained much
valuable Information by going Incog
nito through the city to watch the
conduct of tho patrolmen. The new
deputy commissioner, who Is unknown
to the policemen has adopted tho
same tactics.
The relief measures provided oy
Secretary Shaw of tho treasury have
been very slow In their effect upon
the money market. His offer to pur
chase bonds, being under tho mnrkct.
lias had no beneficial effect. Tho ac
ceptance by the treasury department
or approved securities for deposits,
instead of government bonds is ha'v-
Ing some practical effect, however,
for more than $6,000,000 in hlgh-grado
Issues have already been tendered.
Unless unforsecn developments occur,
though, monetary condition will show
no Improvement until ntter Novem
ber 1, when extraordinary demands
tor money will hnve ceased and cur
rency will have begun to return from
the interior and grain exports occur
in sufficient volume to dopress stor
ling exchange.
Mr. J. Plerpont Morgan is experi
encing dally the discomforts or great
ness- Every day a throng or reporters
either invade his office or stnnd on the
sub-treasury stops opposite and watch
every person who enters or leaves
his banking house. Mr. Morgan is
not in love with the idea or his office
being one or the "show" places ot
the city, but this is a question in
which ho lias absolutely no say, for
his house is one of the first to bo
sought by persons visiting tho city.
Blight's Disease and Diabetes
Positively Curable.
They are curing Brlght'a Disease
and Diabetes In California, The por
centago ot efficiency (recoveries) In
theeo hitherto incurable diseases
averages as high as 87 por cont. The
details or the Investigation and dem
onstration ot the new compounds are
so conclusive that wo nt onco sent
tor a bundle or the reports and for
the now treatment for urgent cases
In this city. Call or send for one of
tho reports.
F. W. SCHMIDT & CO., Pendleton
Esparaijtis Spreagei!
Water Street
Farmers Custom Mil,
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Cnpacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Fml. i Ihrvmw.H
always on hand.
Btriol t4hnMto t mrHw m to wm&T v1 '
Marie urIm --- - ,,- iiii..niTnrl Otf 1
1 M ll
m km f mm Hm imU. QwlHr hwrw watj.
Vatk and WuHlBj-toa
you arn RnnlHno- fh f oftrlna in
Rngs, Portiers, etc. We have some new novelties w.
uu uoi. o, outi tut) jiiiuquux umi"
Furniture Store near Pontofflce
Gray's Harbor
Opp. WiftC. R,t
When getting figMJ
others on that lumber J
yours, don't forget ta
..l. ub. we carrJ
siock oi an kinds of
Building Mat;
including shingles, dos
dows, moulding, screa
ana windows in facte!
thing that is found in J
class lumber yard,
Formerly of
Portland, Or.
WlBhes to announce thithl
taken poeswslonof '
on Court Street
"Where he ls ready to lentil
people oi renmeton mil
Choicest oi Meau, tm
Lard, Bacon, tic;
Your Patronijeli
Kindly Solicited'
Satisfaction Gum
Your Place
Is alwavs readv.atf
There is a variefy-of
ing and excellent Im
bill of iare. nvc
served by couiteoos i
tentive waiters.
The French its