8 ! 1 H TRY ATWOOD'S CASCARA COMPOUND The surest and safest remedy for regulating the ac tion of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels For Constipation Brock & flfficComas DRUGGISTS &i'22'iE"5i"5? WlMWIWPW IWPffl I II ! I III iimlTl MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1902. , . . . . , t It may lie true or not true thatj diamonds have been discovered neari Burns, in Harney county, but tliflt county has greater wealth than dla - .nionds in her stock and hay-raising. With Morgan attending the exer cises at Princeton University and Carnegie instructing Europeans in the art of war, these great gentlemen may yet turn their nttentlon from looting the people to educating them. The nerve of the three cowboys who. attacked Buffalo Bill's army of rough riders at Houston, Texas, the other, day, 'is to be admired if they did mis-, Judge their ability. Buffalo Bill's show, is not made up of tenderfeet, itself, and the cowboys were not long in finding it out. It 'has been suggested that Hoose- velt.and Mitchell may be made the'(;ratlon reaze u Alrea,,j. tlle ,,, I i I. . nAnMnnnf running lesm lor uw .o.u...w and vice-presidency of the republican party at the next election, it is not stated to what political patty Mitch ell ties his faith, but that would make but little difference in these days of political--wonders. The head that wears a crown novel rests easy. Though King Edward was received In London royally, and all nations were represented, the po lice were as thick as hops to keep away the anarchists and did arrest one whom they claini"d had a bomb, Since the assassination of President McKinley anarchists have been scarce In this country, at least they have been quiet. If it is true that immigrants have been encouraged to pass through Eastern Oregon on to the coast, a great wrong has been perpetrated by those guilty of this act. It does not hurt Eastern Oregon so badly as it does the Immigrants and the institu tions that persuade them to pass by ns. When those immigrants find out what they have-missed they will never forgive themselves or those who per suaded them to go on to the coast. Most of them will drift back in the course of time, however, and Eastern Oregon has not so grave a cause after all for complaint. James Hamilton -Lewis, of the statt of Washington fame, who struck Se attle from .Georgia In .the early days. Joined the logshoremen's union, afterwards made a reputation as a lawyer and orator and represented that state one term in congress, was defeated for the nomination to con gress from the state of Illinois last Saturday. Lewis' eccentric manner of dress and general pecullaritieo brought him a great deal of notorie ty in this country, as well as wherever he has beon, but after a'! he is one of the ablest orators in the country and an unswerving democrat. Illinois would not have disgraced her self had she honored him with the position as congressman. The fellow who arrived in Pendle ton a few days ago from tho East without a coat, found that he needed one badly shortly after he landed. He had doubtless read the prospectus of some wildcat scheme sent East and thought this country was a continuous round of -summer. When asked why ho did not bring a coat with him, he said that he did not think he needed It In this country and he gavo it to a friend back East who lived in a cold climate. It Is well to advertise the country, but It would he better to ad. Tcrtlao It truthfully. Thero Is enough good to tell about It without delltx;rate!y misrepresenting It, Thero TOnilTi ITf ill Mlfflim ifl l Tl fr HmnA 111 mn 1 rifaBtft '1 it f ffl li ffgaiMrlffrWif ' - W Trf"7 ' It Has no Equal is not enough truthful advertising dono of this country's resources iny $ " Many people are ignorant oC what tnu . liave an dare as badly misled from j hick of Infornmtion as those who have been stuffed with "misinformation. u has gotten to be a hobby with all - ) towns, cities and sections of the West 'to hold themselves out to the world as the place to come. Every Individ ual section urges some reason why it is tile best. It Is a sort of mania with Western people. It is on the order of the boom craze. Seriously, when one conies to look the matter squarely in the face, there is not s"o much necessl ty for the people of Eastern Oregon to worry. The average citizen, has good neighbors. He is not so isolated that he is cither lonesome or suffer" ing tor company. Good locations are not lying around loose nnd suffering to be taken up. Hut few citizens are anxious to sell out. The country is gradually settling up with a good citizenship. It will be crowded at this irate before many .of the present gen ( , attracting neonl., heJ.0 Nfiws conRs fnm A,agka t,ml tho people who rushed into that conn. try and have become disappointed .are looking to this countiy for a home. Many who have succeeded tliate also intend settling here. The rainy coast country, the difficult task to c'0:r the heavy timber lands there, manj things make this section a preferable one for a home. It is well to encour age immigration nnd to extend ail good homeseekers a welcome hand but there is no use of getting excited over the matter. Our light cannot be kept under a bushel. Immigration will come soon enough for all. PLATFORM OF MONTANA DEMOCRATS. "Wo, the democrats of the state of .Molilalia, in convention assembled, pledge ourselves to a continuing loy alty to the principles of 'the demo cratic party as .enunciated at the tlonal convention held in Kansas City, July 4, 1900. "We heartily approve of the law providing for the reclamation and irri gation of arid lands, and recommend such further legislation as will ef fectively extend Its operations. "We favor such legislation by the congress of the United States as will prevent the ingress of vicious and evil disposed persons. "We favor the speedy construction of the Isthmian canal. "We are In favor of the strict en forcement of a Chinese exclusion act. "We are in favor of throwing open to settlement of such portions of tho Indian reservations as are not abso lutely needful for the use and care of the Indian tribes within this state. "Wo are in favor of such change In the constitution and laws of the Unit ed States as will result in the elec tion of United States senators by di rect vote of the people. "We are in favor of such action by state and national legislative and executive authorities as will most ef fectively prevent forest and range fires, and preserve the same from de struction and waste. ,. "Wo declare that wo approve of the eight-hour law passed by the last democratic legislature and approved by a democratic governor, and pledge our party to enforce It and retain it upon our statute books. "We hereby deolare our continued opposition U all trusts and monopo lies, and declare our belief that tho present tariff laws of the United States are calculated to anu do breed monopolies and trusts, and wo pledge our representatives In congress to the enactment of such laws as will pro vent the origin and growth of thuso evils; and wo denounce the republi can parjy for its vacillating and Iu sincere courso upon this important subject "Tho holding In subjugation of peo ple under the sovereignty of the flas without extendlDR to them their .con stitutional rights Is an Infraction of .. -mj I "''WMl1 I t I grawiirnn-iir-irrafl lamiw inaw pui mnimni 1 1 1 the basic principles of our form of government We hold that the consti tution follows the flag.". IRRIGATION. The movement to organize the ac tive friends of irrigation in Oregon is most timely. It may save to Oregon the benefit of thnt great national measure. V The Carey arid land lnw, pass" I at the last session of the legislature, has Jeopardized Oregon's chnnco for getting a fair share of tho govern ment appropriation for irrigating the alkali plains of Eastern Oregon. Un dor the operation of that lnw, tho state land board have awarded con tracts for Irrigation to prlve cor porntlous thnt are likely, unless checkmated, to prevent the ngrlcul tural department from building any great reservoirs In this stnto. The Deschutes valley was consid ered ideal for the purpose, but con tracts reaching nlmost to $2,000,000 have tieen let to two private corpora tlpns for Irrigation in that region. The state has selected a list of land there for irrigation. It only remains for the secretary of agriculture to ap prove those lists In order to shut out those people from all benefit undir the free irrigation of the recent act of congress. The movement, then, to organize the people In order to prevent this misfortune is most timely. Astoria News. Bound j an d as? fopT With muscles drawn and throbbing with pain, and joints swollen, stiff ami tender, the rheumatic patient is as helpless and dependent as though bound hand and foot. No disease causes such intense suf fering, such sharp, nerve-racking pains as Rheumatism, and this unfeeling mon ster, unless checked, crushes the strength and hope of its victims. When the system becomes infected with Uric Acid and other like poisons they are absorbed into thebiood and lodged in the nuiscle3, joints and nerves. Then with the suddenness of an electric shock. Pains Dtgm 10 snoot inrougu ineniuscie or joini affected, which often swell and inflames, and becomes tender. feverish and sore . Unless treated through the blood Rheumatism crowd steadil v wore, J finally ending in shrunken muse lea, immovable joints. shaky nerves, and the invalid's chair or crutches. The cure of Rheumatism can never be complete or permanent until the Rt-id blood has been purified and the sys tem cieausea ot alt poisonous matter. S. S. S. does this promptly and surely, localise it is a perfect blood medicine. and an antidote for the irritating- acids that cause Rheumatism. S. S." S. purifies and invigorates the polluted, stagnant blood, and when a free, healthy circulation is again estab lished, the gritty, corroding particles are wasned out ot tile achiiiirmusclesand joints, and the ft 'onKe(l fr relief comes and the cure is permanent because the cause has been removed and nothing remains in thebiood to produce another attack. Write for special book on Rheumatism. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, Real Estate... E. D. BOYD, III Court Street Will sell you lots and residences for a small payment down, and balance in installments, or will sell in any other way. Pendleton is admitted to be the principal city of Eastern Oregon. Its future is assured. You should invest in real estate here. It is safe and sure Invest now. Do not wait until property is higher. PROPERTY Of All Kinds For Sale s PLUMBING First class work. AH kinds of Plumbing Supplies. Turning Everything Iu the Hue of repairing and new work dono promptly and sat isfactorily. B. F. BECK, 214 Court St. Phono Black 44 . 15555! THE FAIR STORE For Fair Treatment Economic Bayers make oar store their trading place and are always pleased with the goods and oar low prices THE FAIR STORE THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY Frazer pera louse TItaiinirtay0 A Beautiful Story of the Present Day, Depicting Love and Pathos, Hate and Passion! HE CONVICTS The Metropolitan An American Story of Thrilling Embellished g Scenic Effects PRICES: Lower Floor 75e, Gallery 50c, Box Seats $1 Frazer Opera loisc Hfflwrly9 With George At the Waltz me The Biggest Minstrel Show that will PRICES: First Ten Rows $1, Last Box Seats Big Parade and Concert at 1.3 Announcement Extraordinary Frazer Opera Ionise OnghrOnTy,Mon., Nov. 3 Hpeclal Engagement of ELLERY'S 55 Great Mulclans 55 Cav. Emilio Rivela, Director Watch for future amiouueementa WANTED ApVBHTISEnS TO MAKE USE jomethlng you UV no "S5 & imiVnifMr V... .5 lu" ,om other thine tht Vn m.. V" ne- You may" Umm tra horie that n may wUh to trade fo? i 5't.?" Some body may haye the cow and VThicU and want the hone. A 15c or 25 cent .n? ad will probably do tb . builnew. ' Baker & welch ttolbeir 3 DAUGHTER Production and Heartfelt Interest, by A Strong Cast I A Story From Life I Baker & Welch Wilson Lead Thank You visit the Coast this season Sir Rows 75c, Gallery 50o. $1.50 SaU going fat t KRAZIKK'S Joseph Ell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' 'ii . HARNESS-SADDLERY T. st 0raonUn U Eastern Or. 22rf,?p,,,,Y1tt,v pap6r' 14 advertlslno mo lum of thl .ectlon. cles. !!Sfr!!J1'-." Ltimfcct, Unity AH kinds for Sash, Doors jJ Planing of all dew iu uiuer, Dnn't R I it 111 inn "vtiauiicu US. Pendleton Plai Lumber Yd ROBERT rORSTtt, MURPHY'S ! IS If you have.paintiJ hanging or dewnl want dnnp in then come in "in iiccs ire n hut low. Let us fp E. J. Mm CoortStrett Clearance AT BASLER: BargainHct Stoves, Gli ware, Crock Prices cut viji to make the move rapidly. Sps al bargains, u in and invest Baslets's I have barg! competent 1 to locate Valuable Timber Claims On thellieo-J now ,umi' Jl This neuwfl IUI uid-- I. N.Berkl Have soffifl iM sale. Laatz W FOR- Wood, Coal w Bailed, HveredfWI Do! We are in wc -vi ut . ... l-olnflSS uu . J trucKing "y,t oriiP pared to niuvc -0-