East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Rare Bargains in Men's
Golf Shirts, regular 75c value, now . ... 50c
Stiff Bosom Shirts, good quality, one pair Cuffs
to match 50c, (35c and 75c
Stiff'Bosom Shirts. extra quality, one pair Cuffs
and two Collars to match 75c, S5c and $1
Outing Flannel Night Robes, the $1 kind, price,., 85c
A New line of Four in Hand. Ties, big assort
ment, the kind that other stores sell for 50c . .35c
A new Iinc of Linen Collars, two pair for 25c
Men's All Wool Sweaters, solid colors and
stripes $1.25 to $3.50
Men's Ducking Coats $1 50 to $3 00
Men's Mackinaws $2 00, $3.00 and $3.50
Extra quality fleeced Underwear, per garment.. ..50c
Wool Underwear, per garment $1, Si. 25, Si. 50, and $3
Umbrellas, we sell them cheaper than anybody
50 to $3
Men's Shoes. This is one of our strong lines
and we guarantee you a saving of ten per
cent. Our prices $140 to $,50
Trunks, Valises and Telescopes
We guarantee everything sold to give satis
faction and we sell strictly at one price
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters
No 729 Min Street, Pendlefton, Oregon.
MONDAY, OCTOBFl: 27. 1902.
Saturday's output of coal in the aiv
thracite region was 12u,0Uo- tons.
Recorder Wright has been made a
member of the strike arbitration
Several members of parliament
have become disgusted with English
politics and will not seek re-election.
Emperor William o Germany,
King Carlos of Portugal and King Ed
wartl of England, will meet in Eng
land soon to discuss the situation in
The shipment of arms to the pro
claimed districts of Ireland has been
forbidden by the British government
and conditions are very serious at
Secret treaties betweene Chill, Co
lombia and Ecuador have just been
made public, with the object of keep
ing Peru from Interfering with the
Argentine conflict.
The title to the Panama canal is
said by Attorney-General Knox to bo
valid and the first steps iodkinir to the
completion of the canal by the United
States will bo taken up early next
In anticipation of a strike E. H.
Harriman has appointed a sub-committee
of the directors to take up
the alleged grievances of the Union
Pacific and Southern Pacific em.
A colored barber stabbed three
white men in a drunken quarrel at
Portland Sundny morning.
Editor J. W. Kelley, of Butte, Mont.,
Is charged with the murder of Dr.
Cayley, who died Friday.
Constable J. N. White, of Dunsmulr,
was murdered Friday by hobos whom
he was trying to run out of town.
Motives for an extra session of tho
Oregon legislature all being removed,
the scheme will now bo dropped.
Frank Xorris, the author of "Tho
Octopus," died at San Francisco SaU
urday, the result of an operation lor
A man was arrested Friday at Bon
lta, Mont., who is thought to be the
man who held up the North Coast
limited train the day before at Bear
mouth. The Nome Nugget's annual esti
mate of the gold production of Se
ward Penlsula for the summer sea
son of 1902. up to Wednesday, Octo
ber 8, is fl,235,000.
A man who has been a county
charge for several years at Astoria,
committed suicide by hanging Friday
night. He had beon turned out ot tho
poorhouse and was too lazy to live.
The head of William finyder, a
dredgman, was torn from his shoul
ders at Virginia City, Nov., Saturday,
He, slipped and fell Into a moving
cogwheel and his head was mashed
The homllest man In Pendleton, aa
well as tho handsomest, and others,
are Invited to call cu any druggist
..nd set free a trial bottle of Komp'u
Balsam for tho throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relievo, all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 26c and 60c. For sale 1 Tall
man & Co., solo agents.
Hotel Pendleton.
A. E. Ilansom. Seattle
Vol Btldner, Baker City.
W. II. Plough, Spokane.
George E. Moussu, Spokane.
C. E. Skiles. Spokane.
N. L. Pruitt, St. Paul.
J. N. Keane and wife. Everett.
It. M. Crawford. Albany.
W. D Chamberlain.
O. H. Albert. Portlain'
H. L. Shafov. Ch'cago.
W. L. Hislop. city.
E. I.. Guffy, Dencer.
E. D. Mansfield. Minneapolis.
J. P. Isaacs. Walla Walla.
A. Slnsheimer, Portland.
E. E. Wldener, Cincinnati.
V. W. Uoblnson, Portland.
Thos. Kenny, San Francisco.
W. H. Cars, Portland.
Mos Baker. San Francisco.
S. S .Gill. Portland.
K. Castou, Spokane.
George Harris, Portland.
A. Nylander. Portland.
H. 15. Keese. Spokane.
W. H. Boyd, Echo.
H. F. Crosby, Portland.
George A. Stephens, Seattle.
W. H. Garrett. Portland.
O. Gross. M .nniouth.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
E. H. Burke, Portland. ,
J. B. astlngs, New York.
C. D. Jeffries, Spokane.
Ike Rosenthal!, Spokane.
Meyer Abraham, Portland.
P, L. Woruen, Portland.
M. S. Johnson and wife, Milwaukee
E. B. Wellman, New Jersey.
Dan S. Firhell, Pomeroy.
J. A. Damerson, Boise.
John F. Brooks, Minnesota.
B. .J. Weare, Spokane.
C. W. -iess.
George Stephens, Spokane.
W. H. Peterson, New York.
The Golden Rule.
Anna Jeffries, city.
Charles Mathems, Dencer.
W. C. Kent, city.
T. W. Lusk. La Grande.
F. H. Russell, La Grande.
John Connell. Athena.
Mrs. G. E. Metcalfe, Walla Walla,
W. P. Jennette, SyracM-
M. L. Johnson and wiff Milwaukee.
W. D. Johnson, Milwaukee
Tena Abrahamsson, Seattle.
J. D. McDermld, Wasco.
S. C. McDermid, Wasco.
E. H. Woodward, Newborg.
I.. A. Frans, Spokaue.
L. E. Cunningham, Portland.
A. W. Tichnor, Spokane.
B. T. Vaughn, Spokane.
Robert Watt, Alba.
Howard I-amkin, Salem.
O. Parker, Salem.
S. T. King, Athena.
B. Hale, Adams.
J. M. Fanburg, Idaho,
J. F. Hurphy, Portland.
H. L. Bobont, Chicago.
Georgo McGllvery, Spokane.
N. B. Hash, Walla Walla.
R. M. Powers, Weston.
Mrs. E. Tauslck, Walla Walla.
D. C. Griffin, Heppner.
J. G. Smith, Boston. '
H. P. Rolf, Portland.
AV. N. Campbell, city.
L. M. Finding, city.
R. A. Blelr.gor, Cold Springs.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
John D. Toomay, city.
Ben Ross, Sumpter.
Bert Holcomb, Seattle.
John Jones, Janesburg,
H, A, Blackman, Walla Walla,
L. B. Smith, Wnlla Walla.
R. E. Porter, Meacham. 1
J. M. Garrison, Forest Grove.
W. C. Cunningham, Spokano.
Sam Jones, Denver.
M. E. Jenkins and fnmlly, Dos
liny Gallalier, Weston.
Mrs. C. R. Gallnher, Weston.
Scattered 2000 Nickels on the Ground
for the Children of Dallas, Or.
Dallas, Oct. 27. In discharging n
promise made to friends years ago,
that should the price of hops over
reach 20 cents a pound he would
throw away $11)0, W. C. Brown, a re
tired Dallas merchant, now n hop
grower ot this place, scattered 2000
nickels on the ground Tor children to
scramble for.
Mr. Brown had grown hops for a
number of years nnd sold them for
S or 10 or 12 cents. In conversation
with some friends one day he assert
ed that he did not believe that the
price would ever reach 20 cents
again, and offered should It do so, to
throw away $100 In coin. Last week
he sold his hop crop for 25 cents,
and Immediately announced that ho
was prepared to fulfill his promise.
The nickel-sowing affair came ofr
Saturday with great crowds of child
ren In attendance. The sowing was
on the courthouse square. The child
ren were arranged In groups accord
ing to size and ago ns follows: Large
hoys, small boys, largo girls and small
girls. Tho formation was on the side
walks and the nickels were sown on
the Bwnrd and the different sections
were separated by ropes.
At a signal from Mr. Brown, men
employed for the purpose threw $100
in nickels at once, this being the sig
nal for the scramble, which was Im
mense. Soveral hundred children
plunged Into the square clad for tho
ocaslon. For a moment tho scene was
novel and intensely exciting. There
seemed to be an indiscriminate mix
ture of bonnets, lints, boots, shoes
and other childish apparel. The af
fair passed without serious accident
every precaution having been taken
beforehand, nnd was a gix.it source
of satisfaction to Mr. Brown.
Chicago Horse Show,
Chicago, 111.. Oct. 27. The -horse
show is to be king in Chicago this
week, that is, so far as society and ad
mirers of line horselllesh in general
are roncerned. With a blare of trum
pets and a gorgeous turnout of wealMi
and fashion the third annual exhibit
of the Chicago Horse Show Assoc a
tion opens tonight in tne Coliseum.
The management declares the show
will be the greatest over held in the
West, and there is every indication
that their high hopes for the success
of the affair aie justified. Tho coun
try at large is taking more interest in
the show than heretofore and several
noted breeding establishments never
before represented have sent prize
winning equines to add to tho display.
In all, there are 99 classes. More it
tentlon has been given to the breeding
classes this year than heretofore, and
several new classes have been adtlel.
French coach horses, which hae
never before been exhibited In tho
animal shows in Chicagc, will co-ne
In for much attention. Aside from the
$20,000 in cash prizes to lie distribut
ed, there will be a score of ellver cups
aggregating about $0,000 in value.
Goes Like Hot Canes.
"The fastest selling article I have
in my store," writes Druggist C. T.
Smith, ot Davis, Ky., "Is Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, because It always
cures. In my six years of sales It has
never failed. I have known it to save
sufferers from throat and lung dis
eases, who could got no help from
doctors or any other remedy."
Mothers rely on It, best physicians
prescribe It, and Tallman & Co. guar
antee satisfaction or refund price.
Trial bottles free. Regular sizes,
50c and $1.
Notice Maccabees.
All Macabees are urged to be pres
ent at the meeting Tuesday night.
Important business to transact that
concerns the pocketbook of each sir
knight. J. S. KEES, R. K.
"Oh! ain't that sweet?"
"That big one there in the
corner is just too lovely for
"Ain't this one with a blue
dress just dear?"
"I wish my pa would buy
me. this one here in front."
Thise are but a bample
of the remarks that come
from the little girls as
they look in the wjndow at
Book Store.
and admire the magnifi
cient display of dolls
"Florodora's" Successor.
New York-. Oct. 27. The chief nov
elty of tho week in dramatic circles
is the premier nt tho Btoailway thea
ter tonight ot the "Sliver Slipper,
which Is announced the successor of
the popular piece "Florcdora." Tho
new production Is tho work of too
snme authors who wrote "Florodora
and Is also under tho name manage
ment. It romos to this country with
the reputation ot hnvlng already
scored a big bit at the Lyric theater.
London. In the raBt are Cyril Scott,
who had a part in the London produc
tion. nnd Edna Wallace Hoppor, who
was a leading Ilguro in the "Florodo
ju" production.
Eight thousand linotype machines,
representing nu investment of $24.
000.0110. are In use In the United
States today. Ten years ngo there
were none.
How's This?
Wc offer One Hundred Holla Itcward
for any case uf Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. CHHNIJY CO., Toledo, O.
We, the unilerslKned. have known V. J.
Cheney for the past 15 years, and bcueye
him to be perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry but any obligations made by their
fl'wR8T & TKUAX. Wholesale Druggists.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface ot the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 70c per bottle. Sold by oil
Hall's Family I'llls are the best.
.Turns and Sweet anil free trom every
blenilflli Is the sltln, scalp,
hair preserved,
pur Hied, and
besutltled by
I Cuticuiia Boll',
lit prevents the
4 cause of pimples,
blackheads, red,
' txughhandi,dry.
thlu, and falling
hair, and baby
iblemlshes.vli.. -the
"clogged, Irritated,
Inflamed, or slug-
Irish condition of tho
'Pokes. No other soap la
n !., tnnmAril with It fnr
'prewnlnit, purifying and
bc.iuuij'liii! me sun, tcaip,
hair, and hands. No other
itoap Is to be compared
will' It for all the pur
poses of the toilet, bath, and
J nursery Thus it combines tn
JSC HllAl- at USE
Pnanieiy, iifi CKNTS the BEST
and complexion soap, and
the be.it toilet oap, and JtEST
baby so.ip tu the world.
Night .Service
Push the button, and we
will do thereat, when you
want a prescription lllletl
or If BABY has the colic,
Jonuy 1ms stomach ache,
Grandma sullerlng with
cold feet, or a liuiulrftl
(HITereut complaints that
are liable to come 011 at
night Always remember
A registered pharmacist
in charge. Let us till
your wants.
The Columbia
Lodging House
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor!
SwltV promium hams and bacon, the finest it,. .
bnokwhoat and ' dolioionB syrup for breakfast rl:
uuuuiiuo, KiaucH nun nrnnhnni.. 'i
You always tret the best and cleanest .
thin in the grocery line when yuu order
h A DTIM'C C A Mil lr or-.
ITl ft IV 1 111 O 1 rV (III 1 . V 1 117111'
------ m m I s 1 ,
R. MARTIN, Propr.
nitrn vnur rhilrirPM n thnrnnrrli l,iai,,n..
I Elk bllMMflW WWWIIIIiOa u
Offers an opportunity to educate your children
tnom ior uio uiumu in inu uusiness world
send vour children awav to a hnsinoos ,
4 - - -veo ia
lege when Pendleton affords an iusti
tution as thorough nnd com.
Detent us nnv.
jr j -
P.mii .iftn.i i mmlmra it'ifli nil Hinrlot.it rlmn...!..
jwuifc .uiikfiuu ni.u .iiuuviu uuviucalOt
ltior Tim fionrso ineludes Knnkk-poninrf fv.
1 " 6) vumu;
cial Law, Short Hand, Typewriting and all
that goes to make it first-clas9. hr
ents, call at tho Pendleton
BiiBinoBS College and
,V h mm u I mm mm m in u .Mil
I Offers: College Preparatory Course
I Business Course
Teaohers' Course
Tiikm nil irn(li.u frmn SnlPrlmarv lit). Graduates ent
man Class In sueh CoIleRes as Yale, Princeton, Stanford. ,
Graduates talcing 27 weeks Supplemental Work can bb
Certliloatea on same bulls ns Normal Hohools Fall term ops
tember 15. For catalogue address
t cnuairw 11 11 Krra
Wood, Coal ! Pendleton
and Hay ;
Exclusive acent for the celebrated
Gov. Test 152 over Rnck Snrincr and 278 over
hi . . a rrn vr.
M;n Tbi p. p. collick ec w.
Is rear.hfirl In TTVV.PH' MVSV Hpffpr flour catWO'
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Bys
A miXmJ ilWUsk w " .
Flour, which is right for Dreao
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers. Proprietor.
wXvlHIN 1AL nil
nieut that nothing else tu
nuu tney permit a vine
Ya 1 frottiotlf that nMPAnta
We are showing a enlend
$5 to $50
Wall paper and mittinpiti
Undertakers Guodi
always on biii-
machine Repairer now u
Phone Main 111 1