0A11Y EVENING EDITION IWWWAVWVVVVVWAVl Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight fair: Tuesday Increas ing cloudiness. f o Snilneif bj carrier t r- n laf M M rv PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUXTY, OliEGOX, 31 OX DAY, OCTOllEli 27, 1902. 15. NO. 4571 Bf itofeBHMHIBBHHHBBHNH HON Scano of Santa Marie rthwestern Guatemala fis Mount Pelee. IWKES FELT IN CENTRAL AMERICA, the Largest In the World, Only Ten Miles From Que- Ingo, Which Was Destroyea prif. Nicu-agua, Oct. 27. itimlay morntng tho Santa felcano in the northwestern Guatemala, has been in a E fierce eruption. Earthquake irere felt over the entire of , Salvadorc and Costa Rico. ano is one of the largest in d. and Is only 10 miles dlB- the city ot Quezaltcnango. as destroyed by earthquake DAY OF POLITICS. TO INVEST IN SIAM. hia Capitalists Interested by Prince to Develope That y. York, Oct. 27. D. O. Mills, Difornla millionaire is said to n interested by the crown Slam in a great industrial nent scheme in Slam. With fie contemplates a large Invest- that country. Church Alliance Meets. delphia, Pa., Oct. 27. The or American section of the of Ileformed churches lout the world holding the lerinn system began a two neeting in Philadelphia today. In attendance represent the lerian churches of Canada and with the seven Presbyterian Is. and also the German and Reformed church of the Unit les, with a constituency in the lie of more than Bcven and Uf million persons. The first was held this afternoon :n Etlierspoon building and was to tho formalities connected be opening of the gathering. the convention will take fctlons connected with Sabbath young people's societies and Blstlc work. Senator George Turner, Democrat, and Governor McBrlde, Republican, Will Speak at Walla Walla. Walla Walla. Oct. 27. Today Is the day of politics and politicians in this city. Both republican anI democrat? have made and aro mnkln; the eftort ot tho campaign to show the people their strength and make steadfast a number of weak-kneed voters just be fore the campaign closes. Governor Henry McBride Is In tho city as the representative of the republicans, nnd Senator George Turner is here to speak to the democrats at thfs opera house this evening. The repub licans hoped to hold forth at tho opera house at night, buv the demo, crats had taken time by the forelock and engaged It, so the address of Governor McBride had to be bille 1 for the afternoon. Governor McBride is the advocate of the railroad commission idea, and about him has gathered a number ot strong politicians. Senator Tiirnef agrees with the governor in this one matter, but differs in all party poli cies. The two men are considered leaders In state politics. It is conceded that Turner will have the best of the situation here, as tho meeting at night will be much more freely attended than tho afternoon gathering. Still the two meetings are sure to draw out gTeat crowds. It has been a long time since two meet ings of such Importance were sched uled for the same day in the opera house of this city. OPERATORS OBJECT TO THE PRESENCE OE JOHN MITCHELL Mr. Baer Declares That He "Will In No Wise Deal With the Mine Workers as an Organization," .t, ALSO URGES AS A SOLUTION OF THE LABOR PROBLEM THE ADOPTION OF A SLIDING SCALE. RIOTING IN FRANCE STRIKERS SACK THE RES IDENCES OF OFFICIALS. Dispersed With Difficulty by Troops Men Were Preventing the Unload Ing of Ships. Itochfort, Prance, Oct. 27. Troops this morning with great difficulty dis persed the rioting dock strikers, who were preventing the unloading of ships. Later In the day the strikers formed a column and sacked the rest dences of the officials of three dock companies. Operators as an Organization, Demand Hearing Through Their President But Refuse to Allow the Miners an Equal Right Baer Sets Himselr as Dictator to the Arbitration Board "Don't Know Much About the Upper Region, But Much of Lower Region, According to Gener.il Be-I'"-" 1 MMU - htederate Veterans Gather. nhus, Ga., Oct. 27. A host of Is sweeping down upon this . will retain posesslon for me iree or four days. They are the w ot the United Confederate PS, whose annual u-r.-'sional on- put win be formally opened Judging from tho large Piatd the number of visitors My up to the encampments P mts and from all lndica- f MtUon of the state will be CdmnletB arrancemema made h, tho local rocIgUrh e reception and entertainment : Jr Tlsfors. N'thntl Croatian Rorl.tu T'sbunr. Pa n n rm, m ?Ht" Socety, composed of me Hungarian province ivmuu iu iue uiuicu ran lie i a, j kk, ", ,'- milium umeuug 11 oXS 0day' Manv members of htk. i '"""-ma oi oiuuuun ihv Z . I 11118 vicinuy ana kntor(i. . ulu yuo -or K ,knment 01 the vlBltors dur Fe'r three iiv. tform. n.ment wl '"elude varl r i ins or national bns "if ,!ntersPorao the business 01 'he gathering. nn and Alabama n,iirj . 0. 27.-New York eTeZlliCTrMtsofway oc a i nmn. itnn. Khf oi tvrlth tmlnal facilities UZAi to run Wavno "! -"uiy, Alabama, fence iC " ioseo, wiw F ni... BS tOe SOUthrn tormtnnc lis r!:heuBecon lo he travers- Purees. """ ana in mineral $10,000,000 INCREASE. Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance Est! mates That Amount Necessary for Army and Navy. Washington, Oct. 25. Rear-Admiral Charles O'Nell. chief of the bureau ot ordnance, in his report estimates that the necessary expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 190, will be $13,000,000, of which $10,000,000 will be for an increase in the navy and army and armament. BRIBERY CASES CALLED. St. Louis Delegates Allowed Short Time to Prepare Papers for Contin. uance. St, Louis, Oct. 27. The cases against 1G delegates in the bribery scandal were called this morning. Their counsel were allowed until this afternoon to prepare papers asking for a continuance of the cases. oiaon. om - . .. S30 horse aX J?S"' . " showed n 'ceremonies. 1 aalur- O'Donnell Is Still Defiant. London, Oct. 27. John O'Donnell M. P., in a speech at Colne, Lanca shire, Saturday night, denounced tho sentences of himself and other mem bers of parliament, under conditions which prohibit their serving in public bodies In Ireland for five years, ns a scheme to prevent constitutional agi tation. Mr. O'Donnell said he did not regret the clash with Mr, Balfour In the house of commons, October 16, on acount of which he was suspended from the house and declared he would bo a slave and a coward If he dll not resent being deprived ot th right to speak In the houfie of commons after being prevented from speaking in his own constituency and lmprisone.l for speaking in others. To Improve London's Port. London, Oct. 27. The first step to ward remedying the glaiing deficien cies of the antiquated port of Lon don was taken today when representa tives of the dock companies, the ship ping Interests and the city of London assembled In conference at Mansion House with Sir Joseph Dimsdale, ihe Lord mayor, presiding. In the pre liminary way the conference discuss ed practfcable measures for the Im provement ot the port, with the pur pose of agreeing upon a plan to be laid before tho government. Among the various proposals was one for the entire abandonment of the present dock and wharf system, cn which the rocent dock commission proposed to expend $140,000,000, nnd the conver sion of six or seven miles of the river into a vast tidal dock, furnishing am ple room for all kinds of .craft. Washington, Oct. 27. The confer ence of the strike commission open ed in the room of the interstate com merce commission at 2 o'clock. Th-j coal operators and President Mitch ell seated themselves on opposite sides of the table. Assistant Record' er Mosley shortly announced, "gen tlemen, the commission." The oper ators as well as Mitchell, all arose and stood while the commission entered the room. Judge Gray briefly explained the situation and said that he preferred to regard the case as one in which plaintiffs and defendants were pres ent and that he would like to hear from each. President Mitchell said that as plaintiff, he would be ready to pre sent his testimony next Monday. Judge Gray interrupted him and said: "All we want is a logical statement of one side and an answer by the other, thus eliminating lrrelevent matter. We don't want any argu ments. " Mitchell then made a state ment of a few hundied words. Pres ident Baer, for the operators, follow ed and said: "We object to the presence of John Mitchell as pres'.deut -f the l.'nlon Mine Workers before this (.ommis slon. In no wise will we deal with that body as an organization, but we have no objection to Mitchell's pres ence as a representative of the coal miners of the anthracite region." Baer also announced that he would urge as a solution of the labor prob lem the adoption of a re-adjustment of a sliding scale, which he called a profit sharing system, that would give practical peace in the mines foi many years. To Visit the Mines. Mr. Baer also suggested personal visits to the anthracite fields. Mr. Thomas agreed. Truesdale wanted an opportunity given to the miners of certain mines to settle their diffi culties with their- employers by a conference of committees. If no agreement was reached then, he was willing that tho matter be submitted to the arbitration commission. It was agreed that the largest individual op erators should also be called before the commission. Judge Gray, on an agreement be tween Baer and Mitchell, will ap point an expert to take statements of wages from both sides. In Good Humor. The men were all in singularly good humor. When the suggestion was made to the commission that it be gin its inspection in the upper region of the anthracite district, Baer said: "I don't know anything about tho up per region. All I now have a knowl edge of is the lower region, accord ing to general belief." Even Mitchell and Fahy joined in the applause and lauchter which followed this remark Judge Gray, after consultation with all parties, fixed Thursday as the day when the inspection of the mining fields would commence. Mr. Wilcox volunteered a special train to take all parties to Scranton, which will be' the starting point. It Is expected that it will require a week to visit the mines. The commission adjourn ed at i o'clock to meet next Thurs day. To Pay Fares. Immediately after adjournment the commissioners retired In private con sulfation. Later It was announced that they had decided to pay their own fares, declining tho offer of a special train. COPIED FROM GEORGE III. Socialist Candidate for Governor Says Baer Got His. "Trustee of Provl dence" Idea From the King. Philadelphia. Oct. 27. Is President Hner of the Heading railroad, a pla- ganst7" This question Is asked by John W. Staylon, candidate for gover nor of rennsyivanln on the socialist ticket. Ho calls attention to tho mat ter In tho similarity of language con tained in the famous "Trustees of Providence" letter written by Presi dent Baer to that uttered by George III of England, at a tlmo when the colonists were preparing to be alike "strikers." Hero are the paragraphs upon which Mr. Staylon describes hlw parallel. King George III "Tho rights and Interests of the American colonists will not be looked after and caied for by the agitators and rebo's. but by the kind Christian gentlemen whom I, as the direct representative of God, have duly appointed to look after my lands In the western world." President Unci- "Tho rights and Interests ot the laboring man will he looked after a.nd cared for, not by agitators, but by Christian men to whom God, In His infinite has given the control of property interests of this country." Mrs. Stanton Dead. New York. Oct. 27. Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton died Sunday afternoon at the ago of S7 years, after a short illness at her home In this city. Her funeral will be held Wednes day. MARKLE OBSTINATE CABINET TO MEET BOGOTA AT PANAMA. Reported That the Ship Was Delay ed by Stops for Target Practice. Panama, Oct. 27. The Colombian warship Bogota, Captain Marmaduke FOUND GUILTY. Men Who Murdered Captain Craft In dieted for Manslaughter In First Degree, New York, Oct. 27. The grand jury commanding, arrived here this morn- this afternoon returned an indictment ing from San Francisco. The delay 0f murder in the first degree against was caused by reported stops for tar get practice. General Marmaduke was received with great enthusiasm by the Colom. bian generals. Two other gunboats were Immediately placed under wis orders. The arrival of the erulsei was a signal for a great celebration In the city. DETAILS OF FIGHT, British Lost a Gun and 70 Men Mul lah's Losses. Aden, Arabia, Oct. 27. Details of the fighting in Somaliland October 6, between the British expedition and the Mad Mullah, show that a more se rious disaster was only averted by tne splendid example of the four white officers. As It was, the British force lost "a Maxim gun and 70 men killed, while 60 of their enemy's dead was counted close to the firing line. Thomas Tobin, manager and Alexan der McKearney, bartender of the Empire hotel, where the headless body of Captain Craft was discovered September 27. LITTLE BOYS KILLED. Three Newsboys Fell Asleep on Santa Fe Tracks and Were Run Over by Passenger. Oklahoma City, Oct. 27. The re mains of three little newsboys were found on the Santa Fe tracks near Noble this morning, where tney had evidently fallen asleep and had been cut to pieces by the morning passen ger train. GRAVE ROBBERS. Inter-Collegiate Golf. New York, Oct, 27. In the final round for the championship of the In-ter-Colegiate Golf Association played Saturday on the links of the Morris Country Golf Club, H. C. Egan of Harvard, beat H. B. McFarland of the . TTntvprfiltv nf Pennsylvania bv 4 un Physicians Arraigned and Gave Bond and 2 t0 ,a Negroes Sent Back to Jail. Indlananolis. Oct. 27. The alleged Trains Guarded. grave robbers were all arraigned in Cheyenne, Wyoa., Oct. 27. Armed the criminal court today. The phy-, guards have been placed on all ex slclans immediately gave bonds of 'press and mail trains between Chey. $1000 each. The negroes were enne and Green River. The officials brought Into court chained together, fear a repetition of the Northern a- They were unable to give Dan ana. cine roDuery. were sent back to Jail, Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 27. Wheat 72 ?ic per bushel. Blodgett Dead. Cleveland. Oct. 27. P. S. Blodgett, general manager of the Lake Shore railway, died this morning, PRESIDENT DESIRES MENDATION FROM RECOM-MINISTERS. This His 44th Birthday, Did Not In terfere With Regular Business Re ceives Many Flowers. Washington, Oct. 27. President Roosevelt declined to permit tho fact of this being his birthday to Interfere with, the regulnr routlno of business By noon the receiving room on tho second floor of the temporary White House was nearly filled with flowers sent him by his friends. The president has called a cabinet meeting for November 7. Ho has no tided the several ministers that ho desires recommendations from each In writing for use In constructing hid annual message to congress. OPPOSED TO RESERVE. Mayor Robblns, of Sumpter, Reports Some Rich Strikes In the Gol conda. Mayor J. H. Robblns, of Sumpter, passed through town Sunday on his way home. Mr. Robblns had been to Portland in connection with tho pro posed forest reserve, to which ho is much opposed. Mr. Robblns is one of tho directors and one of tho heady stockholders in the Golconda mine, near Sumpter, and ho says that work Is progressing on the mine and the ore is showing up better as work advances. Tho Instal lation of the deep sinking plant will be completed soon and other new ma chinery is being added to tho Golcon da. Mr. Robblns is president of tho South Pole company and on this mlno men have been employed for the win ter's operation and tho work is show- ng up much bettor values than antic ipated even by tho most enthusiastic admirer f this mine. FIFTEEN WERE DROWNED, Near Crew Italian Steamer Effa Wrecked Cette Captain and Part of Escape in Open Boat, Toulon, Oct. 27. Tho Italian steam er Effa was wrecked last night near Cette. Tho captain and six of the crew escaped in an open boat. Fifteen others wore drowned. Congressional Mass Meeting. New York, Oct. 27. Great prepara tions have been made for the demo cratic congressional mats meeting to ho held In Madison Square Garden to night under the auspices ot William R. Hearst, the congressional candi date in the Eleventh district. Chair man Griggs ot tho democratic con gressional commltteo Is to preside. Among the speakers to Ire heard are former Vice-President Adlal E. Ste venson, former Governor Budd, of California, Mayor Eugene Schraltz, ot San Francisco, Senator Carinack, of Tennessee, and Senator CulberUon, of Georgia. Refuses to Stand by Agree ment With Miners and Asks Men to Sign Agreements, STRIKER8,vqECLARE THEY WILL NEVER ACCEPT TERMS. Work Throughout the Rest of An- thraclte Region Resuming Rapidly Ninety Per Cent of Colliers at Wllkesbarre Working. Hazolton, Pa., Oct. 27. The only collieries not working today in this region are thoso controlled by the Marklo combine, who still Insist that the men shall sign agreements. The strikers say they will never accept work .from Marklo on the conditions asked. Union Votes to Remain on- Strike. . Hazelton, Po., Oct. 27. Tho local union of the United Mlno Workers, composed of tho employes of A. Par dee & Co., at Cranborry and Crystal Ridge, voted Saturday to remain on strike until tho company withdraws Its request thnt all men before return ing to work must sign an agreement not to Interfere In any way with tho non-union hands. Tamaqun, Oct. 27. Four out of 12 ot the Lehigh collieries aro working at full force. Much Coal to Market. Wllkesbarre, Pa Oct. 27. Tho I high & Wllkesbarre Company sent much coal to market today. It has all Its mines, with tho exception ot tho Stanton, at work. Tho Susque hanna also Is making good headway. It Is believed 90 per csnt nf the mines are In operation. AH of the collieries where water has not accumulated In largo quantities nro now In shape to receive the full working force. Near ly all of tho coal and Iron policemen who woro hired by the coal compa nies, when tho strike began, been paid off nnd dismissed. have- ANDERSON A SUICIDE. Well Known Steamship Man Found on the Golf Links, Dead. Chlcaco. 111.. Oct. 27. The agent of tho White Star Lino. Anderson, one of tho best known steamship men in the United States committed sul cldo last night. His body wb found on the Washington golf links this morning with a bullet hole In the head. No icnsoii Is known Rr tho deed. AFTER THE CRISIS WHAT? Will Congress do Anything to Pre vent Another Strike? Eighty millions of people, most of them optimists, bound to see the lightest and brightest side or wuat- over happens, hro entirely happy be cause tho great coal strike of 1S02 the greutcst strike that ever happen edIs over. The siiuenllni: of tho speculators In Welsh anthracite and Western bitu minous coal, caught with mk slgnmcnts of thoso substitute fuels on falling market. Is scarcely fcmra above the popular shout of satisfac tion. That the strlko Is over and the hard coal at $7 a ton Is promised within a fortnight, are all that the average citizen cares to know. - And yet and yot Tho fundamental conditions that made this strlko possible and brought tho country so perilously near to a disaster aro not changed In the Ir-asL What Is congress going to do to mako another such criBls impossible? What will President Roosevelt rec ommend and urge It to do? New York World. SOUTH POLE STOCK NOW ON SALE. We own 4Q4I feet on the Cele brated North Pole Hill. Our present tunnel and workings show our mine to be the richest on the entire mother lode, Price, 15c Per Share Buy before the price advances Maps., nliototfruphs and ore can be seen at the office of T, Uahsgnn, Hirt nian's ubstraot office.