East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 18, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    ee Teutsch
We Have Just Received By
A new tot of Fall and Win
ter skirts, also another lot of
Goats and Jackets. Watch
window fo display and prices
I Dealer in Everything for Ladies and Gents Wear
Escaped For Second Time From Re
form School May be Horse Thief.
Fred Reese, arrested here by the
police several weeks ago for the theft
or a suit of clothes and later return
ed to the stateVeformatory at Salem
Is again thought to have committed a
crime. This time. It ho is eulltv. and
Is caught It will go hard with him as
the dlsappearanco of a fine race horse
from; Salem Is thought to be due to
Reese resides at Salem and Is some.
what wayward. He was sentenced to
the reform school, but escaped and
came to Pendleton, where his crlml
nal nature again cropped nut and he
was arretted for theft of clothes. As
he was an escaped state ward ho was
again returned to the reform school
but he has again made his escape and
on the night ot hjs escape, Memo
Maid, a black pacer belonging to E.
F. Coleman, which had been left In
Salem since the races at the fair, was
sioion irom tne barn ana lias not yet
been heard of. It Is not positively
known that Reese stole and rode the
rrare away, but suspicion attaches to
him and eery e'ffort Is being made
to locate him.
RDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1902.
Howard, larm loans.
Iriti'8 clam chowder.
ojiters c.t Castle's.
Bin" quilts at Teutsch's.
I Is growing for F. I. R.
id winter styles at Joerger's.
Ilenerwurst and saur kraut at
Eastern and Cove oystors
H limburger and SwIsb
kndwlches at Qratz's.
linese cooking at Phillips'
tl Everything tastes eood.
Ties, sweet notatoeaa nhlnlt.
1 ducks at the Standard Qro-
Br cash nlnn anvpn vnu
cleaned and pressed bv
d workmen. Prices reaBon-
BHolIand, corner Holland and
idles Of tho Prnahvtarlnn
llll have a china and apron
luesaay evening, Oct. 21,
me Of Mrs. James flrnwfnnl
bn street.
poke will open a meat mar-
a room on Court streot to bo
m Perry Housor, whore he
I is stock the best and ten-
IMS, bolognies, sausages and
pes Kept in a first-class
Ptt Ho solicits a shnro of
FM56 and will use his best
to please you.
alarm clor.l.-o
hdedupon to awaken
at any time vou desire
le aroused.
getting a
l'. save time
3 &25, $1.50 and
!Coect Jeweler
r00rto R. Alexander.
Whltaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
The fad is growing for P. I. R.
Tho fad is growing for P. I. R,
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Those rainy day skirts. Teutsch's,
Fresh kraut at F. S. Younger &
Sweaters for golf players at Alcxan
uer s.
Fresh mince meat at F. S. Younger
& son's.
' Nice new line of ladies' fall waists,
See those Monte Carlo jackets,
Toutscn s.
Fresh strawberries every week at
t s. Younger & Son's.
Full line of children's Plng-Pong
lints at Mrs. Campbell's.
Your suits will be the helghth of
fashion If made by Siobert & Schulz.
Ice cream chocolates, a rare new
delicacy you should try. At Duttons.
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies, at Jack Candlsh's, Patton's old
Manicure articles in Jade wood, 25c,
sterling silver paper and scratch
knives. Nolf s.
Wanted Winter pasture for 12 or
15 head of cattle. Call on or address
E. Woody, Pendleton, Or.
Brick building for rent, on Court
street, block and a half from Main
street. See J. F. Temple.
We have the neatest and largest
s.tock of jardinlorg at prices so low aR
to surprise you. C. Rohrman.
Second shipment of overcoats has
arrived and our stock Is now com
plete. Alexander's Department Store.
Light Brahma and Buff Cochin
chickens for sale at the Standard
Grocery at the lowest market price
Lamp fixtures, all size chimneys,
wicks, burners, brackets, reflectors,
shades, globes In stock at all prices,
C. Rnhrmau.
E .& W. full dress shirts and col'
lars, complete line of Monarch shirts
for fall and winter. Stetson hats at
Alexander's. -
Tho Dally East Oregonlau is on
sale In Portland vat the Rich news
stand in Hotel Perkins, and at the
Hotel Portland.
Next Saturday, October 18, from
7' a. m. until 10 p. ra we will donate
5 per cent of our entire sales to the
miners, now on a strike in the an
thracite region. The Peoples warn
Some how or other, a lot of people
are under the Impression that our
sale for the benefit of the destltuto
families of tho minors In the anthra
cite region, is to last from 1 a. m. un
til 10 a. m. only. This is a mistake,
as it is to be 5 por cent on all sales
of every kind and description from
7 a. in. until the store closes Satur
day night. The Peoples Warehouse.
h Not Continue
varAIL011 sa'1 water baths as vou did while on your
, , at the Sea sllnf-p ? Vnu r-or lio.,. tli enmf. fVli'ntr
- Wit UHII UtlVl k . . V J it . h " 4
at hom
'clous in Ur At,antc City Sea Salt will make two de-
We hav-h ?' baths' eq"al 10 a sea bath
saps anH . ,b.rushes' bath .sponges, wash rags, bath
everything that helps to improve your bath.
LTrom Main St., Toward the Court House
Club is Quoted at 55 Cents and Blue
stem at 59 Cents.
Wheat is quoted today at hlgh-wa
ter mark for the season. Local deal
era are offering 55 cents for little club
and 58 cents and 59 cents for Blue
D. C. J. Smith, who has 15,000
bushels not yet disposed of. was offer
ed these prices this forenoon, but he
has not yet sold. Little Is selling as
tarmers are still looking for another
raise before the end of next week.
The Case of Kline vs. Ray Still Being
The wheels of the district court are
still slowly grinding. Yesterday and
today have been taken up with the
hearing of the evidence in the case of
Kline vs. I. L. Ray and the end is not
yet. It will be late before the case
goes to the jury.
"howlin' Swamps!"
A Pendleton paper that lays claim
to superiority In its peculiar field of
labor, says that 'Brisbo' was prevent'
ed burial In the "Howlin vSwamps"
cemetery. Mr. BrlBbois would, If
started out in that direction, havu
lound the Howlin Swamps rather dim
cult of passage on his way to the
happy hunting grounds. In some ob
scure country newspaper we have
read of an Indian chief that once upon
a time lived on the Umatilla reserva'
tion by the name of Howlish Wampo,
but "Howlin Swamps" angels of mer
cy and goblins damned! Adams Ad
Change of Firm.
P. P. Collier & Co. have purchased
the wood, coal and hay business of
W. C. Minnis and will continue to
occupy the office at C40 Main street.
The new firm will be prepared to sup
ply the demands of the citizens of
Pendleton and vicinity with fuel and
hay, which will be delivered at all
parts or the city. P. P. Collier is in
charge of the business and will be
pleased to figure with persons who
will lay In their supply of winter fuel
or feed.
Woodmen Entertain Tonight.
The Woodmen of the World will en
tertain the members and friends to
night at their hall with a smoker.
This is an annual occasion and a
good time is promised all who are
present. In addition to the program
published yesterday. Judge Fitz Ger
ald will reply to the toast of "For the
Good of the Order."
Fair Opens at San Antonio.
San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 18. The
fourth International Fair was opened
here today under conditions regarded
as most auspicious. The exhibits and
attractions eclipse anything of the
kind heretofore seen in the far South
west and the prospects are bright tor
a big attendance.
Visiting Schools.
County Superintendent Nowlln has
Leon visiting the schools in the cast
end of tho county the past week.
Among, those visited were Ferndalo
and the Hudson Bay schools. Most
of the fachools are reported to be run
nlng smoothly under very efficient
Children's Vests and Pants
A broken lot, about 0 doz iu all,
25c, 35c and 40c regular price,
Friday and Saturday, 1 8c
Ladies' Union Suits
Nearly all sizes, regularly sold for 60c,
Friday and Saturday, 25c
French Flannel
Good styles for waists, worth 75c per j ard,
Friday and Saturday, 48c
Wool Plaids
I Nice material for children's school
uresseB, regular price 16 aim iMo per yd,
Friday and Saturday, 8 c
Outing Flannels
Not the beat oues but tho regular 5o kind, 15 yards,
Friday and Saturday, 50c
Hrokeu sizes, regular $1.25 to $1.75,
Friday and Saturday, 69c
Yarns, a. mixed lot, regular prioe 100 and i5c per skeiu, Friday and Saturday, 4c
this Friday and Saturday
Three Thousand Yards the
'Comes in bundles of from 1-2 to 3 pounds each For Friday and Saturday
Two Distinguished Lecturers Engaged
For the Occasion.
Two well known lecturers have heen
secured hy County School Superin
tendent J. F. Nowlln to be here and
give addresses for the evening enter
tainment during the teachers' insti
tute, to he held at the courthouse be
ginning Oct. 29.
Dr. Wise, the noted Jewish divine.
who preached In the synagogue in
Portland and who is considered one
of the ablest speakers in the state,
will speak cn the evening of the 29th,
and Rev. Dr. Sanderson, recently
fiom British Columbia, will lecture on
the evening of the 30th. These men
are both able speakers and will give
those who hear them some facts along
educational lines which will be worth
The lectures will be accompanied
by other forms of entertainment, such
as singing and recitations by the best
local talent obtainable. Cullstlioule
drills will be given by Mies Etlle Sanderson.
New Imported Lines of Fancy
Qoods Are Now Arriving....
Tour Place
Woodmen Attention.
Woodmen of the World and their
friends are cordially Invited to be
present Saturday evening, October 18,
at the Secret Hall, Court street, to at
tend the annual smoker, rrogram of
special talks upon interesting sub
jects will be given by prominent mem
bers of Pendleton Camp, and other
features. COMMITTEE.
Kit Carson Post. No. iS. Levari
ment of Oregon, will meet in the Haln
drlch hall on Saturday Oct 2oth at
7 p. in. A full attendance is desired.
P. P. CO). unit.
For Sale Seven-room house, bath
and city water, two lots at corner of
Jackson and Garfield streets. Also
household effects, consisting of piano,
sidoboard, range, stove, etc. Ten
cords of wood and a good single' horse
and new buggy. Dr. Perkins.
Football captain "That 'scrub' half
back has showed up for practice with
tlx ribs broke."
Football Coach "Well, the boys
will have to practice breaking his
arms and legs, then. Judge.
German Baskets
These goods are made for ap
pearance and durability. 25c,
35c 39C, 48c 65c 85c to $3.95
Doll Buggies
The new wire and metal style
which will stand hard wear.
$i35 t0 n three colors
We sell the best American
2.50 wringer here (or 1.95
4.00 wringer here (or $2.95
2500 tooth picks 5c; towel
rollers 10c; sad ironlihandles
10c; chair bottoms 12c each
Our Uollduy Line this year will
be bigger and better thip ever
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our
bill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurani
Santa Claus' Headquarters
Telephone M.-in 4,
The Best Shoe in the Coun
try at Its Price. We Chal
lenge any $5 shoe to equal
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Strict adhrac U tt aaaUaa a ta aaXy willing worzcia U miaa
sarie nrk u boekkpn ui a&aaogTapttar. Oar imtractioa U
iASfSZTtf tfraroagfc a ttdL o wUUly kaowa tkat reputation alma teia
M soot of oar itndcata, Q it7 alwy at. Kxamla lata ma
Itdlttle better bow Uua nw kafera. XaJaotriou, willlag itadaato 1
ras44 a4vuBeaeat la all ataafea tacaa. CaH, o writ far oar nUlaja
lark And WMhlngtoa BUaaa a. P. Anaatreag, U B., Pitaifr
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South,
soyou have a complete assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to Postofflce.