Mens' Fall and Winter Clothing SUITS Large variety, handsome fabrics and patterns; the best of season, all sizes for the regular built man, the short, stout and tall, thin man. $5.00 to $25.00 OVERCOATS All lengths, immense as sortment, the best quali ties at the smailest prices $4.45 to $25.00 We carry an up-to-date line of Mens and Boys Shoes BAER DALEY One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters No 729 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. West Point officials report that haz ing has been eradicated from that school. Paul Kruger, cx-presldent of the Boer republic, is said to be failing rapidly in health. It is estimated that the world's out put of coal for 1901 was 86G,165,H0 short tons, with the United States in the lead. Seven hundred coal miners struck at Parsons, Kan., Thursday, because the company refused to pay the engi neers the union scale. Another sensation is looked for in the St. Louis boodle cases. It has been intimated that the sheriff or his deputies have been aiding the bood lers to delay prosecution. While holding up a train near Odes sa, Russia, yesterday, Circassian bri gands stabbed to death the conductor and Prince Gedevanhoff, who was sleeping in the first-class carriage. Sir Thomas Lipton's third challenge for the America's cup has been accept, ed by the New York Yacht Club. The race will occur August 20, 22 and 25, 1903, under the same conditions as the former contests. All of the restaurants of the city of Chicago are to be drawn under one central management. A co-operative grocery store, bakery, meat market and storage warehouse will supply all of the cafes at the wholesale rates and do away with competition. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. B. L. Thrift, Chicago. M. Kline. Fanchon Kline. W. R. Glendenlng. Portland. Mrs. B. C. Skiles, Portland. A. B. Crosfleld. F. S, Schroeder, La Grande. F. C. Runyan, Chicago. L C. Baker, Portland. 0. Grinnell, Spokane. S .V. Knox, Weston. B. Blackburn, Baker City. Fred Rogers, Portland. John A. Gross, Walla Walla. B. H .Clarke, city. C. B. Pratt, Omaha. F. J. Macgougan, Walla Walla. D. Shults, Spokane. C. A. Nartey, Huntington. C, B. Towne, Rochester. F. D. Poole, Jr., Portland. G. Y. Harry, Portland. R. H. Carton, Spokane. G. S. Youngman. Portland. Eddie Gregory, Walla Walla. Eddie Miller, Walla Walla. 1. M. Bates, Walla Walla. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEW8. The Klondike's output for this year is estimated at $12,000,000. The total shipped to date from Dawson Is given at $10,255,000. The average salaries paid to male school teachers in Washington is $55M2, and to females, $44.89. The number of school children in the state is 188,582. The yield of corn In the fields around Athena will be from 25 to 35 bushels per acre. Corn Is a paying crop ,in Umatilla county, and the acre age is increasing each year. Dr. Douglas RIggs was found dead Thursday on the Mount Hood road. He had left his team standing on the road, tied up tho lines, and had Iain down beside the wagon, whero ho was found. Grover Meyers, a young Centralis shingle weaver was fined $100 Thurs day, by Justico White, of Chehallls, for furnishing a girl about 14 years old with liquor last Sunday, and get tnlg her drunk. It has been discovered that under tho new initiative and referendum amendment!) no act of tho legislature can so Into effect for 90 days after tho close of the session. This applies also to appropriations. It is understood that a large part of the Hood River exhibit of apples at tho recent fruit fair, will be taken to Chicago by the Harrlman system of railroads, to be, placed on exhibi tion at their office in that city. Charles Messerve, a newspaper man of ability, has completed arrange ments for Installing an up-to-date printing plant at Medford, the coat of which will be several thousand dol lars. Ho will issue a newspaper and conduct a Job printing office. The Golden Rule. Ethel Oliver, Walla Walla. W. H. Maxwell, Walla Walla. Ed Coeman, Portland. R. W. Steele, Portland. F. Himerdenzer, Sleepy Eye. F. Mutz, Sleepy Eye. J. E. Halsey, Sleepy Eye. Ray Barton, city. , C. D. Rinker, Spokane. W. F. Gonnell, Portland. A. J. Hall, Spokane. W, J. Cameron, Spokane. A. George, Portland. W. F. Kyle, Spokane. G. J. McEroy, city. Marvin Jack, Havana. James A. Howard, city. Mrs. R. R. Duffy, Ontario. W. B. Williamson, Pomeroy. F. J. Gardner, Portland. The Place to Live. Weston is among the prettiest homo towns in Oregon and has tho only state educational Institution the Eastern Oregon State Normal School In this part of the state. Weston 13 abundantly supplied with pure water'and has granted free water for household purposes for 10 years to all persons who build houses prior to April 1, 1903. You can obtain a good building site on Normal Heights, with water, sidewalks, grading and shade trees free, at a low figure. If you are seeking a pleasant home at an educa tional center, Address the Weston Improvement Co., Weston, Or. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me must settle by Octo ber 10th, or their acounts and notes will bo placed In the band of an at torney with instruction to collect. E. L. SMITH. WILL IT BE BUILT? ELECTRIC ROAD FROM PENDLETON TO DAYTON. Henrlch Mellmann Writes Letter to Statesman In Regard to Proposed Road Also Promises Cheaper Pow er and Lights. Hcurcht Mellmann, president of the Washington & Oregon Electric Rail way, Light and Power Company, again comes to tho front with tho statement that he is only waiting for something to begin actual construction of tho proposed electric railroad between here and Dayton. Mr, Mellmann Is somewhat irritated because of the re port which was published In the East Oregonlnn and Walla Walla papers, saying that he was In San Francisco, and Colonel Ferguson, whom he had here to look over the proposed route, had given an adverse report about the feasibility of the road. Mr. Mellmann Is now in San Fran cisco and writes the following letter to the Walla Walla Statesman In re gard to his proposed road: "San Francisco, Oct. 13. 1902. "Editor Evening Statesman, "Walla Walla, Wash. "Dear Sir: In looking over your val uable paper of the 9th Inst., we find the following: 'H. Mellmann, presi dent of the Oregon & Washington Electric Railway, Light and Power Company, Is at his home in Oakland, Cal. It is reported that Colonel Fer guson, who was here several weeks ago to make a report on the contem plated interurban line, has rendered an adverse opinion to his superiors, the principal reason of which is that there is not enough diversified farming In the section through which the con templatcd road would pass. The prin cipal product is wheat and the road would share little in trausprotiug this commodity. "I do not know who could have been so reckless as to give you the inform ation contained herein. The report of Colonel Ferguson so far from being adverse was exceedingly fiattcrlug, so much so, that I am enabled to tell you, that as the preliminaries have all been settled, we are only now awaiting tho report of the engineers before beginning the construction of this road, which I believe and hope will greatly contribute to the pros perity of tho great Northwest. "By giving the above an early in sertion, you will greatly oblige, "Yours very truly, "Washington & Oregon Electric Rail way, Light and Power Company, "By H. Mellmann." Tho above may look good on paper to Mr. Mellmann, hut the rople of Fendloton would rather see some ac tive operations commenced on the field than to hear so much talk. There is a general belief in the minds of the people that railroads are easier built on paper than on land. This makes some skeptical about the pro posed electrical railroad, but perhaps Mr, Mellmann means business. It is to bo hoped that he does. An elec trie railroad between here and Day' ton with a train running every two hours would be a great innovation to tho citizens at both ends of the line and those living along the line. In addition to the accommodation it would be, it would Increase values on lands lying adjacent to the road ma terlally. People are also promised cheaper power and especially electric lights. The franchises have been secured for tho whole road except at the two extreme ends. Pendleton has refus ed to grant the franchise out and out for tho operation of the compauy on tho streetB, but it has announced that It would under its own restrictions, Dayton has also balked at giving the franchlso over her streets, unless the company will sign certain agreements which heretofore have not been offer ed by the company. Dayton, like Pen dleton, does not care to tie up ner streets with a franchise until she sees that something Is going to como of It, and then it will be with such restric tions as will protect the town. LECTURE COURSE. W. D. Lyman Will Deliver the First Lecture November 7 "Webster the Orator," His Subject. The committee of arrangements, consisting of S. A. Lowell, Dr. Rob ettson, E. B. Conklln, Mrs. Bryson nnd Mrs. Wade, met last ovenlng nnd decided to start the course of four university extension lectures Novem ber 7. These lectures hnve been ar ranged to bo given at tho Congrega tional church and continue weekly for four weeks. When tho- courso of four lectures are finished nn elocutionary entertainment will bo given. Tho lectures are to be under the auspices of Whatman College, and W. 1). Lyman will deliver tho first. His subject has been announced as "Web Bter. the Orator," for the first and "Lincoln, the Statesman," will bo the second. One will bo delivered by Professor L F. Anderson, on "Greecu end Athens." and one by Professor I! ran 11 on some scientific sublect which has not yet been announced. Kline & Co. Moved. Wo have moved our wine and liquor store from Court street to C19 Main street, near W. & C. R. depot, whero we are prepared to servo the public. A. Kline & Co. low lor aie. A 3-year-old cow for sale; will be fresh in a month; is very gentle. In quire at this office. gticm If HP r 11 rinkes the Hair grow. Clears the Complexion. Softens and whitens the Hands. Preserves and beautifies the skin of In fants and Children. 9- Absolutely purs. drllcstrtynieJic&leil, surprisioIr eflectlve. Cl-TICUK m.,ap I. not only- the most tfllcicious of ikin purifiers iml hesatlflers. but the purest init weel st of toilet, balti.aad btbjr snips. Bold efr.Twhe-e. Uritish derti Niwbert, Loailou. roTTKXlJ.AX&C. four., hole Proos.. Uostoo, U.S. A. Tho homllest man in Pendleton, as well as the handsomest, and others, are Invited to call c any druggist i-nd, get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tho throat and lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relievo all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Price 25c and 50c. For salo by Tall man & Co.. sole agents. For Sale On the Luhr ranch, four miles east of Pilot Rock, all the per sonal property belonging to the estate of John Luhr, deceased, consisting of farm machinery and Implements, horses, sheep, cattle and hogs. Julia I. Luhr, Pilot Rock. Bay Them Now! I They are regular snaps. We are closing out three lines of hooks at prices lower than actual cost. We need the room and therefore make the sacri fice. These nicely bound books by our standard authors at 10, 15 & 20c Make your selection from display in our window FRAZIER'S 1 Book Store. A seasonable and reliable friend for these cold nights is one of our HOT WATER BOTTLES Now is the tiire to buy one because it may save a se vere sickness by having one ready in case of sudden chills or colds. Heat cures many pains, and this is tie best way to apply it. Ve guarantee every one of them. Don't fort'tit that Trimm-nrlr I Cough Balsam cures. Guaranteed at Schmidt's Pharmacy 5?) I Yost Breakfast. Will be made more enjoyable by having del hot cakes wan mapic syrup. IClOtj We Have FRESH BUCKWHEAT, this season's crop. LinMTT MAni? MTMPT? MT7 A T j. ijwi'sj-' ......, sjiu Kinu your tnotli. iieiifl rn innki lDt PICKLED PIGS FEET, Salt Herring. CABBAGE for sauerkraut. FINE APPLES for cooking and eating. SQUASH for baking. MARTIN'S FAMILY npnr.FRv anh nAinn,, K. MARTIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 44 i & " C THE PENDLETON ACADEMY Offers: College Preparatory Course Business Courso Teachers' Courso m t . . , 4 T , ' n lUKes uu graues iruin ouo-rrimary up. urauuates enter Yi& man (JIuhh liinunli OnlletmH iih Vale. Prinnntnn. Rtnnfnnl Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can take State Certificates on same bails an Normal Bohools Fall term opens Se F. L. FORBES, D. D., Principal. I Wood, Coal I and Hay Pendleton, Oregon, Exclusive agent for the celebrated KBMMERBR COAL Gov. Test 122 over Rock Spring and 278 over Roslyn Alain 1121 P. P. COLLIER & CO. Mala St SUCCESSOR TO W. C. MINNI8 HMaMBHBUHHUMKHHsMMBsHMHMBsnUlsl We are Now Selling a Drop 'Head Sewing Machine forXVash The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA A WEBB 8T8 F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. Warranted five years, and wfll keep machine in repair dunt that period without charge. Why send off or buy Iron can buv cheancr from a reliable ' house. TESSE FAILING I'hDne Mtsln 34 af JIOSlUJT DHL Willi Jll(rj uu Give your ehildron a thorough business education. m iiim n m - - . v miir I mp CliMII ETHH KHdUEC 111 LE Offors an opportunity to educate your children and t wiuiu iui wiu uinuu m Hie uubinuss worm. sond your ehildron away to a business col lege when Pendleton affords'an insti tution as thorough and com petent us any. , Competent teachors with all modern dovices for insim ing. The course includes Bookkeeping, Commer cial Law, Short Hand, Typewriting and nil that goos to make it first-class. Par ents, call at tho Pendleton Business College and investigate t H. N. ROBINSON. LL. X).. Pr-ln. finlliurfi on Court Stref PERFECTION IN FLOUR Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better flour cannot be Tl, . r 1 . . .... n....' HeSt xsiu 1.1 cuii ui wie wneat crop enters in oya - Flour, which is right for bread and Fancy Baking. PENDLETON ROLLER MU W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor i I r