East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 16, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    ee Teutsch
We Have Just Received By
A new lot of Fall and Win
ter skirts, also another lot of
Cloaks and Jackets. Watch
window for display and prices
Dealer in Everything for Ladies and Gents Wear
feDAY, OCTOnBIl 16, 1902
fowrd, farm loans.
t's ciam chowder.
oysters ?.t Castle's.
a guilts at Teutsch'u.
I Is growlnp for P. I. R.
id winter styles at Joergor'a
lleaerwuret and saur kraut at
iose Monte Carlo jackets.
la Eastern and Core oysters
Ited llmbureer and Swiss
andwiches at Gratz's.
jhlnese cooking at Phillips'
nL iJverytning tast, Rood.
blocks, childrons' linen
bncy stationery and oillce sun-
A Winter pasture for 12 or
lor cattle. Call on or address
Cr, Pendleton, Or.
Ties, sweet notatoes. chick.
i auciss at me Standard Gro-
llr cash nlnn gives vnn
cleaned and pressed by
workmen. Prices reason-
'. Holland, corner Holland nnd
Saturday. October 18. from
jwtil 10 p. m., we will donate
EU ot our entire sales to the
I now on a strike In the an-
region. The Peoples Ware-
F alarm clocks can be
funded upon to awaken
p t anv time vnn rfatMrn
1 be aroused.
lSVe mOnPV h, rrnft...rr
1 clock from us at a low
iMi4 then save tim
PwiaK sleeping.
fc75c to, $1.50 and
Correct Jeweler
oorto R. Ainv,
Whitaker, the dentist.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
The fad is growing for P. I. It.
The fad is growing for P. I. R.
Neuman's for cigars aud tobacco.
Those rainy day skirts. Teutsch's
Fresh inlnce meat at F. S. Younger
& son s.
Fresh kraut at F. S. Younger &
For Rent Furnished rooms; No,
407 West Alta street
Fresh strawberries every week at
a. xounger & Bon's.
Full line of children's Ping-Pong
nais at Mrs. Campbell's.
Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
New goods arriving dally and
price lower than ever at Rohrman's,
Ice cream chocolates, a rare "new
delicacy you should try. At Duttons
Fall and winter styles await your
inspection at Selbort & Schulz, tall
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies at Jack CandiBh's, Patton's old
You don't know what you are miss
ing unless you hnve used our bread.
The Golf Club will meet Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. J. R. Dickson.
Brick building for rent, on Court
street, block and a half from Main
street. See J. F. Temple.
Light Brahma and Buff Cochin
chickens for sale at the Standard
Grocery at the lowest market price.
The Daily lflast oregonian is on
sale in Portland at the Rich news
stand in Hotel Perkins, and at the
Hotel Portland.
A surprise party is in store for all
members of Harmony Assembly of
United Artisans, who attend the meet
ing this evening.
Don't forgot the dance to be given
Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, by Hose
Company No. 5, in the Music Hall,
Music will be rendered by Kirkman's
The A. O. TJ. W. lodge of this city
will have several new members to in
itiate ut their next meeting Friday,
Oct. 17. All members are requested
to attend. Refreshments will be
served after the work Is finished.
For Sale or Trade A good busi
ness, and one of the most desirable
residences blocks In Pendleton, for
sale, or will trade for Improved farm.
For particulars, call on or address R.
B. Carrier, P. O. Box 5C3.
I For Sale Seven-room house, bath
' and city water, two lots at corner of
Jackson and Garfield streets. Also
household effects, consisting of piano,
sideboard, range, stove, etc. Ten
cords of wood and a good single horse
and new buggy. Dr. Perkins.
hY Not Continue
vacation ytXltu Salt water baths as you did while on your
at home Sea shore ? You ca-n have the sai,ie thin6
licfous in Ur Atlantic City Sea Salt will make two de
We h, Va,fr1batl,s. equal to a sea bath.
S(Ps and Bvfc-rUBhf B' ath sPon6es, wash rags, bath
Q evyth.ng that helps to iirmrove vour bath.
' m mm, -m aJB m WW I mm aV ' mmr aTl
w,ePs txom !vTa c t . ,
mil a owaia me i.nutt rioiise
Hlnes Found Guilty of Simple Larce
ny LeRoy Arraigned.
rnu- i 1. -
wueuis oi mo district court are
grinding out the cases before It very
slowly. Nothing was doing yesterday
as uie case set ror nearine was set
tied out of court. This wns n. n
Wade vs. tho Northwestern Livestock
ana wooigrowers' Journal.
'ioflay the case of Leonard hhm
charged with larceny of a watch from
niiB. Hcmpniu, was tried by a Jury
and Hlnes found guilty as charged
Sentence will be nasspri In tho
ing. in the meantime Hlnes will
main in jail. He has been out on
Ed LeRoy, the negro hot taraalla
man, charged with assault with dead
ly weanon. was nrrnlentxl nnfl Mvnn
until 1:50 tomorrow In which to make
up ins mind to plead.
Tho suit of Katn Hnnrhet
oamcs kitk was continued.
in tno case or w. m. pipiyo vb
Louis and Felix Andette, a new trial
was granien.
Bruhn & Henrv mrninst WUllnm
Henlov was rontlnnpil
Tho case of Ceei p vs. Whltn Hull
was continued.
J. M. Walker against the First Na
tlonal Bank of Athena and David Fer
rls continued.
Jay Sc. Jensen vs. N. A. Cottrell
settled and dismissed.
John Llnder pleaded not guilty to
the charge of larceny of a horse and
saddle and time for his trial was not
yet been set Ho Is the young man
who hired a horse and saddle from
the City Lively stables and riding to
Echo, sold the outfit and gambled the
money away.
The case of Adelle and Morlce
Kline ngainst I. L. Ray will be up for
hearing tomorrow.
John Anderson, charged by the state
of assault with a dangerous weapon
and who was held under $250 bonds
to appear at the October term of
court, is gone and his whereabouts
is unknown., Anderson's bonds were
reduced to ?100, which amount ha
been forfeited.
Oregon Men at Head of the Industry
Twenty-Flve Tons a Day.
The Allen prune dryers at Beatty
and Meridian, Idaho, are in operation
each handling 26 tons of green prunes
dally. The fruit is evaporated about
two-thirds, the dried product being
a little over eight tons dally.
The season for drying prunes Js ex
pected to extend over 40 days. It will
thus be possible for each plant to
handle about 1000 tons of green fruit
turning out about 33G tons of ahe
dried article. The growers of the
prunes are paid ?10 a ton for the green
fruit. The fruit growers are half
owners of the plants. The plan of or
ganization In each case was as fol
lows: W. K. Allen and O. V. Allen
father and son, organized the project,
They are from Oregon, where they
formerly engaged In the business ot
evaporating fruit. They offered to put
in a $10,000 plant at each place, pro
vided that the growers would take
half the stock payable in fruit. In this
way the Allen-Beatty and the Allen
Meridian companies were organized
The growers entered Into a five-year
contract to furnish prunes at $10
ton. They-took half the stock, to be
paid for in prunes. Out of this year's
operations each fruit grower will thus
be able to pay for his stock with half
the fruit furnished, getting the re
mainder -in cash. In addition each
will have an Interest in the profits
The Beatty dryer is in charge of O. V,
Allen, while his father looks after the
one in Meridian. Idaho Statesman.
Harney County Claims to Be the Seat
of Great Discoveries.
More widespread than mere local
excitement in Burns, Harney county,
is tho furore caused by the recent
find of precious stones on Crane
Creek, 40 miles east of Burns.
The stones are found In a sort of
grayish rock which Is easily pulver
ized and wi'I cut glass as readily and
cleanly as the purest white water
brilliants from the famous South Af
ica diamond fields.
The widespread attention called to
tins Harney county strike has taken
active form by the thorough Investiga
tion and tests made by Eastern ex
perts, who were acting, so it is said,
n the interest of Burlington railroad
people. It Is also currently reported
that the Burlington railroad people
have secured, on the strength of their
investigation, a considerable body of
land in the locality of the strike.
It is furtner stated that one of tho
specimen jewels taken to New York
by one of the railroad people experts
was sold for S25 In spot cash. It is
said that this jewel Is a sapphire.
The assertion Is made In Burns that
Tiffany, the world famous New York
Jeweler, after careful test of speci
men stones from, this Oregon field, has
given Judgment more than favorable
to the genuineness of the strike. It is
certain that the story of the find Is not
a hot air romance and time will tell
whether or not .Southeastern Oregon
Is to have the real thing In the line
of Simon pure diamond mines. IBaker
City Democrat.
' A porraanent good roads organiza
tion was completed at Seattlo last
week and the state of Washington
will enter actively Intoi the .work for
better 'roads. -
Children's Vests and Pants
A broken lot, about 20 doz iu all,
25c, 85o and 40o regular price,
Friday and Saturday, 8c
Ladies' Union Stiits
Nearly all sizes, regularly sold for 50c,
Friday and Saturday, 25c
French Flannel
Good styles for waintw, worth 76o per j ard,
Friday and Saturday, 48c
Wool Plaids
Nice material for children's school
dresses, regular price 15 and 20o per yd,
Friday and Saturday, 8c
Outing Flannels
Not the best ones but the regular 60 kind, 15 yards,
Friday and Saturday, 50c
Broken sizes, regular f 1.26 to $1.76,
Friday and Saturday, 69c
Yarns, a mixed lot, regular price 10c aud i6c per kein, Friday and Saturday, 4c
this Friday and Saturday
yAc BY
i in i uuusaiiu i ai uo
Comes in bundles of from 1-2 to 3 pounds each For Friday and Saturday
Roads Getting Bad Agairj and Farm
ers Were Praying For Molstqre.
"Let It rain!"
This Is the word now falling from
the lips of every farmer. Since the
showers of several weeks ago It had
again become dry and dusty and tho
highways were almost as bad as In
the mlddlo of the summer, but it is
different today.
During the latter part of last night
it began to rain and a steady down
pour continued until eight o'clock this
morning when it let up for awhile.
The rain was very opportune and will
do many dollais worth of good for the
farmers and stockmen. Enough water
fell to completely wet the ground nnd
lay the dust for several days if it
ains no more for awhile. After the
former showers, farmers began to
thing of preparing for seeding, but
there was not quite enough moisture
to begin and they anxiously awaited
another shower. The rain of this
morning will moisten summerfallow
round enough to make seeding pos
slble and many drills will be going
within the next, few days.
In a farmhouse two miles from the
Mage of Rochester, 0 a terrible bat
tie was fought Tuesday night between
aged brothers named Meach, and six
desperate robbers. As a result of thf
battle, two of the robbers weie shot
to death, one probably fatally wound
ed and two of the Meach brothers
were badly beaten.
he Best Shoe in the Cotm-
rv at Its Price. We Chal-
enge any $5 shoe to equal
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are' Shod
Ping Pong Pins 10 cents
Fancy Chocolate Cup and
Saucers 25, 29, 38 and 45c
Fancy Sewing Baskets
ioc to 3.95 on stand or
squat style
Toys and Dolls
A line, not equalled in Eastern
Oregon. New iron banks,
iron toys, horns, etc. -
Woodenware Department
Ostrich and Turkey Dust
ers ioc to $2 45. Scrub
Brushes 5, 10 and 15 cts.
Chair Seats 10 nnd 12 cts
Etc., Etc.
Tour Place
Is always ready at our tables
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on 011
bill of fare. Everything ii
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurant
Telephone Mrin 4.
I 18 OUR
Strlot fcdhtrtaca to it aamUca to yuMi? willing woxken U renin
raperior Mrrle m bookkeeper b4 teaographan. Onr laUrnctloa it
fcnsaaity thorough fact so wUdy kaow tkat repaUtion ties M&ja
M But of our itodeafah Quality tlwyi eonBU. Kzaoda iato hj
feciHtle betUr bow tkas rrct Wfbra. Ia4airioat, willing atadeate auka
tapli adviBeenieat la all ataflWa taktav. Call, ar write for oar catatoga
rark and Washlngtoa Btreeto a. T. Araaatroag, U rrfiatf a
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South,
so you have a complete assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to 3ave you money 011 Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
j. , . . , . Next.to Postoflloe,