East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 15, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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1 JtttL Yf AKli 1JN4
The celebrated D. Armstrong & Co.'s line
of shoes for ladies are ready for you to make
selections. Don't hesitate, but come at once
and see the most fccatrtifol ladies' footwear
Good Shoes
Dindinge, Wilson & Co.
S&ccessors to Cleaver Bros.
T. A. Rhea, of Hcppner, Is In town.
Harriett C. Rush Is In town from
C. F. Wless Is attending court from
S. C. Fraus and J. Sherard arc In
town from Athena.
O. P. Skelton, a business man of Pi
lot Rock, is In town.
J. A. Ross and G. W. Schrimsher are
In town from Weston.
R, E. Porter, the merchant, and
John Hanna, of Meacham, are In town.
H. A. Richardson, one of the lead
ing business men of Helix, Is in Pen
dleton. Mrs. Ferguson and -Irs. Osburn arc
guests at Hotel SL George from
J. W. Lockwood, Mrs. Z. W. Lock
wood and F. H. Richmond are among
the Hel.x people registered at the Gol
den Rule hotel last night.
George Carnes is in town today
from Pilot Rock. Mr. Carnes is one
of the member of the merchandise
firm of Carnes Bros., of that little
E. T. Wade, the real estate dealer,
sold the G. E. Stocker place, on Jack
son street this morning to Will Bow
man and wife.
A marriage license was issued this
morning by County Clerk Chamber
lain to Fay C. Loveridge and Inez
White, both of Weston. Mr. Lover
idge is a brother of Otis Loveridge,
bookkeeper and business manager for
Conrad Platzoeder, the butcher.
District Attorney T. G. Hailey left
this morning for Athena, where he
went to investigate an appeal in a
road case. The damages of opening
a road was Bet by appraisers, and the
owner of the land appealed the case
on the grounds that his damages were
not assessed high enough. The case
may come into court.
Henry Means is in town from Echo.
Mr. Means Bays Echo is a little quiet
at this time of year, but to take it all
and all, business is quite satisfactory.
Charles A. Oilman, a prominent
business man of Lewiston, Me., Is In
the city, accompanied by his wife.
Mr. Gllman is a nephew of the late
Charles A. Craig, of Pilot Rock.
The kind you will enjoy using
Sopone Castiglia
Towel and cake of soap ioc
See it in our window
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, S2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, $6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn.. .. $4000
Good house on West Alta street.. Si 100
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge . S 900
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each $ .800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in city and country too numerous to mention, any
location that one may desire.
Main nBl
Mrs. W. E. Brock and Mrs. E. W.
Carter are expected home this even
ing from Spokane, where they attend
ed the fair.
Carl Nicholson, of The Dalles, was
lu town Monday visiting Ills brother,
Pete Nlcholsan, operator for the
Western Union.
Oregon Daily Journal: V. II. Chris
tain, of Milton, president of the State
Pharmaceutical Association, is at the
Imperial. Ho Is attending the K. P.
grand lodge.
Oregon Dally Journal: Charles Wil
kins, superintendent of the Umatilla
Indian reservation, is in tho city on
business pertaining to the affairs of
his department.
Attorney Will M. Peterson nnd C. A.
Barrett, of Athena, who had neon In
Pendleton attending the October term
of court, returned to their homes
Tuesday evening.
Marringe licenses were granted by
County Clerk Chamberlain yesterday,
to Bruco Parrish and Delia Bowers,
Edward T. Terney and Martha E. Al
corn, all of Umatilla county.
Oregon Daily Journal: B. E. Kenne
dy and wife are at the l'erklns. Mr.
Kennedy is the editor of the Tribune
at Pendleton, and is here as repre
sentative to the Knights of Pythias
grand lodge.
V. R. Dunbar, register of the land
office at Vancouver. Wash., v. as in the
city yesterday, accompanied by Mrs.
Dunbar. Mr. Dunbar is just closing
a well-deserved vacation visiting
friends and relatives in a&hltitgoi.
and Oregon. He visited his brother,
Chief Justice Dunbar, of the supreme
court of Washington, at Olympla, was
at the springs near Tacoma. visited
Walla Walla and stayed over a day
with Jinks Dudley, at Athena, who is
a brother to Mrs. Dunbar. Thoy stop
ped in Pendleton to visit O. W. Dun.
bar, of this place, who Is a brother ot
the register.
Emmett Callahan, a prominent at
torney of Baker City, is in Pendleton
today on legal business. He has just
returned from San Francisco where
he has been in attendance upon the
United States court on behalf of ell
ents. Mr. Callahan will not yield the
palm to Pendleton, but ho says
Pendleton and Baker City are the best
towns In the United States for their
Dance Last Night.
William Martin Union No. 154, Or
der of Washington, entertained Its
members last night at Music hall with
dancing and cards. A large crowd
was present and all had a good time.
Ivirkmans orchestra furnished the
Free Delivery December 1.
The free delivery will be establish'
ed on the first day of December, in
stead of the first day of January, as
has been announced heretofore.
Fort McDowell reservation settlers
in Arizona are still fearful of an up
rising of the Apache Indians.
Messrs. Ely Bros.: I have been
great sufferer from catarrh and hay
fever and tried many things, but
found no permanent relief until I
found it in Ely's Cream Balm about
eight years ago, and we have been
fast friends ever since. (Rev.) R M
Bentley, Rushvllle, Ind.
Messrs. Ely Bros.: iFind enclosed
0 cents, for which please sosd me
jour Cream Balm. I nnd your reme.
oy tho quickest and most permanent
cure for cold In the head, catarrh
etc. Yours truly, Doll- M. Potter,
Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold Mining Co.
Knocked the Celestial In the Head
With a Club and Made a Get-a-Way
Boards Train for Pendleton Sher
iff Now Looking for Him.
The omcors of Umatilla county are
looking for a young man who robbed
a Chlnnman of $100 nt Echo between
6 and 7 o'clock Tuesday evening.
The Identity of the man Is not
known, tfitt tho officers havo a descrlp-
tion of him. He haB been at Echo for
several days and a few days ago took
some soiled linen to tho Chinaman,
who runs a laundry, to havo it clean
ed. When he went back to get his
linen the Chinaman delivered the
oundlc to tho young man, who pro
ceeded to change his old clothes for
clean linen before leaving tho laun
dry. It is supposed tho Chinaman
showed his money in making change.
At nny rnte, the young man stepped
outsido tho door and Immediately re
turned with a club in his hand, order
ed tho Chink to stand and deliver. In
stead of
dolnc as commanded, the!
Chinaman let up a yell which wns cnl -
eulated to bring assistance nt once,
but when he hollowed the hold-up
man struck him a heavy blow on the
head with the club, knocking him
down, and then stuffed his shirt,
which ho had just removed, into the
Chinaman's mouth to stop further
outcries. Ho then went through the
fellow's pockets and secured what
money they contained.
After tho robbery tho Chinamai,
gave the alarm and a posse was im
mediately made up and a search made
for the thug. Ho was not located, but
every effort was made to keep him
from boarding a freight train, and get
ting out of the country.
Regardless of the vigilance of the
posse, tho young man succeeded in
storing himself in a refrigerator car
without being observed, and getting
out of town. On the way to Pendle
ton ho nccosted a brakeman 011 the
train and offered him $20 to store him
away and haul him out of tho coun
try. The brakeman refused nnd the
thug told him what he had done. He
said that he had quite a tussle with
tho Chlnnman, who was game to the
InRt, and fought desperately to pro
tect his. money. Ho said that instead
of getting 5100, he only secured forty
The officers at Echo notified the
sheriff and police of this city and the
freight train was met at M10 depot
mil a careful search made for tin
thug, but he was not found. Evidently
he had become alarmed because the
brakeman would not be bought into
-to concealing mrr., im. 'rained off
tho train bevore reaching this o.t
Henry Kapp, of Athena, Leaves Shop
and Creditors Behind.
Athena, Oct. IB. Considerable com.
ment Is being indulged in in this city
over tho sudden disappearance of
Henry Kapp, who has been running a
butcher shop here.
Kapp came to this place a little
over a month ago and bought out
Platzoeder & Mlnger, of Pendleton,
who had a shop established here. He
had worked for Platzoeder & Mlnger
in Pendleton for several months prior
to the time of coming here and was
apparently a straightforward fellow.
Monday ho and his wife got their per
sonal effects together and left town,
shutting up the shop and leaving
everything without trying to dispose
of it. It is understood that he bad
paid the entire amount for the
butcher shop and business, but he
owes something like $800 in Pendle
ton and several bills here. Other
than the creditors he left behind
there Is no one to mourn for him, as
his actions have not been criminal in
the least, and in his business dealings
seemed to be perfectly straight in
every way other than the leaving
without bidding his creditors fare
well. He had paid a month's rent In
advance for the butcher shop build
lug and had a year s rent nnld on the
slaughter yard.
Why he should so suddenly get out
of town without saying anything Is
not known. Ho came to OreKon from
Washington and to some intimate
friends he said that he was going
away for a few days and would re
turn, saying that he was going back'
to his old home. Ho was industrious
and a hard worker, but had one fault,
and that was drink.
America's Famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Emo
tions, uiotchea, Sores. Pimples,
They don't have them, nor will any
one who uses Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
It glorifies the faco. Eczema or Salt
Rheum vanish before It. It cures
sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains,
Infallible for Plies. 25c at Tallman
& Co.'s drug store.
T havo purchased the interest of
George Mlnger, In the Farmers' Meat
Market, and will continue the busi
ness aa formerly conducted, by Plat
roeder & Mlnger, and in order to
square up tho business, would Uko for
all persona Indebted to tho firm to
call and settle. Thanking you for
past favors and a continuance of the
Four Applicants Took the Examina
tions Today.
Only four out of the bIx mon to ap
ply for a place on the civil service
to he Inaugurated here when the free
delivery Is established, took the ex
aminations today.
A. H. Hlller, from Washington. D.
C was here nnd assisted Knlph How
land In making the examinations and
from here ho will go to Boise City,
where he has business of the same na
ture to attend to.
This makes 10 to take the clvld ser
vice examinations In Pendleton, as at
a former examination six were before
the board. Out of these only three
hnnn ...in. Those will he the
threo to paR8 tne best papers. The
ai,ers vm bc Bent immediately to
Washington, D. C, where they will be
passed upon and the returns will not
be made until a short time prior to
the establishment of the free dellv
The Ross Ice and Cold Storage Com
pany $18,000 Capital .Stock.
Articles of Incorporation for the
Ross Ice and Cold Storage Company
were filed this afternoon at the court
i house with J r . iioss, Aiia iioss nnu
j Annn M. Markham ns Incorporators,
The object of this corporation is for
' the manufacture of artificial ice and
handling cold Rtoroge and refrigora
tors. The East Oregonian recently
published the news thnt J. F. Boss
would build nn $18,000 ice plant in
Pendleton, and havo It in operation
by the coming of hot weather.
The capital stock of the new cor
poration Is $18,000. nnd the stock will
be divided into shares at a par of $100
Boyd Goes to Baker.
Mark Boyd left Tuesday evening for
Baker City, nccompanied by his moth
er, who came over to take him homo
and care for him until he had com
pletely recovered from ills injuries
received by falling through a trestle
from a moving train a few days ago.
Boyd Is tho young man arrested a few
days ago at Athonn, charged with
stealing a watch, but the evidence
was such that he was released and
sentence suspended. Mrs. Boyd was
considerably broken up over her son's
Tomorrow the Painters' Union No.
599, of Pendleton, will send a mem
ber of their order around town to
:ake up a collection for the benefit of
Jin striking coal minors. He will be
provided with a bonk and each con
tributor is requeued to sign his or
her name and place, opposite it the
amount they wish to give. Do all
you can for the miners for thev are in
need of it.
C. W. M'LYMAN, President,
C. J. WILI.SON, Secretarv.
Woodmen Attention,
Woodmen of the World and their
friends aro cordially invited to be
present Saturday ovenlng, October 18.
nt the Secret Hall, Court street, to at
tend the annual smoker. Program of
special talks upon interesting sub
jects will be given by prominent mem
bers of Pendleton Camp, nnd other
features. COMMITTEE.
Noise and Fury,
"I'ze observed,' said Uncle Epho
"dat wlf er good many men lung pow
er an' brain power am In inverse pro
portion." Colorado Springs Gazette.
ilsJiif fiA
That's sl
Pfetty Shoe!
The particular shoe that
elicits the above remark
is our .
i Kid Dress
! Shoe For Ladies
Toes and Heels
Are the latest
? Quality
The best and the
price for either
X Turn or Welt
There Are No Better X
Peoples Warehouse j
Lincoln J. Carter's Southern Produc
tlon Greeted by Large House.
Lincoln J. Carter's production,
"Down Mobllo," wnB greeted at tho
Frazer last night by a largo audience
Like nil of Carter's plays, tho plot was
very exciting nnd kept tho audienco
well worked up from start to finish.
Whllo the acting was very good,
showing that tho troup putting the
play on the boards Is not an amateur
one. by far tho most auracuvo teat
uro was the scenery. To 0110 from the
South, the dismal swamp scono waB
very renllstlc. The fireflies were a
very good Imitation or tho real things
which aro to bo scon by tho million In
tho fall of the year In tho South. The
burning of tho old cotton mill wns &
grand scene. Tho play was well re
ceived and merited the large patron
age it received.
How's Thls7
We offer One Hundred Dollars Itewnrd
for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
T. J. CHKNEV & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known P. J.
Cheney for the pnst 10 years, ami hcllere
in 111 to be perrcctiy Honorable in an niwi
nes8 transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WKST & Tltt'AX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, u.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lnterunlly,
acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
L rusglsts.
Hall's Family rills are the best.
Plead Not Guilty.
Charles Melqulst, J. D. Kerr, E.
Thorsen, L. Stephenson, Ed Addcock,
Henry Dray, Jack Harris, all charged
with unlawful gambling. Defendants
all plead not guilty; trial is supposed
to take placo Tuesday. C. H. Finn Is
defendant attorney and Judge Ramsey
assists tho district attorney while In
the prosecution. La Grande Observer.
For Exchange.
Three and a quarter wagon nnd cash
for spring wagon or hack. Room 15,
French Restaurant.
20 pounds Best Cane Sugar l fj0
20 pounds Rolled Oats ico
20 pounds French Prunes 1.00
10 cans Best Standard Tomatoes 100
10 cans Best Sugar Corn i-00
20 cans Nice Sardines , J(fi
12 cans Good Salmon 10o
20 pounds Pink Beans i.TO
18 pounds White Beans .' 1.00
1 box Fine Apples ". .65
rine nee Honey. Maple Syrup. Cnamery Butter,!
always on hand. We want your trade. Come ui
see us. Free delivery to all parts of the city.
Remember: The largest stock of goods in the county to seleetfr
"Exclusive new ideas have just reached us fromtht
fashion centers of the east. They are gems of
beauty and each one has an individuality that will
please the most exquisite fancy. To see that
hats is to fall in love with them. You are invited
to come in
A 0 E
We have ust
DIUUK pattern of H
uiai wc have marked
percentage of profi,
This is a rare chaatt
u rci a ainner set y(
""e Piece at a
until you finish Vnn.
such opportunity bk
useii icr some time,
it anyway.
Owl Tea
Our Afternoon Tei I, j
Take Yot
WC0 bnyiroocri,eiBt.
t&OObuyt 320crei,
HTCObuytMOscrrt; JSiudfJ
resi 100toMI
oui CaniHH Prairie coumrV iSJ
nnriPrt nt hair i. '.
w.tS. with.'. n"n"
si one could wih. "
13.1(4) acres! nit fn.i. . .
MO tons ol hsypni up thti ,,1
hall of nm alfalfa Thli buJ
bed stock ranch In iin.in,.r
it is to like It. OjIt UraSl
I2,wx) sheep with ranch WJ
11800 bujs lw acres down tbi '
bottom laud.
13300 Dim KM acrei on Ik, h,J
from Pendleton. i
Anything you want In tun fan,
13) acrei, ) of umelnti4atit&
Real Estate
Pendleton, Or., Oct. 13, 1902. J