HOTELS. TRANSPORTATION LINES. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. til LsSlONS AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Jl'DD a. rn. ; PHYSICIANS. nfflr hen ; ... TiUrhnne reu ! - j rrKtS henrlnC. -SMTfn, 'k Telephone. 80; ' . E d. '"'m0 black 73; fT-leplione 1m. rk 24 L rrrr,tivKiriAN AND in?Lnolm 20. J"11 bullrtlnB. 1 uchx. 'phone, discs FRATERNAL ORDERS, koyal NEionnons op America Wlldwood camp. Mo. ZSSS. meets second id fonrtb Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellow nan. aira. Ida nolcomb, Oracle Mrs. Nettie iiooDins, iteeoroer. UMATILLA TKNT. NO. 27. K. O. T. U. Meets In Secret Society nail, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All rlsltlne Sir Knlcbta cordially Invited. S. Kce, Itecord Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. rtfrrhh0.l,mln 031: reil- MM - - U. nDi.ui eve. ear, rose "it. ft Ravings Dank build- .ntlVU IW1U lWL nm. .in lllOCk West Kg Htae. , irpsr.w:. cnitONic ' and diseases of DENTISTS. TCitAS. DENTIST, OFFICE IN pUW TBone reo 1. ISX DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS , Kt r Schmidt's new drug etM. IrrECTS AND BUILDERS. bnmTRcmTECT and su- mikes complete and rclla- ffor ioildlnpi In he cttv or conn- I COIX, COXTRACTOItB AND 1 ISItm.itw Curnlslijil shott Jnh work a specialty. Prompt Scp on ISluff street near Main. tr. CONTHACTOK and ium.n- ttlMtts furnished on an Kluus rr. traifnt walk", Btone walls, etc. Urs at Bi't IreRonlan office. ANKS AND BROKERS. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. B2, A. F. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, VT. M. ; Joe n. Parke. Bee. PENDLETON CHATTER, NO. 28 T. Taylor, H. P., P. P. Wamsley, secretary. Meets nrst ana ronrtn Friday 01 each month In Masonic nail. DAMON LODGE, J.'0. 4. KNIOHTS OP Pythias. Is. W. neld, C. C.: II. W. Fletcher, K. of R. and S. Meets every Monday in secret society uau. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Tutallla Camp, No. 63119. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd roiiows nan. ueorse A uambim, con sul; O. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF TTIE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp. No. 41. W, of W. are held In Secret Boclety Hall every Saturday evcnlnc Vlsltlnc celeb bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk : A. J. Owen, c. c. ATTORNEYS. BALLERAY 4 McCOURT, LAWYERS, ASSO elation ifnuaing. CARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Ijtw. Office in Savings Hank Building, STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14 Association Elk., Ten dleton, Oregon. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, rendleton, Oregon. .V. HERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, E. D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court street. L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'cnuieton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, Bnlldlng. LAW OFFICE IN JTJDD 1 STILLMAN AND PIERCE, ATTORNEYS I at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admltt- - rt to nrnrtlre In TTnlted Rtatea natent of. mm ui , nces ana mattes a specialty ot i"atent law, CiDltal. ;0,l'U0, Hurplns nnd 16X10. Interest on tl7ie deposits. II' h."i a'td l''ni"8li rr."iitr n'eiidea to Henrr . president T J Klrk. vli-e-nresl U IUmett cashier, r. R. I.e pitant cshler ftlRUEKR1 HANK OF WESTON, Oregon Does a general bank hxenance nought nnu sold. nromntlv attended to. It. cresldent : Oeorce W. Proehatel. fc'iit, J. I'.. Kllgnre, cashier ; dl-, tO A. Hartman. M. M. Johns. T. G. D. Graw J F Kllgore, Robert I EG W I'roebstcl fcDtfcTll.V SAVINGS RANK l'KN i Wtton. Orcnnlzil Mnrpli 1 1 liJul r0.000: surnlus SnO.OOO: lilknl on ime ilenmlts. Ex f'ZZh and .1.1 in nil lirinpliml Slf'al alt-ntliin slven to col- Li J I urnlsh. president : J. N. Hrsldent, T J Morris, cashlei. PiTlO.VAL HANK OP PF.NTir.K. pltal f 70,000: surnlns, J95.000. 1 1 nneral lianklnc business. I't. p tt!e;raphlc transfeis sold on i!u Francisco. New York nml Itolars in the Northwest. Drafts ulu. Japan and Europe. Makes iwreasoname terms. Lvl An- at W F Matlok. Tlrn-npoal. IB. wide, cashier: II. C Quern-1 ui turner 1 Rooms, 10, 11, IS Block. and 13 Association LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TOE OLD SEMPLH FEED YARD. 728 Cottonwood street, Lindsay & Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Bad- die horses at all times. Horses for sala. 'Phone Red 41. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street COMMERCIAL STABLES, Q. W, PROOMH Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel renmeton. -i-none Main iui OREGON PEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING, PHOTOGRAPHERS. PfiMlS, LEADING I'HOTOGRA P t eltv Harvest vleum. In. i tor ule. Finishing done for "u ct., near bridge. Ilionc THE BTRAHON ROOMING HOUSE. MAIN Bt,, Mrs. B. A. Strabon, prop. Nice large veil kept rooms In new bnlldlng, with ;ood clean beds. mE WHITE LODGING UOUSbT 801 South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. Jousekeeplng rooms and lodging rooms. iood comfortable rooms and clean, well tept beds. Lodging 23 cents. EMPIRE LODGING nOTJSH, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets ; goods ante, clean rooms with comfortable beds. itates i.'ic and 60c a night. Thoa. Basrt. ?rop. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good tabic set. Kates $4 and f5 per -week. Pendleton Fewl Yard In connection. L. pCTRlCAU 8UPPLIE8. r-S0S. COl'ltT STIIKRT. Ta . HftniM ttnri fA.l rii, itiumiciur. , ...... to, nut,, ,u. 1 ... 2?'W (Jei foiTr paces' . .. UNO BUSINESS roTTONWOOD i Wo L GREENAWAIiI), THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First clats repairing with txat materials. Shop in rear of lilndlnger, Wilson Sim .. . land 15..!; . 'lalma an lul- offieel 1 rpecljlty KL'L'L.? land com iPisaf i'a' ,"f land Ul- - iOaffi"n''"'l collections. I T iOUN WILSON, PIRBT CLASS 8HOK maker and repairer. Best material used And good work done. Shop 117 Alts street. She (an authoress) I don't like the expression "divorce proceedings." Can you suggest u synonym for It? lie Yes. How will "the moaning of the tied" Do? GREAT CHURCH GATHERING. Twenty-five Thousand People at Con. vention of Disciples of Christ. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 16. Local rail road men estimate that more strangers have arrived In Omaha during the last 24 hours than ever before In the city's history. Twenty-five thousand is given as a conservative estimate of the num ber of persons brought in by the ar riving trains from all directions. Ho tels and boarding houses are Allied to overflowing and the streets and other public places are thronged. The visitors are delegates to the In ternational convention of Disciples of Christ, which begins its sessions to morrow to continue one week. This Is the largest body of Christian workers which assembled under one head, and their annual gatherings are made the occasion of great evan gelistic work. From all over the world the delegates have come, for the church, since Its foundation by Alex ander Campbell In the backwoods of Kentucky but little more than a half century ago, has spread throughout the civilized world and to may points where civilization is in its incipiency. The delegates from abroad probably will number several hundred and will were present. The Initial session was opened with devotional exercises, at the conclusion of which short ad dresses of welcome were made on behalf of Oberlln University and the local churches. A response was made by Samuel B. Capen, of Boston, pres ident of the American board. Follow' Ing the address of President Capen some matters of a routine nature, such as the appointment of commit tees, etc., were disposed of, and the secretary of the home department read his annual report, which is the special report of the presidential com mittee. This report showed a year of great activity and gratifying re sults. The report of the treasurer, Frank H. Wiggln, of Boston, showed that for the first time In several years the board has been able to close Its fiscal year free from debt and with a balance to Its credit In Its treasury The expenditures for the 12 months were $741,303.35, and- the regular re ceipts for the year were $742,764.47, leaving a balance on hand of ?1,4G2.- 12. The gains for the year were from legacies and women's boards. The debt of a year ano nmnnntlp"- to $102, 341.38, has been entirely cancelled through the redemption of pledges given at the Hartford meeting, last October, Tonight the annual sermon before OREGON Shoj$tLine and union pacific Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by cck or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dtnlngroom Service. Every Modern Convenience Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN HOLE "HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson Atretic, 1'cndltrtou, Oregon, M. F Kolly, Proprietor. PXFART Tllllo SoIlfMltllo AIT roi Front ivnalototi ro Chtrago 8a H Luke, Dearer, Ft. Portland Worth, Omaba, Kan Special mi City. St. LouU, 8:00 a.m. b'M p. m. UhlctfO nnd Kmt. tU Hunt , Ington. I Atlantic fait Lnkv, Pcnrer, Ft. Kinre.t Worth, Omnha. Kn . 5:t.N m. CUr. Bt LouU, 11:10 p.n, I Tlallunt I Chtrngo and Eail. Ington, I ai n.i Walla Walla.Lcwtiton, $..iuVn Spokane, Wallace .iV Pullman, Mlnneapo ... 8 15.m, , ki. rid, puiulh, 81P' Rrokan Milwaukee, Chicago PpoKane j B, K5t, -j Ocean and River Schedule. FROM rORTLVND. All latllnft tlalei sut 8Sn m Ject to ehauxo. ..,. owp. m. ForSanFrancltco P. n. Sail every 0 dnrt. Tfflly ' BurZV Columbia RVf p.. 8:00 p m. To Astoria and War Bundar Saturday landing,. 10:00 p in. Wlllnniotttiltlvor. Boat, leave Portland dally, except Bandar, (itagp of water permitting) (or WIllameHa and Yamulll Hirer poluta. Lecve Lear Ulpafla Snako Hirer Lewlitoo 4:05 a.m. Illparla to LewUlon 7 SO mm. lly Dallr Kicpt Mon Kicpt Men F. F. WAM3LEY, Agent, I'endlatoa. RUNS include a number of religious workers of note. From the various parts of the the meeting of the board Is to be de- United States have come visitors num-. llvered by Rev. Dr. Newell Dwlght room 10 FOR RENT. ' CARRIAGES. ' flfiP Mm.. ... "tfte forth,; LA,EW AN'I VERY OlInTS rc,a' Livery Stable nr ' "na 'he hack will call I.IXR Pn.... ,0 uli 333 "'V 'AKpn. PROP. 'aUuriot.'"3- h,nn In front of feWaHANO DEALERS." Huiu .. -" v ana ram t L . P- - I.V BECONn or 'I anything you an and SECOND JLLACK8MITHINQ. tD. A son FmrTT.. """ITERS AND SIIddi s-ri "lining, rena irinV FR 6ALP ?1Tl KlwTrrrr WLtthUofflcV""5 FOR RENT FURNISHED nOCSEKEEPINO rooms and alngle rooms. 719 College atreet, oppoalte court bouie. Mrs. Alice Smith, Frop WANTED. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOB nousekeeping. Apply at tt.1, onlce. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE UBE of these classified columns. If you hare something yon have no use for, offer to trade It for something; that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that yon may need In your business. Yon may bare au extra horse that jou may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Borne body may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A 15c or 25 cent want ad.iwlll probably do the business. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON MACHINE 8UOPAND FOUN dry, Baltezore & Ilnwe, proprietors. Black. amithlns: and general lohblne. Iron and brau casting. All kinds of machinery repilrs. Phone Bed 20. K TILL AR BROTHERS. PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spe cialty. Estimates furnished free. Wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai 104"'" C'r ,t0r'- Ma,n 8t P' 0 U bering In the aggregate something like 25,000 or 30,000 and many more are on the way. The badges to be seen about the streets today indicate that largest delegations are from Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee. Illinois, Oklahoma. Ohio. Nebraska, Texas and Michigan. The meetings of the convention will be held In the great building known as the Coliseum, a commodious structure admirably arranged for the purposes of the gathering. Overflow meetings will be held In all the local churches and In the churches of Council Bluffs and South Omaha as well. The gen eral headquarters of the committee on arrangements are located at the Mfl lard Hotel and here today's arrivals were taken, provided with badges and assigned to quarters. Besides a host of ministers the delegates include many laymen of prominence. Some of the speakers to be heard during the week are: Supreme Court Justice Hoi colmb. of Nebraska; Champ Clark, of Missouri; Benton McMillan, of Ten- nesbee: V. T. Moore, of London; Gov. ernor Bushnell, of Ohio; Governor btaniey. of Kansas, and Zach Sweeney. former minister to Turkey. The benevolent association of the htirch will hold its sessions during the convention In the North Side Christian church, wltht Z. F. Sweeney of Columbia, Ind., and the Rev. George Combs of Kansas City, as principal peakers. Aside rrora the regular program, which is taken up chiefly with mis slonary addresses, the evangelists of the church will hold noonday and ves per meetings on the street corners, in the large department stores, factories and packing houses. Sunday the pul pits of all the churches of all denomi nations will be occupied by Disciple preachers. In the afternoon a union meeting will be held In the Coliseum, when the communion service or Lord's supper will be partaken. Ten thous and persons, probably the largest num ber on record, will take part at one time. One of the most Interesting features HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Hillis, of Brooklyn. Amorlwm I'lnn, rnie 1 ii5 to S'.'.OO ;icr dnv. Em-openii l'lan, r,Ou, Tuit, $1.00. 8rKoliil nites hy week or month. Episcopalians in Session. Albany, N, Y., Oct. 14. The twen ty-fifth congress of the Protestant Episcopal church opened Its sessions I Free 'bus meets all trains In this city today wllli a Inrgo attend ance of leading churchmen from all parts of the Unitedt Sates, -fiolyi communion was celebrated In the morning. Bishop BuvgnK3 officiating. in the afternoon the delegate vJmKciI various points of intr -t. and I-itcr there was a reception In their honor. The regular program will be taken tin this evening. The visitors will be wel comed by Bishop Doane, following whose address there will be a discus sion of the church and the drama. the speakers to Include Rev. Dr. Floyd v. Tompkins, or Philadelphia; the Rev. Dr. Henry Lubeck, of New York, ana tne itev. Dr. Arthur B. Klnsolv- Ing, of Brooklyn. Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Allwilion (liven Country Trade HOTEL j ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. Pullman Sleepit.R Qirs, Elefiuiit Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rsr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIH DUIiVJTH KAROO UK AND FORKf OROOKBTON WINNKFEG HELENA and , BUTTE, PICKETS TO TO. THROUGH American Bottlers' Convention. Norfolk, Va Oct. 14. .Nearly one mousanu nottiers representing the American Bottlers' Association met for their ninth annual convention in this city today. There are delegations Horn all parts of the United States east of the Mississippi river, the largest number being from Philadel phia, New York and Boston. The officers In charge of the convention are: George B. Hugo, Boston, presi dent; Judge D. L. V, Moffett, Bos;on, secretary; Henry u Schmidt. Hobo- ken, reasurer. One of the problems to be considered at the convention Is that of compelling people to return empty uuities. Memorial to Gladstone. London, Oct. 14. St. Deiniel's LI brary, which has ben envied at Ha warden, as a memorial to tic latu Mr, Gladstone, was formally opened to day with Interesting ceremonies. Lord Spencer, who succeeded the late jjukp or Westminster as chairman of tle Gladstone National Memorial GEO. DAfiVEAU, Prop. Elegantly f urnished bteam Heateu European I Ian Block and-a half from depot Sample room In conpi-clion. UHIOAUO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON and all points East and South rarouvh tlckotl to Jinin anrt flhlm vlt Tacoma aod Northeru Paclflo H!emihl' Co, andAmsrlcan Una. rlMB SCIIKDULB. Trains leave Pendleton dallr iirrnil flundi M. 1 JI J'. Ill 1 For further Inlorinatiou, time cardi, maps and tickets, call ou or write W. A Jmi, Pen. dleton, Oregon, or A. 1. (IHARI.ION Third and Morrlunn Hu., Portland Or. Washington & Columbia River Railroad ROOM RATE 50c, 75c, $1.00 THE TPORTLAftD uommmee. Dresmeu nvor itm nvr. 01 uiu garnering is ine contest lorjnees and other distinguished next year's convention of the denoml-'were among the speakers, nation. The chief aspirants appear to i -be Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Detroit, San New Mexico's Big Fair Francisco and Los Angeles, All of ii10, M tW nltl h-vo co. a.wl tfl... - M-W ., 11 PORTLAND. OREGON Amerlcau 1'lau. fi ur dav uml unwarH Kradquartcri. fur touriU and cuinnienlal trav clem, btxrclal rait mode to fumiliirfi and slnvlc. men I genlleintii The niaiiatrimiit will be plial at all times to liow rooms and glvr prievs, A modem Turkuli liutlir.lulili.liujtiillu the hotel. 11 k nwwi'.Kh, Manager -The Babbitt Metal, beat In the world, In OLD NEW8PAPER.S' TO PUT UNDEIl l carpets, on shelve, walls, or for wrap Din? DurrwuiM nui ... iM lu ... :Sn?.le 100 eacbMtt 23 cenU a btinflle wiue CAB-, uiikuonian omc. fsndia ton, Orason. niies nave sent large anu innu- t, .,.i- m , . ... , ... , .,,B entlal delegations and the contest I" J IauT'IV. V.OI'e."el ".r' Pr'c 1 Per bar, at the East promises to be exceed ngly sp r ted ciOUg A1i fllritZ Jll ii " "wgonian uweeu before the final selection Is 'made. Tnfirt talks OP foreign MiSRinNR ?lt,0.n thee aTe numerous special at TALKS OF FOREIGN MI8SIONS. tractlons In the way of entertainment. 1 Thf mnnflpfimnrir la in ranAlnt tr r, A Three Hundred Members Present at vlces toat tho attedance will break all i nree uays- session. previous records, Oberlin, O., Oct. 14. The- ninety- third annual meting of the American I have for sale pure bred Pekln Board of Commissioners for Foreign ducks, large size. Per pair, Missions convened uere toaay, ana uiu, o, uin aeiiver wnl be In session three days. Bo ' during October. ' ' Mrs, tween 200 and 800, corporate members Echo, Or. Take this route for Chicago, HI. Paul, HI. I.ou'h, Kan sas City, St. Joe, OiiiaIih, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMB OaBD. I.eart Pendleton, dally except guilds ri at TUX), pm. Arrlre Pendlelon Monday, Wednesday so PrldayWMpm. ArnVe Pendleton Tuasdar. Thmnlir una D ...lltM..u ' - Daiuiua; ivjwiiu, teare Walla Walla dallr, eatt bound, 9ax) pm. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west buuud,esaa, for Information rrsarillnk raU'S and accom. modatlous, i all ou or address W. A DAUB, Atent, . Pendleton, Orecon. 8. B. OALUKUHKAU.U P. A.. Walla Walla, Wasb, PENDLETON-UKI AH STAGE LINE STURDIVANT BROS,, Prorw. lilage leaves Pendleton dally, except Sundays, at 7 a. m., lor Uklab and InleiuiedlaUi points, liatesi To Pilot Hotk,7Soj Pilot Kock and f tarn, 11 loi To Nrt. II io. Nys and relarn, Hi To Bldse, II 76 i (o Itldis and return, W.toi To Alba, I.' to Alba and return. II OOtfoUklah to Uklab and return, il.lo, Office In Golden Rule Hotel, Pendletoa MANHOOD REST0RED;5L mi uiaa. 1 XSSSSSSS1SSSSSS nd uressnis I wiVi oriin m Utla"r "u "p"""' VVl'iUKXU atiutbM I J I . n rr.jin . .f..... ... , ........ . ri,i - .n A rn I rmttrl.CTli-; " .V .-'--'v. iir i.-vur.w iwu BW peroeiii aro ieri "yj ..mii reramy Unnra wlu,jui un dMratlon. in 1'enaieton Smair tTendS?nSVfri7r, n V. Ttnlpv I AddMA V'tr, f;i:ijVK ..o.ilml.K vr.,4. , - . - - , troabled Willi raatklltls. tdtUi timlliimnldlrf. A wtltua paruuuientuuro. lUaboxloH(a) 80LD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUQ0I8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON. 1 i nil T '