East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 15, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Not Hardwood Sawdust
Are absolutely pure. Try them and you will
be surprised at the difleronce between AT
WOOD'S Sl'ICES and the ordinary oneB.
Brook & fttaComas G&nsparcy
tug hodein oRuaaisrs
! f- ' 7p" -v Tracy Is credited with having been
V3lSV iQflVVVVy the luckiest real villain that ever ap-
-.I, V-,iri"i i ,mm4?r- peared on the real stnge of life.
"WEDNESDAY. OCTOISEU 15,. 1902. J The moral wave in Portland Is
. crowing. The sheriff and chief of po-
Grand Chancellor Mnloney, your
friends congratulatu you
Golf Is the rage In Penuleton Just
now. The demand for a strenuous
llfo brings many worshippers to Its
So the coal operators are not so
stubborn as they were a few days
ago. ETen the moat spoiled benefic
iaries of corruption see the point
Battle between the Venezuelan gov
ernment and revolutionists Is Immi
nent. That little half acre will have
to call on Uncle Sam to take It in
lice or that city are now tnreatened
with arrest if they do not execute the
law. They must go down into the
dives nnd nrrest all violators of the
law, acordlng to the decrees of those
advocating a closed city. A hard fight
is on. The sheriff and police are the
only officers to execute the law.
What will be the effect of having
them arrested? How do officers act
under compulsion? Will not the ac
tlon of the moral element array the
officers against them, and will not this
move result in making Portland n
worse town than ever? v The greatest
danger to the mornl move always is
the over-zealousness of its advocates.
It is the remark of every stranger
who takes a drink of water in Pendle
ton, that the water Is hard to beat.
But Pendleton is growing and It Is
necessary to Increase the supply. Too
much good water has never been ob
tained anywhere, and money Invested
In this way Is always economically
spent. The move to Improve Pendle
ton's water system is commendable.
Mexico must now go down In her
pockets and put up $l,4ui),000 to the
California bishops. Long delayed
bills draw interest and Mexico Is in
a position to realize this Just now.
These claims have been running for
many years and should have been
paid long ago. While the subject mat
ter Is known as the "Pious Fund," It
is possible now If one could hear the
Mexicans comment on it that it would
sound more like a "Cussing Fund."
According to the signs of the times
the steamboats will all be tied up on
the Pacific Coast lines between San
Francisco and the Sound points. If It
is not one trouble it is another. It is
growing more evident every day that
the government will have to take all
of the gigantic enterprises into hand.
Too many trusts operators and too
many men cannot get along together.
Unionism and trusts will not work to
gether. Whether all of the blame is
on the trusts or not, thoy have the
greatest power and use it most op
pressively, and at them the main blow
must be aimed.
All of the surrounding towns and
cities have had their fairs and carni
vals and have made a good showing
of the enterprise and push, and have
at the same time called attention to
their local resources and attractions.
Pendleton has nothing of this kind,
yet It Iooks like a fair day here every
day. The streets are crowded, busi
ness men are busy, and everything
puta on a life that shows a vigor that
only a solid backing can give. The
full realization of these prosperous
tlmee will not bo felt by the people
of the Inland Empire, probably for
years to come, and then they will
look back and say, "Were not those
grand times back in the beginning
of this century?"
The playwright muHt appeal to tho
ideal. He must not apply the real at
any point, oven to the naming of
things. Yet when tho Ideal is reach
ed the public shout how real! The
novel that is not overdrawn to an
abnormal degree would be consider
ed dull. The play that actually gave
the real would be considered stupid,
yet when one does something ideal
on the stage, it mattors not how rid
iculous, tho audience will exclaim:
"How real!" It is what the mind
-clamors lor in Action and on the
stago that seems real and not what
is real. Tracy, in his most lucky es
capes, did not bear half the charmed
life of the average stage villain, yet
of the people for relief from extor
tionate trust prices on the necessaries
of lite In California, however, the
party is wholly committed to the pol
icy that protecUon of the trusts is an
indlsionslble part of the protection
edifice. Callfornlans who want relief
from the present high prices can find
that relief only by electing the dem
ocratic congressional nominees. San
Francisco Star.
Some people are very gullible, es
pecially are those susceptible of be
ing worked by strangers. The com
monest fakir can come along and get
Into their good graces and get their
good money, while they are suspic
ious of their nelghoors, men who hav
lived a lifetime without a blemish up
on their character. It is such men
as these that the fakir strikes. There
Is not so much sympathy deserved
after all by these fellows who let the
smooth-tongued stranger come along
and talk them Into parting with their
cash without consideration. In this
day and time there is but little neces
sity for dealing with a stranger who
cannot furnish ample credentials as
to who he' is. Telegraph lines and tel
ephone lines make the most distant
places close neighbors and it does not
cost much, either.
The withdrawal of Speaker Hender
son from the congressional fight is
only one of many evidences that the
republican party is completely divid
ed on the trust question.
The republicans of Iowa have ac
cepted the wise democratic doctrine
that when American-made goods are
sold In foreign countries at lower
prices than are asked at home the
necessity for protection has passed.
They declaie that wherever the tariff
fosters monopoly it should he revis
ed and the duties lowered.
Sooner than accept this doctrine,
Speaker Henderson declined a renom
inatioc and denounced the proposi
tion to curtail the power of the trusts
as "free-trade poison." His constit
uents are firm in their position, how
ever, and have nominated in his stead
a republican who unreservedly ac
cepts the plank which Henderson re
jected. The "Iowa Idea" of accepting the
democratic plan for curbing the trusts
is not confined to Iowa. In the 11th
Massachusetts district Eugene Foss, a
wealthy manufacturer, has made a
fight before the people and won the
republican nomination for congress on
a platform calling for "free coal, free
iron, free wool, and free hides."
Mr. Foss, who Is a brother of Con
gressman Foss, of Illinois, made a
fight in the" primaries directly attack
ing the tariff plank of the republican
state platform. In addition to his
"free raw material" program, he an
nounced himself as In favor of reci
procity with Cuba. He was opposed
by the regular party organization with
a candidate who stood by the orthodox
trust interpretation of the doctrine of
protection, but Foss and the demo
cratic plan won out triumphantly.
On many trust-mndo goods the
prices for export to foreign countries
arc not more, than half the prices
charged American consumers. This
Is true on such staple articles of
dally use as farm machinery, axes,
kettles, wlro nails, barbed-wire, riv
ets, typewriters and sewing machines.
That American cpnsumers are so dis
criminated agains.t Is no secret. Pres
ident Schwab, of. tho steel trust, ad
mltttcd tho fact when testifying be
fore tho Industrial Commission, and
the catalogues sent to foreign coun
tries also furnish proof,
Tho republican party Is here and
thero showlnc that it has not
strength to wholly resist tho demand
Nothing could show more striking
ly the change In the monetary condi
tion of this country than a compari
son of the stock of gold nnd the money
in circulation now and In 1S9G.
On Saturday last the gold in the
treasury amounted In round numbers
t; 1574.000,000, an increase of nearly
$SO,000,000 since July 1, 1901, and the
largest sum, with possibly one excep
tion, ever held by any government.
In October, 189G, at the height of
'h ree silver campnigu. the treasury
held less than 122,uoO,000 In gold,
and the total amount in circulation
was only $478,000,000 nearly J100,
000,000 less than Is now held by the
treasury alone.
Largely ns a result of this increased
gold supply the amount of money in
circulation has Increased from $21.15,
the per capita average for 1S96, to j
nearly ?29 at the present time.
Meanwhile the commercial ratio of
sliver to gold, which was 30.32 In j
1890, is now about 38. The treasury I
now holds 540,000,000 Bllver dollars,
and there are nearly 70,000.000 in,
circulation, against 380,000,000 In the
treasury and 56,000,000 in circulation
six years ago. i
From whatever point of view these
figures are regarded, whether in re
lation to currency supply or to prices
of commodities, they carry a splendid
vindication of the principle and policy
of sound money. New York World.
"Don't you love to gambol on the
Uncle Zeuas Nopey! I tried it
when I wuz in ther city last winter,
and there wont nothln' doln' but red
an black!
Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit1
Amateur Art Association, tells
young women what to do to
avoid pain and suffering caused
by female troubles.
" I can conscientiously recommend
Lydia E. Plnkhiuu's Vegetable
Compound to those of my sisters
suffering with female weakness and
the troubles which bo often befall
women. I buffered for months with
general weakness and felt so weary
that I had hard work to keep up. "I
had shooting pains and was utterly
miserable. In mv distress I was ad
vised to use Xiyuia E. Plnkhain'H
Vegetable Compound, and it was
a red letter day to me when I took the
first dose, for at that time my restora
tion began. In nix weeks I was a
changed woman, perfectly well in
ovcry respect. I felt so elated and
happy that I want all women who
suffer to pet well as I did." Miss
Gun. a. Ganwon, 359 Jones St., Detroit,
Corresponding- Sec'y Mich. Amateur
Art Association. fSOOO forfait If original of
above Ittttr proving gtnulntntss cannot to produced.
It Is clenrly shown In tills
yoiinir tally's letter that Lydla E.
Pinklinnt'K Vegetable Compound
will surely cure the sufferings of
women ; mid when one cousldera
tliatiMiss Gannon's letter is only
one of indreds which we have, tha
great virtue of Sirs. Pinkham's medi
cine must be admitted by all.
Special Shoe Sale
'We will make a special reduction of io per
cent on all shoes. This includes men's, boys',
ladies', misses and children's shoe's of all
grades. This is the opportunity to buy your
winter shoes, while you can save cne tenth
the cost of them.
Soft sole shoi s, for infants, 50c down to $ .22
Soft kid shoes, for children, from 90: down to. . .45
Heavy sole shoes, k d and calfskin, all sizes,
from $1 45 down to $ -63
Ladies' heavy sole shoes, $2. 70, 52.48, 2 25 (r 1.26
Ladies' fine dress shoes light soles S2.70, $2 25 (n1 1 80
Men's dress shoes from $3 15 down to 1 35
Men's'htavy work shoes from $3 60 down to.. .. 1.25
Boys' shoes all grades from $1.60 down to ' . .63
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Ending October 18.
We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools
and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid
ered. Estimates fui nished on builders' hardware and
"Money saved is money earned." See
T. C. Taylor,
741 Main Street Phone Main 871
r .t;
ft a v- - s-. rv 'n
or sedate msrrlecl life the vehicles we offer
owe no superiors doubt II tlinyhaverqu la
llUrlftieafatlirdVa ninahntlta i ra 1-e Inn .u
gles and phaetons, rubber tired, if you prefer
'hfjp, U a model oi excellence, and we here-
io jun a coruiai inviiauou local!
and ee for yourself.
Examruei.ur Winona nicks, made for this
curaaie; or me very Dest mmerlil, and are
stylish and durable. If jou want a wagon,
if i DUI"ry or Plow. have the best line In
uc muiuu nauu leui&es oi ail Kindt nl
wavs on hflnrt.
Examine our gasoline engines, sawmill
uw luic.jivia.
Water Bt. Bear Main. Pendleton, On.
To Sleep Well
get your stomach and liver
acting right. The easiest,
quickest and safest way to
do it is to use
Bali STtrrfcr. Ia boias 10c aa4 S3.
U K HuiireiiiP Court
I. H PntPiit Ofllr
Trade Mafir and I'npyrlgnts
ini Ttri 't.. v vt, WnNlilnirton. D. r
127 and 129" Bant AlU 8treet
Come To Us
For your lumber and building
material of all descriptions and
you will save money and get
nrst-ciass stock. We can sup
ply you with
Doors, Windows,
Screen doors and windows.
building paper, lime, cement,
uncK ana sand.
We make a specialty of wood
gutters lor barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Mta St., opp. Court House.
Joseph EH,
c7v : Tf m
tflt :lr; ' r . I-' , ,
The East n
,. ,m uBterTi
gon representative paper. It leida.'
Irfu-i f'r "ber?' Patrt,nCr. It ! the
advertltlng medium of thlt section.
Ltimbct, I
All kinds for all purposes
oasn, juoors and
Planing of all desctiptions a!
to otder.
D P.0"'1 Place. yr order .
Building Material until you l!
rnrcn1tH tie J
wwaau ua wu ua
Pendleton Planing Mill
Lnmber Yard,
Are a gentle reminder tfoifcj
aiovc season is Here.
Don't overlook
Bargain House
if you need a heatine or
stove or steel range, as you il
ovcnooK an opportunity to ui
money 11 you ao.
BASLER has cat the
on Stoves
Come in and inspect the
and learn the price.
If you have painting,pap
hanging or deeorating jM'j
want done in first-class style, j
then come to us.
Our prices are not higu
but low. Let us figure
EJ; Mtifplj
Cotfrt Street.
I Lave bargained iSJ
competent Timber i
to locate
On the line 0. a
now nnder conri
Till a mfiftTlR a bil 1
for first-comers. I" j
Have some good fa
Laatz Bros
Coal And
Delivered Promptly-
v o ate - , am
trucking business and 'M
pared to move ng'" -cles.
TAleDhone Main w.
S&nnwrti mi 1 -