East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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The right footwear for Children, Misses, and Little
Gents, Points about Minnehaha Shoes worth know
ing: Don't get stiff after being wet,
Arc Stylist, Fit Perfectly
Are flexible allowing the foot to bend with ease.
Children stand straight and walk firm in these perfect
fitting shoes. Sold only n Pendleton by
Good Shoes
Successors to
MONDAY. OCTOBER, 13, 1902.
Hotel Pendleton.
Victor Graadecfcer, St Poal.
W. A. Myers, Portland.
Mrs. C. B. Richardson, Walla
S. Moslcj- 'Woods, New York.
R. A. Miller, Frecwater.
TV. H. Howard.
V. H. Chastaln, Milton.
Mrs. V. H. Chastaln, Milton.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
H. S. Rogers.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
J. W. Duncan, city.
E. W. "Warren, Portland.
Mrs. Miller. Freewater.
A. B. Galloway, Portland.
C. A. Barrett, Athena,
D. Shults. Spokane.
William Maher. Portland.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
L. Coosdale. Chicago.
A. R. Grant. Portland.
A. X. Smith, Portland.
W. K. McFarlane, Seattle.
C. Ottershagin. Portland.
G. W. Hunt. Portland.
John Hayden, St. ouis.
E. P. Marshall. Tacoma.
M. P. Smith. San Francisco.
C. A. Barrett. Athena.
J. C. Lonergan, Tacoma.
J. Prag, Portland.
A. F. C. Gay, Portland.
"W. R. Glendening, Portland.
EL C. Skiles, Spokane.
S. M. Hannah, Spokane.
E. H. Clarke, city. .
J. B. Gates, Lawton.
The Golden Rule.
T. B. Johnson, T'nion.
James X. Kilgore. Ookland.
C. E. Kilgore. Oakland.
John Kilgore, Oakland.
M. E. Kilgore. Oakland.
S. C. Kilgore. Oakland.
G. E. Kilgore. Oakland.
Maude Kilgore. Oakland.
Bnima C. Kilgore, Oakland.
Claude F. Kilgore, Oakland.
E. M. Kilgore. Oakland.
Irene Kilgore. Oakland.
Jeane Kilgore, Oakland.
H. O. Nightingale. Buffalo.
Mrs. H. Xightingale. Buffalo.
J. C. Nightingale, Bufialo.
J. W. Taylor. Pittsburg.
Delia Bott. Helix.
H, "B. Adelson, San Francisco.
R. F. Johnson. Fairview.
R. A. Dozier, Xolln.
Ttie kind you will enjoy using
Sopone Castiglia
Towel and cake of soap 10c
See it in our window
Look Here
120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, $2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, 6500
160 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton - $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
35 acres in alfalfa, good house and barn.. .. 4000-
Good house on West Alta street.. $1100
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge t 900
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each 5 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in city and country too numerous to mention, any
location that one may desire.
trr xtt icr a
fr . -T . JOj J Xi .MS JJL Jf SI JL ,
Wilson & Co.:
Main 11S1
Cleaver Bros.
M. E. Dozier. Nolln.
J. M. Churchill. Albany.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
A F. Bernard, Portland.
Miss Eastman, "Walla "Walla.
Lee Caldwell, Burns.
P. F. Harhson, "Weston.
M. E. Harbson, "Weston.
C. S. Harbson, "Weston.
L. ChristenBon, "Westca.
A. Herrlck. Salem.
D. E. Nichols, Butter Creek.
G. "W, Bradley, Athena.
L. C. Lee, Pomeroy.
H. C. Adams, "Weston.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
D. B. Moore, Quenon.
"William Barrett, uucnon.
Queenil Barrett, Quenon.
"W. A. Wiley, Quenon.
J. C. Wiley, Quenon.
Emma Wiley, Quenon.
George H. Wiley, Quenon.
Mamie Wiley. Quenon.
R. W. Merryweather. Quenon.
J. O. MerryweatHeT, Quenon.
B. Cook, Quenon.
Mrs. Duncan, Quenon.
Edwin Rush, San Francisco,
S. J. Rush, San Francisco.
C. R. Cox. Athena.
A. B. McEwen, Athena.
T. P. ijeffeece, Athena.
Mrs. Z. J. Beals. Prairie City.
M. A. Caldwell, Burns.
Dora Caldwell, Burns.
J. Caldwell, Burns.
Frankle Caldwell, Burns.
Anna Caldwell, Burns.
W. L Morrison, Juniper.
C. E. Morrison, Juniper.
S. C. Morrison, Juuiper.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
Scotty Tichner, Portland.
J. F Vanghn, Spokane.
A.'G. Howard, Spokane.
Hugh S. Rogers, Portland.
C. S. atudge. Echo.
J. C- Beals, Prairie City.
E. C. Morrison, Adams.
Cass Camminaw. Athena.
Charles Weiss, Milton.
William McCorkell, Brlggson.
William Zigman, Weston.
J. A. Baddy, Weston.
A. George, Portland.
C. H. Allen, College Place.
J. C. Helfrich, Spokane.
C. C. Rinker, Spokane.
C. D. Rinker, Spokane.
J. G. Heard, Weston.
J. H. Schultz, fleardon.
W. M. Nash, Adams.
H. Picard and wife. Adams.
Albert Harala, Adams.
H. A. Yates, city.
Carl Nickelso,n. The Dalles.
H. P. Rolfe. Portlan-.
C, J. Fraker. city.
Dennis Nichols. Butter Creek.
Pioneers-Washington s.
i A grand ball will be given next
I Tuesday evening, October 14, at
I Music hall, bv the Pioneer-Washlntr-
tons, which all members in Umatilla ( turned Sunday from the fair at Spo
county are invited to enjoy. If you;kane.
nave been a member of the Pioneers
of the Pacific, you are cordially Invlt-
ed. Music by Kirkman's orchestra,
Cards and other games. No admls-
slon chafed. J. L. SHARON.
Chairman Amusement Committee.
Forty carpenters wanted at once at
, Weston, Oregon, to build houses,
j many more will be needed soon; it
j is estimated that 100 new houses will
ho hnllt thin winter. Tho ritv nf
Weston has offered as an Inducement'
I to get houses built, tree water for 10 j
1 years for household purposes, houses
I must be started before January 1 and
completed before April 1, 1903; vork,
can be had all winter, Weston has .
me oniy mate nuruiui hcuuoi in .uai-!
ern Oregon and Is an educational
center. For Information, address
Weston Improvement Co.
n tt j.t rn s
Mark Boyd Pleads Guilty to Simple
.., - ----
Larceny and Sentence Is Suspend-
ed laps Arraigned on Two
charges Only One Other Criminal
. a
lng. The greator part of the fore-
noon was taken up with necessary
Only one case was attended to, that
of Mark Boyd, charged with larceny.
He pleaded guilty to the charge oftnrougn town last nisui ""-
petty larceny ana1 sentence was bus- i home from Portland,
ponded. j V. H. Chastaln and wife passed
Bovd will be remembered as the through town Sunday evening on
rtntt- hn tt-ifh Austin riia wnt: their war to Portland where Mr.
arrested at Athena a few days ago
at the instigation of Charles Alspach,
charged with stealing a watch. Wells
was arrested simply because he was s in town looking after business in
with Boyd, but was released by the terests. Mr. Flechlnger was former
district attorney. ly a Pendleton citizen, and was a
Boyd was held on his own recog-; member of the city council for a
nir.ance and was sent to the county ' term.
hospital suffering from Injuries re- - B TXate returned homo Sunday
celved by falling through a trestle i cveninp from Spokane, where he at
near Helix. Sentence was suspend- ,mi,i ti, inrstnte fnir Mr Wade
ed against him because he had not
fully recovered from his injuries.;
liiU mm mi 1UUUU iuv nuicu 1U
an outhouse and did not try to
rid of it or conceal it when arrested,
had considerable weight in his case.
The Japs' Trial.
This afternoon S. Suzuki and T. mechanical department of the Baker
Shogosco. the two Japs who made City Democrat.
waron the switch crew of the O. R.. d J. Fribley. agent for the Clarn
& N. company In the. local yards a bathes Company, was In town this
few weeks ago. because an engine forenoon making arrangements with
was bumped into their cars, are "P ! Manacer Welch, of the local theater,
for hearing on the charge of assault !t0 piTe a weflk.g entertainment, be
with dangerous weapons. They tin-j next Monday.
uciiinjft lU -it-till UUI iXlt? il(JU UUH
with butcher knives, but were them-
selves routed with missiles from the
. .i i j , ',
to court by Justice Fitz Gerald.
In addU-on to the charges of as
sault with dangerous weapons, each
will have to face a separate charge
of carrying concealed weapons. This
charge is for carrying butcher knives
which they had on them when ar
rested. Only one other criminal case is
docketed to come up, that of the state
of Oregon vs. Leonard Hlnes, charg
ed with larcenv.
George A. Peebles is In town.
J. E. Xlchols, of Milton, is in the
E. H. Swisher, of Adams, Is In
Charles Weiss, of Weston, Is in
Charles Cannon Is attending court
at Athena.
R. A. and M. E. Dozier are In town
from Nowlin.
Dennis Nicholas is in town from
Butter Creek.
F. B. Vancleve was in town Satur
day night from Echo.
H. Connell, the railroad man of
Umatilla, is at Hotel St. George.
Ppofessor J. E.. Cherry was in town l
iruiu Auum. oaiuraay auemoon.
..1 -.j. . - . ,
... . -oiiui auu utj rLume..
Sunday from the fair at Spokane.
G. C. Osborn, the drunsist 01
J. W. Malonev has irone tn Pr.rf..paltl sno for one animal
. InnJ .1 ... 1
, u lu """"u l"e meeting or tno K.,
r0, '
W. H Rnhh nnrl -a-tfo c-r,i, '
Andrew McEwen is in nn,iini-
on the jury now before the district
.- - u UU1VVUU
n n . , ,
TlB;Ricalson' P !
ponHi-tXr, "-, ib ui noiei
A. Sloan, a prominent stockman
and farmer of the McKay Creek coun -
try. is in town.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Miller, of Fre.
water, were guests of Hotel Pendle-
ton Sunday night
"b Harriett Tnompson expects1
to leave tomorrow for Portland to f T
f!on TJo .! fr-1 . T
,an- a lew days with friends. ,
Mrs. Earl and son, J. p. Earl have''
returned from Dayton, whero ' they I
wiieu reiauves lor threCj, weeks.
Fred Shoemaker, the hustling life)-
Insurance man. Is in town from Rnn
kane. where he has headquarters.
William Zigman, J. A. Body, J. G.
Heard and H. C. Adams were Golden
Rule guests Sunday from Weston.
George Seffers has applied for clt-
izenimip papers and has renounced
mi allegiance to the emperor of Ger
J. W. Valllndlcham. Is in
from-California visiting his son. W.
alllndlgham, who Is deputy coun
ty recorder.
Among those in town Sunday from
Athena wero C. A. Barrett. G. W
Bradley, E. II. Cox. A. B. McEwen
and T. B. Defrece.
C. S. Mudee Is in town from Echo.
E. C. Morrison, William Nash, H.
Picard and wife and Albert Harala
are in town from Adams.
A. B. Galloway, the genial rep're
fcentative of tho Blake, McFall Paper
Company, of Portland, is In tnwn
calling- on bis customers.
I,ce Caldwell. M. A. Caldwell, nnm
Cad well, Frankle Caldwell. Anna
r. .1 ...,.11 .nil .Tnmr.Q Caldwell, of ;
Burns, aro guests at the Goldon Rule
C. E. Bott and R D. Korn. both of
Helix, passed through town last night
on their way to Portland on busi
ness. They were guests of Hotel St.
WIj.CE and S. C. Morrison renzen piacv, suiim m mn, awir
nre in Town' from Juniper. They say ! day morning.
. retting verr dusty Mr .Mcuuruey m cwmus iur mc
the road s are ge tt ng ,,, ,..0-kln on the ironzon place.
f moro ,
Pendleton '
.r''"K . Z'"r;i
citizen, now a rcsiuu.. m r
i i i Rnndav afternoon
citizen, u . i.-" !
and will spend a week here renewing
old acquaintances,
R. D. "Miller, of Spokane, represent
ing the Eastern Trust Company, ac-
! compnnlcd by his sister, passea
Chastaln will attend the state meet-
lng of the Knights of Pythias.
Hiram Flechlnger, of Independence,
uopht several head of fine cattle at!
thp-(alr whlch he paId a good BUff
, price for.
Vf A i.lompns fnrmerlr loff fielder
for the Pendleton baseball team, was
in town Sunday from Baker City.
Mr. Clemens is now foreman In the
Manager J. E. Krause. of the "West-
I ni,on- a,nil Charles Zlegler
have returned from Black Mountain,
where thev snent Saturday and Sun-
utii i 1 1 . 1 1 , i ii.-. iviuil uur bjiui i
and caught some very large trout
Charles Hays. Charles Brunson Ed
Noble. Wes Noble and John Heath
man left today for the head of Pier-,
son Creek to look for big game. The)
bays say they will bring back some
venison as well as fish stories when
they return. i
J. T. Hlnkle and B. E. Kennedy left
today for Portland to attend the
meeting of the grand lodge of the
Knights ofPythlas as delegates from
Pendleton lodge. Mrs. Kennedy ac
companied Mr. Kennedy as a dele
gate from the Rathbone lodge
A letter was received by J. M
Spence this morning from A. Shuer
man. formerly of Pendleton, but now
in San Francisco, stating that he was,
now one of the members of the Cal
ifornia Mutual Land Company, with
headquarters at San Francisco.
Patrick Enright filed his applica
tion this morning with County Clerk
Chamberlain for a new citizenship pa
per. Mr. Enright is a subject of Ger
many, and has been in the Uuited
States since the early 60's. He is 72
years or age. and is yet hale and
hearty. He had cltizenshln
but lost them.
W. O Miner, of Hcppner, one ofj
iZ ....Z ' '"f . uvu 01
me iuusi extensive line stock men of
luuuu, uaa&tru inraucn town
opuivane iair, wnere ue spent a week
While In Spokane Mr. Miner purchases
el several head of the finest blood ' 2
" rTTTTTT 1 rl
II IC Ilvll-P, T
4 Am ta
, t
! f
Si eel Shod Shoes i
Tough Leather i
Per Pair
For those boys who are littrd
on shoe leather they will
give more days wear than
any other boys' shoe made. ?
Try a Pairf
Peoples Warehouse J
Mast nlcht nr. h e rt,,r f,. hV:AVKV"
John McGurney Attacked by a Cow
and Left Unconscious.
John McGurney was taken to The
Dalles Saturday evening In a vory
serious condition from the effects of
nn attack by a cow on the Honry Lo-
and Saturday morning the men left
him nt the house but when they re
turned to work no dinner was await
m, it,, nnd Mcaurncv was no-
.m nnA MeOurncr
lag them, ana mcuurney
where to be seen. Tho men began a
search to find what had bocomo of
him and he was discovorca uncon
scious y a pllo of boards In the
yard. Ho was carried Into tho house
and after several minutes working
with him the men were able to revive
him and he told tho following story:
During the forenoon a band of cat
tle kept coming into tho field around
the bouse ana he went out several
tmes to drive thera away. One of
tlle aimals persisted In coming hack
and he drove it away several times.
The last time he picked up a stick
and struck the animal, which turn
ed oa him In fury. McGurney was
tosssed Into the air and thrown
against tho ground until he became
unconscious. This was the last ho
knew until revived by tho men sev
eral hours later.
Mr. McGurney had a very narrow
escape and It is a mystory thnt he
escaped being killed outright, AVhlle
there are no serious external Injur
ies, It is thought that ho may be hurt
The homllest man In Pendleton, as
well ns the handsomest, and others,
are Invited to call c. any druggist
i.nd get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for tho throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to euro and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man & Co., sole agents.
You don't know what you are mlss-
.r, . " " " ' -
A nice watch given away absolutely free with triij
A child's cap given free with each knee pwtsiilsj
Remeniler: The largest stock of goods in the county to
nnnr unnrm nr iiiti iiiirn
?. W IJ J V UU UK I I L ) flM M IIIUfH
! linilL If U1I0 UliJlHLUP
Exclusive new ideas have just reached usftM
fashion centers of the east. They aregetcsfl
beauty and each" one has an indmuahtyu-t11
please the most exquisite fancj To seel
hats is to fall in love with them You ateOT
to come in
We are Headquarters lot
sock patierno?3
that we have n,tj3
, -6V profit ,
to rrt A l
"'""w 5tl
piece at j
tIMfil . "
you nnish ye,
such opportunity
;isc" 'r sometime,
it anywa'.
Owl Teal
Our Afternoon Tea b
Take Y0
ItTCO buy&Micrtt;nkadJ
Jntw dujs HOacm; too ta,,J
Their itock ranches i-eiwl
water, with t fine
13.CW acre : nt) f.n. .
Km lona ol hay puiVtli'liSS
hull ol mm. iiiiii.rf,1! M
bat stock ranchci In VatsU
It ! to lite It Ojlt h k3
12,iuu ahwp with ianc4
JlfOO buji lto ten, down t, A
itvui iaau,
I2) bun SCO aer n'Mt
from Pendleton.
Anything yoowantliitiAtai
uut ,ui;
l'JO acre i, 4) o!uarbUedq!
Real Estate Da
fiDH-1 Jii eu'
Come and