Esiness Cards and Societies ESSI0N8 AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. HOTELS. TRANSPORTATION LINES. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. PHYSICIANS. nvPlCK IN 3t'IU 'I"' i. in to 12 n. m. K. i k-plione rod 3t rr..r i m:siAiN nr.ocrt. t . y '""',', ,1 Av ne. wain MHI1 ,Y . .pl,,tw.iii.. 3U: S. vlr.cs '' : - C' JIOIK "" II I ! 1, t!i 1) IIOMKOI'ATIIIP Office In Judd nillce. blnck 7.1 : FRATERNAL ORDERS. itovAL Nnionnons of aurrica "iiawooo uamp. mo. 2333, meets second ad fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd 1 miuwB nan. jura, las lioicotab, Oracle Mrs. Nettle Kobblns, Recorder. PMATIM.A TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meet In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Bir Knignts cordially Invited. J, S. ICeca, Record Keeper: B. D. Estabrook, commanaer. ITJN'DLKTON I.ODQE, NO. B2, A. F. AND A. 11., meets first and third Mondays of eacn roonrn. visiting orettirrn welcome. x. j. rweeay, w. m. ; joc u. i-arKes, Hec. ii HOI SI.. I1 1H u Jnu tin.. iioom it ANULiA- I "'.'nil Jiw Hill 111 ' '" b..-vk 101 Ofli. In fsnrniBH ihiiik uiuiii- tni.un 1 ill PHYSICIANS, D11S. Office otic block west IK III AKi;sl-i;i, L-umi.ML-L. .11 nml disease of il u'l Pendleton, Cor. Water fi lvimleton. Ore. 'Phone "1 PENDLETON CIIAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, H. r r. F, Wamsley, secretary Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF I'ytlilas. I,. W. neld, C. C; It, W. Fletcher, K. of It. and S. Meets eycry .uonaay in secret society uan. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA." TutulUa Camp, No. G300. Meets first and third Mondays of each mouth at Odd bellows uan. ueorge A. uamDiin, i.on buI; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. DENTISTS. UN HI vtist. orrii'K l. rnmie reu 1 1 IH VTIST, OITICE IN AS- lock "v i' Stlimlilt s new ilrtiK lieu -ti tCTS AND BUILDERS. Mill ARCHITECT AND SU ii 11 kct complete nnd ivIIh- 1 nmldlnsH In 'he cltv or conn- .liiJcl ml ! hut COI.E, CONTIt ACTORS AND RlM m.i'es furnUlml on ehort K v, irk 11 specialty. Prompt ftp mi lllufT street near Malu. tt'O.NTRACTtJH AND IIUI1.D- nut: 1 furuUlied on ull kinds fcen-.;ii' wnli, . stone tint's, etc Eat I nst )ii'Kmlnn office;. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of rendlcton Camn, No. 41. W, of W. are held In Secret Society natl every Saturday evcnlne. Isltlne nelch bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk ; A. j Owen, c. c. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD SEMPLE FEED TARD, 723 Cottonwood street, Lindsay & Doty props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Sad dle horses at all times. Horses for sal. 'Phone Red 41. THE CITY LIVERY P.OARD AND SALE Stable, M. J, Carney, proprietor, for One turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 101. OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Trop. Special care given to. horses left with roe. Lower Webb street 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. (S AND BROKERS. SON AT. HANK OF ATHENA, npltnl SiU.Miti. surplus und inifiusi nn Tine uepmirs. (id li'inii'Kti.' e liiii.e hi y n"pii(lc:l to Henry sl'lent T J.KIrk, vlce-lucsl-II.. rnt'tt, cashier, F S. I.e at fnclner. ri'D.V SAVINGS HANK PI N psiui. Orgnnlz-fil .Miircli 1 ii,i"m: surplus uu,ti; Bed 011 1:110 ilcpiifclts. Ex mid sold jn ull princiiml al ntt'Mitln'i plteu to cil- Furnish, president" J, N. Ililpnt , T J. Mnrrl, cushlei. EliS' HANK OF WICSTON,- con Dues n ceneral bank f Kiclinnco bought nnd Bold, fomptly ntteuded to. It. ueut : tieorce t rroeustei, LJ. H. Kllgore. casuler : dl- cllnrtinun, M M. Johns, T. fGruw. .7 F Kllgore, Robert Proelmel. IN A I, HANK OP PENDLE- JiO.Odll-. surnlUH, JUj.OOO. uernl bunking business. Ex- legruphlc trnnsfeis sold on crancispo. ivew loric nna fin the Northwest. Drafts Julian nnd Europe. Makes ensontthle terms. I,evl An- "W F Matlock, vlce-nresl- ade, cashier: II C Gnern- nshler. "HE STRAHON ROOMING HOUBE. MAIN St., Mrs. R. A. Strahon, prop. Nice large oil kept rooms In new building, with ,6od clean beds. PHE WHITE LODGING HOUSE, 801 8outh Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. Jonsekeeplng rooms and lodging rooms. )ood comfortable rooms and clean, well tept beds. Lodging 25 cents. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets: goods arge, clean rooms with comfortable beds. ,1ntes 25c and DOc a night Thos. Smart, Prop. .11 She 1 don't think It war- .ry nice to lmve that otliicatcd, upo at thut swell society dinner the oth. r nlplit He Well, It whs rutin 1 h I'd on thv poor luute, 1 f.irpy. WHY BLUE MOUNTAIN RESERVE, H. Gwlnn, of this City, Tells the Baker City Herald. J. H. bn'inn,. secretary of the Ore gon Woolgrowers' association, and dis trict manager for the New York Life Insurance company, accompanied by J. H. Blanford, district agent, returned Wednesday evening from a business trip into Pine and Eagle valleys. Mr. Gwinn, by virtue of his conection with the Oregon Woolgrowers' association, is a strenuous advocate and supporter of tho proposed Eastern Oregon forest icservo in Grant county, about which so much has lately been said and written. He returned hurriedly from the Panhandle Wednesday in order to be present at the meeting of Baker City Chamber of Commerce, advance notice of which he read-In the Herald while in the wilds of Pine valley. He arrived in time to bd present at the meeting, but was sorely disappoin- Mr. Hermann, in withdrawing so much land tempotarily, has profited by the experience of tho in'orior department in other localities, and has set aside, a wide area surrounding the lands to bo fiually creatod into a reserve In order to forestall and prevent a rush of speculators who woul 1 olln'iwNe indulge in a wild scramble to Hie on or purchase property along tho re servo's borders. I have not the slight est doubt in the world that when the Blue mountain forest reserve -Is llnallv created by the interiur department, it will not include more than one-half of the lands set aside temporarily in commissioner Hermann's .order for withdrawal. it is the aim or the ilepiii'tin. 11, as I understand it, not to cripple the set tlement and development of tho Straw' berry mountain country, but to create a forest reserve '.here 1 f a K.ifllcient area to conserve the water supply of tho numerous st reams hi thai tec tion. "If the people of Orant county and or b,istern Oregon will l.")U ill !h matter In the "Ight i'i.;it. the Mill understand how 'mportar.t is the mat OREGON Shout Line and UNION PACIFIC Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms, Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week o month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dliilngrooui Service. Every Modern Convenience Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Dcoot. GOLDEN JiULIi HOTEL Corner Court and JoIiiikoii Klrcttn, Pendleton, Oregon M F Kolly, Proprietor. nOTEL ALTA. . COHNEK ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates fi and ?B per wee. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. .Veff, proprietor. BOOT 'AND v'MOE REPAIRING. L. GREENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Bhoemaker. Flrt class repairing with bf st materials. Bhop In rear of Mndlnger, Wilson &C'o. rOGRAPHERS. LEADING 1'IIOTOaitA- . 1 . .. it.... ..1 ,., E'ip., iiiuirni iii-nrt . ii lie 1'lnlslihiK done for Mr nun. hrlilirM ' I 'linn A CAL SUPPLIES. u ut si:iu:i:t, i.a wri , nx dealers In Hec- LUiitiM- Nlurex. vir-d for or 'elenliones. Elec- pu kind'. !et our prices. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS 8HOE maker and repairer. Best material nsed and eood work done. Bhop 117 Alta itret. FOUND. FOUND TWO l-URSIIS CONTAISING MONEY were left at onr store. Owners call and get same. The Fair, FOR RENT. FOR RENT FORNI8UED HOUSEKEEPING rooms and tingle rooms. 719 College street, opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop. eri nt thf nmpfflltip-a thprnnf T ,,.00 ,,.,,10,1 11 t.oi.1 nr- n.i., ter of eonservinir the water suii.ilv yesterday to a Herald representative, I of tm resion before it is eternally "at the lack of interest in the pro-!'"" ,u,l-r V!lf,i ' ot arid .lands In Grant. Harney and chambec I listened attentively to tho lla'll:'ur counties, may be cvctirunlly expi-ession ot opinions oy memuers - " WANTED. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Apply at this office. LAND BUSINESS. OITIf 1 ( DTTONWOOU II (iek lnnil nHli'M ll(lii nr i iainiK nn lul !'( 1. (i 3 Jit I K 1 ivn ffif. rla- m.ifi. ..r i,...,r in rlniu am-.- nnd collections. ""K rmun 1U. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON MACHINE SHOP AND FOUN dry, Baltezore & Howe, proprietors. Black smithing and general Jobbing. Iron and braes casting. All kinds of machinery repiirs. Hhone Red 'JO, KELLAR BROTHERS, " PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a spo--talty. Estimates furnished free. Wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley ai Zahner's cigar store. Main St, P. O. tx 104. at the meeting, expecting to hear something new either for or against the proposed reserve. In this I was not disappointed, because one mem ber of the chamber i 11a speech an tagonistic to a withdrawal of tho btrawoerry mountain region, an nounced that as a result of extended observation he had become convinced ot the fallacy of the theory that the cutting of timber near the head waters of mountain streams caused a decrease in, water supply. This statement, so diametrically opposed as it is to the observation of eminent "Cvernrnent engineers was rather a startling argument against the pro posed reserve. "I am well aware." continued Mr. Gwlnn, "that there is in some parts or isastern Oregon a well-defined feel ing in opposition to the creation of the Blue mountain forest reserve. This opposition, however, I believe comes from persons who are not familiar with the facts. I am led to believe this, because of tho inane arguments that have been adviuiced against it. As I understand it, a certain area of land has been witlidmnu from settle ment In the Strawberry mountain re gion, pending the ficn! and definite creation of a forest reserve within final and definite limits. I believe that fD CARRIAGES. iflM If NI W AND VERY I ue kervke the public. " J N MHCav. nroim. J'1" Llerv Ktnlile or ' '1 'lie hack will tall "WIN BAKER. PROP. Siiinrt In front of HAND DEALER8. M I M.W AN'! uvrrvn mill vnlfl i-...- a. P" M Ell IN S covn f here Ih nnytlilnjf you rr ; and crwkery. coll and oiiit etrutt fKSMITHING. JN Foil win? at. jw....T 'n town, an Webb fit. PS AND 8UPPLIE8. I HI'IIK'AVI' rellnlng, renalrlng. tR SALE. b U at thlsoltlcs. Let Us Do Yout Hauling We do trucking and .hauling of all description at reason able prices. Your horses will be well cared for if taken to the Old Dutch Henry teed Yard, corner West Alta and Lillith streets. . Hay, grain and all kinds of feed bought and sold. Horses Jor sale at all times. WILLIAM CONNERLEY, Prop., Successtor to Hays & Cqrinerley. CHICHESTER'S PILLS snii uiih iruir .triiHiucs A Htfuiilttrd JtvMcili wld fr iZ yt'jtrt. kiM thUa. 'i'aLe nu uihtr. Jif tiubtUiUNsMvl Jitl.atliu. Atkywur Urtifjrl4t,soiMl4(wiMUiuaiVu(MiiWlr- - M CsUlsHtl Kill teKlr( fr l,n4ic. hp rcturu Altai U ly ' IrwUfl.t.. ' CUU-b.ttr 4 hrmtcnJ C HwdlMsu rxtuar. J'lllLA I'A it Who Is Insldo of This Shirt? Would be hard to guess, but if it is one of our patrons you can be sure that it is a man who is well satisfied when he gets it on. The man who gets behind a shirt front laundered here always beams with, It is useless, to cry "Fraud" and 'Boodle." and fight tho creation of this reserve .because it is bound to be created. Tho department,- acting upon the reports of its competent engineers Knows its. business and-understands the necessity of creating a safeguard against the denuding of tho mountain ranges of their timber and the conse quent destruction of sources of water supply. "All this rot about 'range wars,' 'timber land grabbers,' . 'lieu land script dealers,' etc., counts for lljttlu. as the department Is" In possession or facts, and demands facts In refutation. , What the people who oppose tho proposed reserve should do, in order to make their protests against creation eifectlve, is to employ a com petent surveyor to determine accur ately the number of acres of timber In the btrawberry mountain country which surround the sources of water supply, and which are necessary for an einoient conservation thereof map should be drawn from such field notes, and submitted to the depar ment. in that event I am safe asserting that the department of th interior will do nothing but wlint i exactly right and proper in tho prem lses. "Your paper has had much to say recently or the benefits which would accrue to the sheepmen of Easter Oregon from tho creation of this re serve. You havo taken pains to noln out that owners of sheep arc Issued permits by the interior department to graze ineir bands within tho limits of the reserve. This is so. Hut you have taken the stand that on account ol this tact tho sheepmen are purely solfifih in advocating the creation of the reserve. Perhaps this Is so. JJul upon the fame grounds the mining men of this section should favor tho idea, because with Bheep confined to a reserve, the embryonic war browlnc between miners and sheepmen on uc- fount of the latter tioapiusing upon mining property, will come to an find "It is a big proposition, but I am firmly convinced that tho department of the Interior will in the end do the right thing for all parties con cerned, including tho farmer, m nu Lcattlemcn and 8beepmou."-f liakor Uity Herald. risrAHT roa OhlrnRo l'ortland Spoclsl Silo p.m. t1. llnnt-Ington. Atlantic Kprcs SHn in. via Huntington. PL I'mil Fast Mall 8 :U a. ni, via Spokano. I TImo Solioiltilo From I'piiillutoit Salt Use, Denrcr, ft. Worth, OinnhA, Kan is City, St. Umls, Chicago and Kil. Salt Lnke, Denver. Ft. Worth, Oraftha. Kan as City, St. Ixuls, Chicago and Easi. 1 Walla Walla.LsirUlnn, Hl'okanc, Wallace I'ullmaii, MlniicAtMi Paul, imliith, Milwaukee, Chicago auu Ja. IIMO p.m. 8:p Ocean and River Schedule. FROM f OKTLANI). R0 p. ra. Ifally except Sunday 8wup m. Saturday 10X10 p 111. All salllnc dates sub ji'Ct to clmliKO, For San KrancUro Sail every il days. law p. m Columbia lllvor To Astoria mid War Landings. 4W0p. m, Sunday Vllliiiiiotto Uivor. lloats Icavo rortland dally, eircpt Sunday. tR0 ot water pcrmlltlng) (or Willamette and Yamhill ItlVor imiIuIs. Leave t lllpnrla ! 4 Mi a. in. ( Dally I Kicpt Mon Snake Hirer Itlparla to Lcwlstou Leave Luwlsbm 7XW a. m. Pally KC.t Horn F. F. WAMSLKY. Agent, l'endleton. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTMCITY Allioi li iiii l'iiiu, i-iiIoh$i Mr, to IJ'.'.OO :iioi' ibiv. Kurnpciili riiin. fillo. 7fif, $1.(10. J)(h.'ImI i iiIch by woolfir nintltll. Free 'bus meets nil trains ,. Commercial trade solicited Pine sample room Special Attention Given Country Trade Prevention of Cruelty. Albany, N. Y Oct. 13. The Now YorH State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty held Its thirteenth annual satisfaction when he sees the ex- convention here today wth represen quisitecolorandfinishthatwehave 'f'jos present from at Uhe local so aid upon it. Our work itlte ,,5 -Z2! 1 ,vi o aI ruirrpphnn nn cX In ili - i . . u. ,,...v.. u, ou,iior wi- uurifig ine iiasc iz inoninB were pre lars. and cuffs and you can't nialcli sentod and legislative and other corn it anywhere. mlttees for furthering the efforts of 41m oftillniil a ti.,r.l . t .1 till. J 1 m THE DOMESTIC L1UNDW .SaTO.SaS . Ilotiert J. WJlKln acted as secretary , F. Robinson, Prop. Pendletou ' of the convention. HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEHI STS A. GEO. DARVEAU, Prop Elegantly Furnished TO RUNS Pull 111 11 n SleepihR Curs, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rsr. VAUh MINNKAPOLTK DUIjUTH FAHOO GUAND FOltlCH CUOOKBTON WINNKPKO HELKNA mid BU'ITE. THROUGH TICKETS TO OHIO AGO WASHINGTON PHILADKLPHIA NEW YORK J508TON ami all points Kast anil Koiitli I'Uroarh tickets to Jauau anu Chlni Tacoma aud Northern I'aclflo Stesmihln On and Anencan line. Tla TIHU SCHEOULB. Trains learo feudtalou dallr eireni Sundat at 7:01) p.m, Kor further Information, time cards, map and tickets, call ou or write W. Adams, ran. dleton, Oreion, or A. P. (HlAKLIOf i ntra ana Morrison Hts., rortland, Ore. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan- Has uity, mi. joo, uniaiia, ami All I'oinlH East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMS OA UP. Leare rendition, dallr except Sundays al :00. Pin. Arrive Pendleton Monday. Wedneailav and Friday pm. I I I.. I, ...... I .... M.. M., . . , . . im . 1 Anno i ciiutoiuM ,uu3ur, iiiunuir ana Steam HeateU Saturday lossomn. " European Clan niock and a half from depot. Sample room in connection, ROOM RATE SOo, 75o, $1.00 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American riaii. Ii tier ilav and unwurd Ileadquartrrk fur tourists end coiuinerdal trav elers. Kl'tclal rates iiiixlr to fanilliea and klnirle lifiillcmcn Tile niaiiaECiiieiit will I pltaaed at all I i nits to allow rooms and aim prices. A modern TurLuli IjatlitstatilUliuientiii the lioltl 11 (- liuwiiUh, Maiiavcr. Babbitt Metal, beet In the world. In bars. Price $1 per bar, at the East Oregonlan Office, toave Walla Walla dally, east bound, 90 pia. Arrlre WalU Walla dally, west Uiund, 60 am. Kor Information regarding rates and acoaia. modatloni, tall 011 or address W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon, fl. I), C'AI.DKHHKAI). 1 1', A., Walla Walla, Wash, penoleton"-ukiah" STAGE LINE BTURDIVANT UROS., Projw. Blaze lcares Pendleton dallr. nxrant nimm t7, m.,lor Lilian and lnterme,llate points. Katee! To Pilot ltock,75o Pilot Hook and re turn, 11.151 To Ne, II -a, Nye and return. Iji To nidge, II Til to Illdae and return, fj.Joi 0 Alba.U il: to Alba and return. II. 001 To tlktah H.Ut to Uklah and return, II. 06, Office In Qnlden Rule Motel, Peudletoa MANHOOD R E8TOR E D 'XLK'Z, rWmt V.. . '""r.iHeiniijcr iiuonoiaMmouarrenclipnralrlan.wlU niiiekiyouieyou cfaa ryouaor 0lv.w.ol il,e tnurrillvu organs, auili m l.u.i Iauliud, iMaumatlav WF Ji1,.? sliM'U.Kdiiili.ul Kuilaaluua, Nerruiia Mobility, lluiu7 K l BllliirloHurrr l.xUuuallair DimIus, Vm lroreln mid t'uMll.iriia. WfV goW M.l'l",V'l'w",'l,V :"! Pr;vnU qulrlme of Uuclmricculiloiiirnotcbsoked - VSW Ifft'ls to r-iHriiiniiirr1 ii nfiil t'l I fan horror ul Tmwlritcy. I'lli'IltliNllclaauaeatQ mill J't i,""'-"1' usua u i impuriufc-a. vit'MtiBi3txiwmwuon and restores a aveiDmv'fmr.rK'!''Jra 1 y 'lt',,b1wMnrn'f".t',t'lwll!1''liHla, fuaranteejrlveu i,.j ii rriurwn If t u silooajKdtfltotal iwrinouwitcure. IW WlIOf ilSft einall. Send i"t kiij iimii.iriiii.l iwi.iBioii'auar ' "'"' ' " ffiir: t,, I- fi Hot tor, rlaa Prn--hr,i, fal 80LD BV TAI.UMAN 4 CO., DHUQQI8T8,' PENDLETON, OREGON. St , ,r -ft . f "7'- ',J,'e.Hi..J t,-Kktilr:f - - nriklii ' Il "Hill I ' sTaTaTaTaTaTaTgsgM ST-.;