East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Not Hardwood Sawdust
Are absolutely pure. Try them and you will
be surprised at the difference between AT
WOOD'S JM'ICES and the ordinary ones.
W rue noDBRN uRuaaisTS - penuleton p
4rMt" ! "! in- s HaWs" A
TUo hand of the publlo is at last
laid upon the trusts and operators
of coal jnlnes. It lies heavily and
unflinching upon them. Let the pres
ident, the governors and even the
great Pierpont do what they may,
tho life of the tnists is ouhing away.
The public is slow to act in this
country, but when It does get in ac
tion no power on, earth can with
stand Its hand.
It has said the trusts shall no
longer oppress the people. It has
said the trusts shall no longer con
trol what wo eat and wear. It has
said the trusts shall no longer pre
scribe the hours that men, women
and children shall work and sleep. It
has said that child labor shall go. It
has said that women and children
shall no longer be compelled to do
the work of slaves aud that too while
they are half clad and half fed. It
has said that the day has come when
all iuu3t have equal rights under the
American constitution. And it
means what it says.
All o this will not be accomplish
ed through bloodshed either. It will
be done as quietly and peacefully
as the ordinary affairs of life. The
spirit is in the air, everywhere, to
carry out this decree of the public.
If the officials, state and national, do
not act. men who will do it will be
placed t'ere. If there are not laws
to enforce the decree of the public,
laws will be passed. The scourging
hand of public sentiment will not
leave a 3tone unturned. The verdict
is made up Irrespective of political
affiliations. Republicans, democrats,
believers In every other political prin
ciple have turned against monopolies
aud trusts.
The men of greed must seek other
fields than preying upon the public
through the channels of the law and
the corruption of officials. They have
been the cause of a reign of terror
upon the public; the reign of terror
is now upon them. There is no hid
ing place upon the face of the earth
for them to carry on their nefarious
work longer. A two-edged sword Is
presented from every direction and
points straight to the heart They
have reached the last ditch. Those
who resist must meet their ,fate.
Those who persist rau3t do likewise.
Nothing but the abandonment of their
crimes will save them.
It may be difficult to abandon a
long life of pillage and robbery, but
there Is no other course to pursue.
They may seek relief in preying upon
each other. In this way they do not
hurt the public. It would be well
that they should spend their last
days lighting among themselves. It
would be like the plan suggested that
the anarchists be placed on some dis
tant Isle where they might prey upon
one- another until the last was killed.
It would not hurt the public. It
would rid the country of a mo3t dan
gerous and abominable class and
free the government of Its worst en
emy. Let the passing of the trusts and
monopolies be given a velocity that
will free the country of them at the
earliest possible moment.
The Alaska gold fields now experi
ence tho condition of being sottled
down to a steady basis. There will
be but little more excitement In that
country, but that does not mean that
there will not be greater quantities of
guld takon from there annually than
ever before. Like tho California dis
coveries, the greater amount of gold
Is taken after tho excitement Is over.
' In the ifays of '49 It was all told aud
Wucn It reached civilization the
stories were nianx times mngnlfied.
But when It finally settled down to
, business the excitement passed away.
There is more gold taken from Cali
fornia mines now than ever before. It
I is done by machinery and little Is
said about It, but the most conserv
ative man in California will admit
that gold mining In that state Is still
In its Infancy. Alaska Is much larg
er, her field Is much richer. Her
quartz has been scarcely touched. It
Is true that her climatic conditions
are not generally good, but men will
overcome this, and the course of
years will find her the greatest min
ing field iu the world, and It Is not
even opened up yet. There Is for
tune there, through suffering and
death; hut tluere Is fortune here in
comfort aud ease. The sturdy man
who stands at his post In Eastern Or
egon has a greater field for wealth
than Is found in nil of tho other
countries of the world.
sifted data of the centenarians may J J
uo or use to tue worm.
So the sultan of Turkey has written
a book. The sultan, however, will
not have !t published until after his
death. The sultan did not write his
book for glory, but to get revenge. If
It is no better written than some
books that are being published now
adays he will certainly get revenge
upon those who read it. But this is
not the kind of revenge that the ,sul
tan seeks. He claims that the Chris
tian powers of Europe have de
ceived one another in order to ob
tain favor with him. He will expose,
them all and thus get even with all
Europe. The blackmailing publica
tions of this day and time seek re
ward here on earth Instead of taking
chances like the sultan "in getting it
in the world to come.
Wheat is now 53 cents, and pros
pects good for higher prices. And
Umatilla farmers have more than a
million bushels on hand. More than
a half million dollars yet to pour Into
the pockets of Umatilla citizens from
one source alone, yet this year! You
do not have to beg immigration to
come to such a country. It will find
It out.
Sunday was a fine day and the
churches were well attended. Those
who think Pendleton Is a wicked
town should attend the churches
most any Sunday and they will find
that the other side Is well represented.
When a man lives to be a hundred
he has the privilege of telling how he
did It. Some day the collected and
E. D. BOYD, HI Court Street
Will sell you lots and residences
for a small pa' merit down, and
balance in installments, or will sell
in any other way.
Pendleton is admitted to be the
principal city of Eastern Oregon.
Its future is assured. You should
invest in real estate here. It is
safe and sure Invest now Do
not wait until property is higher
Of All Kinds For Sale
Hiring rtrnl-n nt Hebron. Conn.. Is
the latest to give testimony. I made
my dead self my stepping-stone," says
he, for one thing.
Broadly interpreted, this means
means thnt Mr. Drake has taken caro
of himself. Learning from experi
ence and examplo tho things likely
to do him no good, he Iibb done with
out them. So he has never drunk
liquor and he stopped using tobacco
vears ago. He has made his life a
"ministry of love." That Is, he has
found K more healthful to do good
and to live at peace with men gov
erning hiB tempo!- 'than to submit to
the exhausting offeots of selfishness
and strife.
Thes centenarian appears, then, ns
the embodiment of tho kindly, common-sensible
citizen, more thnn a lit
tle above the average In the applica
tion of his common sense, lie has
neither overeaten nor starved him-
sell for a fad: he has not worn hliu-l
self out with work nor let hltnseli di
Keuorate through Idleness; he hasj
slept well, performed well, lived well, j
reasoned well and kept well, shunning
worry and nil phantoms. May the,
lieaco or his hundred years continue, j
New York World. I
America's 'Famous Dcautics. '
Look with horror on Skin Erup-;
tious, Blotches, Sores, Pimples.
They don't have them, nor will any-;
one. who uses Bucklon's Arnica Salve
It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt
Hheum vanish before It . It cures
sore Hps, chapped hands, chilblains.
Infallible for Piles. 25c at Tallmnu
& Co.'s drug store. !
I have opened an office in the
Postofiice room, wh:re I will han
dle real estate of all descriptions.
If you are seeking a good in
vestment in a ranch or city prop
erty call and see me.
If you have property for sale,
list it with me
Consult me if you desire to
buy or sell property.
Bright's Disease and Diabetes
Positively Curable.
They are curing Bright's Disease
and Diabetes In California. The per
centage of efficiency (recoveries) In
these hitherto Incurable diseases
averages as high as 87 per cent. The
details of the investigation and dem
onstration of the new compounds are
so conclusive that we at once sent
for a bundle of the reports and for
the new treatment for urgent cases
in this city. Call or send for one of
the reports.
F. W. SCHMIDT & CO., Pendleton
Prices Cut on New Goods
Our new Fall Goods arc now all n, and as usual
we have Cut away under others' prices and you will
hnd you can do better here than anywhere else on the
same quality of goods.
We have just received a large shipment of Child
ren's Worsted 1 re ses, made up in the latest styles
and every item good value, at tr.e pi ice asked. Also
a nice assortment of Child-en's and Misses iur
Set; Now is the time to buy these.
Woolv Tains for school wear, warm mittens, golf
cloves, long and short coats; in fact everything to
make your children comfortable and happy while., go
ing to school.
Daily East Oregonian by carrier,
only 15 centn a wmV,
Physiciars Prescribe
ii iui iucu wiai ucn- i
cate patients. Old and '
For Sale by
1' w Kui.reiiiH four!
I IWnt onw
Trnile Mark n1 'npTflehls
Tim Tth -t.. v H. WHHhlnifton. D. f
Our line of C:its and Furs is very strong and we
can lit you, suit you and save you mo- ey on your
Winter Wraps.
Don't buy until you have seen -our lines above men
tioned, for we can certainly do you good.
We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools
and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid
ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware and
"Money saved is money earned." See
C. 1 aylor,
741 Main Street
Phone Main 071
In Vi fsmz?$ i
or sedate married lire the vehicle we otter
hive no superiors douM It they hae equ Is.
Our line ol suireys, runabouts, drays, top bug.
glea and phaetnna, rubber tired, If you preter
hem, Is a modelol excellence, and we. here
with extend to you a cordial Invitation to call
Eiamrnenur Winona liacka, made lor tbla
Climate; of the very beat maturlil, and are
atyllah and durable. It you want a wuon,
hack, buwy or plow, we have the beat line In
the city. Second baud vehicles of all kinds al
ways on hand.
. wJamLne our aollne engines, sawmills
and threshers,
Water 8t. near Main, Pendleton. Ore.
AT Tilt
' 127 ani 129 East Alta Street
Come To Us
For your lumber and building
material of all descriptions and
you will save money and get
first-class stock.' We can sup
ply you with
Doors, Windows,
Screen doors and windows,
building paper, lime, cement,
brick and sand.
We make a specialty of wood
gutters for barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
Joseph Ell,
U&kB ittraw&SK'.
I Tho East Oregonian le Eaitern Ore
I tfll YS PPolt It and show
advertuino medium of this suction.
All kinds for j j
Planing of all deso
to otder. ,C"N
Building MatcruCtih
Pendleton Planing
Lumber M
...COOL EVBffl
Are a gentle reminds j
Stove season is here
Don't ovetlcol
Bargain He
if you need a heatuj J
oiuve ui sieei range, aij
overlook an opportunity i
lliuncjr, ii yuu UO,
BASLER hasctrttit
on Stoves
Come in and inspect thij
ana learn the pnee.
If you have paintings!
hanging or deeoratql
want done in nrst-cusit
then come to us.
Our prices ate tctt
but low. Let us fipiss
J. Mtf
Coort Street
I have baraiitil
competent Tistel
to locate
On the lineo.!"
now under
This means 1 1
for flrst-conenJ
Havo Borne
Laatz Br
Coal id
Delivered PrW'
u;- in the transH
trucking business i
pared to move light0"1"!