East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 13, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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1 '
4 3 JjW
IT' f.
1 H
The Only One Price Store In The City
Matchless Values
in Men's Clothing
F tncy Mixed Suits, all sizes, $5.00
Fancv Worsted Suits (a snap) $6.00
Black Cheviot Suits (a great bargain; $6.50
Ail Wool Suits, in fancy plaids and-stripes,
S10.00 and S12.50
Black Worsted Suits, all Wool, $1000
Blue Serge Suits, all wool, 12 00 tc f 15.00
Do not forget oar line of shoes
Clothiers and Hatters
No 729 Man- Street, Pendleton, Oregon.
X ii nrf3 . i a
Hired Saddle Horse at City Livery
Stable, Sold the Anlmnl at Echo
and Gambled Away the Money
Caught by Sheriff .Taylor.
A young man giving his name as J.
Under. Is In the county Jail on tlie
charge of liorso stealing.
Under appeared In Pendleton last
Wednesday. Saturday morning.
about S o'clock, he- went to the City
l.lvoryStnules and hired a horse and
saddle to rtdo to the country. Jlr.
Carney, proprietor of the barn, was
not on duty when the horse was an-pile-
for and taken out. but the young
rami told the -employes that he want
ed to go to the country about eight
miles to see a man who owed him
some money, and he would return
about 1 or 2 o'clock. Wlion Mr. Car
ney went back to the barn nnd no
itieed the saddle horse gone, he naked
i about blm and was tolti the circum
stances. He nt once became susnle
1 ions but said nothing until after
Wnllula. and it is likely that Under
did not have the money to go by rail.
nd stole the horse to ride the
1 i. ......... !, l.i.nmiin Inst Olid 111
JUUlllt-V. Ullt ....
wandering around landed at telio,
nnd concluded to sell uie horse and
get moncv enough to get n ticket to
Wnllula, 'whore be would meet his
friend. They' may have been figur
ing ou going to that place to form n
partnership In robbery ns Wnllula is
known fnr and wide as the rendez
vous of crooks.
m m m 4 sr-" flP Are in manv roc... ...
the sore
Supreme Court Re-Convenes.
Washington, D. C Oct. 13. (After
a recess mnce the Ilrst or June the
United States supreme court assem
bled today for the fall term. No bus
iness was transacted, an adjournment
being tnken Immediately after the call
to order to allow the court to mnkc
Its customary call on the president.
The hearing of cases will be resumed !
tomorrow. Among the first cases toj
be hoard are those of Ulrd vs. the)
I'uited States, brought to determine
tlie legality of the murder trials in
Alaska; the Lone Wolf case. Involving
. the validity or nn act of congress re
latlug to Kiowa Indian lands and the,
I prize money cases of tne United 1
Statps against Admirals Dewey and
I aampson. 1
Returned This Morning, After Spend- j Xaylor; who ,,epan to try nmt i0(.ate
ing tne summer in Dawson. 1 the young man and the horse.
Ex-Senator W. F. Matlock return, i The horse was located during the
pd this morning from Dawson. Alas-! ?verilng at Echo, where Under had
, , . . . Isold it to Dick Jones, the livery sta-
ka. where he spent the summer vest.jl)k nmn of Hmt I)lnco Sum,av mQrn.
ing from business cares most of the ns sherift Taylor and Mr. Carney
time, as he had others looking after ' went down to Echo and learned that
his business Interests there. i tllp horSe 1,3,1 l,ee rimlen into Eeho
w rn , ii,,..: about R o'clock in the afternoon and
K..r. T "? '"oAfU ladlue S'
DZSrnn r7fsaE1n of.sale.for ..hem.
York two weeks ago. has been Indict-1 country will soon be tied , up until I ..:, " "i"Tl,S,"f Jim . i , T
ed by the grand jury for murder In ,,t season. Ice was beginning to i ' M n n, ,
the first degree. form in the still waters when hc:&nn,
Accompanied bv his wife and , came out. and from this time on 1 ' taU L fn n J I f wn
daughters. William- h. Hunt. goVor-j traffic will become dangerous. T ns ' . nthor tnK.R
Tlln r . (2m I Alt M o f Innl' i.nl'r. fhni 1. I '
Dr. Ilobort C. Kedzie, the chemist
of national reputation, and for the
past 40 years connected with the
Michigan - Agricultural college, is dy
ing. Henry J- Hose, the theatrical man,
who shot and killed his wife in New
All nerBous knowing themselves In-
j debted to me must settle by Octo
ber luth, or their acouuts ana notes
will be placed In the hand of an at
I torney with instruction to collect.
E. L. SMITH. -
Juan Saturday
Ponce, after a
United States.
iy by the steamship Is prosperous in Dawson and Alaska , watoT n lac p wher o h
i protracted visit in the; in general, but of course it will be a "0t,r game anTun
.somewhat unlet during the winter ,4 aV
one looking for trouble may easily
can get into i
Under norhniis
thought that he was smooth enough
It has bee,, disclosed that a civil 1 months. A great many a,re coming 'V- ,,' , n s V ' 3 "n n
marriage ceremony between Putnam'""1 lo sl,en" the rigid winter months, Um , ' la t, , , , t ,
Bradlee Strong, of New York, and ; In a mrnic r climate but a great rif'
May Yoke was performed October 3. n- w 11 ran win all winter. t h
by the registrar of the first section le thinks that w lit only lie n ; monp no h to get out of the conn-;
of Buenos Ayres. "mo "lUUr AA kil ?l try. As is usual with one seeking' a
King Edward ended his long holi- tne nltJ'X'''',infv" -lAaaer fm,"rt ho wns u"1
day With a visit to Berwick, Scot- 1h1 fl'L?. .."S a,st lt at Ech' He got into a,
started on his
i . i.i. . i. ..
and excessively stout. ln n,,an' Iacf' He , stute'
, , ,. , . . , . that a rush was being made from
xiiiL-cuciiiucis ui nit- uuuiu in cu. uawson to the Valdese country
cumu wiuuna i.....i.,lWnere quartz has been discovered.
president, aim .iiemuers J. i .uuai and he predicts a very heavy rush
uuu iucuuuic uiiuhikii "- to tnat country in tlie sjirlng.
rested Saturday charged with re- Mr. Matlock said that although he
celvlng bribes tronf school teachers had 0t seen William Beagle, who
in consideration of" the latter seeur SI,el,t the past two years in Nome he
iub uiureaat;.'. i" oaiaij, unu uiu a , expects h m to arrivu linnn. in nhniit
Awful Itching of Eczema
Dreadful Scaling of
Cimci'KA 8oav, to cleaino the skin of
crusts and scales. UiTiri nA Ointment, to
allay itching, ami mmjiIio and lual, and
CiTicuiiA ItusoLVEM, to coul ami cleanse
tliu lilool, make the mont complete and
speedy cure trnatineiit for torturing, dls
liguriiig humors, rA-lies, ami irritations,
withIosol liair. which luvuilonViHlmxktll
of the best physician-, mill all other roino
dies.n Singh set being often sulticient to
cure the most ottatiuato-ca-je
u manv respect, it
sores, and this resctSE
with washes and salves, because the eon. fl""!
u tlie blood nnd the new Cancer olio ,.xs.of Cai3
ing keep up uie irninuon ana aisciiarge, nnd at hit .t
announce the npproach of the eating and slouri.T
destructive work. In Sebnurr. um .
No ulcer or sore can exist -with- Jp "n a, loi,'1
nut some uredisnosinc internal cause n,,. ?."?.1' b nouJ! J
that has poisoned the blood, nnd tlie S. a. s. unSKi'i?-
open discharging ulcer, or the fester- the put hirf1
ing sore on the lip, cheek or other J oi
ti.art of the bodv will continue to ' ",o.1
spread and cat deeper into the flesh unless the blood 1
Cancer trenus or morbid matter eliminated from n, .;J
S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete bSt
nntwlntnl nud nurifvinc nronerties that soon I
V .1 ,.i " ,1 ii . t "UJ "leitusij
m' AndivhaJ
begins, the discharge ceases and 51
over and new skin forms. S S S 1
table blood purifier contain,ae '1
minerals of any descrintion s 1
If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind write J
cal advice will cost you nothing. Uooks ou Causer and tii 1
the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO j
i Seasonable Eatables
Seasonable Vegetables
Everything Clean and Fresh
and restore the blood to its natural condition.
earned to the ulcer
Or So-ir. jic Oi'STHitr.
rrywnen(. 1' -rrfc . 1,
. iml.'iir nn nit lint rlid mt fln1 tlin.
Choate. Since the kins SI?- ,I.".tl,,e the...,,u,,k of!Eclio people so easily skinned'' as
yachuiiR cruise for i "" "' "1 ,,!; 1 1,0 huaglned they would be, and In-
. .a.V.i ..u ii'Eravel, but quartz is found in abun- .i..f.n..l .'
' a APPLES, for eating, cooking or can
1 1 PLUMS, large, ripe and soend
' QUINCES, for preserves
CELERY, fresh and tender
1 1 EGG PLANT, the vegetatle oyster
S BANANAS, ripe bis t not overly ripe
HAZELWOOD BUTTER, pare, clean, swed
5 Where everything is clean
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Telephone Red 34 J
bribe in connection with the furnish
ing of typewriters for the board.
The English Church Congress at
London, following' so closely on the
death of John Kensit, the anti-ritual
two weeks. He will be accompanied
by Cap Speary, now of Portland, but
formerly sheriff of Umatilla oountv.
Mr. Matlock and son. Wes Matlock,
.Messrs. ueagie anil Speary have been
ist crusader, and all the bitter feel , interested together in mines and
lngs which that tragic event some
what accentuated, could scarcely
have been expected to be a peace con
ference, and to the normal disagree
ment which exist between the high
and low sections of the church an
unexpected bone of contention has
been added. This consists ln an out
spoken criticism of the Bible's Infallibility.
The I. X. L. mine in the Greenhorn
district. Is proving a valuable prop
erty, a rich strike having been made
last week.
The Northern Pacific has taken
possession of the Bellingham Bay &
Easterp Railway, running out of
Whatcom, Wash.
The Hood River fruit fair which
came to a close Saturday night, was
the most successful and enthusiastic
exhibit over held.
C. B. Sears, walking on the railroad
track at Whatcom, Wash., was struck
by a train and received Injuries
which resulted In his death.
The 18-months-old child of Fred
Wassel. living near Toledo, Or., was
badly scalded Saturday by the con
tents of a tea kettle being spilled
upon It. The child Is not expected to
Doustaney Shoppard. famous all
over this state for working confidence
games, was given four years In the
penitentiary In Judge Brent's court
at Walla Walla, He was convicted of
The united States Ilro rangers.
who have been doing such effective
work on the forest reserves In South
ern Oregon, liave been called in.
Their services are to be discontinued
aftor October 15.
C. W. Otrard. a miller In the flour
ing mills at Indmionuijiice. Or., was
caught 'i a shaft Saturday and his
arm broken, several ribs torn loose
and his head badly bruised before he
could bo released.
Three hundred head of sheep be
longing to E. W. Tlndall. living near
Boise, wore discovered dead from the
effects of poisoning, Saturday, and
many more wore dying. There Is an
epidemic of sheep poisoning In Idaho.
business in the north for years.
Messrs. Ely Bros.: I have been a
great sufferer from catarrh and hay
fever and tried many things, but
found no permanent relief until I
found It in Ely's Cream Balm about
eight years ago. and we have been
fast friends ever since. (Rev.) R M.
Bentiey, Rushvllle, lnd.
.Messrs. Ely Bros.: iFind enclosed
0 cents, for which plcasij senU me
jour Crearr Balm. I find your reme
ey the quickest and most permanent
cure for cold in the head, catarrh,
etc. Yours truly, Dell M. Potter,
Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold .Mining Co.
Then, finding himself iu a worse j
hole than he bargained for, he con-i
eluded that Jie would put as many
miles as possible between himself and
Pendleton. Accordingly he started to'
walk to Umatilla. Shen Taylor fob,
lowed him on the train and beat him
into Umatilla. When Under landed)
in that town he walked straight into1
tlie arms of the sheriff who returned
with blm last night and placed him;
in jail.
Under wns seen this morning in;
jail by a representative of the Eastj
Oregonian, but ho absolutely refused
to talk.
The .horse and saddle will bo re
turned to Mr. Carney and Mr. Jones
will be out his $20, but ho will per
haps have the satisfaction of seolne
Under sent to the penitentiary for a
short term.
When Under arrived In Echo be
told Mr. Jones that his name was
John Nelson. Why It took him so long
to reacn mat place from Pendleton Is
not known. It is only about 20 miles
to Eeho and the young man was from
S In the morning to 5 o'clock In the
evening reaching there. He was seen"
here a row days before In comnanv
with a young man who left on the W.
C. U. train Friday evenlmr for
A seasonable and reliable
is one of our
friend for these cold nights
Heavy golf skirting, GG Inches wide
38 cents a yard, at Teutsch'i.
Now is the time to buy one
because it may save a se
vere sickness by having one
ready in case of sudden
chills or colds. Heat cures
many pains, and this is the
best way to apply it. We
guarantee every one of
-Don't forget that Tamarack
Cough Balsam 'cures.
Guaranteed at
We are Now Selluj i
Drop Head Sewing
Warranted five years,
keep machine in reputq
that period without chid
Why send off or bill
transcient persons vital
can buy cheaper iiomac
Those Fraeier Tablets
IC yon want to have a tablet
That has the best demand,
And sny "Owl is the brand."
They only cost five cents.
And that you can well afford,
For yon get twice the usual amount,
But the Owl is not alone, now mind,
For there is a hundred other kind,
And all of such a line degree
That, you can not bear to see
Another kind on your desk.
And they are so very cheap,
That yon will exclaim, "How steep
Those other people are."
Now, if you want the smoothost snap
From England to the Pacific shore,
Just give your lees a little tap.
Then you will receive a tablot so big,
For a little price sp small,
That you will have to pet in and dig,
To get it used up at all,
The Columbia.
Lodging House
5 Closlnsr out wall papw t
j Give your children a thorough business educiii
The Pemdleton Business
Offers an onnortunitv to firlnnnto vour children mil
them for the battlo in tlm hiisinoss world. Dojj
send your children .away to a business col
lege when Pendleton affords an insti
tution as thorough and com
. Detent us anv.
Competent teachers with all modern devices fori
inc. The course inr-lnrlns 'RnnkkeeiUlltr. ComB
cinl Law, Short Hand, Typewriting and"ali
thnt goes to make it first-clftB3. Par
ents, call at tho Pendleton
Business College and
H. N. ROBINSON, LL. D., Prin. College on I
BYERS' BEST. Better flour cannot M
earn of the wheat crop enters in Byers W I
...Uiu I ,1 mrl I
Is reached in
Tllp rrnm
Flour, which is right for bread and
Taney Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor
For Health, Strength and
neasure Urink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.