East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    . . 5
The right footwear for Children, Misses and Little
Qents, Points about Minnehaha Shoes worth know-
DOn't get stiff after being wet,
Aye Stylist, Fit Perfectly
Are flexible allowing the foot to bend with ease.
Children stand straight and walk firm in these perfect
fitting shoes. Sold only in Pendleton by
Good Shoes
Mnin 11S1
Dmdmger, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver. Bros.
H. Rhode Is In town from Helix.
Homer Smith, of Athena, Is in the
J. A. McCarty Is In town from
George L. Horaman Is in town from
II. Plnkerton and M. E. Plnkerton
nro at the Golden Itule from Wes
O. W. Carnes, one of the Pilot Rock
merchants, was transacting business
In town Friday.
A. H. Caniphell. a real estate deal
er from Walla Walla, Is a guest of
Hotel St. George.
C. A. Barrett returned today from
Omaha and other Eastern points,
where he has been on business.
Miss Agnes Fletcher has returned
from Walla Walla, where she spent
the past six weeds visiting friends.
J. H. Gwlnn has returned from a
business trip to Baker City "and other
places in Eastern Oregon and Idaho.
W. F. Earnhart, the real estate man,
and Isaac J. Major spent yesterday
driving in the country south of town.
William Uoesch is at home from La
Grande visiting his parents. He will
return to La Grande this evening,
where he is working for his uncle.
M. Miller, a pioneer merchandiser
of Baker City until three months ago,
wnen ne sold out, is in town. He is
thinking of coming to Pendleton to
locate in business.
J. R. Kelly is the new night clerk
at Hotel Pendleton. Mr. Kelly is
from La Grande, where he has been
stationed as brakeman on the O. R.
& N. for the past month.
A. Miller, who returned from North
Yakima Friday, is making arrange
ments to send his son to school in
this city. He will return to his home
in the Rock this afternoon.
Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, of Adams, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bentley, in this
city. Mrs. Ferguson has the sympa
thy of her many friends here over the
death of her little child a few days
-Mr. and Mrs. Beagle and daughter,
Delle. have returned from North Yak
ima, where they spent the past sev
eral months for the health of their
son. Mr, Beagle has purchased a
home at Sunnystde and will remove
to that place.
A. D. Stillman has returned from
California where he spent tho past
soveral weeks attending to legal mat
ters in which Honry F. Pierce and the
Victoria Island Improvement Co., are
interested. This is a suit which In
volves a largo sum of money and Still-
man & Pierce are tho attorneys.
D. Isley-nnd J. H. Hendry, of Knox'
vllle. Tonn., are at the Golden Rule
hotel. They are among the many
homoseokers who are coming West
to find homes for themselves and
families. They are well pleased with
the appearanse of this country and
will likely locate in this county. They
say inotisands of Tennesseeans are
turning their faces toward Oregon
and Washington.
Was a Well Attended and
Pleasant Event.
The dance Friday night nt Music
hall was one of the most enjoyable
affairs of the season. While per
haps not so large a crowd was pres
ent as at some ior.mer events, every
one enjoyed tne occasion and ex
pressed themselves In the highest
terms to the manaKement of the club,
The floor was not crowded, as It is
at some such occasions and this made
It more pleasant for the dancers
Kirkman's orchestra rendered' the
music and it was up to the usual
;ooa sianunra. iteiresnments were
served. The next event bv the Jolly
iiuu win ue two weeks hence.
assault on Ynrdmastcr Leonard, of tho
O. R. & N., will be tried. Tho first
enso will bo romerabercd as one which
occupied considerable time in the
Justice court last summer and result
ed In Leroy bclns bound over In $250
bonds. , ,
The history of tho case was that
Penlnnd wss nt the homo of Mr.
Mathews, in tho south part of town,
late ono evening. Ho nnd n young
lady were in the yard, nnd someone
rnnie sneaking through the yard, go
Ing toward the chicken house. Pen
land stepped in front of the suspicious-looking
character and demanded
to know what was wanted. The mnn
started away and Penlnnd followed
to the gate. After getting into tho
street the man turned and shot back
nt Penlnnd and later Leroy was ar
rested, accused of being the mnn who
did the shooting.
Homeseekers Never Heard of This
Town and Wonder at Its Size and
The coaches of tho westbound pas
senger train which came through
several hours late again today, were
all crowded with homeseekers. Men.
women nnd children rushed for the
doors of tho cars, got out onto the
platform nnd hegnn to ask questions
about Pendleton nnd the surrounding
country. All seemed to be more or
less interested in this section, but
they had heard very little about it.
Many asked how large a town Pendle
ton was, and when told it was a city
of C000 people, they were surprised.
They said Pendleton had scarcely
been heard of In the Middle States,
and they hnd formed the opinion
that It was some Bmall hamlet
stuck off In the hills as Its notoriety
novor reached the outside world.
Ono man In particular, D. B. Mc
Gee. was very much interested in
Pendleton. He asked many ques
tlons about the town nnd Umatilla
county. He is looking for farming
land, and made Inquiry nbout
prices. When told thnt ho could buy
land that would grow 40 bushels of
wheat to the acre for $30 and $35, he
was surprised. He is from Oklaho- Jones, entered Mr. Chandler's meat
ma and said he just sold a large tract market and wanted to buy enough
of land there for $52.50 an acre. On cattle to make up a carload for shlp
thlsMand the greatest crop of wheat ; racI,t. He afterward tried to sell 11
ever grown was 2'J buslieis to tno
Mr. McOee said thnt he had his
ticket for Seattle, but when he got
to Seattle and looked over that coun
try he would return to Pendleton
and perhaps settle in this vicinity.
He was accompanied by his family,
and came West partly for his wife's
health. Ho said that wherever he
settled many other Oklahoma people
would seek homes.
Eleven Head of Cattle Stolen and
Sold at Dayton, Wash.
Ono of the boldest nnd apparently
most successful cases of cattle steal
lug In Eastern Washington, occurred
about two weeks ngo, when a well
appearing mnn giving the name of I
The Sock Social.
The sock social given at the First
Baptist church, corner of Alta and
Johnson streets, last night, was a sue
cess. The house was not crowded,
but a good sized crowd was present
ana tno iun was enjoyed Immensely.
rne program was good and the so
cial was a success financially, as well
as socially.
The kind you will enjoy using
Pleasant Party.
A very pleasant party was given
by Mrs. C. S. Jackson last oveninc-
in honor of Miss Miriam Strong, one
of the teachers in the Pendleton
schools. Only a few friends were in
vited and light refreshments were
served. The evening was spent in
listening to music nnd playing vari
ous games.
High School and Academy Teams
Practicing for' Coming Frays.
This Is about the only mine to be
heard from the high school nnd acad
emy students. The high school
eleven are putting in some time each
evening practicing in n wheat field
on the hill south of the high school
building, and arc gcttlnc themselves
in ,1 I .WW. f ...1... 1 A -..!-.
honor with iim nii.-i ! Inflicting poetry
head of steers which were in pasture
at the Blesslnger place.
The man sold them to Mr. David
Barclay, who paid him $275 in cash
and turned over' to him a team of
horses valued at $175.
From Dayton he went to WaitS'
burg with the horses, where' he sold
one and bought another, and then
he disappeared. Mr. Barclay, togeth
cr with a deputy sheriff from Gar
field county, are out trying to got
some truce of the man.
His description given by those who
conversed with him is: He Is about 55
years old, spare but firm built, very
dnrk complexion, 5 feet C Inches high
black whiskers, severnl front ieoth
missing In upper jaw, smokes pipe
with thick stem. Dayton Courier-Press.
Sopone Csstiglia
Towel and cake of soap ioc
See it in our window
Weston Donates.
Mary Stanislaus, sister superior of
St Francis Academy at Pendleton,
was in the city Tuesday, accompa
nied by another sister. They were so
liciting funds for the magnificent new
hospital at Pendleton, built by the
Catholic board at a cost of $40,000,
a large sum being also subscribed at
Pendleton. Some money is yet lack
ing for equipment, and this is now
ueing obtained. A number of donn
tlons werQ made here. Weston
While only the one game, that
between Pendleton and Baker City
high schools Thanksgiving, hits been
arranged for, arrangements are being
perfected to have other games at an
early date. The team is figuring on
challenging the academy team in a
short while and are also talking of
a tour into Washington and Idaho.
iso definite arrangements have been
made but this Is the talk
The high school team clnl
me strongest for years. With a little
more practice and touchenlnc thev
claim that they will be enual to anv
emergency which mleht arls on thB
gridiron nnd are confident of winninc
uteryining mat comes in their way.
The academy team has Just begun
to practice. This team was only or-
ganizea a lew clays ago, but a strong
aggregation will compete for honrs
on the gridiron for tho academy.
ine ivastern Oregon Normal School
team at Weston has been organized
after a year's layoff, and are now
hard at work under the supervision
of an exeprienced coach. Columbia
College at Milton is also putting ath
letics to the fore and may be out with
a strong eleven to do battle with other
teams. With these teams in the field
the Pendleton aggregation will have
games in plenty.
Poetical Editors.
Boyd, of tho Athena Press, and
Wood, of the Weston Leader, are still
upon each other
nnd the public. This is the latest
from Editor Wood, entitled. "Boyd's
Once inside my sanctum dreary.
While I pondered, weak nnd weary,
Over that outrageous doggerel,
Doggerel I now deplore
Methought I heard a gentle bustling.
As of some mystic' garments rustling,
And a voice in anger calling .
Calling loudly, '"Nevermore!"
"It Is Satan's voice," I muttered,
(And my heart -within me fluttered)
"Satan calls to me, a sinner
Foolish stuff makes Satan sore;
Ne'er ngain .will Wood I slander,
Ne'er again to foul minds pander;
Oh, may I turn to truth and candor?
Quoth the Devil, "Nevermore!"
Charles Peterson Returns After Var.
led Experiences as a Fisherman.
Chnrles O, Peterson, who has Just
arrived in town from Alaska, will
leave tonight for Michigan to visit
Mb relatives nnd tho homo of his
childhood, . -,
Mr. Potorson was employed during
the Bummer on uristoi nay, by tho
Columbia River Packers' Association
nnd was In tho fishing business. Ho
says tho fishing was not very pros
porous this season owing to tho rough
waters. Tho salmon run wns almost
as large as usual, but the waters were
rougher than over bofore and this
made the fishing not only dangerous,
but difficult. He says that ho was
with the fishermen who wont on a
strike for higher wages a few weeks
ago, but their strlko did not pan out
to their bonoflt. Tho fishermen woro
being paid 2 cents a fish and they
struck for 3 cents, but tho company
refused to allow the raise and tho
strikers could not enforce their do-
mnnds because they" wore not suffic
iently organized.
Mr. Peterson left Bristol Bay sev-
oral weeks ago and the first day out
a Chlnnman packor died suadenly and
the crew wanted to pitch him over
board, but tho captain of tho ship
would not niiow it. Tne Chinaman
wns well and on deck nt noon and at
2 o clock ho was dead. No one knows
what was tho cauBe of death. Anoth
er fatality befell one of the boat's
crew while on the Behrlng Sea. The
weather wns very bad and the water
rough. Ono of the men was up on a
mast and fell, injuring hlmsoir so
badly that ho died a few hours later.
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb
drink, tho next morning I feel bright
and my complexion 1b better. My
doctor says that it acts gently on tho
stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herb:., and is prepared as easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 60c.
For Bale by Tallman & Co., Bole
nave j
Pntage of
This is a ....
" k a dinner
ne piece i ,
until you finish ,
cn opportune'.
ii anyway.
Our Afternoon Ta
Take YJ
wctiko ui nay on tn
water, wlthtiflnuj
13.C0O iminliL.
hall of umMid,1'.
12,J0ihp Willi Sm"1
12300 bun Mo Km mi
from rendition. h
E. T, wi
Real Estate
A grand ball will be given next
Tuesday evening. October 14, at
.Music hall, by the Pioneer-Washing-tons,
which all members in Umaillla
county are invited to enjoy. If you
have been a member of tho Pioneers
of the Pacific, you are conllnliir Invit.
uu. uuott music lor dancers. Cards
and other games. Kn mimissinn
cnargeu. j. l. SHAUON,
Chairman Amusement Committee.
A nice watch given away absolutely free wilhtri
A child'? cap given free with each knee pwtr
Iicmeniler: The largest stock of goods u the conntyb
Pendleton Camp No. 41, Woodmen of
the World.
All members are requested to be
present at the meeting on Saturday
evening, 7:30, at La Dow hall. Bus
iness of importance, calling for ex
penditure of money. By order
J. C. WALKER, Clerk.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me must settle by Octo
ber 10th, or their acounts and notes
will be placed In tho hand of an at
torney with instruction to collect.
1 JUooic iriere
iao acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, S2500
600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water, 6500
160, acres, 10 miles from Pendleton $1500
160 acres, on the river, 7 miles from Pendleton,
3$ adres in alfalfa, good house and barn., . . $4000
Good house on West Alta street $1100
Good five-room house, north of river, six blocks
from bridge , $ goo
Two five room cottages on West Webb St., each $ 800
Dutch Henry Feed Yard
Good property in city and country too numerous to mention, any
location that one may desire.
Adjournment Taken Without a Single ' J
Readjustment. IT
After being in session for one weekt
the board of equalization will adjourn '
tlilo ,ifnTOr,nn ... I . 1 1 , I
called upon by a single tax payer to
readjust his assessment.
The board was satisfied that some
thing should be done to equalize the
taxes, but no stops could be taken
wtlhout notifying tho property owners
and they concluded that to do this at
least iDuu or zuuu notices would have
to bo sent out and then to get the
tax payers before the board would
take several weeks so tho matter has
been allowed to remain as presented
by Assessor Buzan with the hopes
that something may be done next year
by the now Incumbent of that office, j
Tho equalization board has the!
power to lower assessments when t!
finds they are out of proportion, but
it can do nothing toward raising them!
without first notifying the taxpayer'
to appear and show cause why hisl
assessment rhnuld not nisei
The PRICE of
SI eel Shod Shoes
Tough Leather
Civil Docket Will Be
But the Criminal Cases
Law and
Are Few,
All the preliminary arrangements
win uo completed this afternoon by
County Clerk Chamberlain for the
calling of the October term of district
court Monday morning.
Judge W. H, Ellis will be on the
boncn, and this term Is not expected
to string cut very long. While the
law and civil dockets aro quite
lengthy, tho criminal docket Is short,
and of all tho cases to come before
the court there nro few of any im
portance. The cascof Leroy, the colored hot
tamale man, who Is charged with tak
ing a shot at Clarence Penland, and
the two Japs, accused of attempting
Per Pair
; ; For those boys who are hard
; ; on shoe leather they will '
;; give more days wear than
; ; any other boys' shoe made.
Try a Pair!:
. ,
i Peoples Warehouse f
I ME MB mill
Exclusive new ideas have just reached usfooi
fashion centers of the east. They ategfSl
beauty and each one has an individuality 11
vl Please the most e.xmiisite fancv. To '
hats is to fall in love with them. You arei
to come in
21 We arc Headquarters for
"d Rcckerf,
finefct line ever-
Come ande.