East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 11, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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ImT year in and year out means drudgery. H
Sfj. will do more than half the work for you. It softens hard water; cuts H
nSxEf"? grease and grime ; makes dishes shine like a new dollar.
VxSsil h Mz2 I The quickest, best and most economical way of H
InOxv V jKJ'M IK .fllm washing dishes, glassware, silver, pots and pans. H
KvC M jjT rlV There's no substitute worthy the name. Insist H
I Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, H 1
H Chicwo. New Ycrlc Boston. St. Louis Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. H
Silk Waists made to order for
$6.50, complete.
Skirts and Jackets
Arriving Daily
A Specialty
Gall and inspect
the new ideas.
ED. EBEN, Pop.
Pendleton Shoe Store Room.
Next Door to Houser's Meat Market
Bays old harness, sad
dles, clothing, rubber,
brass, copper, lead, etc. '
. Who Is Inside of This Shirt?
Would be hard to guess, but if it
is one of our patrons you can be
sure that it is a man who is well
satisfied when he gets it on. The
man who gets behind a shirt front
laundered here always beams with
satisfaction when he sees the ex
quisite color and finish that we have
laid upon it. Our work is the
acme of perfection on shirts, col
lars and cuffs and you can't match
it anywhere.
l. F. Bobinson, Prop. Pendleton.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always on hand.
faf- - Washltur dishes In the old way 3 times a day, 1095 times a ym, Hj
For Billou-1 and Nervous Diorders, such
Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Sick Head
ache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after
meals, DUiinesa and Iiravriiness, Cold Chills
Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Short,
ness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on th
6km. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams,
and all Nervous and Trembhnc Sensations,
irrtniT minuita- ;n i no ucuoa.
very sufferer is earnestly invited to try on
Eoxof these rills, and tliev will I hi ack
nowledgedto be WITHOUT A RIVAL.
UEECIIAITI'Sl'lXI.S taken as direc
ted, will quickly restore Females to complete
health. They promptly remove any obstrua
tion or Irregularity of the system. For a.
Weak Stomach,
impaired Digestion.
Disordered Liver,
they act like mairie a few doles will work
wonders upon the Vital Organs; Strengthen
ing the muscular System, restoring the long,
lost Complexion, bringing back the keen
edge of appetite, ana arousing with the
Roeebtid of Health the whole tiliy
leal energy of the human frame. Thesa
are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all
classes of society, and one of the best guar
antees to the Nervous and Debilitated is
that BEECHAM'S PILLS have ths
Largest Sale of any Patent
Medicines In the World.
lleecharu'a Pills have been before
the iniblio for half n rentnry. and
ore the most popular family medicine.
No testimonials are published; a.
lleecham's I'lIIi
Prepared onlr br Thomas lteecliam, St.
Ileleu., i-uj;., uml 305 Caual M,. Kew
Sold everywhere la boxes, lOcnndSSc
Helena Mont.. Oct. 4. 12
Dr C A Ferrin,
Helena. Mont
1 wlfh to tha: s tou for my re
lief 1 iw eunerinv agonies
from plies nod was taking mor
phiue to relievo me, Hhen, on
th-- advice oi a friend. I procured
h bottle ol your rerrin Pile Spe
cific and took a tab einoonful at
nitfht and Hiiolhcrir the morn
ing At half rast I?, noon, my
wifogavem janotnerublejpoon
ful, when my pain all stopped.
In two days I was able to attend
my regular bustLcss entirely re.
llnred. It was simply wonderful,
Trulr yours,
Julius Meyboefer, Furrier,
E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street
Will sell you lots and residences
for a small payment down, and
balance in installments, or will sell
in any other way,
Pendleton is admitted to be the
principal city of Eastern Oregon.
Its future is assured. You should
invest in real estate here. It is
safe and sure Invest now. Do
not wait until property is higher.
Of All Kinds For Sale '
1 A Bicycle Tag Does Not Give
I Rinht to Ride on Walks.
Some people either do not read the
i..M,vio, ui is niuj uu, uivj uu nui uc-
Heve the city council meant It when
it said "no bicycle should be rid-
lr..n..r. I I 1.1..... .1 ,1 .. 1,..
de the rtdew.Hr. at an, time of
the year other than between the loth
of October and tho 15th of April."
It will be remembered that the city
council has passed a new bicycle ordl-
nance. This ordinance plainly states
that no wheelman shall ride his wheel
on the walks during the time between
the 15th of October and the 15th of
April. The new ordinance also re
p; buv Earrr
vokes all old ordinances on this sub
tnougnt because ho had a tag that . ' , , , y
he had a right to ride on the walks, .v. finishing his years of service
,t he found himself under arrest h 1 lis nsldorab to speculation is
, cause he disregarded the warning of e, a t0 at election tho board oi
the officer. He was. caught riding on "h?l Th it ntm,theI, ""T
the walks yesterday afternoon and eiLnfn tt1h,1"'"th They hflav U, ,
told to get off, as the city ordinance , 0f" t0 """'note wree quaufled can
forbade wheels on the walks. Scran-' didates a"l to 81 bm 1 it,heIr ua?es
(ton alighted from his wheel, looked to "ome- The, flnlL so,lectlan mu8t be I
.at his tag and mounting his ijkei' made by papal authority,
started to ride away on the walk. ' h, ,ls "ow as practical y
The officer caught him and marched ' ""a.in 5;Ltiho pfeaoilt r.ect.r W "
I him to tho police station, where Judge 1 ",ot4 b.? reno,mlnnt,etl- " Is k"wn i
. FJtz Gerald Imposed a fine of SI on tliat, th0 vatl,ca lloes t regard sue
uim cessive appointments with favor, audi
1 Scranton Is the first man to bo fined 3", III Zt',Ja8f rP'f al"i
under the now ordinance and as the , egc'1lfo,t,h? ren ? val of t,he f',
time Is short until wheelmen can 'tor. Archbishop Keane. Again since I
ride on the walks by paying 50 cents f,1,!,ls tt a ever-present need n all
a month license, wheelmen had bet- univlt- development, it is taken
.ter forego sidewalk riding until after tor sranted that whoever Is rector,,
(the 15th instant Then unless they m,lst have 1,10 '"fluence necessary to .
pay their tax, it would he well for fecure the needed endowments. While,
them to keep off tho walks, as the! 11 ls ,a,lmi'tei1 that the existing depart
offlcors are going to make every er- ments ' the university have bean
I fort to inforce the law In this, as strengthened and n,a,, efficient1
I well as all other city ordinances ""ng .Mgr. Coiiaty's term, still there
Finds Fault With the Streets, the Of
ficers and Things Generally.
The local chronic kicker, after read
ing in East Oregonlan the statement
that the street commission was going
io enforce tho ordinances against
blockading the streets by citizens, ex
cept within the purview of the ordi
nances and then under a permit from
proper sources, came Into the East
Oregonlan office yesterday and deliv
ered nimseir as follows:
"ir the present reform that is prom
ised should he followed up, the own
ers of property will not be allowed to
place building materials in the streets
for the construction of buildings:
the residents will not ho allowed to
place wood in the streets for a few
days, until ihey can get It carried Into
a place of safety.
"Of course, the street commission
er is all powerful; but if he would
take a look up and down tho most
of the streets he would find several
limbs of shade trees so near the side
walks that It is Impossible to nass
under them with an umbrella raised.
He will also find a large portion of tho
siock or such houses stored In the
street. Tho Washington & Columbia
luver railroad continue to switch cars
and do a general traffic business In
Webb street, which Is a violation of
the law. Some of the livery stables
almost block the streets with empty
vehicles on busy days, when tho
streets are needed more than anv
other time.
"Frequently the fire house on Cot
tonwood street Is blocked with wae-
ons and teams so that It Is next to
impossible to get the annaratus out
in case or lire. There are numerous
stables In the resldonco portion of
town that pile stable filth from two
to six feet high In the street, and
leave It there for months.
"But this Is not all. When the city
repairs a trosswalk, or builds a now
one, tho litter from the one torn up
or repaired Is left In the street for
days; yes, sometimes for weeks.'
Congregational Church Sunday
no fnllflWH! StllltlaV SCllOOl
at 10 a. m., .Mrs. S. A. Lowell, super-
i Intentlont. Morning worship nnu
preaching. 11 o'clock; subject of ills
course, "The Hardest Prayer, or tin
divine Will." Anthem, "Ashamed oi
Jesus." Junior Endeavor meeting at
'3 p. in. Evening worship nnd ad
dress at 7:30. Subject. "Nobbing
Self or an Evolutionary Law." Those
having no stated place of worship aro
earnestly Invited. A cordial welcome,
to all. Jonathan Edwards, minister.
- ,
First Baptist Church "What Arei
Yon Living For?" A definite purpose
In life, will be a wholesome topic fori
voting nnd old. This will be the topic
for the evening sermon at mis
church. The usual services of the
day. to which nil strangers nnd others
who have no regular place of worship
will be welcome. It. W. King, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Divine
service tomorrow at hours as follows:
Early celebration of the holy com
1 numlon at S a. m. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon
at 11 o'clock. Evening prayer, choral
and address at 7:30.
Methodist Episcopal Church Sun
day school, 10 a. m.: preaching, 11 n.
m.. Epworth League. C:30 p. m.;
preaching, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday. 7:30 p. m. A cordial
invitation to all services. Robert
Warner, pastor
M. E. Church, South Sunday serv
ices as follows: 10 a. in.. Sunday
school. I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11
the a. ru., preaching by pastor, subject:
"The fall of Solomon"; G:30 p. ni
T,,,t.nr,l. T ii.iriia l.inilni "flca Tlntin
" ?- :,r,tVur p t.
J '
ipS87" 7;3o j). m., preacliiiig, sub
jpct. "The Wells of Salvation." Prayer
meeting on Thursday at 7:30 i. m.
( TlT?& "orSy
tn ,1, ,,.. Bi,rvl.,PB. E.
invited to attend these services.
Ii. Jones, pastor.
Tak of who wj F Rectorshlp ofj
Catholic university.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 11. Tho
term of office In the rectorship of tho
Catholic University having been limit.
- ?
has been no real growth in the direc
tion of opening new and needed de-'
partments. This lack of development1
Is due to the lack of now endowments !
during the last six years. Moreover,
the present administration, while
marked with wisdom and prudence,
has not been of a character to give
the university that prominence in
education which the church authori
ties expected when the university was
founded by the pope.
As to the names likely to be for
warded to Rome, opinion seems to
crystallize around that of Bishop
Spalding, of Peoria. His scholarship
Is recognized and his influence power,
fill. Bishop Maas, of Kentucky, the
secretary of the board of bishops, Is
also mentioned. He, like Blhsop Spal
illng, Ik a man of larre nml vnrlnil
erudition, and would he an energetic
and efficient pastor.
Detroit's New Court House
Detroit. Mich.. Oct. 11 AIL.lnv nsr
omonies of a most elaborate character
munieu .me dedication day of the
new Wayne county courthouse. The
participants Included leading lawyers
and jurists from all parts of Michigan
wun.iui.- representatives or the
supreme court or the United States
and of the United States Circuit court
General Henry M. Dufflelri nrpqlilnrl
and the Invocation was delivered by
uiauup levies. .Mayor Maybury wel
comed, the visitors and there were
brief addresses by Justice Brown, of
the United States supreme court, Hon.
James U Blair, of St. Louis. Hon.
unaries Kitzpatrlck, K. C minister
ui junui-e oi me Dominion of Canada
and others.
New Railway Iri Northwest.
Tacoma. Wash, not 11 Ti,n,,i,
the terminal objective points of the
proposed Felt Electric Hallway have
been kept something of a secret It
has developed that one of its lines
from Tacoma, at least, will be ex
tended to StellnCOm. Via Amorlnnt,
From thls ,enlnal connection
will be made by boat wlrh nivmnio
giving a quick and direct sorviro !!
' tween Tacoma and the capital city.
daughter. That daughter is n precious lecnev nnri
for hor future is largely in the hands of th? moffAl
chnngo that develops tho tlioughtless girl into fh thiSfl
snouia mid uio mother on Uo watch day and nHir rl
tho physical -well-being of hor daurrhter. Kn trill
children also. ' lUD "UII14i
When a youmr girl's thoughts become sluggish irk'
enccs hendaehes, dizziness, faintness, and exhibits m EaJ
lv ""-w wso urtua. uuu lower limbs, eves (!;
solitude, nnd a (Ushko f r tho society of other rdrk iSmj
tory to herself and friends, then tho mother shouMOTtS
At such a timo tho frreatcst aid to nnhiro ic tli 1
Vftfrnli1 nntnnnissMl. Tr. mv.MD . " 3 V '
change, and is tho surest reliance in this hour of trial
Case' of a New York Girl of Inl
tO EVCry Mother and DflUfffe
. . w uauw
in the Land.
11 TlEAn Mrw. Ptvtttt i -r , T tinni, .:n i.ii.i. , .
" 1 J w f'UULlSU UUS IfiltttHI
mothers to know how much good your medicine dldrayyoEaiJ
- . uu mmuujjo SMU1
nfre. 1 (lul linriltlflfrntnfin -n-linf Ttnawnr M.UI. .l-j... ..
for lie trpnti'fl lmr fnr li,r l,nnf 1...- j a.., vTl
---- --- ... w, ,.u.b,. jmnnMuc, U (,rUUU Ue.'SfW
do bur any pood, and we were afraid heart trouble would ccrinil
ili. elm 1..,,,, ..,,t 1. 1, X a," r., , .
""j "!" t"lus nmiuriuiu minncr. one nau no araaoil
........... uuiiMMuu, mi wuh mways k: urea touaN
night long she would moau in her sleep, as though in tcrriKijtt
i icu lemoiy discouraged; I was spending moneriili
I.. Pinkliuin'H cprotnblo Conipoiliul, and I read in mil
"" j"""h HBuiueu 10 iirop inc doctor, anil give terjs
I wish you could see the change in her, and the p ink cheeks I16
lianis efretaliIo Comnoiuul has given her. Shehidtial
Vii-ttflo mtin.i ... 1 A a a . 1 f , . I
"1" uu inuustruuiion biarteu again ami ner nearcironoun
fectiy healthy. Menstruation is regular and painless, aad I cnl
to you and to your wonderful medicine for her good health.1 Xm
u,u ivuiii iivuuuu, iew loric wry.
From her vnst experience in treating female ffid
OTer years, BIrs. I'inkhum lias trained a knowled?!
untold value to every ailintr roHncr woimui. llcradrittl
to lielp. If you need such help write her. Addresiln
A medicino that has lwstornfl so manv women to I
produce proof of the fact must lie regarded with reipedl
record of ivdiu n. ii liln flniiiliOllBJ,-!
Vw nnimllml "l.i. . i-l. i .1 it.A .Mll l.na avarrvM
w uvi.M.UUu uj uiij XUUU1LU1U IUU U1IU nao u.t j
It is well to remomber these facts when some dnwJ
you to buy somcthintr whinh lm k.ivr is " iusf as Rood." I
Bible, as no other medicine has such a record of cmiJ
PUilclmni's Vegetable Compound; so do not exreiwni
uuiuiuuifH, nut insist upon tne one you Know is
vRflfin FORFEIT If we cunnot forthwith produos tho orlftiiJ1
abi)Te tesllmonlal. which will prove lt abjolutc cenalnwat
I'yilla K. lMukham JIedleWJ
I I. Cai
A Society Bello of London, CantjJ
ot London, Ontario,
iui gin who knows what
suffering 13 and Wine of
Cardui has brought her back
to health. Sho is one of the
social favorites of her home
and her recovery to health
has permitted her to enjoy
tho company of her many
friends instead nf lvinrr nn
a bed of sickness and Buffering. For
the health she now enjoys sho gives
credit to Wine of Cardui. She writes:
"I have found w"lne of Cardui an excel
lent remedy for female trouble. I suffered
for three yean with terrible bearing-down
palm at the menstrual period. I could
hardly itand on my feet and mi never
real weU. Wine of Cardui was the only
medicine that I could depend on to do me
any good, as I tried several with no iuc
ccss. Wine of Cardui cored me and I
have now enjoyed perfect health for two
yean, and give you all the credit fox I
know you deserve It."
For a young girl Wine of Cardui i
tne best remedy to guide her through
womanhood by starting the menstrual
the remedy tt
flow in
,.ri ri.1
.1.1 .. i
.ve (!
strual troum
time. In a
menses Wine of 6
physician will
the cause rf5J"3
reiiei wmw r. m
out an voarrp
nnhlieitv wbate m
lie nrivacr of KM
heaitn oj
Laxative uiuiuv x.w.