i - , r - 11-' m-. " FOR J Saturday ONLY AH Wool Waists, iUt Vatee $1.25 and $1.35 SUCCESSOR TO AVER BROS' DRY G OOPS CO. 1 Cash boxes, cork penholders, stamping Ink, fancy hand mirrors. Nolt's. Second hand Chapel Organ In first class condition and good second-hand piano for sale cheap, at S. L. Wake field & Co.'s. For Sale On the Luhr ranch, four miles east of Pilot Rock, all the per sonal property belonging to the estate of John Luhr, deceased, consisting of farm machinery and implements, horses, sheep, cattle and hogs. Julia I. Luhr, Pilot nock. Forty carpenters wanted at once at Weston, Oregon, to build houses, many more will bo needed soon; It Is estimated that 100 nev.- houses will bo built this winter. The city of Weston has offered as an Inducement to get houses built, free water for 10 years for household purposes, houses must be started before January 1 and completed before April 1, 1903; vork can be had all winter. Weston has the only state normal school In East orn Oregon und Is an educational center. For information, address Weston Improvement Co. RAY SCOTT DEAD. (liliil fey, OCTOBER 11, 1902. BREVITIE8. yard, farm loans. ,'b clam chowder. oysters at Castlo's. J I. II," is the lateBt fad. I. R." is the latest fad. m -a t ... winter Hiyjuu ai jusrgur o, tbox, fine apples. St. Joe Is best cane suger, $1. Ids and lowest prices. St St. Eastern nnd Core oysters will supply you with I; $1.23 per box. lods arriving dally and than over at Rohrman's. fese cooking at Phillips' Everything tastes good. fy made at the Delta has us taste that is so pleas- the goods nnd are mak- Ithat will move them. St. Id and Gold Medal butter, in tho mar.set, at F. S. I Son's. b Tarn O'Shantor caps for . Campbell's. Oh rfl for school. Icleaned and pressed by .workmen. Prices reason- mm mnrx wmmmr i ,i t ;i n i f f v nil tqva aces. Our repu- ' as well as that of maKer is back of watch. , VIU1HWI1' M beauty are com- ic our watches. JWyTK'IJD .n..4. I - T - " JWWUCX Whitaker, tho dentist. Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Olympla oysters at. Castle's. The Delta candy is just right. The "P. I. It." is the latest fad. Ice cream and soda at The Delta. Fine bee honey. St. Joe Store. Neuman's for cigars and tobacco, Mercered Bweet potatoes. St. Joe Store. Attend our clothing sale. St. Joo Store. Hot Wienerwurst and saur kraut at Gratz's. 10c per can, sugar corn. St, Joe Store. Fresh mince meat at F. S. Younger & Son's. 10c per enn, standard tomatoes. St. Joo Store. We are getting there with our low prices. St. Joe Store. For Rent Furnished rooms; No, 407 West Alta street. WanteaV;Bell boy at Hotel Pendle ton. Apply at hotel ofilce. Heavy golf skirting, EC inches wide 98 cents a yard, at Teutsch's. The best variety of vegetables und fruits at F. S. Younger. & Son's. Imported llmburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Gratz's. Ice cream chocolates, a rare now delicacy you should try. At Duttons. Lost Watch fob, with initial D Return to Hotel Pendleton. Reward. Fall and winter styles await your Inspection at Selbert & Schulz, tall ors. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup plies at Jack Candlsh's, Patton's old stand. All kinds of cereals and breakfast foods fresh end good at the Standard Grocery. You don't know what you are miss ing unless you have used our bread. Rohrman. 10,000 dozen eggs wanted at -once at F. S. Younger & Son's; 30 cents a dozen paid. Light Brahma and Buff Cochin chickens for sale at the .Standard Grocery at the lowest market price. Special for Friday and Saturday only, all-wool waists, 98 cents, regu lar value, $1.25 and $1.35, at Teutsch's. The Dally East Oregonian is on sale lu Portland at the Rich news- stand . In Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Portland. Don't forget the dance to be given Wednesday evening. Oct. 22, by Hose Company No. 5, in the Music Hall. Music will bo rendered by Klrkraan's orchestra. I have for sale pure bred Pekln ducks, large Bize. Per pair, $2.50, per trio, $3. Can deliver in renaieion during October. Mrs. B. F. Raley, Echo, Or. y Not Continue akinrr vni, v r.-.u . . i. . t. .i j ...i. :i -o onil hhici uauia US yOU UIU WilllB U" Ji-diion at the sea shnri ? Vmi ran Iiqvb Mm camR thine t t,, pound of our Atlantic Citv Sea Salt will make two de- ... , uawia, cuuui 10 a sea uain. imic uaui Drusnes, bath sponces. wash rat's, batli '-ij'iiiiiit; inai neips to improve your Datn. Passed Away This Morning at His Home Near Hsllx. Hells. Oct. 11. Ray Scott, 17 years of age, was a healthy and robust young man Friday morning and today lies cold in death. The young man said when be arose Friday morning that he had a slight cold, but gave no sign of feeling very badly. During the forenoon no sua denly became very sick and a doctor was called in. but that dread disease appendicitis, had gotten hold on him and at an early hour this morning he passed away after several hours of In tonse suffering. One thing that makes the death a particularly sad one Is the fact that his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, left here several days ago for a visit to their old home in Missouri and are there now unaware of their son's death. Every effort has been put forth to locate them by telegraph, but up to noon the- efforts had proved futile. They are perhaps in tne coun try, several miles from any telegraph station and may not be found for several days. Young Scott was a brother of Mrs. A. E. Mann, of Pen dleton. No arrangements for the funeral or burial have been made. SENT TO THE PEST HOUSE. Dave Edwards, Employed at Hunt's Junction, Has Smallpox. Dave Edwards, son of Rev. Jona than Edwards, of this city, was taken in charge today and ordered sent to the pest house. He has a well devel oped case of smallpox. Edwards has been working for the W. & C. R. company at Hunt's Junc tion for the past several weeks and has been quite sick, but did not know what was the matter with him. To day he came to town on the W. & C. R. train and was standing around the W. & C. R. depot until noticed by someone, who notified the mar shal. Dr. Smith was then called, and the minute he saw Edwards he told him that he had a well developed case of smallpox. He was sent out to tho pest house to keep company with a negro, the only other case of the dis ease In town. Tile negro was sent out Friday. "AD" WRITING CONTEST. Edgar Smith Carries Off the Honors and Receives Frazier's Cash Prize. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. STJITG aurxd. OVEBCOTG Hart Schiff oer 6? Mirx I Lwd Tailored Try thorn on, and noto that wo give you BET TER stylos than th0 tailors, as GOOD a (it and at a PRICE that is a big SAVING for you. If you think you are ono of those men who can't get a READY MADE SUIT to fit let us dis abuse your mind of tho idea. HartSchafaai V Marx Hind Tailored Mir If Suits $5 to $30. Overcoats $5 to $30. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE MEN'S OUTFITTERS "BOSCO," THE OUTLAW. Prize Offered for the Man Who Can hide Famous Broncho, J. J. York, Jr., and J. F. Suther land are the promoters of a broncho- breaking tournament, advertised for Saturday and Sunday, which will tin doubtedly prove much more exciting and interesting than was held here during the carnival. A cash purse of $15 has been hung up for anyone who can successfully ride "Bosco," the Oregon outlaw. This feat must bo accomplished with but a breast strap and not full leather, says the Baker City Herald. Jesse Hart, Fred Cavin, Bob Gavin smd Dutch Lease are the riders and the boys say they will have upon hand (he hardest horses to break upon tho range. Twenty aulrnnls have been rounded up and await their entree In to the arena. The ball park has been secured for the two days and accom modations arranged for the vast crowds that will undoubtedly (lock to witness the exhibitions. The broncho busters, who are home me uuvensemenc writing contest rom La Grande where they rode be ..JEW ARRIVALS... AT NOLF'S MAMMOTH NOTION STORE Your Place conducted by L. G. Frazier, the on terprising proprietor of the stationery and book store, closed yesterday and the prize of ?2 was awarded to Ed gar Smith. The prize winning adver tisement is presented in this issue. There was a large number of "ads" prepared by school children submitted to Mr. Frazier and a strange feature is that all but one of them were writ ten In rhyme, showing the trend of tho minus ot the young lolks. The can! talizatlon and punctuation in most of the copy entered were correct which rellects great credit on the instruct ors in our schools. Pierson vs. Hoon. A. S. Pierson, the real estate deal er of Freewuter, has filed a suit In the district court for Umatilla county against Jenison Hoon and John Hoon. asking judgment in the sum of flti5 alleged as duo as commission for a land sale. Monthly Medal Shoot. Tomorrow Is the regular monthly medal shoot of the Pendleton Sports men s Ulub. The shoot will begin at tho grounds of the club, orr the hill. about 10 o'clock. fore large crowds and returned with fresh laurels, are rated among tho most expert in tho country. They have been raised upon the range and know wild horses and their tricks. Sheepmen Attentlonl For rent, at a low figure, 800 acres pasture land In Umatilla county. Ap ply to Charles Cardlnell, 453 12th street, Portland, Or. WE CAN STAND... ANOTHER SIEGE Ping Pong Pins io cents Fancy Chocolate Cup and Saucers 25, 29, 38 and 45c Fancy Sewing Baskets ioc to $3.95 on stand or squat style Toys and Dolls A line not equalled in Eastern Oregon. New iron banks, iron toys, horns, etc. - - Woodenware Department Ostrich and Turkey Dust ers ioc to $2.45, Scrub Brushes 5, 10 and 15 cts. Chair Seats 10 and 12 cts Etc., Etc. - - - - - Is always ready at our tables. There is a variety of tempt ing and excellent food on our bill of fare. Everything is served by courteous and at tentive waiters. The french-Restaurant WJK I. A KONTAJNK. Prop. TRANSFER, STORAGE. FREDERICK NOI.F, !CR0WNER BROS, SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS , Telephone Mrin 4. - -.Ticiixi ui., xuwaro me vof 1 noose "All the King's Cattle." King Edward of England has at Sandrlnham one of the most complete herds of shorthorns in Europe. It is from this herd that many finely bred animals are expected for exhibition at the World's Fair. Senator Harris, of Kansas, special livestock commis sioner for the World's Fair, is now in Europe for the purpose, among other things, of securing a representative exhibit from the king's herds. It is said that the king's love of- finely bred animals Is inherited from his father whose chief diversion was the breeding of high-grade stock. 12 50 vJLm Shoes (til UU, Shoes !$3. 50 Shoes All kinds 1 and tne very latest; 1 qualities Try a Pair IS OUR MOTTO Strict dhtrcscti U ft tnnhU m to qatJUj wlllldf worker t raaia tuprior wrrlc aa btiMitfn bmA atoaogrraphai. Oar luitrittUoa fa WHwaaBy Ctmrougfc fact to wlialy km ami UUtt repetition kIom Wttuji us moct of out ttwUaU. Qaaiity iliyi copbU. UmdiIm lain ? ftcUltlo better now tsaa mi Work. Jadwtriotu, willing itndtwU auk nfUL adrancemeat Im all aU41a taka. Call, or writ for caur eatalatra PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Fark and Wasblnfftoa 8txeeta A. V. AxauUeaic M frfaafa TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo QuIdIoo TaMeti. All drugging relund the inoaejr it It falls to cure. . W. Orovo'i ilgnaluie a ou each bot. Sic. Boston Store Where Whole Families are Shod. Come and get our prices on NEW FURNITURE The now stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South, so you have a complete assortment to select from. We keep our promise to cave you mdney on Furniture, Car pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings, BAKER & FOLSOM, Next to Postoiiioe. 1