Not Hardwood Sawdust ATWOOD'S SPICES Are absolutely pure. Try thorn and you will bo oiirurit'd at the (inference) between AT WOOirS Sl'ICES and the ordinary ones. Brock & H(5SBas Osnrapay THH HOUEHN ORUaClISTS - PENDLETON t-WTUItDAY, OCTODEU 11. 1902 PROPERTY THAT ESCAPES ATION. TAX- There has been a great deal satd about low taxes anil inequitable as segments, ami this thing and that on the subject, but there has been but little "said about the property that escapes tho assessment entirely A taxpayer was discussing the mat ter yesterday and said that the bulk of tho property of the county oscap ed taxation entirely. He called at tention to the immense wealth of the county and then compared the total as.-essed value with it. He showed how many millions of dollars in cash is actually possessed by citizens of 1,'matllla county, while the assess' ment'rolls show that but a little- over 30,000 in cash is assessed. He call od attention to the millions of bushels of wheat produced here and the small amount assessed. He spoke of the wool, the barley, tho cattle, the horses, the sheep, amU-wound up by saying that the small man with his little mite of an outfit in sight was about the only one that is caught. He explained the matter in this way: He said that at the time the property was subject to assessment, men with large cash, either shifted it cut of tho county, or swore they did not have it; that the wheat crop was rai.ied, harvested and sold when the assessor came around; that the wool was clipped and sold also; that tho horses and cattle were shipped; that the sheep were not In tho county, but on some other range in some other county, and so on down the line, until -millions of property escaped taxation annually. He narrowed down by stating that only the merchants, the farmers, the bankers, Hhe mill men, the small stock men who had their little herds about their premises, and the small men generally were caught. If this is true, there is something wrong somewhere. If it is true, the bulk of property is escaping taxa tion, and the very property that ought to be taxed. It is tho property that most speculation is made upon and ought to bear Its portion of the bur den with tho homemaker and the small business man, struggling for existence. But the question is a broad one and the man who disentangles it deserves a monument. TVlE PRINTER'S DEVIL. The printer's devil has practically become a myth. He is often spoken of now, but the "devil" himself does not regard himself as a "devil" seri ously, and none of the force on a pa per In the country or otherwlso look upon tho boy In the office today as the "devil," as ho was looked upon In olden times. Still, no one is ashamed of tho "devil," or of being called tho "devil." In olden times ho was a hard-worked "devil," but be occupied an honor able and Important position. Ho was tho right hand man of the man who ruled tho community. Ho knew all of tho secrets of tho office, did er rands that brought him in contact with the best people of tho place, and while ho bore an usly name, went raggod nnd his face and hands and clothing were usually besmeared with Ink, he was looked upon more with envy than with contempt. for his "victuals and clothes," as the only compensation, just to get to oc cupy the position. Then it took hard work and good recommendations and unswerving fidelity to hold the Job. That ordinary boys did not get posi tions in those times as printer's uevlls" Is proved by tho fact that all oT the greatest newspaper men and greatest wielders of public opln Ion In those days first served the seven years' apprenticeship. In fact, all of the great newspaper men of those times came through that chan nel. Hut the printer's "devil" of today Is different. Ho is a short-lived person age. He Is unknown in the city of fices, though there aro a for.- of his species in the small country offices. Hut he Is only there for a week or two before he develops from "devjl" to printer or editor and publisher. Tho boys aro either smarter nown. days than tney were in olden times, or they were held back in those days. A bright boy, with modern improve ments in printing offices, may make a better printer in two months now- idays than the boys of old mado in seven years. He would scorn the idea of being seven years ip learning anything. The average boy of today would make an Edison or a Marconi in that length of time, If he had such instructors as those two great men, and was held down to his work as closely as was the printer's "devil" of olden times. No wonder it makes the printing of fice boy of today smile when he Is called a printer's "devil." From the day he enters the office he expects to be foreman, or own a paper of his own in a few months, and he often carries out his ambition. that were ouco perfectly virtuous would attempt to Jump over tho moon, If thcto was a blade of green grass behind It. It is farming without a system; farming without vim; farming without an object. It is an abuse of tho profession. Farming Is ono of the most Intri cate sciences. It is not everybody who can farm rightly. Usually what a man falls at ovory othor calling, ho rents a farm and expects a fortune to ronio to him, no matter how he stum bles through the profession. Farming properly is co-operating with providence. To know tho per fect adaptation of crops to soil and climate; to fertilize and cultivate land to mnke It produce more nnd more; to study plant life, the chemis try of the soil, the result of nature's laws in their various processes nothing could nppoal more thrllllngly to the thinking man! It is to under stand nature, the great mother. It la to live hand In hand with her; to know her moods, her eccentricities, her weaknesses and her triumphs, as the mariner knows the sea. It Is to bo guided by her voice In her fore warnings. It Is to listen to her word less language, to lay the ear to her throbbing breast, and to feel tho pul sations of her life currents, and, best of all, to understand. The farm of the Eastern Oregon Experiment Station, at .Union, is a scrap of Wonderland. It is tho farm in its highest perfection, so far as con" ditlons permit. Weeds are not to be found. Fences are kept up. Fence corners are clean. Every foot of land Is producing something. The tools are kept in place. Tho trees aro FOR SYSTEMIC CATARRH Peculiar to Summer Pe-ru-na Gives Prompt and Permanent Relief. Olem G. Mooro, Editor of tho Advocate-Democrat of Crawiordsvlllo, Ga,, writes tho Poruna Medicine Company as follows Oentlemen "After four years of intense suffering, caused by systemic tatarrh, which I contracted while editing, and traveling tor my paper, i have been greatly relieved by the use of Peruna. I gave up work during these years pruned and trained. The vegetables!- tnrtnrv. trl,i various remedies nnd many doctors, but all the permanent are thinned out to allow the best re- Ucf came rom tbe use ot peruna, My trouble was called Indigestion, but it The8 scleucfof tiTeTw of I catarrh al, through my system, and a tew bottles of Peruna made me feel this farm. Every seed sown is tested, like another person, noting ine improvement mien nau uacu wu wn uuiue. Every seed saved for future use is Peruna Is undoubtedly the best catarrh remedy ever compounded, CLEM 7. saved from tho thriftiest, most perfect MOORE. specimens, ine larmer is an evom- , , . . . , tionlst. He believes m "tho survival Jndgo Wm. T, TIenor, of Washington, of the fittest." He plants the seed In D. C, writes from 213 N. Capital Street, soil adapted to its needs. He studies Washington, I). C: nature. Ho co-operates with her, "I tako pleasure iu saying that I can helps her along through the tight cheerfully recommend tho use of Peruna places, tides her over the threatened as a remedy for catarrhal troublo and a defeat and makes her triumph by ills ; most excellent tonlo for general condl- Industry. r.asi uregonian is in receipt of a season tlcekt to the Crook County btock and Agricultural Fair, which opens October 15, and continues to October IS. The promoters promise grand time for those who attend. Tho fair will be held at Prinovllle and besides some fine exhibits, some Interesting races are booked. Those interested In stock and a glimpse at one of the richest spots In Interior Oregon, should attend this fair. linns . Wm. TV Znnor. BERT HUFFMAN. Mrs. Amanda MorrUl, 130 Ilold atreet, ,,,, ,,, ,l ' Elizabeth, N. J., writes: .IrJ- oSl tt" q : "I lavo been sick over two years with Broncho William - "Dry? Why. ' Prostrn"n Bonoral debility, stranger. It's so dry hero that tlio. he?,rt Tnav., T T rain is wet only on one sido."-Nowl aU said that I could not got well. York Times. 1 had not walked a step In nine months, .'. ! suffering with partial paralysis and The Interstate fair at Spokane Palpitation ot the heart every other broke all records in the matter of &t-day, ana hud become so reduced in tendance, Thursday. i flesh as to be a mere skeleton weigh- Ing only 85 pounds. i-'Up to this date I have taken Fornna' for soven months. It lius saved my llfo as 1 can safely testify. I have not felt so well In five years, having walked over one mile without 111 result, and have also gained thirty pounds since commencing to toko l'uruna. Ia foot, I cannot pralso it too highly." Mrs. Amanda Morrill. Poruna novor falls to proventsystomic catarrh or nervous prostration if taken in time. Poruna is tho most prompt and permanent cure for all cases of nervous prostration caused by systomio catarrh known to the medical profession. If you do not dcrlvo prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Porous, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full Btatcmont of your caso and ho will bo pleased to glvo you his valuablo nd vlco gratis. Addross Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, ikdunibus, Ohio. Cuba has celebrated the 34th anni versary of her first war with Spain She should feel proud of herself, but after all, if it had not been for Undo Sam, where would sho have gotten oft? President Palma showed a gen erous and commendable spirit In re leasing a number of prisoners and commuting the sentences of others on the occasion. Still, Cubans do not entertain the proper spirit toward General Palma or tho United States, either. But Cuba is young. A FARM IN WONDERLAND. Very few people get the best thero s out ot farm life. Very, very many of them long for tho excitements ot tho city, and nlno farmers boys out of ten go to the city sooner or later to mingle In Its detracting vocations. This Is because people do not go deep enough Into tho science for it is a science of farming to learn Its alluring features. They farm on the surface. They pull weeds out of tho garden only when It is absolutely necessary. They let tho manure heap grow taller than the baru. They let fences go down and down until cows TITK f'lEAN'rtlVG Avn irvAMXo CUItEFOIt CATARRH In those days tho office force was small. It hsually consisted of tho ownor of the paper, who was editor, i Ely's Cream Balm (Easy ami pleaiat.t lo nix. ''onto ns no in liir'nuirlrui? It la qulckl? abaor- nrintor. nressiuan and reporter, and it his companion, tho "devil." That 1" ?YnnaoS- COLD HEAD the "devil's" position was an import-. lltMisund protecw the membrane, Restores ant . , , , I the senses ofTasto and Bin II La ran tire, w aim nonorauio one is proven uy wu ai urugr; its or ny man; rriai huo, 10 the fact that ho labored seven years Willi by mall. JLY MtOTIIKKB. M Warren Street, New York, Of the American working man is gen erally well filled. In some cases it is too well filled. It contains too man) kinds of food, and very often the food is of the jvronjj kindhard to digest and i-uuiaimiig mue nuiri tion. As a conse quence many a work ing man develops some form of stomach trouble ' which inter feres witli his health and reduces his work ing capacity. Where there is indigestion or r-- any other indi- j-jC-J cation of dis- "X ease of the stem- V I ach and its allied organs of digestion and nu trition, the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will almost invari ably produce a per fect and perman ent cure. Mr. Thomas A Swarti, of Sub Station C, Columbus,. O., Box loi, writes : I was taken with severe headache, then cramps in the stomach, and ray food would not digest, then kidney and liver trouble ami my back got weak fo 1 could scarcely get around. At Ufct I had all the com plaints at once, the more Idoctored the norw I got until fix years passed. I had become ho poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I had fintti up to rfif.thinking that 1 could not be cured. Then one of my neighbors said, Take my advice and take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dincovery and make a new man out of yourself.' The first bottle helped me so I thought X would get another, and after I had taken eight bottles iu about six weeks, X was weighed, aud lound I had gained twenty-seven (37) pounds. 1 am a stout aud healthy to-day, I think, as 1 ever was." Frre. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pav expense of mailing only. Address Dr R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. m Dl 1 1 MR IN ft 6 11 ' VS- 8 JMrst cJrhb work. All kinds of g Plumbiue Supplies. g Tinning Evry.thlng in the line of repairing nnd new g work done promptly and sat- hfactorlly. B. F. BECK, 214 Court St, '(?(i ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNHELLOR-AT-LAW U R Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. 8. Patent Ofllce U. S. and FOREIGN PATENTS Trade Mirks and Copyrights TOO Tth dt N. W WnshlnKtou, U. r COPYRIGHT FOR COURTING or sedate married llfo the vehicles wo offer n IV6 no Btinerinm flnttht If thuv .mi .1. Our line of suirey.s, runabouts, drays, top bug' Kleaanit phaetons, rubber tired, If you prefer ' 1 moan 01 excellence, and we here with extend to you a cordial Invitation to call ana see tnr nnrKAir EVmhl? "r Winona Ucks, made for this 71 Tpry ocst maieriil, anu aro Jtyllsn and durable If jon want a wsgon, Vck:.bu"yorplow, we have the best line in tho city. Sfcond hand vehicles of ail kinds 1. ways on band. .., ,1f?a,nine "r gasoline engines, sawmills and threshers, NEAGLE BROTHERS Water St. near Main, I'endlaton. Ore, Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get hrst-class stock. We can sup ply yon with Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court House. For POULTRY and STOCK UPPLIES CALL OK Colesworthy -AT THK CHOP MILL P-7 mid 129 Eaat Alta Street Joseph Ell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL V ML mom pi HARNESS-SADDLERY The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore Oons representative paper. It leads, and the people appreciate It and show I yJ,hflr llberal Paonage. It Is the advertising medium of this section. The new store can never be known nnless It advertises DO YOU CXpCs.Ct peop,e t0 ,nw what -T; ZL 1. you havo t0 11 If you don't ADVERTISE? Lumber, Leak AH Kinds f0ri!,t Sash, Doors J Planing of all w to older. 01 Dnn't r,i... I cnnnnbml ... Ul "t-u US, Pendleton Flail, THESE ...COOL El Are a gentle remind,"! season is here. Don't overlf BASLI Bargain if you need a heatitj stove or steel rani-e. 1. J overlook an opportunity nunc) 11 juu QO, BASLERhasctrf on Stoves 'Come in and inspect 1 1 . ana learn the price. MDRPfln IS ff you have paittitfjj hanging or decent want done in hrst c! then come to us. Our prices are noil but low. Let us fig9.1l you. E. Court Stall I have bargi competent 1 to locate Valuable Timber Claims On the linen now under This means ! for first-come N. Berks Have Borne good Bale. Laatz M pop- Wood, Coal and Bxs'S'm Material Delivered . :.. .!,, transit we are m ii i.; . i,M-;neSS uu. J pared to move ligM w cles. 1 OFFICE MAIN f fcffl wr