The Only One Price Store In The City Matchless Values ia Men's Clothing Fancy Mixed Suits, all sizes, $5.06 Fancy Worsted Suits (a snap) S6.00 Black Cheviot Suits (a great bargain) All Wool Suits, in fancy plaids and stripes, $10,00 and &12.50 Black Worsted Suits, all Wool, $10 00 Blue Serge Suits, all wool, $12.00 tc $15.00 Do not forget our line of shoes EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT OUR STORE BAER DALEY Clothiers and Hatters No. 729 Mam Street, Pendleton, Oregon. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. American anthracite coal imported at Hamburg last winter, is being re ucught for the United States. King Christian has gazetted Anton Hegner, the American cclloist, a Knight of the Dane Drog Order. The honorary degree of doctor of civil law was conferred yesterday on Ambassador White by Oxfort Univer sity. Andrew Carnegie's gifts of $75,000 to Belfast and J35.O0O for LinierlcU, ' Ireland, for the establishment of li braries, have been accepted. As a result of a conference between the United Jllne Workers of Missouri, and the mine operators, practically all of the 1300 striking miners of North err Missouri resumed work Friday. Miss Alice Fisher, a young woman employed in the government printing office at Washington, was .shot and killed Thursday by William Dougher ty, an employe of the same office. Dougherty then shot and killed him .self. The 31st anniversary of Chicago's bip flro was obs.ved Thursday night by bnnnuets, given under the auspices of the Marquette and Lake side clubs. Speakers of national .piomlnence were present at both banquets. HOTEL ARRIVAL8. Hotel Pendleton. W. H. Ciorrett, Portland. F. M. Branch, Portland. A. D. Chase, Portland. George W. Harris, Portland. S. B. Martin, Portland. J. F. Hall, Now York. Elt Spike. Echo. Ed Blackburn. J. E. Martin, Seattle. Ij. Allenhoff, Portland. E. D. Marshall, Portland. Woods Smith, Portland. J. F. Clark, San Francisco. Miss Lalourette, Portland. A. S. Heatfleld, Spokane. S. S. Gill, Spokane. J. M. Stern. Kansas City. H. A. Baker, Portland. E. C. Sklles, Spokane. THE iB IS 1215 NOW ENROLLED IN PENDLETON'S SCHOOLS. The Golden Rule. H. Plnkerton, Weston. M. E. Plnkerton, Weston. Mrs. C. Nicholas, Weston. Jessie Booth, La Grande. D. Iseley, Knoxville. J. H. Hendry, Knoxville. C. Bordens, Portland. Well Marks, Omaha. George McGUvery, Spokane. C. 11. Wilson, Lewiston. W. B. McRoherts, Spokane. J. F. Slater, Portland. Weune Uohde, Helix. L. Cunningham, Portland. .1. A. McCarty, Echo. C. O. Peterson, Bristol Bay. C. Peterson, city. Homer Smith. Athena. John F. Hayden, St. Louis. " C. H. Wilcox, Portland. J. Jacob Blsslnger, Portland. F. G. Gardner, Portland. New Students Being Added tvery Day and Number Will Reach 1500 by First of the Year An Excellent Corps of Teachers: Mnm Mmn 000 students are now en- roiled on the books of Pendleton's Tho schools opened .rm.ltli nirn with lust a fCV OV01' COO and since that time a Bteady Increase , lias beeu made until the above nuni- her has been rcacneu. i-ruicnm-Conklln reports the school, In all of its departments, progressing rapidly. All of tho teachers are at their posts and giving the very best satisfaction. Never before has the city schools been in as prosperous condition as they are today and never beforo has the corps of teachers contained more nble in structors. Their whole Interests are centered upon their work. The enrollment will continue to ln ciease In the public school until tho middle of tho school year. Then some will drop out and others will come In, keeping the enrollment about the same until the last two or three mouths of the term. Then the enrollment will begin to drop off, owing to the number of young men who quit to go into the grain fields. Many farmer boys aro attending school during the winter who have to drop out as soon as spring work opens and help on the farms. This will cut the attendance down some what for tho last days of school. At the Academy. Tho Pendleton Academy enrollment continues to increase from day to day. The academy doors have been open the same length of time that tho pub lic schools have, but the Increase has not been so marked as in the latter. Tho enrollment to start with was about 130 and at the end of this week tho enrollment Is nearly 150. A great manv are vet to come in and by tho llrst of the year the 200 mark will un doubtedly bo reached. Tho teachers in the academy are all doing excel lent work and this school Is running very smoothly. St. Joseph's Academy. At St. Joseph's Academy there arc about 175 students enrolled. This school opened several days beforo tho public school and academy did, and the enrollment was very large on the opening day. However, since the opening, new students have been con tinuously coming in until tho enroll ment has reached tho present num ber. As usual this school is uudei the very best of Instructors to bo had and it Is progressing very satisfactor ily to nil concerned. It Is expected that the enrollment will reach above the 200 mark within the next few weeks. never In a moro nourishing condition tlinn at the present time. The New English Stamp Now that tho King of England has been crowned, that Government preparing to issue a now scries of postage stamps showing him wearing his crown in place of the wreath rop resented on tho present ones. It s generally admitted that now Is un Proper time to make the change as t was considered innpproprlnto to represent him wearing his crown be fore the coronation had actually taken place. The proper thne to commence trnointtor'n Stomach Bitters Is a the first symptom of a disorder ed stomach, such as sick headache, belching, heartburn, Indigestion dys pepsia or constipation. enlng tho stomach and pcnecui k sestion those alimeius ai ' cured, and your health In general Is made better. Bo sure to try n bottle. Lecture Course. There is a plan in contemplation l l.nvn n KPr 08 Of ICCllinJB lit Congregational church next month 011 tho university extension plan. Ar rangements are almost perrecicu to have them delivered on Friday even ings by professors of Whitman Col lege Thev will be educational In their nature and will appeal to all Intelligent people. The purpose, tt is claimed. Is to inaugurate hero what has proved so successful and prollta i.i, in nmiiv Eastern cities, to carry to the people some of tho privileges of college life. At Altona, a small town near the North Dakota line, J. J. Toews, a school teacher, who had some trouble with the school trustees, meeting them on the road while going to school, drew a revolver and shot A. Ttemnel. J. Hlobert and P. Kohler. cured liv Hall's Catarh Cure. Toews then returned to the school-i .,F- J. CHKMIY & CO., Toledo, O 1 C. IUC UUUC13I.UCU! unic nuurt u . w How'e Thlr. We offer One Hundred Dollari Reward for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be house and shot three pupils, two of them daughters of Mr. Itempel. Ho then turned tho revolver on himself and will die. Hempel, HIebert and two of the girls are also fatally wounded. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Owners of Oregon timber laud will ask the state legislature to provide protection against flre3. The will of the lato ex-Governor "Whlteaker was filed for probate yes terday. The value of the estate Is .'-; i mated by the appraisers at $20, 375. E. D. Camady, aged 27, a colored man, very dark, and -Miss Lena Meyer, aged 2C, a handsome blonde American girl, both of Chicago, were married in Vancouver, Wash., Thursday. Samples of coal were packed up the hill from the mines of the Cres cent Coal Company, four miles west of Chehalis, yesterday, and aro being tested in tho toWn for domestic pur poses. A broken rail wrecked a Northern Pacific freight train Thursday morn ing at the western end of the Cas cade tunnel. The englno was over turned, and the engineer, William Mlscho, of Tacoma, was killed. Daniel Appleton. of tho firm of D. Annleton & Co.. publishers in Now York, and his brother, visited Port land Friday on a trip of inspection Business was almost tho sole object of their tour. Mr. Annleton said, al though their eyes were not blind to natural beauty. Twenty years after the commission of a murder for which Thomas Hair loy and Luke Kelly, tho latter presi dent of tho Sliver Bow Trades and Labor Assembly, and a prominent la bor leader in Montana, had served goven years In tho penitentiary at Butte, the real murderer is said to have confessed. The bureau of labor at Washington, estimates that the population of Port land on January 1, 1302, was 91,000, or an Increase of 3574 since tho last -census was taken. This leaves Port land tho largest city in tho Pacific Narthwest. for the estimated popula Hon or Seattle Is PO.OOO (a growth of 8329), Tacoma, 40,000, (a growth of 228C), and Spokane 40,000 (a growth Cheney for tue past 15 years, and bellere him to be perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation! made by their firm. WEST & TBUAX, Wholesale Drugglt, Toledo, O. WALD1NQ, KINNAN 4 MAUVIN, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mncous surface of tbe system. Testimonial sent free. Price 7Gc per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family I'll is are tbe best. Teacher Jamie, can you tell mo why Lincoln is called tho martyr president? Jamie 'Cause he had to stand for all tho Lincoln stories. Chicago Record-Herald. Seasonable Eatables. Seasonable Vegetables Everything Clean and Fresh APPLES, for eating, cooking or cann PLUMS, large, ripe and sound QUINCES, for preserves CELERY, fresh and tender EGG PLANT, the vegetable oyster BANANAS, ripe but hot overly rice m A 7.KTJWOOD BUTTER, care, clean. .u .- - - r ""CHj MARTIN'S FAMILY uivvviwi i txiyu DAK; Where everything is clean R. MARTIN, Proprietor Telephone Red 34 SCHOOLS ARE PROGRESSING. Nature Study and Entomology Being Introduced In Country Schools. County School Superintendent J. F. Nowlin spent Friday visiting the McKay and TutuIUa schools. At .McKay school, Superintendent Nowlin reports finding Miss Carmich ael with an enrollment of 30 pupils and her school running very smooth ly. She Is guiding her pupils in na ture study and entomology. She has a very fine collection of bugs and in sects, including centepedes and other rare specimens of this part of the country, and her school Is very much interested in the work along this line. The Tutuilla school Is being taught by George Roberts and while his en rollment Is very small, ho has a very good school and Is progressing rap Idly. Mr. Nowlin says to take the country schools as a whole they were PRIZE-WINNING! ADVERTISEMENT Those Frasier Tablets If yon want to have a tablet Tbat has tho best demand, Go to FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE And say "Owl is tho brand." Thoy only coat live cents, And that you can well afford, For you get twice the usual amount, At FRAZIER'S BIG BOOK STORE. But the Owl 1b not alone, now mind, ,For there is a hundred other kind, And ali of suoh a fine degree That yon can not bear to see Another kind on your desk. And they are so very ohoap, That yon will exolaim, "How steep Those other people are." Now, if you want tho smoothest snap From Englaud to tho Paoiflo shore, Just givo your logs a little tap. And say FRAZIER'S BIG BOOK STORE. Then you will recoive a tablot so big, For a little prloe so smnll, That you will have to pet in and dig, To get it used up at all. EDGAR SMITH. 5 Before f Afte Uln Ulng ' Cutlers Soar. ' CutlcuraSoap v Face Humors Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cut: cura Soap, a sure preventive of in flammation and clogging of the I'ores. Solllhromhoutthi wor'J I'oitir !). . if fliM Coir.,l'ropd ,Uu..oo Uywtol'feeulii.clluiiiui,lfco. Sec Hcfc We have received another I shipment of those fine CHOCOLATE BON BONS Marshmallows. Mint Wa fers, Salted Almonds. Tiny are pure and fresh, cost no more than cheap and inferior Candies Velvet Molasses Candy is grow ing in popularity. A fresh supply JUST RECEIVED F.W.Schmidt&Co. Reliable Druggists. FOUR DOORS FROM POSTOKFICUl Phone, Main 851. Carpenters i 1 ft 4 n 4 B ' We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter I and our prices are always the lowest, quality censd- ered. Estimates furnisheu-on builders' hardware asd plumbing. "Money saved is money earned." See T. C. Taylor, "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 Alain Street Phone Alain 671 We are Now Selling i Drop -Head Sewing IS 5 HO ,rJtlfl 5 -'sMss m - ' DIB H I rQRS25g ..w - i: that period witnout cnargt nff or buv transcient persons whet can buy 'cheaper from art house. TTJOCt? UATI FMione Malmt ninolmr out wall papeti The Columbia Lodging House NEWIiY FURNIBHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB 8TB" F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. uivg your ennuron u iiiorimgii uuw The Pendleton Business children vmuia uii uwuvi luiuly iu ouuww t . . . ... .1 1 . ..,nm 1 sum filltHll 1111 Lillll IfiLliLilll ill L11U LJUUtwk sond vour children away to a business col lege when Pendleton affords an insti tution ns thorough and com petent us any. . . Uoinnetent tnnctiors with all mouorn uovn-oa.- rti 1 i t 1 -1 . .i 1 ,1 rf I. fill nig. ine course mciuuos iiooKKuoi''b that goes to mako it first-class. I r' onts, call at ho Pendleton , Business Colloge and : - ..i : a,. U I DiiDTmdiIM T T T n 1 n (urn uu PERFECTION IN FLO nnot ic ro-tr-iiori tivp'do' -Dpaii Rpttfr flour ca; The cream of the wheat crop enters in nys Flour, which is right for bread ana Fancy Baking. W. S. Bvers. Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. of 3152.)