East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 10, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Not Hardwood Sawdust
Are absolutely pure. Try thorn and you will
be surpriuud at -the differoifco betweon AT
WOOD'S SPICES and tho ordinary onoe.
y Brock Sz ftleCoiraaas $$m$&ny k
FltlDAY, OCTOHETi tO, 1902.
It would appear that acting is pass
Ing for the time. When two of the
greatest American actors engage in
a tour where scenic effects and ballet
aro the principal features, then It looks
bad for the stage as an educational
"The Tempest," -as produced by
Warde and James, was pleasing to
tli eye and exciting to Uio mind, hut
wherein was there a lesson or an ap
peal to the intellect? The weird, the
beauty, the majestic all were in evl
denre, but acting, words spoken from
the heart, commonsense things, such
ai people understand, the natural, all
wero absent.
Warde had the opportunity and did
display his wonderful talent, but it
wa3 In an unnatural way. The great
interpreter of Shakespeare's master
pieces, wherein the intellect, the soul
IS appealed to, was out of place as
Piospero, the magician in his cell.
The great James, the ideal Othello,
the smooth Cassius, the model VIr
ginlus, and Damon of Damons, grov
elling on the sands as Caliban, the
savage and monster, was as far out
of his sphere In legitimate acting as
Is a gentleman stooping to hobolsm.
This does not mean that he did not
depict the character well and proba
bly better than It has ever been pre
viously rendered, but that ho belongs
to a different class, and owes It to
the people to play in a role to edu
cate rather than fascinate. As Call
ban ho is nothing, teaches no lesson,
Is only . remembered as an Ignorant,
deformed savage monster. In his
former renditions he is remembered
as tho great delineator of strong,
forceful, intellectual character.
But tho tenor of the time is to
amuse, excite, please, rather than to
Instruct. The fault probably lies with
the public. It would rather look than
think. It would rather laugh or bo
amazed than be commonsense and
practical. It governs. It would rath
er pay for this kind of amusement
than something stronger. It Is a com
mercial age. The world Is looking
where thero Is tho most money. The
actor cannot prove the exception. If
the public wishes weird, dazzling, In
comprehensible slush, the actor must
give It.
But it Is sad to contemplate that
tho world Is reaching that point
where two of us greatest actors musV
abandon the masterpieces to cater to
those who only como to look. It robs
tho stage of its greatest purpose to
Instruct It forces lesser lights who
follow tho stage to resort to moro
frivolous things scenic, to please. It
means the passing, for the time, of
legitimate acting for tho scenic and
spectacular. And before tho legiti
mate returns again, two of America's
greatest actors will have probably
passed off the stage forever.
The dally dispatches continue to
bring out tho comment that thero
wero never &o many train wrecks as
nowadays. Thero seems to be no
doubt of the fact. Is It becauso of
tho Increases in number of railroads,
pr that wo get better telegraph serv
ice thau formerly, or have railroad
men become moro careless? With
experience and Increased facilities to
avoid accidents, surely men are not
growing careless in tho faco of a
daily death list.
intelligent Americans, good citizens,
and will bo an honor to the country
In which they locate, it Is unfortu
nate that so many of them are pass-
ing through this section of country.
Mnuy of them will find' homes in less
favorable places and dig for years to
obtain what can bo secured here In
much shorter time. This country
should be advertised, not so much for
itself, for It will settle up soon
enough, but for tho honest home
seekers who aro casting their lot In
tho great Pacific Northwest.
It is claimed that Harvey Scott
who has repeatedly stated that he
was not a candidate for the United
Stales senate, has loft his cnndldacy
for the position In tho hands of
friends, expecting them to urge his
claims while he is spending the win
ter in Kurope. lie expects to return,
however. In tlmo to be on the ground
when the leglslatuie meets. Mr.
Scott will probably make a strong
light, but no man wun all the sins
of the Portland Oregonlan hanging
over his head wll ever be elected to
llloting by the strikers in Franco
almost equaled that of the rioters In
Pennsylvania. This class of work
only weakens the cause of tho strlk
eis. Tho fact that they hold out so
long with these obstacles to contend
with only shows that they are grow
ing stronger every year. As soon as
they learn to use reason and common
sense altogether Instead of bloodshed,
they will win. They are in the right
primarily and right must always oven
tually win.
The new forest reserve has caused
a whole lot of comment, hut it has
caused not so much inconvenience
as the land-grabber and timber shark.
They were gobbling It as rapidly as
they could find henchmen to act and
swear with them.
eatlonalists was, hmvovor, not long
maintained. A clinmpton una nrisen
nnd has spoken bravo words of do
fiance. This champion says:
"JJnnsntlniinllsini is biblical. SCO
Jonah mnrching through tho streots
of Nlnlveh. Elijah wbb tremendous
ly sensational on Mount Cnrmel. Let
a minister tenr a Ulblo in pieces or
hurl It to the noor in passionate pro
test against sonio sin nnd he would
ntt.iln in the sensationalism of Moses
Pentecost was so sensatlonnl that tho
illsolnlofi worn accused of drunken
ness, nnd some of (he Old Testament
prop.iets wore extreme sensationalists
In their preaching."
Warming up to his theme the stur
dy advocate of live tactics iu.(tcd:
".My plea Is for more sensationalism.
Let each preacher Btudy his field and
determine in what way ho can best
startle, attract and Impress tho Indif
ferent about him." The advice Is
good, but as a defense of tho whist
ling girls and. the Florodora chorus
it Is but indifferent. One might bo
sensational without being gaudy. Wo
wait to hear some advocato of tho
new order, or perhaps It would bo
better to say tho "fresh" order, pre
sent a leason why tho church should
exchange the- choir for a ballet and
the preacher for a comic monologist.
San Francisco Call.
Mr. Morgan's lutermitionl steam
ship merger, just legally launched
under n New Jersey charter, Is an
other striking example of tho prevail
ing trend toward Industrial and com
mercial consolidations.
The old International Navigation
Company disappears and the now In
ternational Mercantile Marine Com
pany takes its place, with a capital
ization of $120,000,000, an increase
of ?105,000,000 over that of the old
company. This Increased capitaliza
tion represents tho value, as estimat
ed by tho creators of the merger, of
the old company's plant and bus!
ness plus the plants and businesses
of the White Stnr, American, Hed
Star, Leylaud, Atlantic Transport
and Dominion llnex
An Interesting feature In the new
ocean merger's prospects Is that tho
British government has given its
pledge of equal treatment in the mat
ter of mall-carrying contracts with
the Cunard line nnd otherwise. It
has a working agreement nlso with
tho German lines. This by no means
implies that the steamship traffic
of the Atlantic has becomo n monop
ouy. Competition still exists. And
If, as the now combination's promot
ers say. nothing more is aimed at
than a reduction of operating ex
penses and the prevention of ruin
ous rate-cutting, the public will suffer
no harm. Economy of management
should lead to better service and
lower passenger and freight rates,
and if it does it will be a good thing
all around. 'New York World.
There are more theories nowadays
on taxation and assessments than on
any other subject. If all of the plans
suggested were carried out tho tax
payer would soon havo causo to com
plain in earnest.
While tho taxpayers are all satis-
fled, who Is going to secure a change
in present methods? It Is claimed
that tho fellow who doesn't pay any
taxes Is raising all of the fuss. Why
Is he kicking?
Every train from tho East brings
scofos of Immigrants. They aro not
pleasuro-seokors, but homcseekers.
They aro not such a class as como
over on ships, either. They aro all
Only a short time
a little rlpjJe of excitement In New
iorit, caused by the annenrantvi at
one of the churches of n iriftoi
young lady who entertained tho con.
gregaiion My whlstl nc "Ro b n Adair"
while the contribution box was pass
ing around. Encouraged by the suc
cess of that venture and undeterred
by the few and faint protests that
roiioweu it, other clergymen enliven
ed the dull season In their churches
by similar gayeties and then the dis
cussion became louder and the pro
tests moro formidable.
While that controversy was wax
ing warm as tho summer itself in the
East, reports came from London of a
movement started in that city to get
the use of rural churches for theat
rical entertainments during the week,
tho argument being that country peo-
plo havo not a fair share of tho Joys
of life and since they cannot afford
theaters they should bo permitted to
make Joyous ubo of the venerable
edifices of tho church.
m m m
Naturally theso Innovations on tho
old fashions of worship havo provok
ed something moro than erltlr-Jwn.
Thero havo been heard really viru
lent denunciations of the nocliiv
A caso In wlilch a live fin.l kMclng
"Florodora" chorus tool; the place of
tho usual church choir called for
special wrath, aud for a tlmo It seem
ed as If no one of tho enterprising
Innovators would dare to rise and do
fend In argument that which ho toler
ated and oven promoted In practice
The silence on tho part of tho sen-
"There Is' something wrong with
Newport," remarked tho editor, "with
the dispatches." "Why so?" asked
the assistant. "Why, nothing silly
has happened there for over two
weeks." Philadelphia Record.
THE common sense
remedy to use Is the
one that r moves the
cause and Perrin's Pile
BjipcIHc does this
Just take it that's all.
One bottU gives lelief
All riiuggists. Send lo Dr.
Perrhi, H-Iena, Montana,
for interesting booklet.
Prices Cut on New Goods
fmd you can do better here than anywhere else on the
same quality of goods.
We have just received a large shipment of Child
run's Worsied 1 re -sea, made up in the latest styles
and every item good value, at the' ptice asked. Also
a nice assortment of Childron'ri and atiSiCS I'tir
Sets Now is the time to buy these.
Wooly Tains for school wear, warm mittens, golf
gloves, long and short coats; in fact everything to
make your children comfortable and happy whilcj go
ing to school.
Our line of Coats and Furs is very strong and we
can fit you, suit you and save you inorey on your
Winter Wraps.
Don't buy until you have seen our lines abovemcn
tioned, for we can certainly do you good.
We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools
and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid
ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware nnd
"Money saved is money earned." See
T. C. Taylo,
741 Alain Street Phone Alain 071
8 0 6
111 Court Street
Will sell vou lots and residences
for a sin ll pa-ment down,, and
balance in iiiMalliuents, or will sell
in any other way.
Pendleton is admitted to be the
principal city of Eastern Oregon.
Its future is assured. You should
invest in real estate here. It is
safe and sure Invest now Do
not wait until property is higher.
Of All Kinds For Sale
pod r-ni idtiwc
. a wll l 111 V.
or ledate married life tbe vehicles we offer
hive i no superiors-doubt II tliey liaiorqu .Is.
Our line of suireya, runabouts, drays, top bug
fflpannil nh,.nn. ....11..- .,... tl . 1 .
' i-unvwiio, iuulm iiii-u,ii lull JITGlur
tera, it (i model of excellence, (iuu wo here.
Willi extend to yon n cordial Invitation to call
and see for yourself.
Kxamraoour Winona hacis, made for Ibis
c!'?5aite! J 1,10 very best malerUl, and are
stylish and durable, II jou want a wagon,
bacx. bugijyorplow, wobave tlio best lino in
tne Hiy. Second hand vehicles of all kluda al
ways on hand.
.SD,!"e 0,lr Kollne engines, sawmills
ana threshers.
Water St, near Main, l'endlaton, Or.
187 uml 129 East Alta Street
Come To Us
For your lumber and building
material of all descriptions and
you will save money and get
first-class stock. We can sup
ply you with
Doors, Windows,
Screen doors and windows,
building paper, lime, cement,
brick and sand.
We make a specialty of wood
gutters for barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta 8t opp. Court House.
Joseph EH,
The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore.
gon's representative paper. It leads,
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It Is the
advertising medium of this seotlon.
All kinds for all
Sash, Doors and
Planinir ( .,11 .1
" ucatriniin..
Don't nlacR
UH(lintr Mr.tm-,1 .....""
Pendleton Planing
Lumber fart,
I IH3nKu
I illlll. h u HN IN
in uuiii lit nm 1
----- mmU iJlll
Are a gentle reminder
btove season is here, i
ajijii r nvoriAAi. a
uaigcuu HOOK ;
if trnil rtnnrt n I...!
.u.igt, aj jBJ
money 11 you ao,
Y3 A CT T7T3 t .
uWbUV UaS cm vie
on Stoves
Come in and inspect the
and learn the price.
JkS VI V V mV u
t rnii inuH nam nny.
hanging or deeorau'tg
want done in hrst-class
then come to us.
Dnr nrir.es are not
lint inur I .pt II? fiptir!
Court Street
T hnvfi bare
t7ir IHmlW
to locate
On the line o.
maw TinnRP
for flrst-coBen
Y T Vfe 1 .
MM Ft-! It
Havo some
" - ol
00 "
. in
".in in
SI and FOfll
w mti - ...-a
too nn t.,
line or rep""?
work done prompt
.i H.
214 Conri