East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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The right footwear for Children, Misses and Little
Gents, Points about Minnehaha Shoes worth know
nig: Don't get stiff after being Wet,
Arc Stylist, Fit Perfectly
Are flexible allowing the foot to bend with ease.
Children stand straight and walk firm in these perfect
fitting shoes. Sold only in Pendleton by
Good Shoes
Main 11S1
Dmdinger, Wilson &, Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Tt. A. Argot Is In town from Juni
Doug Bolts Is in town from Pilot
S. G. Sibrav has returned to Pen
dleton. '
P. W. Wilbur, of Wilbur Station, is
in town.
Julius Heilcrman, farmer of War
ren station, is In town.
Joe and William Williams of Moun
tain Home, are in town.
C. A. Wilson and son, Fred, aro in
town from Pilot Itoclc.
Otis Turner was a guest of Hotel
St. George Monday, from Weston.
Louis Bergeron, a prominent farm
er of the Athena country, Is in town.
W. A. Pless.'of Washington, D. C,
special pension attorney, is in the
Miss Ethel Frakcr has returned
home from Portland, where she spent
tne summer.
D. Hand and Michael Flynn left
this morning for Portland to spend
a few days.
Thomes Duncan and wife aro
guests of Hotel Pendleton from
Walla Walla.
Miss Gertrude Sheridan has return
ed from Portland, where she spent a
couple of days.
I. B. Yates, brother of ex-County
Treasurer Yates, is in town from his
homo at Lawton.
Dr. M. S. Lantz has returned from
a month's stay at Soda Springs, in
Western Oregon.
W. A. Smith of Walla Walla, and
'Alex Still, of Milton, are guests of
Hotel St. George.
J. F. Pence, a prominent politician
-of Boise City, was a guest of Hotel
St, George Monday.
Lloyd T. King, general organizer
of the Endowment Rank, IC. P., is in!
town from Salt Lake.
E. H. Clarke, the wool buyer, has
returnen to Pendleton and will re
main here for a while.
Mrs. Dave Ingram, who has been
sick with a touch of fever for sev
eral weeks, is convalescing.
B. W. Sulste, a farmer and sheep-
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders,
F. & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is & powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and blood
purifier" Sold only by
man or Coombs canyon, nine miles
from Pendleton, is In town.
Charles J. Ferguson is figuring on
plans for a new homo on his property
on the north side of the river.
Solcnton Hardmau and son, Frank,
returned Monday evening from
Waltsburg, whero thoy spent several
Mrs. O. Mitchell, of Butter Creek,
is in town. She camo for the pur
pose of placing her daughter in
James Beck and wlfo have returned
from Cnningham, Wash., whero they
spem we past tow months. They
win remain nere.
The Freowater visitors at tho Gol
den Kule hotel Inst night were Mrs,
N. W. Brlggs, Mrs. Silas Coe. M. H,
Mack and Mat Tuck.
William Gulliford. a uroniinent
sneepman, ana John French, breed-
er of Hereford cattle, were in town
Monday from Vinson.
Miss Annio Bracken am! Mrs
Klnch, who have been visiting Mrs.
j. jforguson, returned to Walia
Walla Monday evening.
John Van Orsdall returned Monday
from his ranch near Meacham, and
mu m tne evening for bis other
piaco near Darnhart, six miles below
A marriage license was issued this
morning by County Clerk Chamber
lain to Alexander J. Mclntyre and
auss Jean M. Walker, both of Uma
tilla county.
Mrs. A. S. HeatQeld, accompanied
Mr. Heatfleld, mall clerk on tho O.
B, & N., between hero and Spokane,
to this city Monday evening and re
turned with him this morning.
J. H. Fox, of St. Paul, representing
tho Northwest Magazine, is in town
in the interests of his nubllcatlon.
ne nas headquarters at Seattle and
will remain here several days.
Dr. J. Spencer Rogers, of Shos
hone, Idaho, was a guest of Hotel St,
ueorge Monday on his way to Mos
cow, where ho goes to take the med
icai examination to enable him to
practice his profession in Idaho.
Charles W. Ziegler, captain of tho
Pendleton baseball team during the
early season and who made such a
hit with his playing at third base, is
in town from Portland, where he
played during tho past few months.
Mr. Ziegler has been laid off the dia
mond for the past several weeks on
account of a broken finger. Ho will
remain here and visit his friends for
a few weeks and later may go back
to Ohio to visit his old home, but
will return and locate here.
Left His Home on Acount of Domestic
Troubles An Old, Old Story.
Light is being thrown on the mys
terious disappearance of Charles
Sterling, of Milton, whoso friends ox
pressed tho belief that ho had be
come lost in tho mountains or had
been foully dealt with by robbors,
somo two weeks ngo. Searching par
tics have- scoured tho mountains
around Weston In quest of his dead
body. Pitiful tnles, told of the wife
nnd young babe left alone by tho
grim hand of death, havo been circu
lated and believed. Now comes tho
sequel, and death hns nothing to do
with it.
The young man hns been traced to
Baker City, -whore ho stabled his
horse, upon which ho had left Milton
on a pretended search for a lost cow,
and registered at a hotel as Georgo
Sterling. His movements slnco his
arrival in Baker City aro not known
nor are thoy of particular interest
now thnt it has been lenmed thnt his
dead body does not Ho exposed to
tho storms of tho mountains.
Tho motive of his abrupt and mys
terious disappearance from Milton,
however, is of Interest, for it fur
nishes the key to the whole situation.
Early Information regarding his dis
appearance tended to show that there
was no reason for tho voluntary de
sertion of his wlfo and child, but In
vestigation of tho facts proves dif
ferently. It is now apparent to those
in a position to know that young Ster
ling had domestic troubles of a doll
cate nature, which drove him to leave
home and seek now scenes. Instead
of searching for a lost cow, the now
version of the story says he has gone
in search of lost peace of mind.
, The searching parties have been
called in nnd sympathy In Milton Is
somewhat divided as to which one of
the principals It should be lavished
The New Ennllsh Stamps.
Mn. flint ilin Klnc of England has
boon crowned, that govornmont Is
iirnn.irlnir to lssuo n now series of
postage stamps showing him wearing
his crown in place or tno wreum rui
rescnted on tho present ones. It Is
irnnnrnllv nilmltted that now Is Cho
proper tlmo to mako tho change ns
It was considered Inappropriate to
rnnmsnnt him wearing his crown be-
foro the coronation had nctually takon
nlnnn. Tim nronor tlmo to commence
nfclnir Hostcttcr'B Stomncli Hitters
r " - . i
Ih nt rhn first BVllimoin 01 a uisuiuui'
ml stomach, such as sick headache,
belching, heartburn, Indigestion, dys
popsla or constipation. By strength'
nnlnp flm stomach nnd perfecting dl
gestlon these nllments arc completely
cured, nnd your health In gonoral Is
made bettor. Be sure to try a bottle.
An Awful Chance.
A jovial-looking man on n St. Paul
to Portland trnln drank frequently
and deeply from a quart bottle, which
he courteously offered, boforo e:.ih
swig, to his follow passengers, one
of whom, nn nscotlc-looltlng mnu. re
fused the bottle with Bcorn, and
eventually delivered a lecture on tem
perance, ending with:
"You take awful chances In cloud
ing your brain with alcohol. When
you ngnin como into possession of
your normnl senses you may bo in
the gutter, you may be in prison, yo.i
may bo In eternnl punlshmont!"
After the berths had been made
up for tho night, the Jovial ono stag
gered down tho aisle, pulled asldo
the flap of tho berth occupied by tho
lecturer, and asked:
"Where yoush goln', ol' foll'r?"
"Helena" -this severely.
"Yoush didn't tip p-p-porter."
"I never do. It's n bad practice.
"Yo' take awful chances, ol' fel'r.
In losln' your wits In not tlppln' por
ter. When you wnko up, yoush may
be in Helena, yoush may bo in Id'ho,
yoush may ho in tho beaut'ful city of
Pasco!" Northwest Magazine.
Permanent Golf
Last night at tho home of Mrs.
Leona Thomnson. on Wnter ntrpn-k
tho lovers of golf met and inado the
firai 5t?S toward organizing a per
manent golf club. The officers elect
ed were: Mrs. J. R. Dickson, presi
dent; Mrs. H. F. Johnson, vice-presi
dent; J. T. Larnbreth, secretary;
Miss Thompson, treasurer; Mrs. J. R.
Dickson, Miss Strong, James B
Welch, E. P. Dodd and W. C. E. Pru
ett, oxecutive committee. Tho com
mittee appointed on by-laws consists
of Mrs. F. E. Judd, Mrs. C. S. Jack
son and Mrs. Leon Cohen. A place
for a course will be selected by the
oxecutive committee and arrange
ments will be completed at once to
make tlie location of the grounds and
organization pormanent
Charged With Taking Watch From
An Outbuilding.
Mark Boyd and Austin Wells,
brought to Pendleton yesterday on
the charge of having a watch in their
possession which did not belong to
them, wore released on their own
recognizance by Distrl:t Attorney
Both theEe young men nre well
known here and have many friends.
Thoy were In Helix last week, and
upon going into an outhouso found a
watch hanging on a nail where It had
been left by Its owner, Charles Als
pach. Tho watch had Alspach's ini
tials on the case, but It seems that
Boyd put it in his pocket and did hot
attempt to return it to the owner.
Later when tho watch was missed, j
they were suspected and a warrant
sworn out for them.
Thoy were arrested in Athena,
wnere uoyii was in a serious condl
tlon from tho effects of an injury re
ceived by falling through a railroad
trestle Saturday night. He was taken
to the county hospital, where ho will
bo kept until he becomes able to bo
taken Into court nnd tried for hav
ing possession of tho watch without
the consent of tho owner. Wellst
was released as he was thought not
to be Implicated in taking tho watch.
Another Large Squash.
A squash la being displayed in
front of tho Standard grocery, on
Court street, which Is attracting con
snicrame attention, it was grown
by Joe Voy, on his piaco on Butter
Creek and tips tho scales nt Just 52
pounds, measures four nnd a half
feet in circumference and Is almost
Now Rememberl
About that exclusion to Spoknno.
Tickets will be sold tomorrow, Oct.
8, and on this day only, to Spokane
and return, Including admission to
tho fair, at $G.50. Tickets good re
turning until Oct. IE.
Now Rememberl
About that excursion to Snokane.
Tickets will bo sold tomorrow, Oct.
8, and on this day only, to Snokane
and return, including admission to
tho fair, at 3G.50. Tickets good re
turning until Oct. 15.
Six Applications for Positions on
Pendleton Free Mall Delivery,
Thoro wore six applicants in before
6 o'clock Monday ovonlng to tako ex
aminations for civil eorvlco in Pen
dloton. Tho examinations will bo
nindo on tho lGth of October nt tho
courthouse. A Bpccinl oxamlncr will
bo hero from Washington, D. C. to
havo chnrgo of tho examinations.
Fivo of tho applicants aro now
ones, and ono took tho examination
Inst spring whon tho move was on
for frco delivery. At tho former ex
amination nil tho class of a half
dozen, passed oxcopt ono and It was
ho who hns handed in his applica
tion the Bccond tlmo. x'hose to pnss
In n former examination wero not al
lowed to competo tho second tlmo.
This civil servlco examination is
preparatory to tho establishing of a
free mnll delivery in the city. For
more than a year tho people of Pen
dleton havo been promised froo deliv
ery nnd tho tlmo for starting It wnB
set soveral times, hut each t.mo
something would hnppon to put it off
until n later date. Now it Is an as
sured thing thnt beginning with tho
first of tho year the freo delivery
will bo put into working order. Two
dollvory clerks will bo required to
make the town and a substitute to
tako tho place of tho regular clerks
In ease of Illness or unavoidable de
tention from work. It will bo soveral.
weeks after tho examinations, boforo
it Is known hero who aro tho lucky
ones appointed. Tho papers will lie
sent to Washington, D. 0 nnd exam
ined by a bonrd of oxnmlnors and the
three passing the best examination
will bo awarded tho places.
m eh?
A .
irnm tt. 51M
anew ini,... n
worn out
Vnn. 1
new cne.
tape over
. "."ne you i
ie iamp3 don't J
Owl Td
Take Y,
Appointed Administrator.
Justlco of tho Peace O. G. Cham
berlain, was in town from Athena
Monday afternoon and was appointed
administrator of tho estate of Mrs.
Barbara E. Doardorff, deceased, by
County Judge Hartman. Air. Cham
borlatu was nccompnnled by Will M.
Peterson, who is attorney for the
Theie Hock Mnchenr. A
oin Camu Pmuu. "''sJ
ilanco of hy on VfflJi
wMer, with .. . Ml
13.C00 ftlrn! .11 . .
"Mills, iragff!
Auythlnirvniiw.nl i... 1
onocro. "
E. T, ?AB
Real Estate Dij
Jtfst Received Today
500 Yards Bonita Albatros for Ladies' Waists. tJ
Jbc. Sale price for one week
1000 yard New
per yard
Now Rememberl
About that excursion to Snoknne
tickets will bo sold tomorrow, Oct.
8, and on this day only, to Spokane
nnu return, including admission to
uio lair, at ?ti.B0. Tickets good re
turning until Oct. 15. '
rt?.7. iT a "vo. u"" Quinine Tablett. All
i rn.V... .f i"o muuoy ii mis to cure.
opening at Teutsch's Thurs-
Man wants but little here below,
This statoment causes mirth;
It may have boon so long ago,
Bat now he wants the earth.
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth for sale, locat
ed in and about Pendleton.
Choice city property, ranches and farms
at bargains.
A Carload a Day to be Shipped
N. W. Mumford Wednesday bought
or Mr. Ellis Ireland his crop of win
ter apples for the Walla Walla Pro
duco company. The apples aro tho
finest to be found in the county and
will make 6000 or 7000 boxes. Mr.
Mumford states that they will bsgin
packing at once. He lias also 10,000
boxes in the Mud Creek district, and
Is putting out 4 carloads per week,
and havo 14 men and six girls em
ployed. They expect to ship 40 or 50
carloads, shipping ono carload a day
during the next few weeks, continu
ing until the first of November.
Freewator Times.
His Life In Peril.
"I Just seemed to have gone all to
pieces," writes Alfred Bee. of Wei
fare, Toxas, "biliousness and a lame
back h (nd made life a burden.
couldn't eat or sleep and felt almost
too worn out to work when I began
to use Electric Blttere. but they
worked wonders. Now I sleep like a
top, can eat anything, havo gained
in strength and enjoy hard work.
iney givo vigorous health and now
life to weak, sickly, run down neonle.
Try tnom. only BOc at Tallman &
Co.'s drug store.
i 1 1 1 i n .m..w4"i"i 1 1 i n..
i The PRICE of
i Si eel Shod Shoes
I Tough Leather
Notice to Electric Light Consumers.
We have placed upon the lino a
night inspector who will In future
check up lights loft burning nil nlcht.
Those persons found burning lights
all night, who havo nn eight or 10-
hour contract with tho comnanv will
bo charged with tho current consum
ed after thoso hours without further
Pet Pair
For those boys who are hard
on shoe leather they will
give more days wear than
any other boys' shoe made. J
(Try a Pair!
Peoples Warehouse f
'"""nn tWH
1000 Jiriigw)
per jinl...
A. OcailUIlll line of new mid tlri-tn.dntn ttnltnliiar ivkoIvm AUJ
dozen new and stylish Flannel and Corduroy Waists. CdJ
Itemauiber: The largest stock of goods in the county toeelectiJ
iliV i O
Distinctly "Different"
Brains, Fingers, Taste, Judgment, all m
in unison to Droduco our Millinerv. Thffl
a becomingness to every Hat.
We arc Headquarters for
Rfir.Pinllv in Ifl
finest line ever ibe
Seeing Jb believing
Come and see.
alogoe of them. A foil supply always kept