East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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rand Opening In
Furs At "
,ee Teutsch's
hursday, Oct. 9th
representative of one of the largest fur manufacturers in
Iiited States will be at Teutsch's, Wednesday, October
fcd will have on display the largest and most complete
Fur Goods ever shown in Pendleton.
LlY, OCTOBER 7. 1902.
oward, farm loans,
oysters at Castle's.
I. It." Is the latest fad.
I. R." Is the latost fad.
Id winter styles at Joerger's.
fenlug at Teutsch's Thurs-
wlll supply you with
at $1.25 per box.
Hnese cooking at Phillips'
Everything tastes good.
tndy made at the Delta has
fclous taste that Is so pleas-
fine home-made confec
a regular treat for your
pie Tarn O'Shanter caps for
"Mrs. Camphell's. Oh my!
fcute for school.
st attired women In Pendle-
be those wearing our ezclu-
Lee Teutsch.
cleaned and pressed by
bed workmen. Prices reason
IHolland, corner Holland and
-800-acre wheat farm, 10
Pendleton, all summer
nearly all fenced. Good
It. Address Box 495.
for sale pure bred Pekln
Cge size. Per pair, J2.60, per
SSCan deliver In Pendleton
ctober. Mrs. B. P. Raloy,
leans exactly what we
Every watch we sell
Ire guarantee. You take
chances. Our repu-
tion as well as that of
fee maker is back of
ery watch.
Correct time, dnrabil-
' and beautv are com-
pned in our watches.
E: Correct Jeweler
oorto R. Alexander.
Whitaker, the dentist.
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
The Delta candy Is just right.
The "P. I. It." is the latest fad.
Ice cream and soda at The Delta.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Fur opening at Teutsch's Thurs
Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
Children's red chairs, new toys,
games and blocks. Nolf's store.
New goods arriving dally and
price lower than ever at Rohrman's
Fall and winter styles await your
Inspection at Selbert & Schulz; tail
ors. Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies at Jack Candlsh's, Patton's old
All kinds of cereals and breakfast
foods freBh and good at the Standard
Plenty of nice fresh ranch eggs and
butter at all times at the Standard
You don't know what you are miss
ing unless you have UBed our bread.
The Dally East Oregonian is on
sale in Portland at the Rich news
stand in Hotel Perkins, and at the
Hotel Portland.
Elmer E. Turner's new transfer
wagon vill do your hauling. Head
quarters at Brock & McComas' drug
store. Telephone main 201.
Don't forget the dance to be given
Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, by Hose
Company No. 5, in the Music Hall.
Music will be rendered by Klrkman's
Charles Cunningham shipped two
cars of fine bucks from hero Monday
to X. McDonald at Arlington. Mr.
McDonald is one of the leading
sheepmen of the Arlington country,
and is adding the finest blooded sheep
to his herds.
The homllest man In Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others,
are invited to call cu any druggist
.nd eet'free a trial bottle of Kemps
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronjo and acute -coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption,
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall-
man & Co., sole agents.
Forty carpenters wanted at once at
Weston, Oregon, to build nouses,
many more will bo needed soon: It
Is estimated that 100 new houses will
be built this winter. The city of
Weston has offered as an Inducement
to get houses built, free water for 10
years for household purposes, houses
must he started before January 1 and
completed before April 1, 1903; work
can be had all winter. Weston has
the only state normal school In East
ern Oregon and Is an educational
center. For Information, address
Weston Improvement Co.
fey Not Continue
Taking your salt water baths as you did while on your
Vacation at the sea Rlinri Vmi ran liavo tlip enmn thinf
at home.
A pound of our Atlantic City Sea Salt will make two de
,Ici?,us.s water baths, equal to a sea bath.
nave uaw Drusiies, bathsponges, wash rags, bath
soaps and everything that helps to improve your bath.
5teps From Main St., Toward the Cottft Hoase
Fur opening at Teutsch's Thurs
Fur opening at Teutsch's Thurs
Fresh mince meat nt F. S. Younger
& Son's.
Nice tendor celery at Martin's Fam
tly Grocery and Bakery.
Fine sound citrons for preserves.
at Martin's Family Grocery.
10,000 dozen eggs wanted at once
at t s. lounger & Son's.
The best variety of vegetables and
iruus at i S. Younger & Son's.
Hnzelwood and Gold Medal butter,
ine oest on tne mar.tet, at F. S,
Younger & Son's.
The B. P. O. E. lodge of Pendleton
is preparing to give a grand ball
on tne 16 th. Inst.
Tho Thursday Afternoon Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. C. F. Coles
worthy, 1112 East Hlght street
Thursday afternoon, August 9.
Tonight is the regular monthly
meeting of tho Pendleton Commercial
Club. Special business will come be
fore the club and every member is
urged to be present.
Late fall always brings some new
styles in ladles cloaks, separate and
distinct from those earlier shown.
To see theso Mrs. Clarke, of the Poo
pies Warehouse met two of the ren
resentattves of New York's largest
cloak houses in Portland on Sunday,
and made a handsome selection. By
the end of this week or next at the
latest, she will take much pleasure
in showing them to the ladies of Pen
Northwest League Closes Next Su'
day Butte In the Lead.
The baseball season h fast draw
ing to an end. The last series com
mences tomorrow. Next Sunday will
see the final games and limn It will
be known whether McCloskey will
carry the pennant to the high alll
tudes of Montana or whether It will
float over tho Seattle grand stand
during the season of 1903. At the
present stage of the game there
seems to be but little doubt that
Butte will capture the rag. The
miners have a lead of two games
over the Clamdlggers ami a series
of five games wit'i Spokane cntiing
this week. Seattle has yesterdays
tie game with Spokane to play off
and five games with Tacoma. If
Butte wins three of the five games
with the Bunchgrassers it will be up
to Seattle to take all of Its remain
Ing six games. Butte should find but
little trouble in capturnig the SpO'
kane series.and it is hardly possihle
that Seattle" can escape at least cue
bump. It is all a case of Seattle
winning just three more games than
Butte in the remainder of the season
If Dugdale's men cannot do it then
the pennant goes to Butte.
Damon Lodge K. P. Entertains the
Members Last Night.
A ping-pong social was given by
Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of
Pi-fhlao l!ict nlirht In Rflret Kfwlptv
hall. No outsiders were present as
only the members ana tneir lamiues
were admitted and these numbeied
mnro thnn 100.
The evening was spent in playing
ping-pong and various card games,
such as high five, pedro and whist,
and those present report a delightful
time. Reiresnmems were served.
Damon Lodee Is now In n vers
prosperous condition. It has on its
mils mntc than 200 names as mem
bers and is increasing In member
ship every day. The social or last
night was given for the purpose of
the members and will be kept up at
intervals all winter. 'tne same
course was followed last winter and
many long evenings were spent in
a most deliglmul manner.
Professor Conklln, and His Class In
Astronomy, Spent an Hour on the
Professor E. B. Conklln and his
class in astronomy, were out on the
school campus, on the hills south of
town Monday evening, star gazing
from 7 to 8 o'clock. Mr. Conklln
has a class of young people studying
In astronomy and they have a very
powerful Instrument which is being
used for the school.
Owing to delay in trains from the
east in past few days. Mr, Arm
strong, our fur representative, will
not be able to reach us before Wed
nesday night. We will therefore
give our opening on Thursday, Octo
ber 9th, Instead of October 8th, as
advertised, Don't forget the change
and be sure to come and see the best
and largest line of fur goods ever
shown in the city.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehose.
& Nhrx
Try thorn on, and note
that wo givo you BET
TER stylo? than lh0
tailors, as GOOD a fit
and at a PRICE that is
a big SAVING for you.
If you think you are ono
of those mon who can't
, get a READY MADE $$$L
abuBO your mind of tho j'
(f tvhrx
Suits $5 to $30. Overcoats $5 to $30.
Two Victims of Alcohol Before Judge
Fltz Gerald Today.
W. T. Zahner and John Peters were
taken before Police Judge Fltz Gerald
this morning for being drunk and dis
orderly. They spent last night In the
city Jail and this morning when taken
before the Judge he thought they had
been punished enough and they, be
ing thoroughly sober, were told to
go on their own recognizance until
9 o'clock tomorrow. "If they show Up
at that time," said the Judge, "I will
give them what Is coming to them."
It Is a sure bet, however, that they
will not "show up" for If they do It
will be no less than ten days 'In the
city bastlle for each of them and
knowing what life Is boarding with
Marshal Blakely, they will surely
keep out of tho Judge's reach unless
taken there by the officers.
' A Pioneer Indeed,
One of the most distinguished vis
itors to Pendleton Monday was Judgo
Powers, of Weston. The Judge has
been the legal light of Weston for
many years and he can honorably
claim the right to be classed among
the earliest pioneers of Eastern Ore
gon. He was asked by an East Ore
gonian representative Monday after
noon how long ho had lived In this
country, and In reply he said: "I
have not been hero but a short time.
I came to Oregon 49 years ago."
Now Remember!
About that excursion to Spokane.
Tickets will be sold tomorrow, Oct.
8, and on this day only, to Spokane
and return, including' admission to
the fair, at '$6.G0. Tickets good re
turning until Oct. 15.
Fur opening at Teutsch's Thurs
All kinds
and the
very latest
Try a
Boston Store
Wlere.hole Familiep are Shod..
Juvenile Books
We have iust received a larce i
shipment of. children's picture
books, boys' and girl's story books
blocks and games.
We bought these goods for spot
cash and our retail price will be
lower than ever.
Picture books, ic to 95c.
Blocks, square or flat cubes,
building blocks, etc,, 5c to $1.45.
Crokinolc Boards. Over 20
games can be played on these.
Worth $2.00, here for Si. 24
Combination game boards, reg
ular 3 boards, here for $1.95.
Other games 5c to 1.45.
Our imported line has reached
us. Fancy cups and saucers 10c
to 90c
Salad sets, mush sets, bread
and butter sets; new patterns that
are exclusive with us.
Your Place
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our
bill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurant
Telephone Main A.
'? 50
UL Shoes
trie edhartae to . M,W paIj willing workers U raM
wjerlor eerrlce m bookkeeper. aC aaofrtphara. or iaetrecUai at
tanagaWy tfearoagfa a &ct m wUdy know tki rtp"0" J
m BMt of oax sradaata. QotlHy riwya wuli, Kritalaa lata m)
fccllltlta better mow Hum rm Want. UUmtbAtmM, willing itmdaata aufca
nfU adrtneemeat la all tuHaa Ukaa. CaM, or writa for oar catalogue,
Tub and Waahlogtoa Streets A. T. Aramatroag, 14 B., ritauij
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modem ideas of the EaJt, West,North and South,
so you have a complete assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to Postoiflce,