East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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nt Alexander'?.
.,8get GOOD 6UUUa
r nAV .....
rhinc the markets of New York for the choic
er s.....?,,, nrepared to give genuine bar-
est and t be n . g department( any hour, of any
tf'' nf the week. Remember: It costs little to
ou conhne your iiuuwf, iu ...-.ci.-iw o
Better ones for $1,25, $1.38,
to i2 years, a
. .u. newest, we
stylishly if y
mn WTW WAISTINGS. These are 28 inches wide,
A solidground of natural blue, tan, wine or black,
fig'scroll stripe in white.
iimiff EIDERDOWN TEA JACKET, In red, pink or blue,
an u rounlj w,th a narrow band of black satm.
the new sleeve,
-,vnrrn OTRTi A JACKET: Prom' 6
-j. -( tt-i-inrr rlnth in rp.A. blue or tan. collar
toa?MJ ... c:i,,i with novnltv braid to match. A
. tup nr hr. uiucib lui is.iju. idli.uu. ioi.uu
tfnganHdi Paperhanging
Are our specialties and we are prepared to
give first-class work.'
Our painters are the best
Our paperhangors are the best
Our paints are the best
Our wall papers are the best
sst Work
Guaranteed at money saving prices. Lot $
us figure with you.
C CO ADD for SHARP New Ideas. $
U jnAlVr Opera Hoose Block. 8
4JI4JiIMIkitrLv y iv J t v Jtw rftw J v t W .v X"V. V V W rf V
. 1 r- wr 1
J I K fB M H B r V n . S H
,i w ro 1 11 a 1 .1 1 1 1 .1 1 it r. 1 1 n , vi
Fur Coats Fur Capes
Collarettes Fur Boas, Muffs, Etc.
Made in All the Fashionable Furs
Prices Lower Than Any House on
Pacific Coast, Quality Considered
wu vuiaiuguo jp ur uaruiunta iuhub vo urucr
Stcoaj St., Near Washington, Portland, Ore
uiBS8 uourse
readers Course
T..L. '.'iiair m ISIllUl'rimniiT ,,n
umiiUi.u'"?0"" rnnceiou.
Graduated euter Fresh-
nra..- "N 1 nmKHn nn nmanra wnr .vnn rnirn urn rji
wium. k ,1.. t 1 ----- - - . :
u' WttUi 1 dououu van wriu ujieua 001
MUlogue address
F. L. FORBES. D. D.. Prlncloal.
. , - " winrinnrRrsinnnnnnnnrninnni .
11 rvri
. TjiLjn, Manogors,
JOINT ADnmni...n
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Stayed With Captain Clark All
Through the Philippine Campaign
on Water and Made the First or
ficlal Trip on the Torpedo Boat De;
stroyer Goldsborrough.
Henry Harbach, the new night
clerk at Hotel St. George, was a
member of tho battleship Oregon's
crew during its battle with the Span
ish fleet. Mr. Harbach wns flreman
and he worked In tho engine rooms
1urirg tho time the Oregon was 'lo
ins sch effective work In 1estroing
Cervera's ships as they attempted to
emerge from Santiago hnrbnr
Ho enllsdte on the Oregon the day
before war was declared with Spain,
and remained as head flreman on her
jntll the 27th of last July. Ho un
listed at Port Orchard and previous
to that time was clerk at Hotel St.
George, consequently Mr. Harbach is
quite well known here. He tells some
very interesting stories of his voy
age and connection with the Oregon.
He says it got very warm in the
engine rooms of tho Oregon during
the fight and the length of time a
man could remain in them never ex
ceeded -10 minutes. "Many a man
had to be hauled out of the engine
room through the Ice chute because
he became exhausted and was bleed
ing at the nose and mouth," said
Mr. Harbach.
'Of course I knew little about the
fighting at Santiago," continued Mr.
Harbach, "but I guess it got pretty
warm on deck as well as in the en
nine rooms. This was a very excit
ing time, but we had others. I was
on tne Oregon wnen sne ran on a
rock of the north coast of China.
and tore a hole 60 feet long in her
bottom. We were then compelled to
make Yokahama, where the Japs put
a wooden bottom in her and we were
again ready for service. The Jap
government made out a bill against
this Government for $12,000 for the
repairs made on our battleship and
presented the United States with the
receipted hill.
"The most exciting time I ever had,
though, was when I was on the tor
pedo boat destroyer Gold6borrough,
which was built In Portland. This
was after we had returned from our
ocean voyages and were lying in dry
dock at Port Orchard. The Golds
borrough was finished and the mak
ers had difficulty in getting men to
handle her on her trial trip. I went
on as engineer and made both trial
runs with her. The first time the
boat made gooi time, but In turning
the pilot tried to bring her around
too short and turned her completely
on her side, smashing her machin
ery." Mr. Harbach speaks very highly of
Captain Clark, of the Oregon. He
says that he was a favorite with all
the men on board and they would do
anything in their power for him.
Alba Notes.
Alba, Oct. 7. The harvest dance
will' take place at Hidaway Springe
the twentieth of this month. There
will bo a basket supper in connection
and everybody is Invited. Elaborato
preparations will be made to make
the occasion long to be remembere.l.
Visitors from Pendleton are expected
to attend and Mr. Scott will throw
open his largo house freo for every
body to have a jolly good time.
Messrs. Neal and Ford Stoddard,
of Starbuck, timber cruisers, stopped
here last night on their way to Dale.
J. Clarke and son have bought the
shingle mill of J. B. Despain, of Ukiah
and are moving it to this place.
Sam Carney, of nidge, visited here
yesterdaj-. Sam was out on a hog
buying trip.
Smith brothers of Burns, have 2G0
head of beef cattle in pasture at this
place for sale.
George Olcott, the stockman, will
move to Pilot Rock for the winter.
William McGathlc. of the Pots, has
bought property and moved his fami
ly here,
Mrs. Davis has gone to the bed
side of her daughter, Miss Elma. who
is sick with typhoid fever at Helix.
I 19c 29c 39c II
The values represented in this Sale are 25c, 35c. 40c, 50c,
65c and 70c, and materials, Cotton, Cotton and Wool
and Wool .
: Ladies' MUNSING UNDERWEAR is Silk Fleeced for soft 3
: and tender skin. 3
James and Warde.
Next inursday evening at the
opera house, local playgoers may an
ticipate the most novel, unconven
tional and alluring performance of
the present theatrical season. Ref
erence is made to the joint appear
ance of those famous stars, Mr. Louis
James and Mr, Frederick Warde In
Wagenhals and Kemper's spectacular
production of "The Tempest." Tho
almost magical wonders of its mag
nificent scenic illusions, its atmos
phere of mirth and melody, and its
wealth of brilliant costumes, to
gether with the fame of the stars
and the exceptional talent of the sup
porting company has made the enter
prise one of the biggets artistic sen
sations the stage has evolved in
some years.
In the character of Caliban, Mr,
Louis James will be seen in one of
the oddest character studies Shake
speare concleved. He is pictured as
a sort of supernatural monster, part
man and part brute, and yet a poet.
The grlmness of his humor, and his
amusing ugliness of nature, are quali
ties few could assume so success
fully as Ir, James. Prospero on the
other hand is equally suited to Mr.
Warde's more serious and subtle at
tributes. It Is Prospero who by his
study of human nature, and his suc;
cess In developing Its noblest traits,
becomes endowed with magic power
and can command tempests to rise
and spirits of earth and air to do his
bidding. Much has been made of the
musical features of the performance
which will be rendered by a chorus
.of the best trained voices under the
direction of Maxime De Grosse.
Intending patrons will do well to
heed the warning of the management
in reference to being seated In good
season, as the most elaborate scene
of the play In which is pictured the
most realistic representation of storm 1
and shipwreck, occurs almost at tho
rise of the curtain.
Save Money on Stoves
By Retting the best at lowest prices,
the best makes of stoves.
We handle only
Wilson Alr-Tlght Coal Stoves,
Wilson Alr-TlRht Wood Stovrs,
Trilby Alr-Tlght Wood Stovf s,
Universal Cook Stoves and Steel Uanncs.
The Thompson Hardware Co.
The most important improve
ment of the age in the art of pen
manship makes the poorest writer
a splendid penman in a few weeks
by the use of this ring. Endorsed
by prominent college presidents
and boards of education in Europe
and America. Sample dozen as
sorted sizes sent post paid for Si.
single samplss 25c. wnen order
ing a single ring, state whether for
man, woman or cniia,
110 8. FoiirtU St., PHILADELPHIA
Helix Schools,
nonort from the upper rooms
lie Herndon. teacher.
Number of pupils enrolled, 5,
Those neither absent nor tardy for
the past month were: Nellie Stantou
Julia Pierce, Winnie Bott and Casslo
Stanton. ... .
There were 11 others neither ab
sent nor tardy, but did not enter at
the first of the month.
Emma reen, teacher, report or the
lower room: Number of pupiUi en
rolled, 23: Those neither absent nor
tardy during the month were, Ber
nice Walker, Udney Rlchardwu.
nalph Knight, Ray Pierce and Ned
die Richardson.
There wore four others neither an
sent nor tardy,, but they did not or
tor at the first of the month.
For Sale Two 8nap.
The Yoakum farm, down the Uma
tilla River. The Barnbart farm, up
Wild Horse Creek.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me must settle by Octo
ber 10th, or their acounts and notes
will be placed In the hand of an at
torney with Instruction to couect.
thrift and ability mark the
American, and in manufactur
ing and commerce have placed
the United States first among
the nations of the world. No
institution so typifies the
growth of the country as The
Mutual Life Insuranca Com
pany of New York.
It has paid policy-holders
more than any other company
in the world.
Its assets exceed those of any
other company in existence.
Aimm, ,rr
Ab.uiI ftU l FeUcr-kU.u, r
Writ, It "Wket. Shall I I.liu.)"
The Mutual Life Insuhanck
Company qf-Njew York
Kioum A. McCur, Tmlint.
Seattle, Wash."
Let Us Do
Yout Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
of all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
for if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry PeeU Yard, corner
West Alta and Lillith streets
Hay, grain and all kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all times.
Successtor to Hays & Connerley.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Farmers Custom Mil
Frc4 Waiters, Proprietor
Capacity 1E0 barrel a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Feed. Chonrwwi PMtd.
always on band.
Who Is Insldo of This Shirt ?
Would be hard to guess, but if it
is one of our patrons you can be
sure that it is a man who is well
satisfied when he gets it on. The
man who gets behind a shirt front
laundered here always beams with
satisfaction when he sees the ex
quisite color and finish that we have
laid upon it. Our work is the
acme of perfection on shirts, col
lars and cuffs and you can't match
it anywhere.
. F. Robinson, i'rop. Pendleton,
Will get you a good square mela
that you will enjoy and will find
satisfactory. Drop in and try one
of our 20 cent meals.
Cooper's old stand,
Main St., Near W,& CK. Depot
fttf . m., for Uk lata And InUrmedUto MliU.
ttataaf Tn ttiUl Hub MU but. A
uiiHiiavvatiwi a w bw,a. WW
bus, II 231 ToNre.ll.2S. Nr n4 ilan,M
T Wife. 11 741 to kUf end return, M.toj T
Alb. .: to libs nl r.lurn. II OOl To Plh
to Uiltb and return, JI.OO.
Offic la dolifea Rule hotel, PeniHtii