East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 07, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Wo Sell Strictly At One Price.
Men's Clothing
hot Fall
and Winter
We need to say but a few
words Our success in the
clothing business is too well
known in this city and country.
OUR MOTTO: First-class
goods at the lowest possible
price, and that prico the same
to all,
$5.00, $6.00, $7.50,
$10.00, $J2.50, $5.00
to $25.00.
One Price Glothiers, Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
Brigands have captured a Turkish
landowner named Shellk Bey, at Orl
zar, near Vodena, 40 miles t'rom Mon
astic Ho Is being held for a ran
som ot $15,000.
The failure of the great metallur
gical works ot Kurtsch for $9,000,000
has caused a flutter on the stock mar
kets at Odessa, Russia, and has re
sulted in making Idle 5000 men.
After a week of tranquility, La
bouffnere showed signs of disturb
ance again Saturday. There was a
slight eruption at 6 o'clock at night.
Yotrterday the volcano resumed its
The trial of Henry Nicholas, charg
ed with bribery in St. Louis, which
was to have begun today in Judge
Ryan's court, will be postponed until
October 22, at the request of City
Attorney Folk.
As an outcomo of newspaper at
tacks. General Barges, Captain-General
of Catalona. fought a duel Mon
day with pistols with the editor of
the Imperial, of Madrid. Neither of
the combatants was injured.
Grand Duke Nicholas, of Russia,
had a long audience with the sultan
last Friday, and discussed the Mace
donian situation. The grand duke
assured the sultan of Russia's friend
iy desire to maintain order there.
According to the annual report of
the paymaster-general, army expen
ses decreased during the it year
$7S,8iy, as compared with tho pre
ceding year, partly owing to tho de
crease in tho pay of the army and In
part to a reduction of claims for
extra pay to volunteers.
Hotel Pendleton.
F. W. Watson, Portland.
W. F. Mulr, Portland.
Joseph McCabe, Walla Walla.
E. H. Clarke, city,
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
F. B. Ramsey, Portland.
C. K. Duffe, Sumpter.
A. Freeman, Portland.
C. S. Wills, Boston.
F. C. Kelly, Boston.
W. C. Outhrie, Chicago.
A. C. Cranan, Orange.
O. P. Keller, Salt Lake.
C. A. Michaels, Freeniont.
A. S. Heatfleld and wife, Spokane,
II. M. Ogden, Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane.
Charles Claggett, an Oregon pio
neer of 1852, died at his home n;ar
Salem Sunday, of old age.
The Chicago. Alllwaukeo & St. Paul
railroad has taken a decisive step
toward extending Its lino to tho Pa
cific Coast.
Thirty-nine thousand acres of
land will bo thrown open to home
stead entry by tho Walla Walla land
office next spring or summer.
In an altercation over some live
stock near Prlnevllle, Or,. Charles
Roberts shot and killed Ed Glenn,
then rode -iO miles and gave himself
up to tho sheriff.
W, U. Jackson, a constable at
Portland, has taken a hand in tho
gambling mix-up lu that city and
threatens to arrest all persons found
running games. Tho police object to
his interference.
Republicans claim that Governor
Geer will have tho right to appoint
a successor to George Is. Chamber'
lain when he resigns his position of
district attorney prior to his luagu
uratlon as governor, but he wishes
to appoint his own successor. There
Is likely to bo a lively war over tho
A young boy named Roy Whitney,
accidentally shot himself yesterday
afternoon while out hunting, near
Ilozeman, Mont. Ho was In tho tlru.
ber and foolishly dragged a shotgun
by the barrels when one of the trig
gers caught and was discharged,
blowing off a portion of tho left hand
and fearfully lacerating the arm as
far aa tlto elbow.
The Golden Rule.
William Hand, The Dalles.
Ell Holm, The Dalles.
C. W. Raymond, Cabden,
C. H. Burke, Portland.
Mario Smith, Portland.
Estella Jenkins, city.
W. L. Rush, city.
J. H. Hearde, San Francisco.
F. W. Shambeck, San Francisco.
Lillian Raymond, San Francisco,
Grace Norwood, San Francisco.
Lloyd King. Salt Lake.
J. H. Taylor and wife, Salt Lake.
Theodore McDonald, Salt Lake.
Bert Holcomb, Seattle.
Mrs. N. M. Biggs, Freowater.
Mrs. Silas Coe, Freewater.
M. If, Mack, Freewater.
Mat Tuck, Freewater.
A. George, Portland.
W. C. E. Pruett, city.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
John O, Helfrich, Spokane.
F. Vaughn, Spokane.
Thomas Robertson, Grand Vhw
A. LInderman, Valley.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
How's Thli.
We offer One Hundred Dollar Ilewird
for any case of Ci?rh that cannot be
cured by nail's catfro care.
F. J, CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, hare known V. 3.
Cheney for the paat lf years, and belleTe
him to be perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out siy ohMgatlons made by tbelr
WEST & TltUAX, Wholeaale Druggist.
Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous
surface of tbe system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all
Hall's Family Fills are tbe best
Pierce Administrator.
Judge Hartraan appointed Walter
M. Pierce administrator nr h
of Mary B, Crayne, deceased, Monday
aucruuuii. .urs. yrnynes estate is
valued at something like $1000, but a
great deal of this Is covered by mort
gages and debts. Mr. Pierce was ap
pointed on his own petition.
All persons having beer kegs be
longing to tho Shultz Brewery Com
pany, will turn them over to Albert
uowman, and those wishing beer
itegs or tanks can get them by ap
plying to him.
Out of Death's Jaws.
"When death seemed
from a severe stomach and liver
trouble, that I hail stifformi with tnr
years." writes P. Murk ntirlmm w
C, "Dr. King's Now Life Pills saved'
ui mo ana gave perfect health.
Best Pills on earth nml nnlv 9Zn of
Tallman & Coa drug store.
Finds School Districts In Good Fi
nancial Condition Scarcity of
Teachers and the Reason Plan to
Consolidate Districts.
County School Superintendent J.
F. Nowlln has been visiting the
schoools of the county during the
past week. He says he found all the
schools having teachers running
very smoothly under tho best corps
of Instructors it has ever been the
good luck of the county to have.
All tho school districts are In good
financial condition and most of tho
1 school houses have been repainted
'and refurnished to make them as
! comfortable as possible, much money
having been expended during the
summer In this manner. Most every
school has a good library and these
are being added to and Improved
right along.
Superintendent Noylln says: "I
am somewhat disappointed at not
being able to secure teachers for all
of the county schools. Although
every effort has been made, there are
at least six schools which have not
started on account of the dearth In
Instructors. I am In communication
with several teachers who may pos
sibly be secured, but It is getting
late in the season and will be cold
weather before many of the school
house doors are opened at all. Then
It will be disagreeable for small chil
dren, who have a considerable dis
tanco to go and It will work a great
hardship on them.
"Not only is Umatilla short of
teachers, but there Is a dearth In tho
whole state. Lynn county Is adver
tising for 25 additional teachers.
Washington and Idaho are also short.
These two states are not in as great
need as Oregon, though, as higher
wages are paid there."
When asked why this shortage in
Instructors for the country schools,
Superintendent Nowlln replied:
"Wages are to blame. There is no
profession on earth which pays those
following It as poorly as does school
teaching. The reason there are so
few to be had this year Is because of
the good wages being paid for other
kinds of labor and men can make
more money at other employment
consequently, few men prefer teach
ing. During the hard times when
work was scarce every young man
who had education enough to pass
the examination for a certificate,
would secure a little country school
and teach.
"Sonio schools have only a few pu
pils owing to the sparsely settled dis
tricts and the fact that so many peo
ple move their children to town to
school them. This latter hurts the
country schools to a great extent
and makes it somewhat discouraging
to teachers and patrons who are not
so fortunate, but it cannot be helped.
There Is no remedy for this condi
tion unless It be In consolidating sev
eral districts in one. This plan is
used In many Eastern and .Middle
States and will sooner or later be
adopted in the West. Tho way it is
accomplished is for several districts
to consolidate and erect a good
school building jointly. A regular
graded school is established. Com
petent teachers are employed and
the schools are just as good as tho
public schools In town. A high school
room could be maintained. To bring
the students to school, men with
rigs drive out In the morning and
gather them up from a distance and
take them home in the evening. This
plan Is being operated with satisfac
tion in the Middle and Eastern States
and there Is little drawback to tho
same plan being adopted hero. It will
keep tho students in their own dis
tricts to a great extent and not so
many will go to town to enter the
city schools.
The printers of Portland are levy-
ng an assessment to raise $750 to
aid tho striking coal miners.
Impressive Ceremonies Mayor Hal
ley Delivers Forceful Address,
A large crowd attended the cere
monies Incident to the laying of the
crner stone of the new Pendleton
Academy building Monday afternoon.
Tho acadomv students and faculty
were then- In a body and many of
the patrons and friomU of the Insti
tution witnessed the ceremoni"s.
which wete very impressive. As
stated in the protram pulilishfd m
the East Ore',"inla1 .SamriUy. the
academv students and factiPy form
ed at the old building and marched
ts the new building site. President
Forbes led the procession, being
followed by the faculty and students.
President Forbes called the gathering
to order after arriving at the now
building and explained its ohiect.
Rev R. W. King, pastor of the Bap
tist church, delivered the Inwatlon
and was followed by Lot l.ivermore,
president of the academy hoard,
placing the corner stone and telling
the object of its being put in the
building and its responsibility. May
or T G. Hailey then delivered the
address on behalf of the citizens ot
Pendleton. Mayor Hailey delivered
one of the most forceful and common-sense
addresses over heard in
this city. He said, among other
"We build our churches, as a mat
ter of course: erect monuments to
show our patriotism, but we build
schools to make a better people. The
laying of this corner stone and tho
erection of this building means moro
than a monument In Pendleton. It
means a better Pendleton."
Rev. Robert J. Diven, of the Pres
byterian church, follolwed Mayor
Hailey with an address on the sub
ject' "Tho Growth of Christian Edu
cation." He spoke of Christian llfo
and of the teachings of His which
have made the world and the people
The tin box was then placed in the
receptlcle made lor it in the corner
stone and was sealed up. It was
inie.i with rnins nr 1902 dato and
other things, among them the photo
graph of Professor Forbes, which
was placed at the request of the
The singing of "America" brought
the exercises to a close. The work
on the new building is being pushed
and tho faculty and students expect
to be in their new home soon after
the first of the year.
itghTrg humors
Complete Internal HU1 Internal
Treatment 81.25
ConBlsUnjtofCLricDiiA.SinrCiV ),tocleanee
the skin of cruet anil wnlea, Cijtkuka Olnt.
ment (.'0c.;, to allay Itching ami sooUio .11. 1
heal, ami Cirncurti Klsoia kst (Sue.), to cool
and cleanxc tho hluo.1. A tlnfle eetUolttu
sufficient to cure the- .evereft humor.
Soldthroughoul tbe wortj. tTriR DirtiAXDCiiiit.
Cosr., Propt , ButUta. Uow leUur. bkU) Humors," li.o
Seasonable Eatables
Seasonable Vegetables
Everything Clean and Fresh
Seasonable U
Seasonable Bakicg'
APPLES, for eating, cooking or canning
PLUMS, large, ripe and soand
QUINCES, for preserves
CELERY, fresh and tender
EGG PLANT, the vegetable oyster
Tt A -RT A XT A C (-. nt nrrnmUr .1
I HAZELWOOD BUTTER, pace, clean, sweet, J
Where everything is clean
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
T lephone Red 34
Is where an expert looks forij
or merits of an iustrumes
showy case Is lint an Index I
cellence. Something more t
ble Is required to judge ofitair.
Our pianos are the highest
ard of merit. Perfect in comt
tlon, touch, tone, design and
Ish. Always the best by e
test. Sold with guarantee it
rock prices. Cash or instillm
S. L.Wakefield It1
IVlioleealo and Itetall MuiIoDal
We are Now Selling a I
Drop 'Head Sewing Mi
Advenisiiiff Content
$2.00 Cash Prfce
For the bt-st iwlvertUe-
2 nit'iitahtuit Frnzia-'sTab-
ttrrtttt.tt Kit i ritit.il j.F
X any Pond'oton echonl. -
1 The content positively
viu?cb vuiuuur id. x.
atrh ! tliH Pr zh I
Ad next week and tho
K namo of winner.
Bmk Store. I
awwvwww wvwwh
Never Falls
I to I
Core a S
I Cold !
A Guarantee With Each Bottle.
25 and 50c
Warranted five years, and!
keep machine in repair dJ
that period without chargti
Why send oft or Duy
transcient persons when
can buy cheaper fiom ate!
Fltone Main a
f . . , .,.11 nnai f Pdfit I
M tjIUSlUK WUI1 ' 1
Give your childron a thorough business educate!
The Pewdleton Business Cm
Offers an onnortunitv to edumito vnnr children
thorn for the battle in tho business world. Don'il
send your children away to a business col-
1 ...I tt ii , a t ; i!
lugu wnun roiiuioion aitoras an man-
union as tnorough and com-
Competent teachers with all modorn devices for instl
ing. The course includes Bookkeeping, Commtj
uuu wiw, onori, Jiana, Typewriting anuu
wim goes to maKe it lirst-class. rar
ents, call at tho Pendleton
lousiness Collerro and
investigate. ,
H. N. ROBINSON, LL. D Prin. College on Court
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phoue, Main 851.
I3 rMpllfvl in TJVPI0 T)DOu1 t-i.s.- rt .-,nnt bt '
The cream nf fhn uhnf AMtAo in "Fivers !
Flour, which is right for bread anil
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
IV If V LJfKJ 1 v.. hve to it" "
The new store can never be j tr I C Tl!
known nnlesa It advertises AU V til I'
expect i""" ...Hi
you have toell j
nnlesa It advertises
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.