East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 03, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Proposition to Make Portland an
Open Town Failed.
Portland, Oct, 3. Thero was great
disappointment among the spectators
In tho council chamber yesterday
afternoon 'when the much-tallccd-of
"Merrill Gambling Resolution" came
up. Tho galleries were crowded with
gamblers, boosters, steerers and their
ilk, while tho ante-rooms down stairs
were crowded "with tho "boss" gam
blers and a couple of their legal rep
resentatives. All wero on the anxious
They wore compelled to sit or
stand and listen to all the dry rou
tine business of the session, which
was quite lengthy. The ast thing on
Auditor Devlin's desk was the reso
lution. It was called up and took
its regular course, and then a motion
to adjourn was carried.
The spectators looked at one an
other in amazement. They -wandered
what had become of tho resolution
to throw the town open. They did
not realize that tho harmless little
resolution last read had bearing on
their cases and left the chamber dis
gusted with themselves for putting
In a whole afternoon waiting for
something which did not materialize.
Kentucky W. C. T. U.
Madlsonvllle, Ky., Oct. 3. Whito
rlbboners have rallied here In force
for the annual state convention of the
Women's Christian Temperanote
Union. The gathering will be formal
ly opened tonight with Mrs. P. E.
Beauchamp, of Lexington, presiding,
The sessions continue until the mid
die of next week and a program of
unusual interest has been arranged.
Ofllcers reports prepared for presen
tatiou to the convention show a year
of great activity for the organization,
Came to the Coast In 1849 and Was
Elected Governor of Oregon In
Eugene, Or., Oct 3. John Whito
aker, the. first governor of tho state
of Oregon, died last night at his res
idence in this city. He was 82 years
of age. About three weeks ago he
had a stroke of paralysis, since which
time his life had been despaired of.
(John Whitaker was born in Dear
born county, Indiana, In 1820. He
came to ','he Pacific Coast in 1849 and
to Oregon In 1852. His early life was
spent on a farm in his native state.
At the age of 25 he married Miss N.
J. Hargrove, of Illinois, and on the
discovery of gold In California, mov
ed to that state. He returned to Ill
inois in 1851 and brought his family
to Oregon. He settled in Lane cjun.
ty in 1852, where he was successive
ly elected county judge and a mem
ber of the legislature. He was In
augurated governor of Oregon July
8, 1858.)
Republican League at Chicago,
Elects Officers and Attends Other
Chicago, Oct. 3. J. Hampton
Moore, of Philadelphia, was unani
mously elected president of tho Na
tional League of Republican Clubs.
B. W. Weeks was re-elected secreta
ry. The convention Indorsed Presi
dent Roosevelt's administration;
urges statehood of Oklahoma, Arizo
na and New Mexico, and condemns
the trusts.
Madam Zola Requests Him Not
Attend Her Husband's Funeral.
Paris, Oct, 3. Madam Zola re
quested Dreyfus not to attend her
husband's funeral for fear of a popu
lar disturbance. The funeral occur
red today, a vast throng of people
Prince of 81am Sails.
London. Oct. 3. The Crown Prince
of Slam, Chowfa Maha Vajiravudh,
whose sightseeing and investigations
have kept him on this side of the
Atlantic considerably longer than at
first contemplated, finally sailed for
Now York today, accompanied by his
numerous suite. The crown prince
says he expects to visit President
Roosevelt, make a two months tour
of America and then sail for Japan
and home.
Czar to Vlsi1 London.
London, Oct. 3. Tho czar and
czarina of Russia have announced
that they will visit London in the
spring of 1903.
He Makes a Plain Statement to the Miners and Operators and
Appeals to Their PatriotismNo Set
tlement Reached.
Washington, D. C, Oct 3. Tho
momentous day for the strike confer
ence called by President Roosevelt
found the participants up bright and
early in preparation for the event
Tho labor representatives breakfast
ed at an parly hour with President
Gompors and then tho entire labor
delegation held a secret conference.
Tho mine operators also had an early
breakfast and denied overy one ad
mittance to their special car.
Mr. Rixcy was the first caller at the
temporary White House this morn
ing. He was followed by Secretary
Root and Mr. Wright, with whom the
president again revlewd the particu
lars of the mine troubles. In the
rooms below the scene ot conference
a hundred reporters and photogra
phers arc watching and waiting,
while on the outside is stationed a
large force of bicycle messenger boys.
Strike Leaders Arrive First.
President Mitchell, acompanlcd by
District Presidents Nichols and Fahy
were the first arrivals upon the scene
of action, reaching tho temporary
White House at 11 o'clock, having
walked from the street car. He was
clad in frock coat and slouch hat.
The delegation of mine operators ap
peared shortly afterward in carriages.
Suppressed Excitement.
Suppressed excitement was evi
dent on all sides. The principle in
the conference, and those present
out of curiosity or interest, showed
plainly they felt the importance of
the occasion.
The morning conference lasted
only 20 minutes, after which it ad
journed until 3 in the afternoon. A
statement is expected shortly.
Roosevelt States the Case.
President Roosevelt Greeted all the
visitors cordially and in some cases,
familiarly, and then plunged imme
diately into the matter at hand. He
addressed the following remarks to
the members of the conference:
"I wish to call your attention to
tho fact that three parties are seri
ously affected by the present strike
the operators, tho miners and the
general public. I speak for neither
the operators or the miners, but for
the public.
"The Questions at issue affect im
mediately all the parties concorned,
but the public most vitally. As long
as there seems a reasonable hopo of
an adjustment ot tho differences be
tween you, I did not think it proper
to Intervene. I still disclaim any
right or duty to intervene in this
way upon legal grounds or official re
lation, but tho urgency of tho case,
and the terrible nature of the catas
trophe now lmpendlnc over a Urge
part of tho people in the shape of a
furl famine Impel me. after much
anxious thought, to use whatever and
all Influence I personally can bring
to bear to end a situation which has
become literally intolerable.
"I wish to emphasize tho character
of tho situation and urgently insist
that each one of you must realize
the heavy burden of responsibility
now resting upon you. Tho evil Ir so
apalllng and so far reaching that I
think you are required to sink tho
tenacity with which you cling to
Idaho Stage Went to Bottom With
Living Freight,
Shoshone Falls, Idaho, Oct. 3. A
party of Omaha and Shoshone people
while driving down the precipitous
grade near the Bluo Lakes yesterday,
were pitched over the cliff, a dis
tance of nearly 100 feet. Mm. S,
Tuckford. of Omaha, had her log
broken and was pinned to the ground
by an Iron bar, which was forced al
most through the broken limb. Miss
Allie Wilson, of Omaha, and Miss
Hanson, of Shoshone, were severely
bruised. Tho party were driving
down the steepest part of tho grade
when tho horscb became unmanagea
ble and plunged over the cliff, drag
ging tho load with them. One of the
horn's was killed, the wagon wieclc
ed and most of the party pinned tin-
dor the wrockago for hours, I.lllle
your respective claims and meet up
on common grounds.
"Because of tho necessity ot tho
public, I ask Immediate resumption
of operations.
"I don't invito a discussion of your
respcctlvo claims, but appeal to your
patriotism, to tho spirit of generos
ity that sinks personal considerations
and makes individual sacrifices for
the public good."
Then the president gavo copies of
his address to each member and sug
gested adjournment until 3 o'clock to
give time for them to think over the
situation In tho light in which ho
had presented it. The guests aTOcd
and left Immediately.
Miners Are Happy.
Tamaqua, Pa.. Oct 3." Extreme
quiet marked tho day hero. Tho
miners are happy In the belief that
the strike is near an end. An Im
mense parade was formed at Summit
Hill last night and inarched tho
streets displaying numerous bannors
with inscriptions of "hurrah for to
morrow." Roosevelt Hopeful.
Washington. Oct 3. Secretary
Root and Secretary Moody held n
conference with President Roosevelt
after adjournment of the morning
session. All three express hope of
good results.
Justice Brewer as Arbitrator.
New York, Oct. 3. It Is currently
reported In the Stock Exchange hero
this afternoon that President Rcose
velt, after reading his statement at
tho conference, offered to refer the
whole question to Justice Brewer as
solo arbitrator and that Presldont
Mitchell at once assented. The pres
Idents of the coal roads asked limo
to discuss tho matter privately, thus
causing adjournment.
Meet Again for Business.
Washington, Oct. 3. Messrs. Baor,
Markle and Fowler, coal road presi
dents, arrived at tho White House
to renew tho conference at 3 o'clock,
followed Immediately by President
Mitchell and party.
Teddy Scolds Both 8ldes.
Other operators arrived at 3:15,
Tho president Immediately called tho
conference to order. It has been
learned that Wright privately told
the president this morning things
that were not contained in tho official
roport. The presiucnt scored both
sides vigorously. Ho blamed tho op
erators for employing undesirable
Immigrant element on tho piece basis
and encouraging idleness and spoke
of the poor mechanical equipment of
the mines. On tho other hand, ytop
or discipline Avas endangered by too
much unionism. He blames all .vlo
lence to tho foreign minors. Cas
satt, although specially Invited, fall
ed to appear.
Mitchell Says No Settlement
Washington, Oct. 3. Tho coal op
erators left tho conference at
o'clock. Haer said the matter whs
In the hands of President Roosevelt
and If any settlement was made it
would come from him. At &:10 Pres
ident Mitchell left, and said tho re
suit was that thero was no settle
Hansen, an 11-year-old girl, made lior
way in the darkness through the
brush and field to a farm houso and
brought help to the Injured tourists.
Massachusetts Republicans
Boston, Mass., Oct 3. The ropuh
llcan stato convention asscmble-l to
day in tho Boston theater wllli Hon,
John D, Ixng, ex-secrctary of the
navy, presiding. There are no con
tests for any of tho nominations.
Lieutenant Governor John L. Dates
will bo named for governor and Cur
tis Guild, Jr., for Iho second plant on
the ticket
Young Jackson Arrested.
Chicago, Oct 3.- Young Peter
Jackson, was hilled to fight hero to
night hut was arrested on his arriv
al this afternoon upon an old war
rant for disturbing tho peace.
Reported by I. L. Ray A. Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, Oct 3. Tho grain
markets wcro nil strong today, wheat
gaining n half cent nnd corn n cont
and closing about tho top. Liverpool
closed Yt higher, E 1014. . Now
York opened 74W and closed 7l4.
Chicago closed 74 &?U. Stocks
wero firm early, but closed lower.
St Paul, 103.
Union Pacific. 1054.
L. & N., 139VS.
Steel, 404.
Wheat In Chicago,
Chicago, Oct. 3. Wheat fi9i
Three Hundred Head Died at Halley,
Halley, Idaho, Oct. 3. About 300
head of sheep belonging to Judge
Stookslagor rtre dead nt tho mouth of
East Fcrk. and others aro reported
to bo dying. It Is bclloved that tho
sheep have boon poisoned nnd an In
vestigation Is being mado. Judgo
Stockslnger Is at present in Chicago.
Chink's Rich Find.
Baker City, Ore., Oct. 3. A China
man who has leased tho Salmon crook
placer mines hns discovered n gold
nugget worth $15,000. Tills Is by
far the largest niiggot over illr.cnvor
ed in this stato and so far as In known
Is tho largest one over found In tho
United States. Tlw mlna from which
tho nugget wan takim has hcen work
ed over for yara by whltu mon nnd
for some yenrp It has been le:iwt
to Chinamen. Tho dlf.covury caused
intense excltem'.-n; In 'liU fliy
Comptroller Rldgley Says Secretary'
Action Was Unauthoritative and
Twenty-five Per Cent of Reserve
Fund Must Be Returned.
Washington, Oct 3. Comptroller
of tho Currency Rldgley this morning
overruled Secretary Shaw's action
authorizing national hanks to release
25 per cent of tho rcsorvo fund. Ho
held up ono bank'B statement ami ro
fused to approvo it until tho roaorvo
fund was rocovored.
Comptroller Illdgoly takes tho
ground that Shaw's notion was un
authoritative without tho comptroll
er's sanction. This movo will result
Hn tho withdrawal from tho money
market nil icsorvo funds, thus ro
leased by banks that availed thum
selves or Shaw's offer. Tho total was
$30,000,000, but It Is not believed to
be more thnn half distributed.
Bad Influence on Market
Now York, Oct. 3. Tho whole list
of stocks nagged away from ono
four points today when Comptroller
llldgeluy's decision was received
Tho only hopo Is that his action Will
In turn bo overruled.
Denies the Statement
Washington, Oct. '3. Comptroller
Rldgely dculcH tho report that ho ve
toed Shaw's order. He says the dual
decision rests with the accrotary,
with whom hn is In full accord, and
with whom he had had several :ou
ferencos rogardlng the subjoct Ho
says tho roport Bent out Is wholly un
founded as he has no luttmtlon to
overrule Hhaw ur attempt such
McFadden vs. Sieger,
Baltimore. Md., Oct. 3. Tonight
George McFadden will be soon In the
squared circle for the first tlmo since
he was defeated by Joo Gnn at wan
Francisco u few months ago, ills
opponent h to ho Churllo Hloger of
Jersey City nnd the -bout Is slatod
for the arena of tho Eureka Athletic
Club, this city. Should ho win the
decision over Sieger, McFadden will
endeavor to get on another go at
oneo with Guns.
Strike In Alabama.
Birmingham, Ala., Oct 3, Five
thousand milium employed by the
Tennessco Coal and Iron Company,
were ordered U quit woik Monday
on account of tho company's rofusul
to collect-assessments to aid tho an
thracite strikers In casos where
men objected to paying sumo.
Mad Elephant Poisoned,
Now York, Oct, 3. Tho mad ele
phant, "Tom," was executed In Cen
tral Park Zoo this morning. Tho
beast was given cyanide of potas
Eight Trainmen Meet Death
in Wreck in Tunnel Near
Mistaken Orders Cause Two Freight
Trains to Crash Together -Tunnel
Full of Debris Not Yet Clear
ed by Wrecking Trains.
Pnrkcrsliurg, Oct. 3. An east
bound freight train on the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad, collided with a west
hound freight In tho middle of a tun
nel near Cornwallis, last night.
Engineer Fred Plcrco, Brakoman
John Miller, James Hannlgan, W.
Goosmnu. of Grafton; Fritz Pach
mnnn, of Milwaukee, nnd nn unknown
tramp wcro killed. Engineer Wil
liam Somorvlllo nnd Flroninn K'.rk
pntrlck, of Orofton, wore fatally In
jured. Two dend tramps wero re
ported burlod In Uio wreckage
Thoro wero threo cars of tattlo
nnd ono ot hogs in tho east-bound
train. Tho moans of tho Injured nnd
maimed Btock mado tho night hide
ous. Twenty cars wero smashed,
with the effect of blockading tho
tunnel nB completely as a chargo
rammed Into a gun.
Wrecking trains nro working nt
both ends of tho tunnel, but tho trnck
Is not yet clear. Tho cause of tho
acldont wns mistaken orders.
Epidemic of Railroad Disasters
Causing Loss of Life,
Dallas, Texas, Oct. 3. Meager re
ports wcro rccolved horo this after
noon of ii pnsscngor train on the
Southern Pacific being wrockod by a
washout at Sandy Fork. Many pas
sengers nro reported Injured. PhyBl
clnnB have been sent from Snn Anto
nio on n special train.
Headend Colllsslon of Freights.
Brazil, hid., Oct. 3. A headend
collision of two frolght trains near
ReolsvIIlo on tho Vnndnlla lino oc
curred t Ii i foronoon, Flroman Geo.
Colo wns killed, and Engineers John
Cunnlnghnm nnd Frank Booth of
Torro Ilnuto, and Conductor Harry
Reeves, badly, If not fntnlly injured.
Ono holler oxplodod, throwing tim
bers 50 feet high.
Wreck of Passenger Train.
East Dcerflcld, Mass., Oct 3. IA
heavily loaded passenger train col
lided with a switch engine In tho
yards hero this morning, killing En
gineer William Wodgowood, Conduc
tor Oaorgo Pnrmonter, of aroouuehl,
and fntally Injuring Brakoman How
ard Smith. Tim passengers
Destroys Portion of Stock Yards and
O. R. &. N. Icehouse.
Huntington, Or., Oct. 3. Tho Oro-
gon Short Lino Company's largo Ico
houso was entirely destroyed by flro
WedncBdny night between 9 and 10
o'clock. A very strong wind prevail
ed nnd a portion, of the stock ynrds
wore destroyed, unit It wns with diffi
culty that any portion was Baved.
A largo herd or cattlo woro con
fined In tho yiirdB, but they woro Im
mediately driven to safe dlBtauco.
Tho Icohouso was a largo frame
Htrucluro, 60x150 feet. Tho total loss
Is estimated at 3000. Tho origin of
tho firo Is not definitely known.
Chicago's New Hotel.
Chicago. III.. Oct 3. Tho million
dollur addition to tho Auditorium An-
nox was thrown opon to tho public
today. Tho now addition rnakea tho
famous hotel, ono of the largoet ns
well ns most magnificent hoatolrlos
n the world. Now offices have been
added to tho building an elegant
now cafe, and n lobby containing tho
Tiffany fountain which was oxhiijiioa
nt tho Bulfnlo exposition nro also
features of tho addition to tho hotol.
All the corridors anu iialla of the
building uro finished In tho finest of
Italluu marble.
Contract Awardnd.
Washington. Oct. -.Secretary
Moody toddy awarded Hit1 cruitnint
for tho building of the battleship
I)iilfllnna to the Newport Nowh Ship
building Company, work to he coni-
pleted in 41 months.