East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    Highest honors at the Pan American
Received the Gold Medal.
Scientific modeling, graceful nml stylish
Hues, beautiful leathers mid thoiough work
manship. Do you know that handsomer ntul lH3tter
.fitting uhoett may now be had at $3 ttiau was
jKKslble at auj price a decade sinew?
Taylng more Is extravagance.
Xet us prove the fact by fitting you with
a pair of these "Gold Medal" shoes.
Good Shoes Cheap Phone Black 91
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
John Groves Is In town from Hu
A. W. Robinson nnd E. Ripper ore
In town from Echo.
Oeorge Horsonian left this morning
for Spokane to spend a lew weeks.
Thomas Sheridan and B. E. Mc-
CullouKh are at Hotel Pendloton
from Echo.
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain
has cone to Hood River to virlt
friends for a day.
Mr. and Mrs. J A. Scott and Mr.
and Mrs. William Dale, of Helix
were In town Wednesday.
Mrs. Carrie C. Van Orsdall left
this morning for Milton on a profes
clonal visit to the Women of Wood.
OeorKO Ferguson, of the Teutsch
store, left this morning for Weston,
where he goes to spend a fow days
soliciting orders for clothing
Allen S. York, traveling circula
tion manager for .ho Portland Tele
gram, left last evening after spend'
ing a fow days In Pendleton.
Miss Walker, the general delivery
clerk In the local postofflce, leit mis
morning for Portland to spend
week's vacation and visit friends.
.The Rosenhurg family, consisting
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rosonburg and
sons. S. E., H. M. and F. C, are In
town from their homo near Fulton.
J. M. Churchill and wife, of Alba
ny. Or., are In town, having ' een
called here by the Illness of their
son, who Is In the Slstets' hosr-ital
Night Watchman C. J. Young, who
has been employed at the Fendlrton
Woolen Mills for the past season,
left this morning for the state of
Washington to remain.
, Otis Fuller, of Nansen, Pa., is In
the city on a visit to his son, V. R.
Fuller. Mr. Fuller is on his way to
Everett to visit relatives, but expects
to return to this section to make his
E. A. Stephens and wife are at
the Golden Rule from Elwood, Neb.
Thoy ore on their way to SpoUine,
and are looking over the country.
Thoy are well pleased with the ap-
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all. stom
ach disorders.
F, & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassiu,rr and irorj. This Com
pound A powerfui aUerative,
tonic, invigorator and blood
purifier Sold only by
pearance of the country surrounJing
ihe family of A. Kline lias moved
cd to Portland, where they will make
tneir luture home in order to be with
a son, who has been In ihe hosrltal
there for nearly a year. Mr Kline
will remain her-j and conduct his
M. McDonald, an oxtcnslvc s'leep
dealer from near Arlington, wrs a
guest of the Golden Rule hotel last
nlgbt on his way to Echo to buy
siock sneop. Mr. McDonald will buy
several nunored bead of lambs and
owes In this county If ho can find
This Great Play to Be Rendered by
warde and James at Frazer's.
The engagement of Louis James
and Frederick Wardo next Thursday
at Frazer's opera house will be
hailed with the greater nleasure. In
that the large local following of
these famous players will have op
portunity of seeing them In charac
ters which they have not hitherto at
The play, as already announced. Is
The Tempest," generally believed to
be the last play written by Shake
speare and universally acknowledg
ed to be his greatest work. Mr.
James and Mr. Warde will appear In
the uniquely contrasted characters
of Caliban and Prospero, the former
representing in a semi-human form
the baser elements of man's nature,
and the latter Illustrating bis most
exalted attributes. There are ways
of popularizing such themes as "The
Tempest" without necessarily vulgar
lzing them, as Manager Wagenhals
and Kemper have evidently demon
strated from the lavish praise the
production has everywhere provoked
and the crowded houses It Is attract
Ing wherever presented. The con
stant Inquiries made at the bos of
fice here would alone Indicate that all
the seats are likely to be disposed
of on Friday morning when they will
be placed on sale. The surest means
of appealing to the popular mind.
when a classic play Is the issue, is to
give the public something that will
bo a feast for the eye as well as the
intellect, an axiom that was taken to
heart by these managers early In
their career. "The Tempest" haa.
not been seen In this country bince
the memorable production of the late
Augustin Daly, some 10 years ago,
The supporting company for Mr.
James and Mr. Warde includes a bal
let and chorus and such well known
ayers as Norman Haekett. Wads-
orth Harris,' Thomas Coffin Cooke.
Miss Teresa Maxwell and Miss Edith
No W. & C. R. Train Since Monday
Will Be Here This Evening.
After a cessation of business for
two days, the W. & C. R. train Is ex
pected to arrive In Pendleton late
this afternoon. The wreck of tl&
freight train at Stanton aaj com
pleiely blotted alt traftc on this line
since early Tuesday morning. At
ttia time an extra freight was haul
ing a long train loaded with wheat
and a flange on the engine broke,
letting the engine lurch to one side
and jump the track, spreading the
rails and causing the heavily loaded
wheat cars to pile up across tho
track. A wrecking crew has been
working day and night since and Just
completed clearing the track today.
Man wants but little here below,
This statoment causes mirth;
It may have been so long ago,
But now he wants the earth.
Choice city property, randies and farms
at bargains.
Will Be Fed In Montana for Eastern
Markets Prices Golnn Up In
crease Over Other Years.
John Town, who is In Pendleton to
day on his return from a Bheep buy
ing tour through the hills, will ship
15 cars out, via tho W. & C. It JIno,
tho last of this week, providing he
can get cars. This complotcs Mr.
Town's shipments for this season. Ho
xnnkes regular semi-annual trips In
to Umatilla county for sheep nnd
ships several thousand head out of
hero overy season. Tho shipment
tho last of tho week will be the last
batch of 11.G00 head which he has
purchased of tho Umatilla county
dealers within the past two weeks.
Theso sheep ore going to Montana
to bo fed and hold for tho Chicago
and St. Paul markets this winter.
Mr. Towno's homo is at Great Falls.
Market Advanclnp,
These sales and shipments nro
causing tho mnrket fcr sheen- to ad
vance a llttlo, but a great nianyi
sheep dealers ore yet unwilling o
let go their surplus nt ihu prevailing
price. The price being paid goner-
ally Is $2.70 for two and throe-year
old weathors, while ?-'.2D to ?V0O Is
being offered for owes. Lambs are
demanding $1.50 and ?1.75. One rea
on for the low prices being uflcred
for sheep is tno overstocked condi
tion of tho ranges. Last fall very
fow bpycrs were shipping sheep to
feeding points in Montana Dakotn
nnd other wintering places. Tho
light shipping was due to the short-
ago In feed stuffs In tho.iP places.
This made tho price so high that
sheep could not bo fed at a proilt. At
the present rate that shot) nre g dug
out, there will be no co'ii,.!.v t on
this score this season. Everything
will be cleaned out before snow llUs.
Feed is very plentiful in the great
feeding centers an 1 will warrant tho
handling of many cheep this whiter.
Loosening Up Expects.i
There was a good corn crop in the!
middle west and this, with the in
creasing shortage in the rango cencf
tions, will tend toward causing a
general loosening up of shnop before
next spring. According to prominent
sheepmen It Is estimate) that not
less than 350,000 sheep will bo sold
and shipped out of Eastern Oregon
before the end of th year.
Eastern Movemsnt Heay.
The eastern movement of sleo.t off
the Oregon range Is likely to be much
heavier this fall than In either 1900
or 1901. During the whole of 1901 only
a quarter of a million sheep were
shipped out of tho state, while trly
200.000 nave been already evmrted
this year, and the heavy shipments
of Octoher, with those of November
and December, are still to con.e
A'oordlng to the estimate of C. J.
Mlllis, livestock agent of the O R.
& N., there nro about 4,500,00' rheep
on the Oregon range now, no-iriy all
In Enstern Oregon. Some sheepmen
say this estimate Is too hty. and
place the flguro at about a million
less. A quarter of a million turned
off leaves 3,750,000. Of the 1902 lamb
drop hetween 750,000 and lOOft.000
were Baved. If 200.000 head have
been sold since last year, approxi
mately 4,500,000 head Temaln. This
means heavy shipments before "!nco
time next season, acordlng t" both
railroad men and stockralsers
Beef Trust Helping Mutton.
Speaking of the market yesterday,
Mr, Town said:
"The high price of beef is result
ing in an enormous consumption of
muuon in the East. The long con
tinued and severe drouths of Austra
lia have resulted In a heavy shortage
of sheep there,
"I foil sheep a few years In Aus
tralia," continued Mr. Town, "and
while It Is a great country, yet tho
ditsance to European markets Is a
great handicap, while tho possibility
of drouths makes capital wary of In
vestment and makes it hard for the
stockman when he has failed to start
up again. In fact, tho Northwest,
nere in me united States Is not on v
the best sheep country, but It Is tho
easiest place for a young man to
make a start.
Oregon the Boss.
"The Australian sheen, which are
heavily creased, are not sufficiently
narny lor mis country. Oregon wool
especially Eastern Oregon wool, la
oi a very fine texture and quality,
which Is the reason why I come here
overy year to buy sheep. The prico
of wool I. think will be as good or
iieucr man u is now for the next four
years, unless they tinker with tno
It. yards. These porkers wcr.s pur
chased for Carston Bros., or xVattlo
and nro going thoro for local fade.
Tomorrow night 11 cars of catt o
will ho shipped from tho same yards
by Mr. Ball. Theso also go to Seattle
and nro for local nnd Nome maikots.
This concludes tho shipping of mar
ketable stock out or here ovrr the
W. & C. R. lino for a few days, with
in tho part week more than 100 bend
of cattle and several hundred head or
hogs nnd sheep havo gono out over
this line. No more cars aro ordered
ahead and If thoro nre othor shlp
ments they will bo made later.
New Steel Turntable nnd Track Be
Ing Placed In the Yards.
Considerable Improvement Is being
mado in tho W. & C. R. railroad com
pany's yards In this city. A now
steel turntable Is now being installed
In the place of tho old tnblo which
has answered the purposes or the
road over Blnco It was built. Now
track Is bolng lnld on which to t.tand
enrs. This will give the company
room for about 25 more cars thnn
could bo handled In the local '.wis
boforo the change.
Tho extra room Is mado necessary
bv tho heavy shipments or nveotocu
which nro being mado over the road.
The King Crowned.
The recent lllnes of the King of
England necessitated a postponement
of tho coronntlon proceedings nnu pro
vented tho caryout of tho orlglnnl
plans. Many superstitious persons
then claimed that the king would
never be crowned, but ho recovered
sufflclontly to go through tho cere
mony, nnd superstition was again over
thrown. Tho king of household reme
dies, Hostottor's Stomach Blttors, wns
crowned over fifty years ago, and to
day It still occupies the foromost po
sition among medicines becauso of the
wonderful record of cures It has mado.
For building up tho run-down system.
steadying tho nerves or to euro indi
gestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bil
iousness, insomnia, kidney troubles,
or mnlaria, fever and ague, It is with
out an equal Try a bottle and seo for
yourself. It won't disappoint you.
Some of the Products of the Walid
Walla Valley, Displayed at the
Fruit Fair, Will be Gazed Upon by
People Inclined Westward.
A part of tho advertising plan of
tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company In connection with the
homeseekor nnd immigration move
ment Is to gather a display or the
products or each point along the line
and send It caBt In order that tho
people thoro may clearly understand
just what tho boII In tho west may be
rolled upon to do when properly cul
tivated. A portion of tho exhibit at
tho Walla Walla vnlloyf fruit fair
will bo devoted to this purpose and
Socrotnry C. F. Vandowator, who Is
also ticket agent for tho Oregon Rail
road & Navigation Company, will
make tho selections. Theso will be
turned over to General Agont Robert
Burns nnd by him forwardod to Port
From tho general headquarters of
tho road at Portland the Walla Walla
exhibit, with tli030 of other sections
and districts, will bo sent on to Chi
cago and hero placed on display at
tho ofilco of the Harrlman lines. AH
interested In the west will then have
opportunity or viewing Its products.
Later theso exhibits may bo divided
and sent to the Immigration ngents
or displayed in other cities through
out the middle wobL It Is tho policy
or tho rnllroad to thoroughly adver
tise the west, and the bellor of those
at Us head that there can bo no dis
puting a display of tho actual fruit
and vegetables grown in a locality.
For Sale Two Snaps.
Tho Yoakum farm, down the Uma
tilla Rlvor. Tho Barnhart farm, up
Wild Horse Creek.
trn ..
-u'l'i SOtVj
tat,. ' "I
nf i,.j' ?
sua a rsSyjfc
"i g p
wafer, """end
12X0 bni it.
Dei hoci rutin!.;"
law acrji, mJ are? ;i
... y'tSI
Long Trip for Bowlers.
Dayton, O., Oct. 2. The AIl-Amorl
can bowling trio, which Is to make a
trip to the Pacific coast, has com
pleted all arrangements for tho tour,
Tho opening games will be rolled here
tonight and tomorrow, after which
the trio will go to Chicago for a series
of games with the Windy city bowlers.
Fram Chicago tho trip will bo started
west and will not terminate until Los
Angeles Is reached. En route, Den
ver, Salt Lake and other leading cities
will be visited. The trio will bo on
the road 103 days, during which time
GO leading cities will bo visited in 25
different states and one territory.
"Why," remarked Stupid, putting
down his paper, "why will people take
such terrible things as carbolic acid
and rough on rodents when thoy com
mit suicide?" "I'm sure," replied
Simplcmuss, "I'm sure I don't know,
unless It Is that they want to kill
themselves." Cincinnati Sommor
clal Tribune.
Gommonoes today, on Cloaks, Capes, Jacketit&t
Dress Skirts, and will continue until the m .
October 2nd. A big cash discount will bturjj
these goods.
Do not miss this sale if you want best fart
styles for lowest prices that will enable jctti
them this season. Remember the largest stoda
county to select from and prices Ruarantetdtltl
Bememlwr: The largest stock of goods In thecountj
s tr
A beautiful foot makes a woman at
tractive. Leo Teutsch has tho neces
sary footwear.
use LamUve llromo Quinine ui.l. u. 'Mil
iguatura jemi g. on i-vury box
This Week
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth for sale, locat
p.A in and ahnut Pendleton.
oiock in w. a. c. R. Yards A.a tlno
Delayed Train for Shipment
If tho W, & C. R. train gets hero
this evening In tlmo to retorn to
Pasco tonight. 1G cars of cattle will
bo shipped out on the road, billed to
'tho Pacific Meat Co., at Tfnoma.
(They wero bought in the John Day
country by J. C. Lonorcan ar.d nro
i of tho pick from the best hor's of
i cattlo to ho found in the interior-.
One rn r nf hns will nla. ...it.
SeCf3XjMX next train out from the W & C
Buys a good business
This shoe is union
made, fine velour naif.
f folded vamos. beaded
tips, good bottoms, Good-
I Vflar nr.itn.Viofl T
. y
I A serviceable, sensible.
t nrnnh'onKln nK X
i! Peoples Warehouse
4 HHt4H M
or merits of a
showy c.l8nU'f
cellence. eomelW
ble Is required W?2?
Our pianos are tbitreiB
ard of merit. WW
tlon, touch, one.eri
ieh. Always imobI
test. Sold with FMfc
rock prices. Cists'--
Wholesale ondlteuU
We arc Headqaartws for ff
. i.i
and Kccfceif. Jjg
fhi eft line ever
Ponrllfitnn. .
Come andf!
alogue of them. A ftiH supply always 11