East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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eather Wear
Fancy Scotch Plaids, worth fjfj
ros, rod, blue, brown and black, 0R
e and 40c, special uuv
new and stylish effects in MAAA
ind Fancy Melton, 5.60 to quv.vu
"i $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00.
to $20.
Pox, Beaver, Mink, Chinchilla, Seal,
Persian Lamb.
ros. Dry Goods Company.
1, 1902
. Howard
erri BVBtwft.ate Ckwtle's,
clothing: otwtoijfo Joergor'B
Ban's for-eteMB' and tobacco.
:te4i Qttwa,lt7se'30c a bottle.
w 'm jiMT you with
orafem;Hie grapes, they
-fffSf y Dros-
, riifiWHg powder and
;, kXf.'s; Xevsger & Son's.
Shlaeee. wsMb at Phillips'
ant. .greryUUBg tastes good,
jii'ahumade confec
Jb ca. regukretreat for your
tkfteJtaOiWfcanter caps for
c .jm-CMapMirs. Oh my!
JttpW'ierrors at the
Mowwt; where good
MhM'iililll'll In Pnnrllo.
W at'vjrtrlng our exclu
rom i-MB;v;.aIl summer
ajwwSlTiSSienced. Good
on lit AM mm ; Box 495.
"Rule and en
.ndy? Delta
t was when
t farm, 10
All thr
:76. -
ilties that
tun man
racelet is
1.10 and
Whltakcr, the dentist.
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
Fresh oysters at P. S. Younger &
Gregg's Moca and Java coffee at F.
S. Younger & Son's.
Nice tender celery at Martin's Fam
Hy Grocery and Bakery.
Hazelwood and Gold Medal butter
at F. S. Younger & Son's.
Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
Fine sound citrons for preserves,
at Martin's Family Grocery.
Fall and winter styles await your
inspection at Seibort'& Scbulz, tail
ors. '
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies at Jack Candlsh's, Patton's old
Found A canvas coat with cordu
roy collar. Call on It. Martin's deliv
ery man.
All kinds of cereals and breakfast
foods fresh and good at the Standard
Plenty of nice fresh ranch eggs and
butter at all times at the Standard
For Rent Suit of r,ooms for house
keeping. M. Compton, 304 South Gar
den fitreet.
Fine line of sewing baskots, card
basnets, etc., direct from old Ger
many. Nolf's.
Ail Kinds oi candy, such as cara
mels, creams, chocolates, taffy and
nut candies made at the Delta.
Lost Between Sheurman property
and Golden Rule Store, a blue breast
pin. Return to Golden Rulo store.
A bicycle was left in my place of
business over two months ago. Owner
can have same by calling and descrlb
lng property. M. Gratz.
Elmer E. Turner's new transfer
wagon will do your hauling. Head'
quarters at Brock & McComas' drug
store. Telephone main 201.
Anyone finding a blue breastpin,
will please leave the same at the
Golden Rule store. See mention in
classified ad column.
Buy Chase & Sanborn coffee and
teas and you will use no other. It is
medium in price and th3 quality is the
best. A C. uohrman o grocery.
"Paddy" Myle Left Tuesday for
Washington, D. C, to Remain.
William Myles, better known as
"Paddy" Mylcs, left Tuesday for
Washington, D. C, to spend the rest
of his days in the National Soldiers'
Myles is perhaps one of the best
known characters In Pendleton. He
came here In 1879 and mado Pendle
ton his homo most of tho time until
he was sent to the soldiers home,
Mr. Myles was in the service of
Uncle Sam for 25 years. He was not
In the actual fighting service, but
served In the clerical department for
the government and was clerk under
Agent E. J, Sommcrvlllo at the XJm&-
tilla agency from 1SS3 to 1S85. He
lost his position there because of
drink. While Mr. Myles was a very
apt and accurate man at clerical work
and good with a pen, ho went the
way of many other bright and ener
getic men when the liquor habit gets
hold of them.
Ijist spring Mr. Mylcs was sud
denly stricken with paralysis and
was In the Sisters' hospital for scV'
oral weeks. He -gradually got over
this,' but has never been himself
since. He was drawing a pension of
$30 a month and this all went for.
drink. A few weeks ago some of his
friends took hold of his case and con
cluded that ho should be cared for
by the government, and bo where
liquor could be kept from him. Con
sequently the matter was taken up
with the authorities at Washington,
I). C, and a ticket was sent by the
government to take him to the homo.
His friends took him to the depot
Tuesday and -saw that ho was made
comfortable on the through train
and bid him adieu.
Mr. Myles was 73 years of age. He
is said to have a wife and son In San
Francisco. They were separated
many years ago. The son Is said to
be a prominent newspaper writer.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
No More Wondering What Was the
Matter With the Electric Lights,
The mystery of the naline of the
electric lights Monday night and the
total darkness In some portions of
tue town Tuesday night is no longer
causing worry. Those Interested are
"next." It will be remembered that
just the day before the lights went
wrong the head lineman. Dan
Shocky, resigned his position and left
town. Since that time a "Gonher"
has been working on tho lines. Tfcia
explains the mystery.
ot Continue
-your salt water baths as you did while on your
ui me sea snore f rou can have the same thing
of our Atlantic City Sea Salt will make two de
alt watdr baths, eaual to a sea hath
ive: hath brushes, bath sbontreV. '"wash miis hatli
ad everything that helps to improve your bath.
torn Main St., Toward the Court Hoese
Dates on the Gridiron for the Walla
Walla College.
The Whitman football team will go
abroad for the first games this sea
son according to a schedule of games
made up today. The schedule Is as
October 15 University of Oregon,
at Eugene.
October 18 Multnomah Athletic
Club at Portland.
October 24 Pacific University at
Walla Walla.
November 1 (Washington Agricul
tural College, at Pullman.
November 8 University of Wash
ington at Walla Walla.
November 12 Multnomah Athletic
Club at'Walla Walla.
November 28 University of Idaho
at Walla Walla.
Some time ago It was thought a
gamo would bo arranged with Cor-
vallls to be played there, but the
game has been declared off. A
Christmas or Now Years game will
probably be arranged, though this is
uncertain as yet.
Fltz Gerald Tries His First
Cases This Morning.
.Two men faced Pollco Judgo Fitz
Gerald in police court this morning.
Ono was Sam H. Wallace, who plead
ed guilty to having been drunk and
a fine of $7 was placed against him.
The fine was paid.
The other was J. C. Cole. This Is
same Cole who was fined ?5 yester
day morning for being drunk. He
was discharged at that time, but pro
ceeded to fill up again and dll not
stop until he again landed ia the
city jail. He was told that Ins fine
would be the same old amount, ?,
and he paid up.
Have Yoa Seen Oar
52 to 56 Inches Wide
65c, 75c, 95c, $1.00 up to
$2.50 pe yatfd
Suitable For
Ready-Made Suits, or Walking Skirts
All Steam Sponged and Shrunk
4 yds. enough iot a suit
2 yds. enough iot a skirt
Every worthy fabric is represented in oar stock.
More than pleased to show them to yoa.
O. R, & N. Company Has Placed Or
der For Construction.
An order has been placed with a
big eastern car manufactory for tho
construction of several splendid, now
passenger coaches for the O. It. &
N. service in the west. These cars
will be sent west shortly and will bo
distributed about tho various divis
ions of the line. At least two of
them will bo seen on the Pendlctcn
Spokaue flyer which comes Into this
city dally. Tho coaches will havo all
of tho modern conveniences enjoyed
by tho eastern tourist who travels
for pleasure only and will bo lighted
by electricty and heated throughout
by -steam. The best cars on the line
of tho Oregon Itallroad & Navigation
Company at the present time havo
seen several years' service and most
of them aro rather out of dato as re
gards modern conveniences. There
will bo no better cars in tho west I
than those shortly to be added to tho i
equipment of the line. I
Tour Place
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our
hill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
Suit to Clear Title.
Charles H. Carter has filed an
equity suit against the Pendleton.
Hardware and Implement Company
to clear title to real property situat
ed in, Pendleton.
Haverhill Dog Show.
Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 2. Tbe first
annua bench bIiow of tho Haverhill
Kennel Club, for whlch preparations
have been making for weeks past,
opened today under auspicious condi
tions The exhibits reach several
hundred in number, ranging from tho
tiny lap dogs to prize-winning St.
Bernards and Great Danes, and rep
resent nearly all the prominent ken
nels of New England and the Eastern
states. Judging began toJay and will
continue until tho exhibition closes
at tho end of the week.
Tho homllcst man In Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others,
are invited to call c.i any druggist
tnd get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to euro and
reltovo all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 2Ec and COc. For sale by Tall
man & Co., sole agents.
Hundreds of bars of Fine Toi
let Soap, offered this week at 3c,
5c, 8c and 10c a bar.
Santa Olaua Hoadqnarter.s.
The French Restaurant
T.ltphona Main 4.
Big Sheep Sale.
Miller Bros., and Pete Beaudan, of
Joseph, last week sold to Iee Bros ,
agents for Mr. waltz, of Southern
California, 8000 head of sheep and
have delivered tho samo at North
Powder. The sheep are an extra fine
lot and a good price per head was
realized for them. La Grande Chronicle.
Tho body of Edmund Jojllnek, the
defaulting official ;of the Vienna
Laendor (real estato mortgage batik)
has been found in tho Danube at Al.
lenwprtb, near Kreraa, Ho disappear,
ed from Vienna September 1, after
embezzling about fl.lBOiOOO, '
All kinds
and the
very latest
Try a
11 50
ULt Shoes
1 ,rir- vm
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod,
Strict dhcrenca la H eutblu m to fsattiy willing worfcen t testa
saprlor servic m bookkecpfs u4 atcKogriplitr. Our UttrccUou U
jnSBSiOy tttreonyfaa feet bo wlU!jr knows Uut rvpuUtloa aloa befaga
ma nott of our itadenU. Quality alwyn conU. BxamU late ow
bctllUec better now thxa m Wor. bUatlrioma, willing ttudtnU
npU adrtneetnettt In all aUdlaa Ukac CaU, oe wrlU tor out catalogs
Park and Washington 8trecta A. T, Arattroaf, LI Piiaetp,
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East. West. North and Smith.
so you have a co nplcte assortment fo .select from. We
keep our promise to save you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
, . Next to PoetoWce,
.. J