Not Hardwood Sawdust ATWOOD'S SPICES Are absolutely puro. Try thorn nnd you will be surprised at tho differunce between AT WOOD'S SPfOES and the ordinary ones. Brook & r&cConfi&s Cnoipassisy & I'M 6 HODERN DRUUQISTS . PENULETUN W Dlt H,jV'd ''ay- All that tho president can tlo ia 10 api'iy wie law. no can 1101 runi : pel tho oporators to employ certain , men. or fix tho wages that they shall pay, neither can he compel any class ; of jnen to work. In cases of puhlic tPCtlon from flro of the forest reserva The credit business la ba.l enouch. 1 necosslty he may, howover, proceed THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 190::. BUYING ON INSTALLMENT. . , ti.t wiiom wo received me Rpiemuu iui- ests of this continent, with their abundance of birds and wild game. In aome ounrtcr-j thlB method has i been sneered lit as "Iho Digger Indian plan." But, despite sneers, It Is the ! ! aolrmtlfln fnrR- J ' ' 4 1 1 1 UJ1UIIVU "J "V J" " - . the forest floor clean nnil clear of ac cumulations of doaO limbs nnd stuff. Tho Indians began as the moisture nnd snow receded, carefully burning the dry spots ns they appeared In the spring, after tho Brass nnd fallen loaves had served their purpose of conserving the moisture and aiding It to penetrate tho Soil. Tho burned places were speedMy covered with green herbage, furnishing cover for the ground nesting birds, so that these weto not extounlnnted nor hin dered In nesting' and rearing their broods. This system was described nnd advocated by .toaquln Miller In a raper solicited by aud read to the an nual nicotine of th's American Fores try Congress some years ngo. and It i ronmiends Itself tt nil observers of nature who understand the necessity of following her laws and preserving her equilibrium. The subject Is one that must com rel the 'attention of the government In finally maturing a plan for the pro- but the installment plan is worse, i Citizens of small cities like Pendle-, operation of the mines ton do not suffer so much from either in a manner that will compel Uiol Ho may say that a public necessity exists and of these curses as do tho larzer cities. have the government take charge of but still they suffer iu a way, espe-J,ho nilnes and operate, them for the dally, somo citizens. I lllJ"c good. Hut the trusts will be the winners here. If the government tlous. Tho conservative use of fire has been objected to on tho ground There are a few citizens In Pendle' ton who buy extensively on the credit ! confiscates their property they have It Is not necessary. They system usually have the monov to nav for 'rom t,ie wa' what thev want an.i tin. merchants ! bee" swindled In cases of this cliar- ! recourse against the government, from the way the government and has would sell them much more than they wish to buy. There are fow dead beats here compared to the popula tion. In the cities it is different. There j Is a large citizenship there that buys all it can get. It will tako anything from a spool of thread to a piano. It will agTee to pay anythlug in the future and take anything It can get. It-really hopes of meeting the demand but Its hopes are like the hopes in drawing the lucky ticket in a lottery prize. Still, there is hope in the most hopeless cases. This class does a great deal of damage. It fools the business men, who hope in get returns. But It fi nally ends by the business men tak ing back the property and "pinching" a better class of trade in order, to re coup for the amount lost. But in the smaller cities, like Pen dleton, where prosperity reigns, the installment man gets in his graft oc casionally. It is done here on a dif ferent scale and among what Is con sidered a better class. It is done by the foreign merchant, instead of the! local business man. There are pianos, sewing machines, typewriters and nu merous other things sold on the installment plan. The gullible patron does not seem to realize how ".easy" he is. He will permit the agent to come along and sell him something on the "easy" plan at a high price on "easy" pay ments. He will also take up a cata log of some distant concern which shows nice pictures of the articles de sired and send away and buy it, when acter in time of war heretofore. It would doubtless please the operators if the government would take charge of tho mines now. They certainly are not making anything out of them. hut if the government takes charge they will receive full compensation for all of the coal that Is mined by tho government together with the in terest and trimmings usually atten dant upon such claims. While the town is building up at a rapid rate, its general health should not bo neglected. Its neat appear ance shrould also be preserved. A growing town becomes as ragged and unkempt, if neglected, as any other institution suffering neglect, and Its civic improvement should he looked after at all times. This Is as important as Its sewerage. that It disturbs the? ground nesting birds. All observers know that these are exterminated, not by such proper! use of (Ire, but by the close trampling ( of sheep when grazing In the forest Proper use ol fire Is entirely consis tent with the grow.h of young trees, which under the I'idipn system were preserved In such quantities as to continually renew tho forest nnd pro tect Its permanency. It should be, sufficient compliment to this natural method thnt the Indians lived In. pre served, made permmet and transmit-1 ted to us on this continent the moat extensive, valuable and useful forests In the world. Under our management ' these fine forests have rapidly de- creased and disappeared nnd tho ef-( feet Is already sen in the decrease I moisture of tho earth's crust and in-' creasing aridity of the climate. j tho American Forestry Congress should urge upon congress the need of putting tho forest reserves In the hands and keeping of expert forestors who. In practicing methods of Euro pean fores'try. will be merely restoring those of the Indians, who studied and followed nature as closely as any of the modern physlei&ts, according to their lights. San Francisco Call. Special Sales At The Fair Two Days Foil of Bargain Opportunities Regular $i,oo Comforts, for one day only SOc Ladies' and Children's ioc hose, nairc fnr Friday, Sept. 30 Good rade Flannelette, per yard 9c Calico, regular 5c grade, Friday only, per yard . . . . 4-c Children's Slippers, all colors, 30 per cent off. Men's and Boy's Summer-weight Cuitc nrt nitf rnnf nff Sat'day, Sept. 37 white Otitine Flannel and Bleach ed Muslin, per yard 4c Ladies' Fleeced Underwear, all sizes 4 25c EVERY DAY SPECIALS- FALL WRAPS OF ALL KINDS -Ladies' short, three quarter and full length coats, in every grade desirable. Call and see them. Fine assortment of Black Underskirts from 75c to $3.50 each. Tailor made Suits and Skirts, all grades and styles. Men's and Boys' Clothing, all styles and qualities. VISIT US ONCE, YOD WILL CALL AGAIN THE FAIR, TO SAVE MONEY HHHHHHaeHMnMmHI t Plan, to older. ou,lgliitJ consulted u m 1 THE UNSPEAKABLE TRUST. Carpenters Headquarters We are headquarters for all kinds of carpenter tools and our prices are always the lowest, quality consid ered. Estimates furnished on builders' hardware and plumbing. "Money saved is money earned." See BRUSH UP HOME PRIDE. showing for visitors, if efforts In the rlsht direction were appreciated bv me same article could bo purchased , those in charge of public exhibitions, The complaint comes from Baker City and I-a Grande that the street fair has taken money out of the coun try that should have remained at home. This; Is natural, in view of the "run down" condition of home pride In most of Eastern Oregon towns. A glance at the programs of recent street fairs is evidence that the home talent of our sister towns was over looked. Tho premiums orfered on nsricultural and industrial exhibits were not large onough to warrant our constitution, the people will some producers in making an effort. The 1 day revolt at the arrogance and net- uvesiucK premiums woum scarcely fie tho trust question in an American buy a new halter for tho horse or manner, bull. Eastern Oregon Is a great, country, and could make a splendid A telegraphic news item from Kan-j sas City says: "Packing houses have' Issued orders forbidding employes to' discuss tho beef trust question, under' penalty or being discharged." 1 Adding this disgusting "gag rule"! to the statement of that ignorant I magnate who declared recently that. Providence had given all the coal In' this country Into the keeping of the, coal trust, we have a sum of trust 1 doctrine which should bring a blush! of shame to the cheek of the Ameri can voter. No wonder the president or the United States Is opposed to these combines. His good taste would drive him to abhor their con temptibie methods, even though their power Kept him In the presidential chair, if no check Is placed upon ineir neeuiess abuse of American In suiuuons and the Jlbert es born nr T, C. Taylor, "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 Alain Street Phone Alain 871 ha"Eing 0 ifffij want doctujiSSa then coffiit,!1 1'ut low. 14 your e How ternj hclettl ius&h s tea? imnijr IUTI Hot tolraliiCMiM praat"! tiuf ValuaVi P Timber f$ Claims from a local merchant at a less price and a better quality would usually be obtained. But the Installment plan! Few have thought of the extravagance of this plan. Take a typewriter, for in stance. An agent comes here from Portland or Spokane. It costs rail road fare and hotel bills for him to come here. Who pays this? The man who buys, of course, Such .grain, fruit, vegetable and live stock as are found In Eastern Ore gon can not be excelled on tho coast One of the most valuable ad vertising mediums is a well conduct ed fair. It is a table of contents of the section represented. Visitors need no further Information. But on the other hand, If every thing Is imported and precedence given to the questionable amuse- rp. 03 . i mciiia tutu onniiu IUC IllUUClU OVitCL inese agents f , nlintrv i. in5,r. Mnnnv nini make the rounds once a month. Their certainly go out of tho town that expenses and salary have to be paid. should have been left with home at The greenhorn Installment man has tactions, to pay them. The same with rhA piano and sewing machine. The same1 "f f?F, t!10, "f'u 0,.fc8port i. .1 .u j . . . enjoyed and Indulged In by the peo , with all other dealers who sell hero ni ..,i, 0Hrr.i0,i w,i ' iiuuii, ..Kill uiuiv u tut,ttl by piece-meal or in Job lots. pride and left dollars In the-country , rr.l- 11. . V. . 1. ! v.n.A 1 niu iaea is conveyed tnat all of "lut u'uub these articles coit just the same as If purchased from "headquarters;" Races and, sames that the Amerl- i. ic . mu i . can swears by, are forthcoming upon It is not true. There Is alwavs a way the sught03t inducement They leave to get the difference between the no stench behind them. They are price paid these men who travel and clean, moral and not objectionable, tho original cost, which tho consura ers must pay. It Is simnly a hold-up and the chumr who patronlzas them dewe but little pity. -'Preldflpt noQvvalt now aks thj re.praiwntnji.vsf of both sides of tho trpi.uhln "'th6 coal striUe ito hold a conference with htm. While he his no authority to say to either that you shall ,t.hli Qr tfut, ,a. request cjornlng from so high authority may reultIn sojtllng tho .strike, or.jplac Ing tho situation on a basis that'wlll Brush up home pride. It pays to do it, besides It has a much better appearance. We are all of the "earth erthy" and need tho help of each other. But when wo have a dollar to spend, let us spend It where H might geUlodged in tho country. INDIAN FORESTRY. Wo publish a letter from an" exper ienced mountaineer which treats of the means necessary to preserve our forests from flro. It has been called "Indian forestry," because It la the methods used by tho Indians from BT SCARES' PEOPLE Who come of a consumptive fam ily when thev be- gin to cough and the lungs are pain ful. Hut it is a fact beyond dis proof that con sumption is not and cannot be in herited. The mi crobe which breeds disease must abso lutely be received by the individual before consump tion can be devel oped. Men and women who have been af flicted with obsti nate couchs, bron chitis, hlwrtinw nf the lungs, emaciation and weakness, have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of Dr Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It cures the cough, heals the lungs, and builds up the body with colid flesh. "Whn Icomnicnctil UVin? your medicines eighteen month aico. my health wacomplei y broken down - write Mrs. Cor I Sunderland, of Cliano Till, lalvert Co., Md. "At times I coiiW not ten vislk across the room without paliu in my chest The dcrtor uko alUndrd m Mid Aatt Ihhz muile. and thai would neur U uU Main. At Uit I concluded to try Doctor p," medtcine 1 toiiRht a bottle 6T Gold cn Medical Discovery.' tool: it. and oon com roenceil to feel a little better then you .directed mc to take both the Golden lledical DIjcot erv and the -Favorite Prevcnplion.' which I a,:Astii'."j,l Te. ken, ocbUen ' of Rolden Medical Ducoverv twelve of the 'Favorite preKtiption.' and dive vials, of pel lets.' I am now almost entirely well and do all my work without any pain whatever and can ran with more ase than I could fonneUy icaM." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper cavern, is sentmr on receipt of 2t one-cent stamps to cover expense of mailing only. Addie&s Dr. R V. Pierce Buffalo. N. Y. 1? 7 ' 1 15 PASSING BY Fln turnouts li, of course, n irlumpti for the "ve,r l a. 1"IPPKe. Your borse may bo ; eedy, but It requires more than lhat-call Cla.lUD,tb,,,!t' ,urry r can biilll for ped. V, hettier you're looking for speed ir stability n our line, you'll do well to fall here WotK Ing elegant, nnd our nNCks cannot be beaten 'or fflBi?,' K!l50fc. ?.!!; iui atuvi 1I4CIJ BUU We CTlt 1tn toa all . .. llf.T" S.lf ,ro,m ' "P-nd " new pole springy k1' ,,mPIend durable. Ifyou use It you horsei won't have sorf necks. atorer"s Gas Kugina dees the work. See us. NEAQLE BROTHER8 Water HL, near Halo, Pendleton, Or 3 For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Colesworthy -AT Tnis- CHOP MILL 127 ami 129 East Alt Street Come To Us For your lumber and building material of all descriptions and you will save money and get first-class stock. We can sup ply you witn Doors, Windows, Screen doors and windows, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. We make a specialty of wood gutters for barns and dwellings. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court Honae. Joseph Ell, WHOLESALE AND RttTUT. I HARNESS-SADDLERY Tho, East Oreoonlan 17 pAKtArri Ore ur0prsentat,ve PaPer. t lead., VVVWWB advertising mecMum of this eectlon. KBdl ed;fj ioat sale. E jmim Are a gentle iTOi Stove season UJ33 BAS1 if vou needifc stove or steel m overlook an efft money if yo ' BASLERto on Come in and and learn the m First cltf'JH Tinnin!' line, ofjg V.0-' fOO 710""'