East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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jzi I'M
s nBBFnJ
tTGOOD GOODS t Alexander's.
im. Not poor goods cheap, "but "good
lodorato prices. This fall we have a
sr selected, lower priced stock of dry
rer beioro.
S In a large variety of bright colors.
med with flat brass buttons. A new fad,
icy practical Priced at $2.48, $2.25, 98o.
N AND CHILDREN This is the season
Wild be looking towards us for warm foot
e have an abundance to choose trom, some
s part wool, some ribbed, some plain. All
ut elastic. Per pair, 48c, 350, 25c, 190.
BAQS An elegant, big, grey leather
ized silver mountings, heavily covered and
right cut steel beads. The usual 5, $3
, this week for $2.48, $1.98 and $1.00.
er Dept. Store
ma Stoves
t at lowest
prices. We handle only
Air-Tight Coal Stoves,
Alr-Tlitht Wood Stovrs,
Alr-TIcht Wood Stoves.
'Ml Cook Stoves and Steel Ranges.
JMmpsoa Jrlardwaie i-o.
Committee Appointed to Draft Reso
lutions and Investigate Details
Other Business Transacted.
Discussed the possibility of
installing a complete sewer
system In the near future.
Passed resolutions declaring
hal no bicyclist should rido
on the sidewalks 'n the city
limits between the first of
April and the first of October.
Bids were received and re
viewed for the manufacturing
of a new hose cart
Bond of Thomas Fitz Gerald,
the new recorder, was approv
ed, and ho Installed In the of
fice. Regular monthly Mils nl-lowed.
Preparatory Course
8 Course
8' Course
am Bub-Primarv up. Graduates enter Fresh-
ea as Yale, Princeton, Stanford.
7 weens supplemental WorK can take Btate
fas Normal Schools Fall term onetn Ben-
r nAatafae addresa
iIX. FORBES, D. D., Principal.
rt of pen-
est writer
sw weeks
1 Europe
lozen as-
for Si.
ien order-
tcwhether for
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
veil cared
id Dutch
th streets
kinds of
"all times.
juare mela
ltd will find
i';and try one
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
Colapsable Pocket
Stereoscopic Apparatus
The smallest Rterenaeom with th
optical .-fleet Highly ilalsh.d in different col
on with rich gold and "llrer decorations
imnamingfij incmaiug .n v. r. rnotoersplis.
Views of Art (genre). PllICE ONLY tfl.tKj!
Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. Agent
Liliput Stereoscope Go.,
Forrest Building,
In Jl its stsges there
should be cleanliness.
Eij's Cream Bain
cleansosootbes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drl ca
awajr a cold la 11 head
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spread)
oter the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Im-
medlsto and a care follows. It ,1s not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large 8ize, (0 eents at Drug
gists or by mall; Trial 8Ize, 10 cents by mall
ELY BROTHERS. U Warren Street. Hew York
Babbitt Matal, turtt In tha world. In
ban. Prloe $1 par bar, at the Caot
Oragonlafl OMmw
At the regular meeting of the city
aaas last night the matter of In
stalling a complete sewer system for
renuioton was discussed at length
and a stop taken toward putting in
the system in the near future. A
committee consisting of Coiinciimen
Clopton, Johnson and Hartman, was
appointed to draft resolutions and
make an investigation and report at
the next meeting.
The subject of un up-to-dato sewer
system has been agitath.g the clt
officials for several years and it has
come to such a point that the fact
Is evident that the system must be
installed sooner or later for the
health and good of the town, and the
council was of the opinion that no
better time than the present eauld
be found to start the ball rolling.
An. act was passed at the last
meeting of the legislature empower
ing th city nf Pendleton to Issue,
bonds not to exceed $30,000. for thia
purpose, providing the citizens wore
willing to vote the bonds. No defi
nite action was taken for the calling
of a special election to learn the
wish of the people on the matter, but
after the committee makes it3 re
port and it is found to be feasible
by the council, the proposition will
then be placed before the citizens
and taxpayers and they will have
chance to vote against or In favor of
the sewer system.
New Bicycle Ordinance.
It was decided to draft a new ordi
nance repealing the old ordinance
allowing wheelmen to ride on the
sidewalks by paying a license, and
make It unlawful to ride wheels on
the walks except during the six win
ter months. This stop is taken be
cause of a widespread kick on th
part of pedestrians against the prac
tice of riding wheels on the walks,
It was the consensus of opinion that
tne new ordinance should allow
wheelmen to rido on the walks be
tween the first of October and first
of April, but prohibiting it the rest
of the year. This will give those
whose business compels them to ride
a wheel the year round a chance to
do their riding on the walks when
the streets are too muddy for them
to ride on the ground. The license
will also be raised and perhaps be
double what it is now. The ordinance
committee was ordered to have the
city attorney draft the ordinance and
present it at an early meeting of the
1 Men's Winter Underwear 1
g 32 Complete Lines to Select From. 3
5 Come iti while the sizes are complete. 3
New Recorder Installed.
Thomas Fitz Gerald is now the new
city recorder. His bond, with W. J
Furnish and Leon Cohen, as sureties,
was filed last night and approved by
tne council and he was duly 'install'
ed in the chair.
Bids on Hose Cart.
Bids for the manufacture of a hose
cart for the west end of town, were
opened. T. T Nelson and Neaglo
Brothers were the only bidders The
bid of Kelson was $95 and that of
Neaglo Brothers $94.75. In addition
to the cart, $30 worth of extras
were also Included In the bids. The
committee appointed to attend to the
matter were Instructed to go ahead
and order the cart built.
Bills Allowed.
Planing mill, $37.48,
M. B. Kees, $2.
D. B. Waffle, 776c.
W. H. Conner, $5.
Water works, city water. $100,
sprinkling streets, $40.
City Bakery and Grocery. $1.
Van Orsdall & Moule, $2.
Labor on streets' $196.
Lights, $296,.
I. S. Walker, $4.50,
Frank Day, $5.
John Armstrong, $18.
Walter Wells, $420.
Alert Hose Company, $109.
Hose Company No. 5, $88.
Mascot Hose Company, $32.
Rescue A. & I, $81.
Protection Hose Company, $124.
Grossman Si Co.. $86.60.
Representative Burleigh, of Wallowa
County, Prepares a Few Bill. .
State Representative Burleigh of
Wallowa county, states that ho will
Introduce in the legislature UiIb win
ter the following bills: t
Heavy Heavy Fine Wool
Coiton Fleeced Cotton Fleeced
50c 50c 65c 65c
Rlbbd Ootlon Ribbed Heavy
Tan Pk lo niuo
Red or Wool Brown Klno
Black Ribbed Wool Wool
75c 90c $1,00 $100
Derby I,"1, J';,,rR Vleve
Ribbed Colored Valuo BanlUry
Fancy LVrby Pink or Blue NHtural
Ribbed Ribbed Derby Wool
$1.00 $1.00 $1.25 $1.25
Bwits Balbrlgfan Ribbed v
Conde Don't 8cratoh All Wool Warm
Unshrinkable Fauoy. ,9,re-Y KxtrnSIo
Worsted Worsteds l'lusb All Woo)
$1.25 . $1.50 $1.50 $.50
Fancy Very Wool 46,48,60
Stripes Hoi Htavy Big Men
mmmmmmmma m a"saaaaiaaaaaa"a"'" swsaiBar9aaaaaBBasBBnaaBBBBaBBaaiaMBiwiw mmmmmmmmm
Natural Alternate Very Fine Silk and
Wool S:ripe AuHtrnllan Worsted
$1.50 $1.75 $2.25 $2.50
Ribbed Worsted Wool For Klno Trade
Medium Weight Home Winners Grey Jiluo and Pink
4 Lines of Fine Bilk and Peter Wright's
Fancy Light Wool Intenicapular
$2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $4.25
Worsteds Weight That Klnest KhrIIhIi
Very Talkative Full Fashioned Kveryoue Llkea Make
IriBh Oregon MtiURlng paif
Linen Flannel Union v'u
Mesh Red, Blue Suit . and see
$3.50 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 tO $5.00 wltho'ofdelay
A bill for a state primary law, pro
viding that nominations for county
and district officers be made by direct
vote of the people under the Australi
an ballot system.
A bill providing that assessments
shall bo mado by precinct assessors;
that assessment shall begin the first
day of January and bo completed by
the first day or July; tnat tne tax
roll be In the hands of the collector
bv Oct. 1st. and taxes become ae-
Unquent Dec. 1st.; that the treasurer
shall be the collector and that it snail
bo comnul8ory to collect ail taxes
within the time limit and ho and his
bondsmen bo liable for all taxes re
maining unpaid at the expiration of
the time limit are deemed collectable,
A bill providing that sheep shall
not be herded within a mile or any
ranch or homestead.
A bill providing that stockmen
grazing their Btock in a country
where they are not bonafled residents
shall pay to such county a rental per
head on the stock thus grazed witnm
the county.
It is needless to add that Mr. Bur
lclgh does not expect all these bills
to become laws, but he believes that
thoy should be enacted Into law. Mr.
Burleigh also believes that thus tar
the scalp bounty law has accomplish
ed the desired results and he will re
sist Ita repeal.
Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fastest selling article I have
n my store," writes Druggist C. T.
Smith, of Davis, Ky., "Is Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds because it always
cures. In my six years or sales it has
never failed. I have known it to save
sufferers from throat and lung din
eases, who could get no help from
doctors or any other remedy."
Mothers rely on it, best physicians
prescribe It, and Tallman & Co. guar
antee satisfaction or refund price,
Trial bottles free. Regular sizes,
50c and $1,
Sulcldo at Portland,
Portland, Ore., Oct. 2. Despond-
ent over continued ill health, Mrs,
Eleanor Bowman, the wife of Ben
jamin M. Bowman, cashier for the
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender; Coroiny
and well known In buslnes circles
here, today shot and killed herself.
Herbert Lee, of Baker City,
Miss Elsie Fisher.
A few days ago the East Orogonlnu
had a Btory from tho Baker City
Herald stating that Herbort Lee,
prominent citizen of that city had
married a Pendleton young lady In
May and tho secret had been kopt
until now. After a careful search no
record of tho marriago could bo
found here, but it now appears that
Mr. Lee wedded his brido In Walla
Walla. She was Miss Elslo Flshor
and tho Baker City papor mado
mistake by saying she was from Pen
dleton instead of Wnlla Walla,
Following Is what the Walla Walla
Union says in recalling tho facts
about the wedding:
Pendleton and Baker City papers
a few days ago printed acounta of
tho marriago of Herbert Leo, a prim.
Inent hardware clerk of Baker City,
and some unknown woman. Tim man
had been married six months boforo
ho Informed his frlonds and tho lat
ter were conccrnod to know the
bride's name and whero the marriago
took place. A glance at tho marriago
records of Walla Wnlla county shows
that Herbert Lee and Miss Elslo
Fisher were married In tho court
house of this county April 2, 1002,
by Justice William Glasford. While
tho Pendleton and Baker City papora
attached a mystery to the wedding
tho Walla Walla papers at tho time
of the marriago printed amusing
One afternoon Herbert Loo and
Elsie Fisher walked Into tho Justice
court and blushlngly Informed tho
Judge that thoy desired to bo united
In marriago and thero before two or
three court officials and tho nows
paper men they plighted their troth,
After the solemn coremony had
been iwrformcd Judge Olasfont re
marked that thero wiih yet one thing
left undone on tho husband's part.
But Leo did not understand and then
before the assemblage tho justice ap
proached the brido and gave her a
The wedding In the oyes of cast
Orcgonlans may havo been a mystery
but in tho eyes of Washlngtonlans It
looked more like comedy. i
AH persons knowing thcinsolvcs in
debted to mo must aottlo by Octo
ber 10th, or tliolr acounta and notes
will be placed' In tho hand of an at
torney with Instruction to collect.
Blight's Disease and Diabetes
Positively Curable.
Thoy aro curing Brlght'a DUc&se
and Diabetes In California. Tho por
coutitgo of oirtcluncy (recoveries) in
tlioso hlthorto Incurablo dlseasos
averages as high as 87 per cont. The
ilotallH of tho investigation and dem
onstration of tlia new comiK)unds are
ho concliiHivo that wo at onco sunt
for a bundlo of tho reports and for
the new treatniont for urgent caaes
In tills city. Call or send for ono of
tliu reports.
V. W. SCHMIDT & CO., Pendleton
Fine yellow Crawford peaches at
Hawloy Bros.
Physicians Prescribe
it for their most deli
cate patients. Old and
rot Bale by
saaaaaaalsBaBi '