East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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We Sell Strictly At One Price.
Men's Clothing
fror Fall
and Winter
We need to say but a few
words. Our success in the
clothing business is too well
known in this city and country.
OUR MOTTOi First-olass-
goodB at the lowest possible
price, and that price the same
to all,
$5.00, $6.00, $7.50,
$0.00, $ 12.50, $5.00
to $25.00.
I was unnblo to toll Ills own nnmo for
a time. Ho will probably ue oxani
Inert again.
The ComlnQ and Going of People I
That Thriving Town.
Siinorlntcnrtont Nowlln, of Pcncllc-
Dumping of Garbage Within the City ton, Is liore in the Interest or tne ie
Limits Will Be Tolerated No More llx school.
I a- .. ni ithi P mnt ninn
-Notice Will Be Posted. ".rn lo' .' """"L. 3-
. , , i raonu. a buii; wvirui "
tho city nenun omcor ami marsnni ,,. ,, B0I1 nrp ,,0w woll.
are preparing to declare war on the jir pP(0 sones Is on a business
practice of scattering refuse and trip to Portland.
nrhnrn nrnni lominnol v In flir. rltvl COtlllty (JOnimiHSlimur IVHim-i, "
" " 1 ' ni.i . ...! A Tr Mniitirnmnrl'
minis. ii.,,iintnn Mnmlnv mnrnlnsr
Thoro Is nn orrtlnance. passed by Sovnrni Hollxttes attended tbo Oor-
tho city council In 1809. which has mnn .,-. nol.l Snrlncs Saturday
never been repealed. It Is supposed nici,t. Thev report a rood time In
to be enforced to tho letter, but It rni
Is claimed that somo laxity has been acorge H t,ft this morning for
imiuit.-ii in wiu imai wmuii win to n.illMinn U'nuli w ir ho iroos to lit'
eliminated In the future and nil per- ,,, ,ni
sons disregarding this ordinance MaB Alcy Fog8 of Ati,enn. spent
V . . " . three days In Helix last wool;.
unci uieinseives in ponce court wuu . . 0(, . .. f mimn
a heavy line staring them in the face. , nuntiR expedition.
wnen an ordinance nas i.ecn on R McFerran has sold his Klon
the city records for a number of .,. , ,, rnBi,ionno nrnn.
years It Is a well-known fact that an(, w, )cave for tue Bound
1 J m Ul LUUU,SB "uo" 7 . " country In a few days,
and offlcers get careless In enforcing M R A Mnnn or Pendleton and
It. and hence the present state of of- . ,.0 . ' , Hmi?ni ,
fairs in Pendleton. It is claimed by
those in a position to know, that not
Air. and Mrs. Lucas, of Sprngue, are
visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs
William Scott.
One Price Olothierst Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton
. 729 Alain btreet
Kansas was visited by a snow
storm Monday which developed into
a fierce storm of sleet during the
The condition of tho president
continues to improve and his physic
ians are pleased with tho progress
toward recovery.
A papal bull has been Issued re
cently urging clergymen to hold aloof
from politics and devoto their ener
gies along religious lines
Two rival airships made ascents at
Long Island, N. Y., Tuesday, which
surpassed tho achievements of any
thing of the kind ever undertaken on
this continent.
Because of financial difficulty.
Henry C. Shell, a coal merchant of
New York, tried to kill himself by
shootlng. The doctors say there is
little hope for him.
It is asserted that tho distribution
of. relief funds through tho districts
affected by tho coal strike Is far too
small to meet the demands made
during the last few . days.
Tho New lork stage coach Pio
neer, which make dally trips be
tween Warwick and Goshen, was
held up and the passengers robbed
by three masked horsemen.
Clarence Thurston, a son of ex-
unltod States Senator Thurston, of
NCDrasica, and an attache of the
World's Pair offices In St. Louis, was
found unconscious from asphyxia
tion in his apartments at a hotel
early Wednesday morning.
"Genuine black diamond" stick
pins have been placed on sale In Chi
cago at 15 cents each. The "black
diamonds are lumps of anthracite
coal, fastened to gold-washed pins,
and they And a ready fale on the
streets and In some of the store.
Hotel Pendleton.
Mrs. J. S. Plamondon, Athena.
It. Greene, St, Paul.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
A. Legrand.
Frank A. Johnson, Louisville.
T. C. S. Smith, Kansas City.
C. H. Smith, Boston.
O. B. Prael, Boston.
B. W. Dennis, Duluth.
George E. Mosser. Spokane.
G. W. Derrick. Portland.
O. D. Beals, Portland.
George Stevens, Portland.
W. It. Glendenlng, Portland.
U. H. Caston, Spokane.
E. M. Porter. St, Paul.
H. B. Rees, Spokane. '
Miss Mabel Ballard, city.
J. A. Scott and wife. Helix.
Joo Lonergan, Tacoma.
C. W. Grimes, The Dalles.
Tom Sheridan, Echo.
B. E. MeCulIough, Echo.
It. E. Dayler, Detroit.
J. E. Foster, Washington, D. C
Tho new agricultural hall at Cor
vallis "will bo dedicated with appro
priate exercises October 15.
A flsh expert says black ba3S
should be kept out of the streams of
the Northwest, because they devour
tne salmon.
The Chinese pheasant season open
ed yesterday and hunters were eager
to get into tho sport, having been
prepared for days.
Tho second Eastern Oregon dls-
trie fair and carnival opened at The
Dalles Tuesday and large crowds are
promised for the entire week.
George Benolt was Instantly kill
ed In a planing mill at Everett,
Wash., Tuesday, by being struck In
the head with a board he was plan
Harry Rockwell, of Portland, Or.,
was seriously injured during prac
tice of tho Yalo football team, and
will be unable to play again this
F. Augustus Helnzo, has formed a
now party in Montana, known as tho
anti trust democracy, for tho partic
ular purpose of getting the scalp of
Senator W. A. Clark.
Colonel Frank J. Parker, a well
known newspaper man of Waliu
Walla, has struck It rich In the Seven
Dovlls country. In Idaho, having dls
covered a 12-foot ledgo of gold-bearing
quartz, assaying $17 per ton.
The Golden Rule.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
H. H. Calger and wife, Long Creek
fiarry flicuonaid, city.
John D. Toomay, city.
D. Richmond, Ukiah.
Doug Belts, Pilot Rock.
W. L. Davis, Portland.
E. A. Stephens, Nebraska.
J. M. Stephens, Nebraska,
John Graves, Huron.
Wallace Williams, Portland.
J. M. Churchill, Albany.
S. E. Churchill, Albany.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
B. T. Vaughn, Spokane.
Dr. Sponagle, Athena.
C. H. Rosenberg, Fulton.
Mrs. Rosenborg. Fulton.
S. E. Rosenberg, Fulton.
H. M. Rosenberg, Fulton.
F. C. Rosenberg, Fulton.
Mrs. M. M. Clahorn, Sacromento.
S. J. Davis Portland.
C. A. Vanderhoof, city.
Arthur C. Connolly, Seattle.
Fred Penkham, Condon.
George L. Watts, Baker City.
a day passes that the ordinance rel
Tin, l.rnUon Pimnln hnvo trnrlini.,,
hau Gil off Hip r i) apes nml t a. manv neiix, ur uu. .viiiit- inraw
times, dumped along the highways iree irom reauy uau weeu, mmnum
or insido tho city limits. It not onl) " l K1" ucn miliary io
thrwo mm. Helix nnd down toward Wallula are
imlie.i to km it vnrv ,inv hut n men- urrty wiui tumble anu other weeus
aco to the health of the community. Tho tumble weed .growth loons HKe n
Tim nniinnnrn wiiinh ,1mi1r with vast Held or alfalfa from a instance.
this matter nrohlblts nuisances of Tumble weeds are rolling now. nnu
any kind and covers many things several times this Beason they have
now liolnn- tnlnrntPrl whlnh irninln poured mio vnnsycie canyon BO
do not stou to think nro Included In thickly that tho "high line" train
the prohibitory list. This list covers was scarcely able to get up the grade
the scattering of rubbish of nny over them. The wheels ground tho
kind. Including broken bottles, pieces tumble weeds until the rails woro
of Iron or other metals, which could slimy and slippery, delaying progress
In any way cause personal Injury; for hours.
sweenlngs from stores or buildings.
and tho promiscuous scattering of Notice.
handbills. Whatever Is Indecent or All persons knowing themselves In
offensive to the senses, or Interferes dobted to mo will please call and set-
with tne enjoyment of life is ciasseu tlo tholr accounts.
as a nulsanco and a lino and impris- jj jj. SLOAN.
onment may bo nxed on tne person
responsible for such things In thp An entire brick block of 300-foot
city limits. front will soooii be built on Main
A violation of this ordinance will street nt Tho Dalles
mean to tbe offender, if he be appre
hended, a fine of not to exceed $50,
nor less than ?5, and Imprisonment
of not more than 20 days or less
than two days
Notices ore now being printed at
the expense of tho city to be posted
In conspicuous places over the city,
warning people to observe this ordl
nance. If it is broken In the future
there will be no excuse for the of
fender, for he'will have been warned
of tho law and the penalty of Its
krfr n,r
Work of Laying Cables Soon to Be
gin In Walla Walla.
Walla Walla. Oct. 2. Material is
expected here with which tn hepln
laying the conduits and cables for
the proposed underground telephone
system which tho Pacific States Tel
ephone & Telegraph Company will
Install in Walla Walla. Much of the
necessary material Is already on tho
ground. About three miles of cables
will be. laid in the business part of
town ana tne superintendent of the
enterprise has arrived.
Excavation for the new telenhono
oxchange on Alder street has begun
and most of the brick and other ma
terial Is in the street ready for con
struction. The prospective exchange
Is planned to be one of the prettiest
buildings artistically, In town.
If ill Mr v
For Sanative Uses.
Its remarkable, emollient, demising, and
liumying properties, lie.
rived irom Cirricuiu, the
great ekln cure, warrant U10
uo of C'UTicmiA Soav, In
the fumiof UlUia foranuoy.
I11K Intuitions, lufliiinmtu
Uons, anil cli.illnpru, for too
tree or offensive pcrplr.
fttton, and aeo In the form of
lntern.1l washes nmi aalu.
tlonsfor ulcerative weaknesses, and lorinanT
esnatlte, antiseptic purpoten which readily
luggest thcrueelvea to women, and especially
to mothers. The ute of C'irrii-UUA ointment
Willi CUTlcuiiA Suai- will auggest ltcdf lo
tie overer cases.
Soldthronxhdstthff worlj. Form D. ahdC. Coip
rruos.. Houoa. Cdticwu Soir liooi. In, to Womco.
Interests every household. Nn
important. Everybodv nn.v..one
safe in saying that every vuUl
isfied one. Best flour and Lc'Si
as near bread perfection as it
Cakes and Goodies fairl,, .i
glimpse at our stock of baking is sl
The place to get clean, ht& M
V 1 t " ' '"r'ilCWff;
1 1 leonone Pm 9
Give your children a thorough busi
The Pendleton Busing
Offers an opportunity to educato your cliJ??
send vour nhildrnn iumn,).L.
lego when Pendleton affords u tfwef'
tution 08 thorough andcoa-jS
petent ns any. L
Competent teachers with all modorndetfc
ing. The course includes Bookkee-P
cial Law, Short Hand, Typewrit'-?, ' -3
that goes to raako it first-claai
onts, call at the Pendfe
Business College and
investicate. I
tt h pnnrwfinw t.t. t Tt n..t
M I fcJWAlf AJAlt I 1,1U Will,
nrnTfffflliu EZM
Or yellow, or blue, or black otanvothtti
fore you do come to us and seeoutliiti'
Paints, Oils and Painter's Strpplks t
We have experienced workmen to do
will save you dollars on your job ilpS
with you.
Wall papering is a specialty withao
liastcrn Oregon carries a more conpK
the-second paper than we do.
Went Crazy Again.
Walla Walla, Oct. 2. Amos Ed
wards, a patient from tho state asy.
lum for the insane at Medical Lake.
How's Thlr. who was discharged as cured a few
We offer One Ilnnrlrnl noiisn Tt.w.rrt days ago and clven a ticket for Port.
for any cae of Catarrh that cannot ha land went mn- whon y,a ot..oi.
i.rul h. troll-. r....k r ' ........
Wlllln Wnllo .ml ,,ma 1.1... I..
r J t il' 1,V & CO., Toledo. O """"
We. the unrientimrd hv knnn p j charge by the snerlff yesterdav. Hn
i neney ror in pat in rir. and bellevr
mm to w prrrertly honorable In all hul.
(lrm rrtTT r m A v '
WKRT it TRDAX. WhnlnuU n-.,rt..
WholmaU DrneElata. Toledo. O.
Ilnll'a Catarrh Cnro l Mk.n in,..n.
aetlnir dlrM-tlv nrmn th blood and inneont
. Inj- njiern Tatimnnlali wnt
n I pr bot,,e- 8oI' by all
Halla Family la ar- the beat
One Day Enouoh For Brown.
tacoma. Wash.. Oct. 2. Ono nav
Was Cnoilcrh fnr Itmnlro Tlrnn.
he tonight wired his resignation to ,et-i on display, then write
Presldont I.ucas. The Tacoma club your ad Remembpr the
uwnurs nave consented to allow Mike r-oniest closes St ptember 10 &
Lynch to nmnlrn fnp ,1... t.nlnnAA I -j. a . -t . ' J zi
V' '"""v.u ulMf itnv niini lias a rhnnre m X
win the prize Try your $
Only a few davs more re
main before the contest clos
Several phpil have sent
in iheir advertisements. We
want a lot more.
Come and look at our Tab-
cu a on
x 2
9 -4
U DCKUUl 1 , "ar of Lee &
First claes repairing, best materials.
I MM: Mi
tho season. Drown did fnlrlv wnii
today for his first day. although he
had a hard game, wth many close
America's Famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Erup
tions, niotrhes. Soros, Pimples.
They don't have them, nor will any
one, who uses nurltlen's Arnica SMvn
It glorifies tho face. Efzoma or Salt
niieum van'sh before It. It cures
soro Hps, chapped bands, chilblains.
Infalllblo for Plies. 25c at Tallman
& Co.'s drug store.
j I lie advertisement winning
the prize will menpy our?
J reuular pae in the East
? Oregf n an n- x' week. ft
Watch for it
Book Stnr
25c and 50c
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Drtxggists.'
Phone, Main 851.
. . met S
Comes whent!jgjj
Eian nnisnnii,-
tornirces IB Ifrtl
are now shov
. i:. nts
in C01UHU61 -ij
tv of design IN
finish thefenflj
of art. W
$4 to $50-
week. rt.Ak
Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better flow
The cream of the wheat crop enters Hj .-
Flour, which is right for bretf",' .m
i ancy nam6'
W. S. Byer sf Propriefe
For Health, Strength and
neasure unnk
olydore Moens, Proprietor.