ITION DAILY EVENINGED1TIDH Eastern Oregon Weather Fair tonight and Friday; prob- ably cootcr Friday. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEG02S", TlTUlt S DAY, OCTOBEH'2, 15)02. NO. 45o3 Pip ilM.WMMHM-ike Lead- 1, P,!0lllfe w4 Ul f VTBB bote strUm. e titan, " 9Ih ipnny 0, jrs at a stones kocr this .found lito have I. pflred up- tt colliery it wag ln- ric; nd. .onftvWftyn, .difficult. rB'imo we jnr u;ei hub whohad ' haoewsjcT vcr in his it usage. on miner. Ioub near I glit, and car track. id struck horribly irr.-:Pi ;Wg(,2. Eleven lors wer here rifTtty. 'ShefMCcobs with y -oonipMr r militia, & ifMtegMHl mailing acter. steam coal, and Is using furnace coal, of which It has about 25 tons. Thl condition prevails at many other In stitutions. It was said at the office of the charities department that no real distress has been experienced in any of the city charitable Institutions. The price of anthracite has reach cd $21, but some retailers are ped dltng out their small supplies at $15 or $16 to old customers. Importation of "Welch nnthracite and French bituminous can in no way relieve the situation, for the few car goes that have been landed aro st little account. There are only about 8000 tons of this coal now on the way but orders have been placed this week for 25.000 tons. At least month is required, however, to fill the orders. The cost of importing Welch coal under normal conditions Is about $7. WANTED FOR GRAND LARCENY. Is Hessey, Arrested by the Police, Wanted In Walla Walla. Acting under instructions from the Walla Walla county officers, a man named Hessey was picked up hore today by the police. A telephone message came from Walla Walla, giving a description of Hessey and saying to arrrest and hold him until the officers arrived. He Is wanted there for grand larceny, but the par ticulars of his crime are not known. An officer will arrive this evening and return with the prisoner. Epidemic of Suicides. San Francisco, Oct. 2. An epldem ic of suicides has been raging here for the past 10 days. Nlnteon cases have been reported, four shooting, 10 poisoning, Ave asphyxiation. Seven men and 12 women are the victims of deatU by their own hands. BECAUSE HE SWORE ent when c APT. BUTTS. OF WYOMING. td through ..., .. . . -Tthe sheriff ocl mnlmL,lu' SSEIl8 ObJted to Reprimand Delivered by I IX A-J ..fill retrial and wm f ,11 each. pear Before General Funston, lit ..J i" f arfc.5 Jk AW it mm Bp wffldH a" to; nla'er ads tnrtw,- went, .tl UOttCOW 'Senator 'dfty'.jto'l'i ition and wrigut a i te le, MiiilTfi mm, Fort niloy, Kan., Oct. 2. For Presi- swearing in the presence of superior ening for officers, when reprimanded by Colo- no pre- nol Sanno, of the Eighteenth Infant in tile ,, nnn)nln Tl.ilto f T?nr-i Ui,t.coll certain ,vyon"ng, ueiougmg 10 us same reg Arm on Inient, is said to be in danger of nference court martial. The incident occur rtion. In re,i nf ty.f. nloRA nf vfiRterHnv'a mn. .1 I - " WUII1U I O.U.I.V v.. -1.,.l Tl.. ll. . ;uiJituu xjukva win uuvg to amjtjur before General Funston In the event of being arrested and court martial resident od. Butts is a famous Indian fighter ecrotary and author of a standard military Ho is de- manual of athletic exercises, of the carefully STUDENTS HAZE POLICE, .1 report, Senator Deprive Officers of Coats and Hel lis nf at- mets and Turn Hokc on Th.m la 1.1 ef- ... . . hJV. . iu, Vlil., 6. J W11U llUi. curred on tlio campus of the State ed. University this morning when four renorted officers attempted to arrest students President for bicycling on sidewalks. Governor lve hundred students seized the tend the omcers, deprived them of their coats unorrow. aml helmets, tied them to a tree and turned the hose on them. Thev were men pui on separate street cars and lope, FATAL EXPLOSiON Lawson Mine in Washington Blown Up by Explosion of Fire Damp, FOURTEEN MINERS ARE BURIED BENEATH GROUND. Five Bodies Recovered; All Scandi navians Victims Have Families Wild Scene at the Mine. Black Diamond, Wash., Oct. 2. A frightful disaster occurred in Lie Lawson mines, located one half mile from this place, this morning. Fire damp exploded just as the day shift went to work,and 14 men are known to be killed. One body was recovered, but the others are imprisoned under the ground. Men, women and children for miles around are rushing to the sceno of the disaster. The miners killed by the explosion are mostly married men and white. The mine is owned by the Pacific Coast Company, and was considered safe. A special train carrying a force of men to lend aid, and officers of the company, was called from Se attle. Five Bodies Recovered, Black Diamond, Oct.2 .Five dead bodies have been recovered from the debris of the mine wrecked today by an explosion of fire damp. The bodies are those of Scandinavians. Work of uncovering the victims of the disaster is carried on by willing hands. T 11 Two Billions of Dollars Wil Be Arrayed Against the Packing Trust, LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION AND RAILROADS COMBINE WARDEN ARNEY RESIGNS. Will Have Assistance of Government Legal Department to Thwart the Merger of Large Packing Compa nles. Denver, Oct. 2. The National Livestock Association, several of the largo Western railways and the gov ernnient legal department will com bine in a fight against the proposed packing house merger. President Springer, of the Live stock Association, made this state ment today after a conference with President Moore, of the Kansas City stock yards and officers of the asso ciation. Capital reaching the amount of $2,000,000,000, will bo represented in the fight against the merger. BUCKEYE ENDEAVORERS. rich.. Oflt. -ll . Jm tl.OUS- told never in return Th. I,, if jHtV: ttoltod thoir in- helmota and coats were cut to 'pieces Wilfeoal strlk and dlstriouted as spuvonlrs among n ;,wk' 4ip uay. May- in e siuaems. a -he: m Jrffwd if the r'tHJlMlir; tlm0- Marines for West India. rsonoiK, Oct. z. The cruiser Prai TRIAL. rlo arrived here this afternoon and is now taking aboard 500 marines for ork, Sum- servlco at Culebra, West Indies. 4 .W.MNPP ismsm Large Numbers of Delegates Gather Ing at Zanesvllle, Ohio, Zanesvillo, O., Oct. 2. Arriving trans today brought scores of dele gates and visitors to the state Chris tlan Endeavor convention, which will be in session here during the remain der of the week. Cleveland, Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, San dusky and other chief cities of the stato have sent large delegations. As fast as they arrived the visitors were met at tho station by whito-capped members of tho reception committee and escorted to headquarters where they were registered and assigned to private families who are entertaining, Tho gathering will be formally Compiles With Request of Com missioners of Idaho Prison. Boise. Trtnhn. OnL 2. Thfl VftHltrnn. tion of Charles B. Arney as warden onened thls evening, when Dr. Emo- of the state penitentiary was filed l "". iBiueiii 01 ueuwvu urn this morning with the secretary of versify, will speak on "Education .for the board of prison commissioners, Evangelization." At the subsequent but appended to the resignation was 01 convention a numoer a demand to have the prison books ol prominent unnsuan worners win experted. The two communications uo "ellru, uie nurauer inciuoing i-res ar fia follows; Ident Medbury, of Indiana; Uev. Er "Boise, Idaho, Sept. 30. State ncst Bourner Allen, of Toledo; Miss Board of Prison Commissioners Anna Louise Mlnicb, of Indianapolis; Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request Mellville Ritchie, of Cincinnati; S. of date of 26th, notice of which was u- Muruon, or uieveiana, anu uev. j mailed to me on the 27th and re ceived by me on -the 28th, I hereby tender my resignation as warden of the Idaho state penitentiary. Yours, "CHARLES E. ARNEY. Asks For Auditing. "Boise, Idaho,, Sept. 30. To State Board of Prison Commissioners- Gentlemen: I most respectfully re- C. Slayter, of Akron. DISCORD IN PORTLAND. r Before A NEW ENTERPRISE. Attorney- ted tho ap- ew York I erators be 2EL K jfec if A Pendleton Firm That Is Dolnn , Flourishing Business. ' S. F. Wakefield & Co.. music deal ihow cause ers ,lave slnco the 15th of Septem it hn ir.Bti. ber sold pianos and organs to tho fol :ihe Donelly lowing well-known people: jf was set d' orBuson, an oin ronaDio jew on.; u. j. iiomrocK, a ceieoraion Smith & Barnes: W. T. Riebv. a Schiller, of western fame; George h. Mcuonaid, a beautiful Smith & l uarnes; u. a. jonnson, the Hamil ton, or fans Exposition fame; Mr. Leo Gard. nlfin n HnmlHnn- Mr nil. Of I vpi Vnnttu n Qmltl. P. T) n .... . r I r i . i. I . .- v, . w uniucD, w i 11, j;wiiu ucuib iratuer, a Western Cottago Organ; T scarcity of n H. Brlccs. a Chicaeo CottAKe: W. t hospital H. Bovd. a Hamilton llkewin.! n rc st a week, cargoli, a Smith & Barnes, his irtunato as choice: a. J. nmiiwoi n nhi.n tons about cottago; J. IT. Morro and son, two WBt tWO Kincrsblll-Vfi! Rlvln P.r.-lltr finrt Mr al for Cllll- ChnrluH Hnf,IIncR mr1i n nrlrn nlnnn i, supply of In tho Ludwig. Itutlons ffer. pitals Merrill's Plan to Regulate Vice Meets With Opposition From Mayor Portland, Oct. 2. Councilman Merrill's resolution rcquestinK tho no lice department to enforce tho laws quest tho designation by you of an aeainst gambling was Introduced and expert accountant with Instructions i"""c " luul iuncu yc to come to the Idaho state peniten- terda; afternoon. The resolutioa is tinrv nnrt thorr. nu.nt with mm nil a Plain request to have ordinances the books, bills and accounts, reports, enforced, but it is intended to com, files and entries made durlne tho Pel gamblers to pay a monthly II- rm nr mv inrnmhonnv wnrrten cense. There was a largo nudltnce f H,ia 4r.citnMnn TMa t Ha. In the gallery of tho council cham' sire in common Justice to myself, the ber to learn what disposition would state and my bondsmen. My books, " ioiri iBnomuun. etc., will be left in the hands of my Amonf 4thosP Present were several clerk, in whom I have the most ab- en interested In gambling houses if f.m,firipn,. nn,i wi,n will net wliilo the remainder, for tho most for me m making up the statement "a"; WT BI,"8;, ln nrnrtnrv to n clearance. Yours. The plan of Merrill, as gulfing 1 ' - ' I ot n Un ma n t,n f,min, It is expected E. L. Ballard will B"J,eu up " r.' c"u,'u1 . u,,jr take charge tomorrow. "r " opmt to -rue pcM which all aro anxious to air their views Former Minneapolis Chief of Police ' it w noi making roniana an open . j n.,u. -j d..-i.uj lown, out a ciotseu town, ib mo t-on Accepted Bribe, and Is Punished. L tlo of lhe Bupporten ot tho rea. Minneapolis. Oct. 2. Fred Ames, nlntJnn. "The reHohitlon nrnvliloa former chief of police of this city, tnat tho pojice department of the NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers, New York, Oct, 2. -Tho wheat market wan firm today nnd at ono time showed an advance of 4c, but tho closo was unchanged from yes' tornay, 74 lfc for December wheat Tho Minneapolis millers having set tied with tho strikers, that market was active nnd higher for- cnBh wheat .which sold 2 cents over Dccombor, Closing prices: New York, 74H; Chicago, r.9r?. St, Paul, 192. L. & N., 140. Union Pacific, 106. Steel, 02. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 2. Wheat 69. Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Oct. 2. Wheat- BY WIRELESS TELEGRAPH Messages Sent twenty-two Hundred Miles In England, Sydney, N. S. W.. Oct. 2. It is re ported hero upon npparontlv cood authority that commun'cation by wireless tciegrapn lias been ostali Hshod between Capo Dreton and Cornwall, England, and that complnto messages havo passe.l between tho two points. Engecinr Vyvian, In charge of tho operator's table ot the head station, refused to either deny or confirm tho report. Cape Breton and Cornwall aro 2200 miles distant from cich other and it communication has been accom plished it Is looked upon as a great triumph for the now system . f tele graph. BATTLE IN SERVIA Macedonians Capture a Town From the Turks and Annihi late tho Garrison, VICTORS DESTROY 100 MILES OF RAILROAD. GAVE HIM THE HA HA EX-COUNCILMAN UTHOFF TELL8 MOURNFULL TALE. Promised $100,000, But Received Only $5000 and the Horse Laugh, Hence He "Squealed" on the Briber. St. Louis, Oct. 2. Ex-Councilman Uthoff testified in the bribory case this morning. Ho told how Bnydcr offered him a package containing ?50,ooo for his vote in favor of tho traction bill, which ho docllned. Sny der then promlesd him $100,000 and that amount ho agreed to. Snydor told him ho did not havo that sum of money with him, but would pro euro It and call lator. Uthoff voted for tho traction bill tho some doy In accordance with agreement. Moot ing Snyder in New York a few days later ho demanded tho monoy prom ised, but got only SG0Q0 and tho horso laugh. Turks Surround 3000 Rebels at Rado vls Latter Escape, Leaving Half Their Number Dead on the Field Fierce Fighting. Vlonna, Oct. 2. Dispatches today stato that 1000 Macedonians captur ed tho Important town of Mitrovltza, Scrvla, from tho Turks, annihilating tho garrison and gaining a strong foothold for further operations, Tho victors destroyed 100 mllci of inllway in tho vicinity of tho cap tured town and laid overythlnc to waste. Turkish troops surrounded 300 rebols at Hadovls and a fierce fight ensued, tho trapped soldiers fighting desperately. After a 14-hour olrug glo tho Macedonians broko through tho cordon nnd escaped, leaving 150 dead and wounded men behind them. Tho Turks suffered a loss of 78, killed and wounded. Tho attacking party greatly out numbered tho robols, but tho latter, goaded by desporatlon, put up a val iant fight. Whon escape was finally accomplished, half thoir number had succumbed to tho fiorconcss of tho battio. DEATHS IN ILOILO. was this morning sentenced to a term clty ebfllI enf0rco the laws against In the penitentiary for receiving -ambllne and similar vices minUliln 1 1 J Jn..i,tal.l. .H-nM Am I u Dnues jruiu uioreimmuie wumeu m thn offfindfirK hv imnoalnir nnd rol mum ior i uwvuu piwwuuu. lectins fines. If tho vlo atora con Hnno in hronlr thAflft nrdlnnnru thev oceia v, nnci. ar0 agaln to ue arrested and J'ned Spokane, Wash., Oct. 2. several and, so on indefinitely." hundred farmers In Eastern Wash- Mayor Williams declares that bo is ington and Oregon aro finding It more personally opposed to such an ar profitable to raise sugar beets than I rangement, and will oppose it unless wheat. They aro turning an incrcas- the romainder of the city government ed acreage from wheat to beet cui- favors tho plan, when, of necessity, ture, with large profits in sight. The there will le nothing for him to do averago Income per acre for this sea- but permit matters to tako their son's crop of sugar beets 1b estlmat- course for the time being. ed at $31. GO, Farmers are now pull Ing tho crop. They say beet raising I Heir to Oukedom. Ib threee times as profitable as wheat! London, Oct. 2. The Duchess of growing, nosiaes requiring less ex- Manchester, former v MIkh He en pensive machinery and apparatus to Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, eave birth Jl. 41 I . uuiiuie me crop. I to a boy this morning. Cholera Causes 2740 Deaths In One Day, Manila, Oct. 2. It iu understood that C124 cases of cholera and 2740 deaths from that dlsoaso wore ported in tho proylnco of Hollo, island of Panay, on Monday. ThlB Ib the highest record for any district Blnce tho outbreak occurred, and oxcecdH the total of Manila and many of tho provinces Blnce the commencement The town of Mingo, In tho province of Hollo, was tho worst BiiCforer, 1173 cases being roportod there Monday, At Cabetaum there were 899 cases and at Dumangas 399 enses foro re ported Monday. The pcoplo aro flee Ing to tho mountalnH, leaving thq dead unburled and tho dying uncared for. Tho government has ordored ad dltloual doctors and medicines to bo sent to Hollo. The number of vie Urns make ordinary sanitary meas ures impossible. Tho totals for all tho province Monday wero 6300 casts and 3091 deaths. MUNICIPAL BONDS ACCEPTED. Treasury Committee Agrees on Stan dard for Money Securities, Washington, Oct. 2. Au advisory committee, consisting of Treasurer Roberts, Comptroller Illdgoloy and Assistant Socrotury Alios, was ap pointed by Secretary Shaw to pass upon municipal bonds offered at the meeting this morning, decided to tako afl standard, accoptabio securi ties, all such as wero accoptabio at Now York's saving banks. Tho commlttoo tnndo public thin afternoon a list stating what mu nicipal hnmlR would hn acceptable as security for government doposlts. No fnr western cities aro included. The committee has nlroady nccoptod $1,- 000,000 worth of Philadelphia and New York bonds that were offorod. WILLAMETTE ACCIDENT. THE PIU8 FUND CASE. Arguments Closed Yesterday at Th Hague and Decision Awaited. Washington, Oct. 2. The otato de partment today rccoived a dlBnatch from Judge Penllold, solicitor for tho state department, which says thu ar gumcnts for both sides on tho Plus fund at Tho Hague, closed yostorday. Tho arbitration court has 30 days In wiiicn to render its decision. GENERAL BISBEE RETIRES. After Fort Years of Service In the United 8tates Army. Washington, Oct, 2. Tho war de partment today announced the vol untary detlremont of General Blsheo Mrs. Hughes, of Portland, Narrowly Escapes Drowning In the River. Salem, Ore., Oct. 2. Mrs. llonry H. HiighoB, wife of tho well known Portland railroad man, narrowly es caped death by drowning In tho Wil lamette rlvor TiiOKdiiy afternoon. She was saved by Mrs, II. O. Moyors, a prominent Hocloty woman of thin city, who caught lior Juct as oho was sink ing for tho third time. The accident which camo so near resulting In tho deuth of Mrs. HiiBhos was calmed by the tipping of a boat In willed hIio stood to Imvo her pic turo taken by Mrs. Moyors. Vho two women woro accompanied only by Mrs. Moyora' llttlu daughter, so there wuh no one to assist in tho rescuo but Mrs, Moyors, Want Own Bishop, Hnselton, Pn., Oct. 2. A Bcoro of prlostB and Iwlco as many laymen. representing Uio Greek Catholic church of tho United tSatoa and Ca nada, are gathering iioro for a con ference that promises to have an im portant effect on the future of the Greek church in America, Tho mm berH of tho denomination at PTesont are under the Jurisdiction of the He- man hlahops. Thoy want a blshon of their own and bh hooh as they be come organized it Is said that An drew IfodolKiy, who rocently was ap pointed thoir vicar-Konoral. will bo olocted to the Episcopacy and placed over them. Indian Golf Tournament Marlon, Ind., Oct. 2. The annual state golf tournament opened today on tho HnkH of tho local organisation with roprewontatlvos In attendaneo from Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne and other leading cities of tho stato. Judg ing from tho promptltiido of playors nd olllciaiH in thu opening round and tho high standing of the participants no tournament will provo tho most now en route homo from the Phllliv- pines. Qeneral Blsheo has been idon- notablo In tho history of tho state or- tinea wnn tue Bervice jor v years, ganlratlon, a?. .. . ...r- "" m-A -7 . au. iMsal ulkkkl