East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 01, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    Highest honors at the Pan American
Received the Gold Medal. &
Bclentlilc modeling, graceful nntl stylish
Hues, beautiful leathers nud thuiouuh work- 3fi
Do you know thnt hiimlnnier mid hotter
llttlug shoes nmy now be hnd nt f3 than was
lK8ll)le nt nuj price a ricenriu hIucu?
Paying more la extruvaguuee.
Let us provo the met hy fitting you with
a pair of these "Gold Mednl" shoes.
Good Shoes Cheap Phono Black 91
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Will Wells Is In town from Athena.
Ed Hammer Is In town from Echo.
Dr. Sponaglo is hi town from Athe
L. D. Iteeder Is in Portland on legal
William Miles has gone to Wash
ington, D. C.
A. H. Sunderman and 'Ife, of AthO'
na, are In town.
Mrs. Perry Hoaser has gone to Illi
nois to visit her old home.
Dr. J. B. Olmstead, of Portland, is
a guest of Hotel Pendleton.
J. E. Davis and B. h. Wright, of
Milton, are at tho Golden Rule hotel.
President Doug Belts, of tho East
ern Oregon Woolgrowers' Association
is in town.
Attorney R. J. Slater left this morn
ing for Portland, where ho goes on
legal business.
Matt Mosgrove, a prominent busi
ness man of Milton, Is a guest of Ho
tel St. George,
- Ex-County Surveyor C. E. Macom
ber Is In town from his stock ranch
' on Camas Prairie.
Mrs. John Vaughn has returned
from Spokane, whero sho visited
friends for a. month.
J. F. Kelly, ropresC!iS l"? "lc
nnrlpr Tvnfiwrltnr Cnmnanv. nf . nrt"
land, was in town Tuesday.
Senator-elect William Pierce and
family returned this morning from
Portland, where Mr. fierce had been
on business.
Charles Stickler, who has brjen em
ployed in tire Boston Store, left this
morning for Idaho, where he goes to
take a position in a hotel.
"Grandpa" Moorhouse, of Weston,
who has been in the hospital at Walla
Walla for several months, has so far
recovered that he has been brought
Mrs. Areta Plamondon, of Athena,
passed through Pendleton this morn
ing on her way homo from a three
weeksS visit in Portland .-nd othe
valley points.
Mr .and Mrs. Joseph Roberts, step
father and mother of Judgo W. It. El
lis, left Tuesday evening for their
homo In Iowa, after spending several
weeks visiting in Oregon.
Operator Mllledgc, who has been
holding down tho place of C. S.
Haynes for a month, loft tills morning
for Starbuck. Mr. Haynes resumed
his position tills morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Flynu and
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hand arrived this
morning from Michigan and will
make their homes hero. Mesdamcs
Flynn and Hand are sisters of Mrs.
C. J. Whitakor nnd C. R. Dutton.
J. C. Spoonemore loft on Tuesday
ovenlng's O. R. & N. passenger train
for Missouri, whero ho goes to visit
uls mother, whom ho has not seen fo
29 years. Mr. Spooncmoro was In
Pendleton when It was only a very
small village. Ho will be absent
about a month.
C. Jj. McGinnls returned on Tues
day afternoon's O. It. & N. Irain from
Walla Walla, where lie had been to
visit his wife, who is in the hospital.
Ho returnPd In tho ce-iing and
wilt remain In that city unfit after
Thursday, when Mrs. McOinnls will
undergo an operation.
Isaac J. Major, representing tho
Coo Commission Company, grain
commission and stock brokers, re
turned Tuesday evening from Spo
kane, where he spent two weeks visit
ing friends.' Ho will open n branch
ofuco for tho Coo Commission Com
pany on Court street in a few days.
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders.
F. & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stjilifigia, Hi'Je cf
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is a powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and blood
purifier Sold only by
Distinguished Visitors.
Among tho distinguished visitors In
town yesterday and this morning
were T. W. Gouldlng, superintendent
of the second district for the Western
tinlnn wliii headnuarters In Seattle:
T. P. Smith, assistant superintendent
of construction for tho Western
Union, with headnuarters In San
Francisco; E .A. Kipnol, superlnten
dent of telephone, for tho O. R. & N,
system, of Portland; and T. Don
ovan. electrician for tho Western
Union, of La Grande. They are malt
ing a special tour over tho country,
Inspecting the lines of tho Western
Union and looking after Die business
of the company. They left this morn
ing for Walla Walla.
Artisan Social.
Tho two Pendletm Artisan lodges
held n social Katharine In Odd Fel
lows' hall last night nt which tlmo a
pleasant evening was spent. Dr,
Olmstead, supremo medical advisor.
from Portland, was In attendanco and
delivered a lecture. Singing, Instru
mental music and iccitatlons were
tho source of o.itartalnment. Re
freshments "wore served.
Bought 1200 Hsad of Cattle.
Wesley Parker, who owns a large
area of hay nnd pasturo land In tho
North Powder se-itlon, recently con'
traded for 1200 head of cattle In tho
upper Burnt River section, S00 head
from Thomas Driilta, 150 head from
Alexander McPherson and the bal
anco irom ouier Kto.;Kgrowers, says
the Pejnocrat, Mr, Parker in turn
"has sold several Iliad of steers to
Brown & Proffltt and tho cattle will
be fed on their Iwer Powder river
and Eagle valley ranches. Tho bal
anco Mr. Parker will feed for mar
ket nt North Powder. Union Republican.
Mr. Yernlng ilf you will only mar
ry me, I promise you I'll make you
a good husband. Miss Do Termlnd
Never fear! It I decide to marry
you I'll make you that. Philadelphia
Man wants bnt little here below,
This statement causes mirth;
It may have been so long ago,
But now he wantsjthejeartli.
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth for sale, locat
ed in and about Pendleton.
Choice city property, ranches and farms
at bargains.
tr TT T T m TTT T 1 r riQKlPiij
Will Begin Practice This Evening
Players Have Not Been Assigned,
But Both Teams Will Be Strong
About Whitman College Players,
Tho baseball nnd Uio football sea
sons camo nearly overlapping ench
other this ccason. Tho din of battlo
from tho diamond has hnrdly ceased,
and already the football enthusiasts
aro beginning to think of brushing up
for tho griuiron campaign.
The Pendleton high school will be
l presented with n strong team agnln
this season. They hnvo already be
gun to organize and tonight tho
first practice will ho Indulged In to
try out tho men for their positions
It will bo soveral wccla, however,
before they begin playing In eanipst.
Tho tennis have to be gotten together
and thoroughly orgnnlzcd, ofilrers
elected nnd each player trained for
his position. Last year tho high,
school had n vpry strong team nnd
this season they expect to bo still
Tho academy is also figuring on n
football tdain. Tito boys have not
thoroughly organized, but this will bo
done In a few days and nctunl grid
iron work will begin.
When theso two teams are organiz
ed It Is expected to get games with
Whitman Collogo and other schools
and colleges In tho country which can
bo easily reached from Pendleton.
About tho prospects of gridiron
sports the Walla Walla Union has
tho following to sny:
Chittenden Leads.
Captain Ed Chittenden, of
Whitman College football team
tho present year, has returned
school and now has charge of
team while actually engaged In play.
Chittenden will play halfback, his
former position. - There hns been a
general feeling that tho Whitman
team would not be as strong this year
as last, but Mr. Chittenden does not
feel this way about it. Wbllo tho loss
nf Zercher Johnston. Haucrbach nnd
Walters will bo greatly felt, Mr. Chit
tenden thinks lie can handle a win-
nlntc aggregation this fall. Ho said:
"None of the men have been as
signed positions as yet, but there is
llttlo doubt tho team will bo very
fast, although probably not quite as
heavy as last season. Both Fred nnd
Wiley Lasator havo returned nnd aro
getting themselves again accustomed
to tho hard knocks and there live
plenty of other men to chooso from.
J-ater In tho year I may try to play
at tackle. One thing la certain, and
that Is that only tho best men can
mnko tho team nt all, and those who
do secure places will have to work to
win them and work equally hard to
maintain titcm after they aro won.
Thero will bo practice games all of
next week to test and keep up tho
mettle of tho mon."
tlomont of tho estnto of Wllllnm D
tinimlnir. was filed by J. E. Holmlck
o.iminiafmtnr. Aftor nil claims woro
.,M n hnlnnrn nf J874.ll la left. TllO
administrator asks to bo roleaso
from his charge
Case of Richardson vs. McCorkell et
a I. Continued Divorce Granted.
Tho case of D. B. Richardson vr
McCorkell nnd McKachorn, which has
boon occupying tho attention of Judgo
Ellis for tho past two days, was con
tinued last evening on account or imp
sickness of Jerry Stono. of Helix, who
1b n. witness In tho case. Tho caso
will bo tnkon up and finished as soon
nH Mr. Rfnnn Is nblo to nppear In
Pickering vs. Pickering.
Mrs. Cnrrlo Pickering was granted
a dlvorco from George Pickering on
tho grounds of tlesortlon.
Five Looked Too Big.
J. C. Colo Bpent last night in tho
city Jail and this morning was taken
beforo City Recorder McCourt and
fined $5. Colo pleadod guilty to tho
charge of being drunk, hut snld If ho
was disorderly ho did not know it
Whon tho fine was announced Colo
begged tho judge to mako It S3 In
stead of $5, but Judgo McCourt icily
renlled that ho was lucky not to bo
fined $10. Tho flno was paid.
I-ntor Cole was ngaln placed in
Jail before noon today. Ho hnd $2.G5
left when his flno was paid this
morning nnd apparently ho walked
direct from police court to a saloon
whero ho -again filled up on "boozo."
When pretty well loaded ho began
making a nuisance ol hlmsolf and was
taken in by tho officers. Ho had
spout tho S2.GG h'ft and was dead
broko whon taken in tho second tlmo
nnd will probably bo given a chanco
to sober up nnd ioflect beforo he
Is released again.
Robinson Gets Ten Days.
M; C. Robinson, crrcated a month
ago charged with Jetting n room on
fire in the Ponland lodging house and
during tho excitement uttomptlng to
rob, was sentenced today by Judgo
Ellis to servo JO days In tho county
Jail. Ilohinson was given a prelimi
nary hearing when arrested, and was
bound over. He denied tho chargo of
attempting to rob o- having nny such
Intentions. Ho wa3 bound over and
placed in Jail In ilofault of bonds.
Since thnt tlmo ho remained, In the
county Jail awaiting tho Octobor torm
of court, but today ho concluded he
would plead guilty and bo sentenced.
After spending a month In Jail tho
judgo gave him 10 days, thinking that
ho had received sufficient punishment
lor his crime,
No One Injured, But Engineer Had a
Close Call Sevorar Freight Cars
Were Badly 8mashed No W. &. C.
R. Train Yesterday,
Owing to tho wreck i.f a freight
trnln at Stanton yesterday, loaded
with wheat, which completely block
aded tho track, no trains camo In over
tho W. & C. R. lino yesterday.
Tho caimo of "tho wreck Is thought
to hnvo boon tho spreading of the
rails. Tho trnln wns nn extra freight
loaded with grain hound for the
Sunnd, nnd whon running at regula
tion speed near atanton tho engine
gnvo a lurch sldowiso anil came very
nenr turning on its side. Nino load
cd wheat cars followed the onglno
off tho track und piled In all kinds of
shnpe, breaking thorn up considera
bly. A wrecking crow wns imniodlntclv
dispatched lo tho scene of tho wreck,
but tho road 'was bo completely
blocked with tho heavily loaded enn
that, no trains woro nblo to pass yes
torday and tho W. & C. It. passongoi
from Pasco only nrrlved here tlilr.
just rei
Ian. - W
nnr lir. .
Equalization Board Meets,
Tho county equalization board will
meet at tho courthouso next Monday
for tho purpose of rovlowlng tho 1902
assessment, Tho hoard consists of
County Judgo Hartman, County As
sessor Buznn and County Clerk Cham
borlaln, nud thoso having a kick, real
or Imaginary, will bo expected to bo
on hand nnd register it In duo form
nt this moting. The board will bo In
session nil wcolr.
"They toll mo Mamie Is awfully
clovnh nt problnms." "Sho ought to
be, she takes in all tho problem
plays." Cleveland Plnln Dealor.
HOGrt V,.. ...
wter. "Iala(i
In. """US
hall ol Mm, .
ItHtolluT 0101
12,100 h.tplriftlS
Anything j0nuilll.
, sae'tb
What Caused Them to Go Out Is Puz
zling Electricians.
What was tho troublo with tho
electric lights in Pendleton Monday
and Tuesday nights? This Is a ques
tion which has not been solved, but
the lights will all bo on tonight tho
samo ns formerly. Tho difficulty has
been remedied by tho linemen, but
whnt it was is tho thing that Is troub-
II 4, 1
iiiiR mum.
Tho town was in semi-darkness
Monday night, whero the Incandes
cent lights wero used, and Tuesdnv
night all of town below Main street
was In darkness, but tho cause Is a
mystery. About 7:30 Monday- even
ing tho lights suddenly becanio dim,
and a part of tho tlmo shed but llttlo
light and burned brightly for a few
minutes at a time. It was thought
by tho electricians that this waR
caused hy tho seerlng together of two
wires somewhere, but this theory has
bcn exploded, nnd Instead of the
linemen finding tho real causo they
have worked all over tho lines nnd
whllo at work havo remedied tho de
feet without finding the cause.
$10,000 Farm Sold.
The Caused Real Estato Company
sold 100 acres on Catherine Creek, of
tho G. M. McConnell land, to T. H.
Swebke, of Cedar Rapids, Nob., who
will tako possession March 1. Tho
consideration was $10,620. Mr. Swob
ko is n sturdy Eastern Gorman farm
or, who will gre.it'.y lmprovo this
tract. Observer,
Vmr HB0
Lien for $165.08.
A mechanic's Hen was filed nt the
courthouso this afternoon by the
Gray's Harbor Commercial Company,
against Elvln Craig, on the barn own
ed hy him, known ns tho Dopot Mvory
atauies. The lien Is fo. 5165.08 al
leged duo for lumber used In tho re
pairing of tho barn.
Will Probated, Administrator Ap
pointed and Final Report Filed.
Dora Ellis, of Uklah, who was In
town yesterday, filed a petition in the
proiialo court of Umatilla county ask
ing that tho last will and testament
of James Baldwin, deceased, ho ml
mltted nnd she bo appointed executrix
of tho same, according to the terms of
tho will. Tho not tlon alleees thai
ino property of deceased does not ex
ceed $1500 and this is to bo divided
between nlno children. The petition
was granted by County Judgo Hart-
C. B. Wade, Admlnittrator.
Tho petition of Charles J. Rmlth
asking that C. B. Wado bo appointed
administrator of tho estito of Chas
a. uraig, deceased, was cianted hv
Judge Hartman. Tho petition seti
forth that tho real property of do.
ceased Is worth about $2000 and tho
personal property is valued at $6000.
Deceased has no relative In Umatll
la county, but has one sls'or In Malno.
Final Report
The final report on the will ana sot
This Week
: : Buys a good business
This shoo is union
J mado, fine volour calf,
j folded vamps, beaded
; tips, good bottoms, Good
;; year stitched,
A serviceable, sensible,
:; practicable shoe.
I $3.00
! Peoples Warehouse j
rt a 11 . . . rt T. .ti4&Hft8t
uommoncos tcuay, on uioaKS, uapes, jaueucurv,
n 1 ...:n : u
1IL UHb OJXli lot uiiu win luiiiiuui; uhui ilekm
October 2nd. A big cash discount will twfl
these goods.
Do not miss this sale if you want!
styles for lowest prices that will enable p
them this season. Remember the largestsa
county to select from and prices guaranteed
the Lims MEnmn
Itemeniber: Tho largest stock of goods In theco
Is where MBldtejfc1
or merits of u nMl,
showy case Is titfegf
celleuce. ewSea.'g
Our pianos aieut'JVW
nrd of merit PV
tlon, tc'ieh,wwIvB
Ish. AhrajiMttoy
test. SoIdwttMJWi
lock prices. 'W
0 T MUhim
0. L Wfll
Wholesale end
We arc Headqtfanw
fincft line
alogue of them. A foil supply aiwYsW
Wti3MtMjaflliBitf i in.mil i I-..-,-,,'