Cads and Societies Classified Advertisements TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. COUNT 8IX AVERAGE TWO LINES. WORDS TO THE LI' E. THREE LINE8. ? JUDD a. m. i to 12 371. PAtN BLOCK. 'troubles, ratsr- Ired hearlne. efracttre er- SI. H OVEU THE .Telephone, 30; l. . 'Hotel (.. Ma.',; f; MAN," itlMr' ECTH Al 'AKD."iAl AND BTJ- and rella- or conn- CTORS AND ted on short ty. Prompt near main. D DDILD- all kinds e walls etc. office. 'K1.AW,TMtKERS. ITONBsJfi&F- AT II F.N A. Cap1ttt;jMffllU'Bnrplus and )0. ilnterestsa time deposits. iBtttjs ,'4 JPasisMIc exchange. prfiMUy aftonslaet to. Henry tmir;: :Brk, rlce-presl- .BANK TEN- March 1. Ins 00,000.; osits. tax- all principal ven to coi- dent: J. N. irxlfl, cashier. WESTON, leral bank- and sold. to. R. Proebstel, cashier; dl- jonns, t. re, Robert 'IONAL JJA1 lttfOTaBl general 'had telegraphic PENDLE- i, ;uo,uuu. Iness. Bx sold on 'a York and nfcSJln.itbe st. Drafts ope. Makes ilBa.iJapan. n-reason Levi An vlce-presl ntrw Wade, c C. Qoera- AND VERY the public. cEay, props. Btabie or will call KER. PROP. In front of LERS. 'AND SECOND Id. Court St. tajj see him. irlN SECOND - anythlnr you and furniture. kery, call and St. :b in iriMJriME":noAiF.oPATn- fa ND4 Spn. Office In (AM BiHMHtICIAN AND BWHllHK TiiH building, la tfiL JjjpJWk 'phone, black M X.' MbMnUn). cnnoNic Ms bMHl MMMceajM of wo- lftsWCor. Water hMMMMw. Tbone IWiaPILDERS. s trt iwv stsMWHin Ps. asaf ."a. -fr promptly mnOl ti'.J. R. HmR A. jJIiilBlwijgfc Mine- iQTDinAi'S'D tfANrjisjaWnoToTitA- Iweltr. fJIHpt views, In for aalev'VPalHng done for alnt.sjfadge. 'Phone 'a(HK our prices. ices. , offIcmPtto n v ood t UouseBlodkOiland office tr1 M 'B.jUl oas .and lnl- IMk)r, '.mm of Nid m- of r-lMBjcaMsjbkdcolIectlons. MP VmXaGE8. . lot tSMMSBBB Of MwHWaKsBA mfiimmt BRd stand ."owJl p .beat sanitary FRATERNAL ORDERS. ItOVATj NEIOnnORS OP AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second ad fonrth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' nan. Mrs. Ida uoicomb, Oracle Mrs. Nettle nobbing, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society nail, eecond and fonrth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordtalljr Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. B2, A. P. AND A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn month, visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M. ; Joe n. rarkes. Sec. TENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, tl. P., F. P. TVamsley. secretary. Meets first and' fonrth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythlns. L. W. neld, C. C; It. W. Fletcher, K. of R. and S. Meets every Monday In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Tiitnina camp. No. B3D9. Meets Brat and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hambltn, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OP TOE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W. are held In Becret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk ; A. J. Owen, C. C. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD SEMPLE FEED TARD, 723 Cottonwood street, Lindsay A Doty props. LI very, teed and sale stable, sad dle horses at all times. Horses for sal. 'Phone Red 41. TOE CITY LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Btable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. C(niHciAirsTAnLEs7arwTFRobMB Prop. Livery, Feed and Hoarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone Main 101. DEPOT LIVERY. FEED AND SALES b tables. First-class single and donble rigs for all occasions. 027 Cottonwood St., 'phone Main 701. Elvln Craig, prop. OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. F.OYNTON Prop. Special care given to Dorses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone Red 204 BOARD AND LODGING. THE HTRAnON ROOMING HODRE. MAIN St., Mrs. R. A. Strahon, prop. Nice large rell kept rooms In new building, with (ood clean beds. rnn witite lodging nousE, oi South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop. (Tonsekceplng rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, sell lept beds. Lodging 25 cents. UMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OP E. Court End Johnson streets : goods large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Hates 23c and B0r a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. rioTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates J4 and 5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, proprietor. BOOT AND 8HOE REPAIRING. L. QREKNAWALD, TIIE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First class repulrlne with best materials. Shop In rear of Ulndlngor, Wilson &Co. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS 8HOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta street TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. F. S MERTtlXL. SPOKANE. WASH , AOENT New Denimoro. Srnn1-hand typewriters, supplies, roniliiK, rep&lrin?. FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE A NEW REMINGTON TYPE writer; a bargain. Call at this office. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office, large bundles of newspnpers, con taining over 100 big pnpers enn be ob tained for 25 cents a bundle. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each nt 25 cents a bundle nt the EAST OREGONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RKVT-BARN. Kut,802 Ann St. ENQUIItB OK MARY FOR RENT rilRKISIIED HOtiaEKKEI'INQ rooms nnd slnelo rooms. 719 Colleen utrnet. opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop WANTED. WANTED OMAN TO COOK AND DO OEN. eral housework: lor lamlly ol two. Apply at this ofllco. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED RO0JIHFOR housekeeping. Apply at this office. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE or these classified columns. If too have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other ooiiy may iinve and pare no use ror, some thing that you may need In tout business. You may have au extra borne tbul you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Home body may have the cow and vehicle nnu want tno none, a ire or cent want aa win proDaniy ao tne Dusiness. MISCELLANEOUS. KELLAR JinOTnERS, PLA8TBRINO and cementlnir. Cement walks a sn. Jaltv. Estimates furnished free. Wo guaranteed. Leave orders at Badley at zahners clear store. Mala St. P. O. bt 104. BUUSCItlUERS TO MAGAZINES, II' YOU want to subscribe to magazines or news papers Jn the United Slates or Europe, re mit iy postal note, ciieck, or send to tne KAriT OUHUONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will .have it sent you and assume all the risk of the money belug lost .la .the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk, It yon are a subscriber to the East Oretfonlau. .In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publisher's price. Address EAST OREOpNIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. Kind Lady I'm surprised to see you in this state. Tinmp-So am I; but Ifs a long way to New York. Weekly Crop Bulletin. rt.v . ... eral ool rains in tho western section .lain liini. vl i"t- w u.'n a rrrti vt ii ii c. m OI tllfi State. In tlin oAstnrn aWlrm me rainiau was light and badly dls- tributed. Frosts occurred on several mornings, but they did no injury of consequence. The grain crop is being rapidly hauled to the warehouses and it Is now practically all threshed. Hop. picking is "finished, and tho crop, al though lighter than expected earlier In the season, is a good one, anj of excellent quality. Prune drying is In active progress, with variable yields, which are generally reported as light The rains have started a new growth of grass and fall pastureage is rapidly growing. Range stock, as a rule, are not In as good condition as usual at this season of the year. Po tato digging has begun and the Who Is Inside of This Shirt? Would be hard to guess, but if it is one of our patrons you can be sure that it is a man- who is well satisfied when lie gets it on. The man who gets behind a shirt front laundered here always beams with satisfaction when he sees the ex quisite color and finish that we have laid upon it. Our work fs the acme of perfection on shirts, col lars and cuffs and you can't match it anywhere. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY I. F. Bobluson, Prop. Pendleton. "Artel I ttus ludiued la Iry VAHVA' ui:tb, i mil uaioriKi nittiout them In toe house. Mr Urer irns lit a Terr Imd ba.ue. and mr head ached uud I hud ntumucu ttoublu. Now. atneo (lik ing Ca&curets. I ii'til iluo. Mr nlfe lias alto used thoiu with bcuolloial rctutl9 xorbourstouiacu. Jos. UUCUMNa, l'Il Cuiikrost St., St. Ixul, Ma CANDY TRACE MARK PI0J3TI RIO .Pleasant. Palatable. Potent Tunc Good, 'Do uooa. nerer icKen, weaken or (Jrlpc. 10c, SIcwq. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Sl.rllMff Coupta,. (klc.f.. Mb.lrritl, fl.w trt. Ill lin.Tn.RAT! Kulrl ""d g'larameed by all drug HU" I VJ-DAO gisii io t)VETobao) Habit. Laatz Bros. FOR Wood, Coal and Budding Material Delivered Promptly. We are in the transfering and trucking business and are pre pared to move light or heavy arti cles. OFFICE MAIM ST., Near Depot, Telephone Main 61. tubers whilo nn inr nr mnmtir I ... . . in l ' i m u l iiiiiiniv' t n a vini,i ni i im a low the average. Late Potatoes have hoeil rrrpntlv linnnflfn,! I. iUn rnnnnl rains, corn and apples are the prln clpal crops yet to bo harvested. torn was injured by the frosts of last week, but this weok the weather was more favorable and It is probablo nt Colorado Springs, Col., October 6 very nearly an average crop will bo to 9, tho O. It. & N. Co. will sell tick secured. More rain Is needed for fall ets to tho aboco point nnd return at Plowing anu lor lau seeding on sura- mer-iauowetl land. Columbia River Valley. Freowatcr, Umatilla County, Fred Freudlg. Forepart of week warm. but nights cool; harvest and haying completed; fruit is all harvested, with tho exception of winter apples, which will soon begin to be picked. Homo rain fell Saturday. Endersly, Wasco County, G. W. Fligg. The past week has been fa vorable for all work; threshing Is practically finished, and a largo por tion of the grain is in tho warehouses. Fall sowing Is nearly finished, and tho grain is coming up well; tho ground Ik In fine condition, owing to two cood rains during the last two weeks; po tato digging is all under way and the yield Is good; apples only halt a crop. G. O. P. Clans Gathering. Chicago, 111., Oct. 1. From Maine to California and from the great lakes to Texas, republicans of prominence are pouring into Chicago In anticipa tion of tho opening tomorrow of the convention of tho National League of Republican Clubs. Notwithstanding the fact that the arrangements have been interfered with several tlmesj by uufoiscen circumstances the con vention promises to be a rousing af fair and the attendance, according to president Hamilton and other oincers, will break all records. There will bo a mass meeting tonight marking the formal opening, and until Saturday there will be a continuous volley of republican oratory. Some of the speakers who have promised to be present and most of whom have al ready arrived arc Senator Dolliver, of Iowa, Secretary of War Root, and senator Heveridgo of Indiana. The delegates on the field are engaged In a lively button-hole campaign In tho interest of their favorites for the pres idency of the league. It Is to be a fight between the East and West. with the Kast working hard and unit edly for J. Hampden Moore, of Phila delphia, and the strength of tho West divided umong several favored boiib. Georgia's State Election. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 1. Owing to Its purely perfunctory obara'itor tlio stato election In progress In Georgia today Is attracting little or no attention. The democratic primary last Juno amounted virtually to an election, an no other political party In tho state has placed a ticket In the field. Con sequently today's allotting is merely a matter of form In compliance with the law. Tho now governor is J. M, Terrell. All of the old congressmen are to return to Washington with tho exception of W. II, Fleming, of the tonth district, who will he succceeded by T, V. Hardwiek. Louisville M. E. Conference, Columbia, Ky., Oct. 1. Columbia has had her latch string hanging on the outside today for tho delegates to the annual meeting of tho Louis ville Conference of the M. 13. church, south, which will be lu session hero during the coming week. Besides the lay and clerical delegates tlierol Is a large attendance of visitors end the crowd Is one of tho largest ever entertained here. The formal open- In-; takes place tonight and business sessions will bo begun tomorrow. Bishop Morrison Is the presiding offi cer and during the week there will be addresses by a number of promi nent speakers, Oallatln-Post Wedding. New York, Oct. J. A wedding In high society today was that of -Miss I Edith Post, daughter of Mrs, Charles A, Post, to Mr. Goelot Gallatin, Tho ceremony was performed this after noon at Strandholme, the country place of the bride's mother at Hay- port, Long Inland. A special train tonveyod a large number of guests from this city. A beautiful foot makes a woman at-1 tractive. Lee Teutscli has the neces sary footwear. 1 time . . . . . . .... 15c 2 time 20c 1 week 30e Extra lines: 10 centa each SPOKANE INTERSTATE FAIR. For "Pendleton Day" the O. R. & N. Makes a Low Special Rate. This year Spokane will hold her In tcrstato Fair October C to 14. The progressive and enterprising people I of that city are putting forth unusual effort to niako this season's fair sur pass In point of Interest, anything ot the kind over seen In tho north Pa Iclflc. A fcaturo ot tho fair will bo "Pendleton Day." Thursday, October 9 and for this occasion tho O. It. & Co. will on October 8 sell tlckots. I RnnltAnn nnH rfltlirn. irnnil until flrtn. - r " J?- a 6:5?' Thls lnc,ule8 dmI"- ,lllu lu l"u " Colorado Springs and Return $50, On account of tho meeting of tho Tenth National Irrigation Coneross $50. Dates ot salo. October 2 and 3 Limit, 30 days. Stop-overs allowod, THOMPSON, PAWNBROKER 312 COURT STREET Buys old harness, sad dles, clothing, rubber, brass, copper, lead, etc. UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. V; & C. R. Depot When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. The Columbia Lodging House NKWJiV FUKNJHIIKD BAR IN CONNECTION IN UBNTKR OF BLOCK BET. ALTA A WEBB BTO F.X.SCHEMPP, Prop. MEN AM) WOMEN. Dm I!I ' for vunstarsl dlicl,rMrl,luatiiUitllou.. IrilUlliiu. or tilrorstioni (iulUUM l.f Diduous pwutismi, I rr.u (wuilw. l-HtluM. ana un utmi ui H ,u iwn - " . . . . - ijom, ur jits4;ihs, or tbt In t-liU viwjcL. I. aspreM. rrtal4. tut Circular ut u rnvuet. CHICHESTER'S PILLS Orlalnul unit Oulf (Jenulno, y.V5v HUuiUrd lUwutr, Ai ut i Iran.. IV, WWW niluivui.).. a..,. vrui.MI k (IIKJIiKATKU'H vMlAMl la Itlll vA tiblil bui. at fU4 IU biwt riUMk Takii n9 viler. M.ra.a Kyt.llalln(rlllMllMtluit4. AhllM.r lruUI. ttfl t i'ttt 1 iumwi H rr I 'a r. Ui-mInm, l'c.llmnlil t IliMtltlsl r iiuua, i'T wiutn Jleil. rti or mi JirwcMU. C.blt.,rrrr4 IiiinI.uM'Vw IIbI f u ir Villi A., J'A Mormon Bishops' Pills ' Ctuwh aa4 imii 1uInw.m Tuwu,. potenoy, tciat JPower, Hght-lj rn lfacxiEvIl Doslroli, smln bllljy. Hedach,Unlltnaa to or Odnstlpntionf pioa, flulc. o VOUi V.TWitonink, or t-yenqs, r fuucik- iur git u ttNur. ol, a mrv ftiiaClUaiaa 1K4.I Vlt ii lla. , )-.. m Mtkty ilwtauj, with U sa, CbuiUr Ail dress. 13 I..1TH 1meiiicKiian,o.HB SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., ORUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, OflEQON. 1 time 20c 2 times 30c II 1 week 45c a week; 25 centa lino per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES, Oregon and union Pacific IWo Jk Tlmu Sotictlulv ' laain FiDin I'uiiillotuu rsoM Bull Ike, Deoter, Ft Worth, OniHhn, Kan as city, St. Louis, srooa. . Chicago and Ksit. Halt Laku, Demur, Ft, Worth, Omitha. Kan. k city, Ht. lntt, 11:10 p.m. Chlrago and Kait, Walla Walla,IwUton. Hpokaun, Wallace I'ullraan, Mlnneapo lla.Ht. Paul, Diilulii, P Milwaukee, Chicago and Kast. PKriRT roa chlrsgn I'urtland Bpeclal 5 ::o p. tn. Tlit llum Ington, AtUntlo Kxnrc.s 6:A m. via Hunt lngtou. Ht. Paul Fait Mall 8:l,ia. m, via Spokane. Ocean and River Schedule. FltOM rOKTLANI). All sailing dales sub 8.-00 p. m. ject to niiaiiao. For Han Kriiucl .ro Hall ertry ft days. i 30 p. n. "DaTTy eiccpl Sunday s-00 p m. Palunlay 10-00 p. in. Columbia Illror To Astoria and Way Landings. 44)0 p. a. Uunday AVIllnniKtto Ktvor. Boats toave Portland dally, ezoept Sunday, (slago of water permitting) for Willamette and Yamhill Hirer points. Leave ltlp.itla 4s. m. Dally Leave Lewis ton 7uoa.m. Dally KxeptMoa Bnatn Hirer lllparla to Umliton Cxcpt Mon P. F. WAM8LKY, Agent, l'endlston. HUNS Pullman Sleepii.g Curs, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rsr. I'acjij MINNEAPOLIH DULUTH FABOO OllAND FORKH CBOOKHTON WWNEPEU HELENA ami BUTTE, TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WAHHINOTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORIC BOSTON ami all points Enst and Houth rh rough tlckeli to Japan ud Oblnt, l Tanoms and Northern Kaulds Sleamiblp Co, and American line. TIMK SCIIKDULB. Trains loare I'undloton dallr ascent Hunda at 7 M) p.m. For lurther lulormatiori. lima eardi. mini and llcletn. ' t vrrlie V. AIami, J'en. dleton, Orejou, or a, l, OHAHLTON. mini ii'i morrnori su 'iisno, lira. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Ht. Paul, Ht. Louis, Kan hum City, Ht. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points ou the Sound TIMK UAKI). Leare Pendleton, daily except flundsn at uo. Dm. lift, no. Arrive ArrUs Pendleton Monday, Wodnusday aa4 Friday lltsh Mil A r live I'ni'lteton Tuevlir, Thimdaj and Baturday loMmo, tare Walls Wall dally, nasi bound, ItxiO pn, ArrlT WalU Walla dally, west Luuud, t 0 am. Kor Infurmallon rrsardlnc raUs and modations, tan on or address V. AIUU8, Aiant, Pendleton, Orasou B B. OALDKUIIKAIi.U, H.A.. Walla Walla, Wastt i la e- w.r ytti t u. wi tu Mwwis turu U. &,t cuti In u!4 ifvt ywunir lUlt font Su Manhood. Im Ss, npermniurrniiu Mfillnna. Inn., npormiuorrfioon Ijifomnlii. lali. (Ml on 9, lnm ijao. Mjnrou ! Murrf, noit ,u 1 j... 1. .1 Li l! rZr'.tl I'.toi 1 tiu.ll. nuUvrk4J a f , fl, , l 111 t. MWJ A wruta Ko4iaiu, lutwra JiilsnoD ItomoO; vi Can rrunclaoo. OmL