East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 01, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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desolate, unimproved traot, but a
fund has been ralseil for the purpoao
clearing awfc'the underbrush and It
Is hoped sooii to have the monument
surrounded by a Well-kept park of 1G
Trade Not Expected to Suffer.
Washington, D. C. Oct. 1. The de
cree promulgated by Germany laRt
I' eurunry praiiiuiiius uiu wiiikjh"""") jow Yoik In international comereuuu.
and sale of meats in which borax or Tho congrcss Is a direct result of the
nttint- ttilnrfrma elinmtpnla hnvr hflOn i t Do In Mm
Coffee Producers Meet In New York
Today for That Purpose.
Now York, Oct. 1. For tho pur-,
poso or devising ways and means to
Increase the price of coffee, represen
tatives of the great coffe-growlng
countries of the West Iiullcs, ucnirai
and South America aro gathered in
Now York In International conference.
Complaint Made That Children of all
Ages Are Allowed to Run the
Streets at All Hours of Night.
Some comment is heard on tho
streets from citizens of Pendleton In
regard to tho curfew ordinance. It
has been so long since this ordinance
was enforced to tho letter that a
great many people have forgotten
that such a law Is In existence, or
perhaps think it has been repealed.
The law is in existence and has not
been repealed.
This ordinance plainly says that no
one under the age of IS shall be al
lowed to loiter on the streets or in
any portion of the town moro than
100 feet away from his or her homo
later than 30 minutes after sunset,
unless accompanied by a parent, guar
dian or with tho written consent of
fcuch parent or guardian. The pun
ishment for breaking this ordinanco
Is a flno of not less than $5 and Im
prisonment In the city jail for not
more than five days.
No Curfew Bell.
Although Pendleton has a curfew
ordinanco it has no curfew bell.
When the law was first put Into forco
In Pendleton the tire bell was' used
and every night it was tapped to
make known tho time when all young
folks should get off the streets. This
caused some confusion with the fire
department and it was stopped, but
tho law was supposed to be enforced
just the same.
In speaking of this law a promi
nent citizen remarked Tuesday even
"Now that school has opened, the
curfow ordinance should bo enforced.
The streets are full of children under
18 years of age all the forepart of
the night. This should not be toler
ated. Why. it is getting so that young
America makes the nights so hide
ous with their yells during the early
hours of tho night that in some local
ities It Is impossible for people to
sleep. This should bo looked after,
and if the curfew ordinanco cannot
be enforced it should be repealed. A
few arrests and fines imposed on
some of these youngsters, as exam
pies, would put a stop to their c.-v
vorting around at all times of night,
as it would intimidate the others and
have a wholesome effect upon them."
other Injurious chemicals have been
used as preservatives becomes ci
torHvn tnAiw nnil there Is snmn curl'
oslty In official circles as to just what
effect Its operation will have on Amer
ican trade. The act was at first re
garded as a retaliatory measure aim
ed at America alone, but subsequent
developments nnd explanations large
ly dissipated this idea. Tho prohibl
tion applies to all countries as well
as America and also prevents tho
German butchers themselves from
using injurious chemicals. By far
the greater portion of Germany's
meat supply conies from this country
ami it is beliovcd that American in
genuity will dovlso somo method of
preserving tho meats that will not
come under the ban of the German
Dedication Held Today at Grave of
Abraham Lincoln's Mother.
Lincoln City, Ind., Oct. 1. The dtd-
icatlon today of the monument erect
ed at the grav of Abraham Unrnln's
mother attracted a largo attendance
of visitors from Illinois, Ohio. Ken
tucky, Indiana and other states. Spe
cial trains brought Governor Durbln
clal plrties from Evansvillo. Louis
ville and other places. The cere
monies were hel.l on the hill imme
diately across a small valley from
tho place wiere st".l Hip caU.i in
which the Lincoln family lived, and
where .Mrs. Lincoln died.
The distinguished vi sitors upon
their arrival were met by a reception
commute.) .M,-.. ,,g of n sivM num
ber of agel citizens who were inti
mate friends of Abraham lincoln
When he lived in this viciuliy. Tho
dedicatory exercises were of an ex
tremely lnprss' iq character col.
J. S. Wright, of Rccknort, presided.
Tho exercises began with an invoca
tion by the Rev. D. J. Ryan, following
which Col. Wright introduced Gen
eral John C. Black, of Chicago, who
delivered the oration of the day.
Brief addresses appropriate to tho oc
casion were dellve vd by Governor
Durbln and alhut dlstl' qulshod men
who were prase it. Ueforo the exer
cises concluded a letter -as read
from Robert T. Lincoln In which ho
expressed regret at his Inability to
bo present. Tho musical portion of
the dedicatory program was furnished
by the band or the Knightstown Sol
diers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home.
The dedication of tho monument
was conducted by the Nancy Hanks
Memorial Association, which is com
posed of Governor Durbln and other
prominent citizens of Indiana. The
first monument was erected over tho
grave of Nancy Hanks some tlm in
1880. Foi moro than (50 years the
tasting spot of tho mother or tho mar
tyred president was uni-arked.
It was surrounded by wlldwood a 1
underbrush. In 1880. however, a plain
marble slab on which was Inscribed,
"To tho Mother of Our Mattyru!
President. Erected by a Friend," was
brought to the place. The donor was
never known, though it was common
ly supposed that tho girt camo from
Clem Studebakor, the South Bend
When tho old monument to Pres
ident Lincoln, at Springfield, 111. was
leplaced by a new one tho contract or
presented the bauo of the old cut to
Spencer county, to bo .used as n mon
ument for tho grave of Nancy Hanks.
It was this monument that was un
veiled today. The stone stands In ti
Three-Eye Meeting at Rockford.
rtnckfnnl. III.. Oct 1. Tho Rock
ford team won the pennant th:a year
in tho indiana-iiiinois-iowa naseuau
leainie and as a Delia tv tor their
c-nnrl luck (hp directors of the local
club aro today wining and dining
their fellow magnates of the league.
The occasion Is the annual fall meet
ing tn wind mi Hip affairs (if (he sea
son. Tho summer has been one of
record-breaking success for tho
league, both as regards sport nnd fi
nances. The playing of tho several
clubs has compared well with that of
the bigger leagues, while tho gate re
ceipts have been uniformly good. Be
fore adjourning the league owners
will elect officers for tho year, hut It
Is not probablo that anything definite
will be done In the way of arranging
tho circuit for next season until a
meeting to be hold at n later date.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to me will pleaso call and set
tle their accounts.
tifin.Amnrlr.ni nnnercss held In the
City of Mexico last year and Is tho
first or a series of conferences de-i
signed to better tho conditions of
trade In tho staple products of tho
western hemisphere. The United
States Is particularly Interested in'
tho present gathering as this nation
Is tho greatest coffee-drinking peo
nin in lm world. Then. too. Undo
Sam desires to seo tho coffee growers
nf Hawaii nnd Porto Rico become.
nmrn nrnsnermis under his control.
Whllo It Is designed to Increase tho
price of coffee It Is not at all likely
timt Mm fniilvldual consumer in this
country will havo to pay more for his
morning's cup. .as It has been noticed
that tho rotati price does not havo
a tendency to change no matter what
fluMiinHnna In Mln market. In
the opinion of tho experts attending
tlin onnirroqo wtlflt nils HlP market. IS
overproduction. To bring about a
limitation on tho production will be,
therefore, tho primary aim of tho
congress. The delegates purpose also
to adopt measures to keep Inferior
coffees out of tho market, and will
discuss practical methods to increase
the consumption.
Recovered Speech and Hearing. I
Messrs. Ely Bros.: I commenced
vslng your Cream Balm about two
years ago for catarrh. My voice was
somewhat thick and my hearing was
lull. AIv hearinc has been fully re
stored and my speech has becomo
quite clear. I nm a teacher in our
town. U O. BROWN, Granger, u.
Tho balm does not Irrltato or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at fiO
cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 5C
Warran St,, Now York".
For Sale Two Snaps.
Tho Yoakum farm, down tho Uma
tilla River. Tho Barnhart farm, up
Wild Horse Creek.
I "Lei thv GOLD DUST twins do your vmrfc" $3
Don't use soap for your cleaning. H fflH
is more convenient, cheaper and better than Soap KlfetB
at any price. It softens hard water, lessens labor fiMUH
and injures nothing. 5381118
Chicaeo, Mew York, Boston. St. Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP Hj tw-SBBgfT
Snecinl courses in nil tho Normal Branches. Also Music
and Elocution.
Our Business Department
Is especially well supplied to give n thorough courso in Book
keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, uommoroiai mm umui
studios ncrtaininc to this important hranch. Tuition freo.
Address all communications to
J. M. Mattmdale, Pres., Weston, Ore.
1 A Suit, Waist, Skirt and Cloak Factory is something that but
( few places the size of Pendleton in the United States can boast of.
J It olfers a great advantage which should be appreciated and is by
1 those who have investigated our work. The advantages olfered
are numerous. Here are a few :
FIRST You can havo tho garment mado exactly as
you liko it. It's made from your own measure, just .as a
merchant tailor makes suits for men. You don't got a
garment cut in advance and trust to luck for a fit.
SECOND Tho material that ontors into your suit,
cloak, skirt or waist is picked out by you in tho piece and
is mado to suit you. Wo havo a collection of nil tho now
and most stylish goods for you to solect from. All tho lato
novolties aro on our shelves.
FOURTH Wo have a cuttor and fitter .who has
sorved in tho fashion centers and thoroughly understands
the art. Sho is sure to pleaso you.
FIFTH You havo tho privilege of trying on gar
ments before thoy aro completed.
SIXTH Our prices save you money. Give you tho se
lect ideas of tho market and you don't havo to pay fancy
mont ;
THIRD By coming to us you get an individual gar
it suited to you. You can solect a pattern and vou will
havo an exclusive article of wearing apparel, nnd not ono
that half tho ladies you meet havo tine liko.
SEVENTH On Skirts. Wo guarantee to furnish you m
wiin sKiris, mauo to your oxact liking at pneos tho mer
chants buy thorn at wholesale.
We make dresses on short order. Perfect fits and very best
work. You can buy your goods where you please and we will
make the dress to please you.
We have a line of fashionable ready-made jackets, cloaks,
skirts and shirt waists that we will make it a financial object for
you to buy from us. -
Our factory is operated by power and quick, first-class work
is assured. Ladies, it will be a pleasure for us to have you call
and inspect our stock and methods. -
The Eastern Cloak, Suit,
Skirt and Waist Factory
Headquarters fa
Rates $2
Special "rates byiJi(ln
excellent Ctajg1
Bur and billing
Uniy IftreeKj
M. F. M,ki
lighted wraps?1,
Aniorlcmi lMan,Me3u'sii
Free 'bus mtftstUttM-
Commercial "u.ft
Special Attention CIwl
j Elegantly Pj
Mate Street, Pendleton Shoe Co.'s Former Location
saniiw" i
Farmers Cj
tttlflfyr KiTlPli 11 n"