4' i r We Soli Strlotly At One Price. BAEB DALEY One Price Olothiera, Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton 729 Main Street .mm -i rnir WEDNESDAY, OCTODER 1, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. The Union Pacific will lay a double track between Omaha and Ogdon, Garcia Monies, secretary of finance, has reported the Cuban budget to be U4.000.0uu. President Roosevelt's order direct ing a census to be taken of the Phil ippine Islands.' will bo carried out at onco. A mammoth lead combination has been effected which includes all the large lead manufacturing concerns of the country. Twelve hundred public schools wero opened over the entire island of Porto Rico this week. The attendance exceeds 50,000, It is claimed by the oillcers of the newly-formed British-American To bacco Company, that the price of to bacco will not be raised. Cholera threatens to depopulate tho Island of Samar in the Philippine group. Over 100,000 cases are report-! ed, with deaths in proportion. Commander Peary, the Arctic ex plorer, says the Arctic region is tho best place on earth for persons af flicted with pulmonary diseases, and may become a mocca for consump tives. A number of republicans yesterday evening attacked a federal meeting at Cayey, Porto ltico, and five persons -were badly wounded. Charges will l)o prepared aguinst the police for in action and partisanship. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. No gambling will bo allowed on the Inter-stnto fair grounds at Spo 7'ane next weelc. George W. Young was received at the Oregon penitentiary Monday on a two-years' sentence for forgery in Jos. ephino county. Washington hopgrowcrs are disap pointed over tho season's output, tho yield being about one-fifth less than last year's figures. Two desperate men were captured at Seattle Monday after they had rob bed and threatened to kill a peddler named John Michael. Governor Geer is out with a circu lar letter to state legislators, asking ' them to vote for him for United States senator, claiming that he is tho choice of tho people. The Methodist Episcopal conference at Grant's Pass pledged its support to tho Wiliametto University at Sa lem, and will make an effort to wipo out tho debt of that institution. Mrs. John Cummins, of Spokane, claims that her husband, who was an inmate of tho insane asylum at Medi cal Lake, died from tho effects of mistreatment at that institution. 11, S. Clark, of Port niakloy, Wash., laid $1,100 In gold on a stump while he was engaged In chopping down a tree. He left tho spot to seek shel ter during a rainstorm anil when ho returned tho money was gone. Governor Geer has appointed p. H. Stearns, David M. Dunno, A. King Wilson and two residents of Utah who formerly lived in Oregon, as commis sioners to tho National Irrigation con vention at Colorado Springs. Tho governor Is desirous of learning tho SEASONABLE TALK Men's Clothing toi Fall and Winter We need to say but a few words Our success in the clothing business is loo well known in this city and country. OUR MOTTO: First-class goods at the lowest possible price, and that price the same to all, Prices $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $J0.00, $J2.50, $J5.00 to $25.00. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. D. W. Shepherd, Idaho. I. P. Good, St. l.ouls. J. F. Kelly, San Francisco. William Maher. Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. A. II. Cramer, Spokane. Dr. J. IJ. Olmstead, Portland. J. J. Burns. Portland. I. C. Major, Spokane. E. J. Guyer, Spokane. F. S. Rogers, Portland. Mrs. Martin. Walla Walla. S. S. GUI. Spokane. T. C. Benson, Portland. B. F. McCullough, Echo. F. F. Sheridan. The Golden Rule. John H. Botsfonl, Detroit. G. D. Brooks, Tacoma. J. E. Davis, Milton. B. S. Wright, Milton. W. Goodman, Mitchell. Rev. H. Poland, Chehalis. Doug Belts, Pilot Rock. George McGilvery. Spokane. Bertha Mills, Walla Walla. E. H. Burke, Portland. J. G. Helfrlcli, Spokane. A. W. Powell, Hinsdale. D. L. Elbert, Condon. A. H. Sunderman, Athena. Mrs. Sunderman, Athena. Otto Black, city. Ed Hammer, Jcho. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollar! Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cataru Cure. F. J. CHUNKY tc CO.. Toledo, O We, the undersigned, hare known P. J. Cheney for tlio pant 15 years, and believe him to be perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially able tn carry out any obligations mado by their firm WKST & TMJAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. WAITING, K INN AN & JIAltVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catnrrn Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the Bystcm. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Historical Pictures. W. H. Gilstrap, or Tacoma, Wash., Is planning to paint a series of his torical pictures for display at the Louslana Purchase Exposition of 1904 as well as at tho Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, Ore, in 1905. They will relato principally to tho great expedition of Lewis and Clark which followed tho Louisiana pur chase and the Important discoveries in the far northwest which resulted from that expedition. "Shatters All Records. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge. Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severo caso of plies, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salvo soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salvo in tho world. 25c at Tall man & Co's., drug store. Grande Ronde Land Sales. M, L. Causey closed two largo sales Saturday and Monday. Ono being 57C aeres owned uy A. H. Parsons of tho Cove, and purchased by Mr. Bra zelle, of Cedar Points, Neb., for ?24, 150. Tho other being 840 acres owned by Thomas McConuell, threo miles north of Union on the Covo road and purchased by Harland Stewart for $22,050. -La Grande Observer. "Would you call Jones a well-Informed man?" "Jones? Why, I ven ture to suy Jones couldn't name six A KICK TOO MANY MEN CALLED OUT FOR THE SMALL FIRES. A Needless Expense to the City and a Useless Procedure to Call Out More Than One Hose Company. A vigorous kick has been register ed b)' citizens of Pendleton because tho general flro nlnrm was turned in Monday night during tho flro which destroyed tho rcsldcnco or Robert Lalng.'on Bluff street. The city Is divided Into wards nnd each ward Is supposed to take care of Its own ilres unless It is deemed necessary for other wardB to hulp out In caso of nno not being nble to protect tho property or copo with the fire. .Monday night tho llro which de stroyed tho Laing property was in no danger of spreading to unjoining property other than tho outbuildings or Mr. I-alng s and the 0110 hoso com pany having tho flro under their su pervlslon was all that could do any thing, and In fact it was so badly handicapped on account of tho lire being so far away from tho hydrants and so high above tho city that when the water -was turned on little forco could be secured, and it could do noth lug toward saving the building. The general alarm was turned In after the fire had spent Its fury nnd It Is claimed that tliero was no need of any assistance from nny of the other hoso companies. It Is claimed that somo one who hnd.no authority turned In the general alarm and much speculation lias been Indulged In as to why It was done. Tho city pays each member of tho flro department ?1 an hour for the time spent fighting fires and when the whole forco is called out It Is a big expense to tho city. There are six companies, besides tho hook nnd ladder company and each of these Is supposed to contain 12 to 15 members. It Is safe to say that It costs the town In tho neigh borhood of $100 an -hour ovory time tno general alarm Is turned In. Complaint has been mado of this character before. The firemen, them selves, have called attention to tho extravagance. One caso in partlcu lar was that of the second call of tho Schultz brewery fire. It Is claimed that soveral days after tho brewery was destroyed that lire broke out in 1 pile of sawdust and that the goner al alarm was turned in, costing tho town nearly 5100, when ono company with one hose was all that was neces sary. It Is claimed that the alarms nre turned in by persons unacquainted with signals; that when a flro breaks out, in th eexcltemont any citizen is likely to rush for the boll nnd does not take timo to read the instnic tlons painted in largo letters near tho boll, but rlnes the bell for all It is worth. In this way the general alarm is turned In when it should not be. If tho work was left to tho fire men such mistakes would not occur. In each fire ward there is a hoso house, over which is a bell. This bell should bo rung for an alarm of flro n tho respective wards. In caso of a arge Are, or where tho chief thinks it necessary to call out th entire de partment, ho does so. Some arrangement should bo mado whereby only those familiar with the signals should bo permitted to turn in tho alarm. Tho haphazard way of anybody and oorybody turning in the alarm and running tho city Into a heavy cost In caso of sawdust fires and other unnecessary occasions should bo guarded against In tho fit. uro. CLOSED WITH GRAND BALL. Walla .Walla Fruit Fair Broke All Records In Attendance. Walla Walla, Oct. 1. Tlio Walla Walla fruit fair closed last nlsht with a grand Kill, in which hundreds of couples participated, nnd which thousands onjoyed. Tho fair remain ed open two days longer than was at first Intended, In order to give all a chance to attend and allow the man- THAT $2.00 PRIZE 1 1 Only a few days more re- main before the contest clos- es. I Several pupils have sent in their advertisements. We 'A 1 -o. wain a 101 more. Come and look at our Tab- lets on display, then write , your ad. Remember the contest closes September 10. Any pupil has a chance to win the prize. Try your hand The advertisement winning the prize will occupy our regular -pace in the East Oregonian next week. Watch for it. FRAZIER'S i Book Store. agomcnt n chnnco to give tho pcoplo such a ball as nan nuvur ul-vu In tho city. The Walla Walla band for tho occasion, nnd tho danco was conducted In a highly satisfactory manner. Tho attendance to the fair was not so largo by dally nvernge a3 it wua Inst year, but en Saturday a monstor crowd gathered. A wedding was or ranged for Sunday night and u big crowd assembled, nnd again Monday night n couple took tho Bacred vpws Jn tho presence of a fnlr-slzed audi ence. Tho total attendnnco is consld .10.000. -the record Inst year. Campaign Opened. Walla Walla, Oct. 1. Tho republl can campaign will bo formally open ed here tonight, when Congressman Francis W. Cushmnn nnd Hon. Sam uel Stern, of Spokane, will address tho people at tho lrult fair pnvllllon. The Wnlla Walla band will furnish music, ami n largo crowd is expected. Tim fair management has arranged to allow the exhibits and booths to remain intact until nfter tho meeting tonight. Off for the Encampment. Walla Walla, Oct. 1. Colonel C. B. Bedell, commander of the Grnnd Army of tho Republic for tho division of Alaska and Washington, loft this city last night for Washington, D. C, to "attend tho grand encampment of tho society. He was accompanied by Assistant Adjutant E. W. Elliot nnd Chief Trumpeter Thomas Corn. Tho party will bo nbsent soveral weeks. General Alger has accepted tho ap pointment as senator from Michigan. Burning Scaly Complete External and Internal Treatment $1.25 ConslstlnjfofCnTlCUlivSo.lPfiocO.tocle.inse Uiu Mn of crusts und wales anil noltentlie tlilclcncil cuticle, Cimcuiu Ointment (.Vic.), to allay Itching nnd InllaTimntlon find roolho anillical.amlCUTIcuiiA ItK.sul.VKNTffiOo.), to lool and cleanse tlio Mood. A tliiKle set la often rui'Mi'iit to "i!in the most tortuilnir. tfisilKtnljtif, ami liundllntinR tkln, scalp, and Wood humors, Willi In or hair, when all clau mils. IVriBit Dftt.i ji-io Uuku Coup.. Sole 1'ioj"., Uualoa. n How Li Cute Itrtiiui; llumorg." frte. GROSS MANN'S PATENT WRITING RING The most important improve ment of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman in a few weeks by the use of this ring. Endorsed y prominent college presidents and boards of education in Europe and America. Sample dozen as sorted sizes sent post paid for Si. single samplss 25c. When order- ng a single ring, state whether for man, woman or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO.. 110 8. Fourth St., MIIfcAnKMMIIA. OREGON PIIME BALSAM FOR COUGHS AND COLDS 25c and 50c SOLD ONLY BY F.W.Schmidt &Co. Reliable Druggists. FOUR O00BS IPBOM tPOStOFPlCB Phone, Main 851. 1 1 B H For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens,1Proprleon Mercury m poiasn ONLY SJWIS AS A MASK ST CONTAGIOUS BLOOD PoiSn They hide its repulsive form, and this serpent Hi... Sttipciicu oy mchu urugs, jica uormant until tW1 I have wont off or treatment is discontinued til breaks down the mask nnd becomes us fuli'Jw'M Mercurv nnd Potash mny dry un the Km j ,unJi time they drive the poison back into the blood Tfn immi the tender tissues, membranes n.t aa1isj,l most disgusting- sores and even destroying thefl ' .mercury hmu x uwsu uuiiiui uccouipusli a mi T They have a palliative but not curative effect mZ like disease. These drugs produce mcrr-itrUiS.. teeth nnd corrode the membranes of the stomach and S84 mation nnd dyspepsin, nervousness nnd Kcneral S. S. S. is n Specific for Coutatrious ni,i i,.; for the necttlinr virus that sorcads so nmVi.i.. 'Ufe ilir. t.lnnil nn1 i.ift!... 3 UUOnriJJ corn: ... si veiretu 0 e reuieuv nnu we oner bi.ooo lor nmnf .i.' -" . .. ... 1 . ttilV f NiH 1 ftWritc us about your case nnd our physicians ffi without charge. Our home treatment book will toi" it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Cw'ffij Give your children a thorough business ( The Pendletoh Business Offors an opportunity to educate your chilfo thorn for tho battlo in tho business wofU sonci your ennuron awny to a '"jC-lv-lego whon Pondloton affords an iisUhklft tution ns thorough and com. potent us any. Coinpetont tonchors with nil motlorn deviceitj ing. Tho eourso includes BookkeepbjUpr eial Ltiw, Short Hand, Typewriting, vj that goes to make it first-class. Piw.Hew 1 M1. . . It Business College and investigate H. N, ROBINSON, LL. D.. Priu.. PAINT 'ER RED Or yellow, or blue, or black or anyotkt colj'obiaiM fore" you do come to us and sec our line ol raat13 JPaints, Uils and Jtaintcr's supplies We have experienced workmen to do yonf?S will save you dollars on your job u you li with you. Wall papering is a specialty with us ailta Eastern Oregon carries a more completesls! the-second paper than we do. SHARP TfaMl See C. BERQUIST, S WlSSS First class repairing, best materials. bbwb MSS- . 'It.'). wd ,11 1 PERFECTION IN FW Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better flour caniri lhe cream of the wheat crop enters m Flour, which is right for bread ana Fancy Baking. PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, Proprietor. same t mo ln.St.1a .... r,ureoUs&5J contains no minerals J JlW onts, call at tho rondleton iorn'oye -clotMm UBtm'si'9 ected Q wteur'Bn mm AN ORIENTA1; Comes when iheljMfjj tian finishes oned, tcrpicces in ru8s.'nj& ure now show'Dgnfei In coloring, inpTbl y of design and a finish these rugs ib of art. The pucesPj 1 tn Sen. Special sale of oiid-hand Sewing- JESSE FAiiJI homo teanV' Detroit tenj 1110 convention. Preo Press, names or ir other men who win at- men In his