East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    Highest honors at the Pan American
Received the Gold Medal.
Scientific modeling, graceful mid sty Halt
lines, beautiful leathers und thoiough work
inanshlp. Bo you know that hnudomer and better
fitting shoes may now be bad at $3 than was
possible at auj price a decade since?
Paying more Is extravagance.
Let us prove the fact by fitting you with
a pair of these "Gold Medal" shoe.
Good Shoes Cheap Phono Dlaok 91
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBElt 20, 1902.
Occurrences of Interest in the Milton
Vicinity Last Week,
J. L. Elam's barb wire telephone
lino between Stilton and Walla Walla
has been completed and wor);s like a
The Columbia College Athletic As.
soclatlon was organized Thursday
r with Elmer Chastain as president,
Fred Bartholomew vice-president and
Clarence Llnd secretary. The object
of the association will bo to promoto
j athletic sports among tho students.
"Grandma" Clark died at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. George Swag-
gart, In Hoppner Monday evening, at
the age of 93 years. Mrs. Clark was
tho mother of William Clark, a well
known fanner of tho Mud Creek
neighborhood, and was a pioneer of
Umatilla county.
A. M. Elam, who has been manager
of tho Peacock Mills for the past 14
years, has resigned his position and
will tako a rest. Ho thinks his long
service has secured him a respite from
worry and ho will let some one else
do tho worrying for a while. J. 1j.
Elam has been elected to fill the va
cancy. 8. K. Yates was up from Pendleton
tho first of the week shaking hands
with his numerous friends here. Sam
don't know yet whether or not he was
eloctod county recorder in 1900, but
as ho has served out the term and en
joyed the emoluments thereof, he Is
content to let the other fellow do the
worrying. He expects to retire soon
egon,, and ono of tho largest ever con
eliminated in Oregon.
Tho Grande Hondo Lumber Conipa
ny hns n flno plant at Perry, on tho
main lino of the O. It. & N., between
La Grande and Pendleton in tho Blue
Mountains. It also holds immense
tracts of timber land in tho country
tributary and has dono an enormous
The purcliaso combines tho two
most oxtenslve lumbering concerns
east of tho mountains under tho con
trol of Nlbley & Stoddard.
Idaho Citizens Will Begin
October 7.
It looks bad for "B'rer Rabbit,"
judging from tho plans that are being
prepared for a rabbit drive, which
will take placo October 7.
So far as arranged the plan Is to
meet at tho Fivo Mile school house
early In the morning, whero those who
caro to participate will form a. circlo
which is expected to embraco about
10 miles of territory. An objective
point will be decided upon and tho
Colonel J. H. Italoy Is In Portland.
L. Harrison Is In town from Echo.
J. A. Borlo has roturned from Port
land. '
Mrs. M. J. Powers, of Weston, Is
In town.
W. C. Hern, a sheep man of Was'
eo. Is In town.
D. Nichols, a Butter Creek citizen,
was In town Sunday.
County Commissioner Horaco Walk
er Is In town from Helix.
Mrs. Stray, of Needles, Cal., is the
guest of Mrs. J. Marino.
It, Raymond and family wore In
town Sunday from Helix.
William Milan, of Walla Walla, was
at tho Golden Itulo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Holt, of Walla
Walla, were in town Sunday.
Judge W. It. Ellis attended tho fruit
fair in Walla Walla"1hst week.
Homer V. Carpenter spent Sunday
in Walla Whlla visiting tho fair.
Mrs. J. T. Hlnklo is in Grangovillo,
visiting tho parents of Mr. Hlnklo.
Frank J. Macy, of tho Boston Store,
spent Sundays visiting friends nt Li
W. It. Scott, of Athena, and John A
Goss, of Helix, aro guests of Hotel
Max Baer, of Baer & Daley's
who has been quite sick, Is reported
to bo convalescing,
Miss Esslo Foss, of Athena, who is
teaching school near Helix, was a Sun
day visitor In Pendleton
G. Wl Hunt, founder of tho Hunt
railroad, now the W. & C. It., is a
guest of Hotel Pendleton.
Thomas Vaughn will leavo tonight
or tomorrow tor Portland to enter a
dental school for tho winter.
G. B. Tardift and son havo returned
from tho mining regions of Idaho
wiiero thoy spent the summer,
Mrs. A. it. McWilliams and Miss Ifn
zel Hess were guests of Hotel St,
George from their homes In Wnlla
Homer Watts, of Athena, nasssed
circle will gradually close In toward
that point, driving tho rabbits to the through town Sunday on his way to
iiiUgeiie, wiiero lie goes to re-enter tho
center, where they will be slaughter
ed without mercy.
To Prevent Accidents.
Several restrictions will bo laid
down to prevent tho possibility of an
accidental shooting, Among them the
following aro noted: Only shotguns
will be allowed In the hunt; shot not
coarser than a No. 7 to be used; no
boys under 12 years of age to be al
lowed to participate.
All who caro to are invited to take
t-art. It is thought that the country
in the locality whero the drlvo Is to
bo held .will bo pretty well rid of tho
npsts nftnr it fw drives nrn lipbl. A
from public life and devote himself i iarEr numhnr of neonlo from this oitv
io Tiiu more niciaiivo unraiuugn i i will bo in attendance. Idaho States
larmmg. wagie.
A "Roaster."
Colonel Wood, tho Leader man, Is
safe at last in his "roasting" pan
Ho "had roasted his friends and roasted
his foes had roasted Boyd, and roast
ed Boyd's noso. Ho roasted Dyment
and he roasted Brown, and roasted
Oregonlan some , for freo water, at tho expense of his
town. Ho roasted early, and ho roast-
Nibley & Stoddard Purchase Eastern
Oregon Mills and Timber Land.
Tho following from the Bluo Moun
tain Eagle, gives the details in the
important lumber transaction men
tioned In the East
tlmo ago:
ine uranue uonae uimocr yompa-,ed jat untll ho roasted tho hingea oft
ny has sold its entire system of mills, tje ,den t N when u WM
timber lands and a 1 Property in East- Ms man f B roaated gt Peter
era Oregon to Nlbley & Stoddard, for (,e(1 , Then r(jasted John and
uvuroi.mme.y ouu.uuu. u. is uiu he roasted pauj j,0 roa8ted Solomon
largest deal ever made in Eastern Or-aud h0 roaated ,em aU; ho roasted and
I roasted 'till they took a turn, and put
j his ashes in a golden urn. Then
through space on spaco the roaster
sped, 'till he alighted in the bottomless
pit, squaro on nis neau. ine urn soon
melted, and Wood roasted around
'till tho dovil came out with a gleeful
bound. Wood roasted the devil and
the devil roasted back, to tho terrlblo
accompaniment of the flames and their
horrid crack. Wood roasted without
ami he roasted within.; Jig roasted the
imps and he roasted their kin. Ho
roasted tho snakes and ho roasted tho
jeers; ho roasted the ketles, the cal
drons and the spears. Ho roasted tho
flames and ho roasted the smoke; he
roasted the climate and ho roasted
tho coke. Ho roaated a demon; ho
roasted a sage, and ho roasted and
roasted until ho went to his cage.
Then he roasted his den with a pers
piring will; ho roasted himself and
is roasting still. Athena Press.
Right Remedies
For Summer F. & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders.
F, & S. Compound Syrwp of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, Vnannrake,' prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is a powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and blood
purifier Sold only by
Six harvest hands, just paid off for
work In the Palouso country, were
robbed of over $300 on their arrival at
Tho Dalles.
Man wants bat little here below,
This statement causes mirth;
It may have been so long ago,
But now he wantsjthelearth.
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth for sale,
ed in and about Pendleton.
Choice city property, ranches and farms,
at bargains.
locat- S
State University.
T. C. Taylor, tho hardware dealer,
has returned from Eugene, whore ho
nttended tho annual meeting of the
.Masonic commandery.
Otis Smith, formerly cashier for tho
u. k. 6s N. Company in this city, but
now of Huntington, spent Sunday In
town caning on friends
F. J. Aldrich, a prominent farmer
or waitsburg, is In town looking for a
locauon. ie nas sold his Interests
in wana walla county.
Ed Allen lias returned from a trip
into tno luizviiio country. Mr. Allen
says It Is still very dry there, as they
naa nad utile or no rain.
l-red Lleuallen, of Adams, who
spent last winter attending medical
school la Portland, left Saturday night
io again resume ills studies,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leezer, who for
several years wcro in business in this
city, havo gone to Portland, where
tncy will make their future homo.
Cas Matlock, who has spent tho
summer on his sheep ranch near Hepp.
ner is in town visiting his family. Mr.
Matlock ,will spend tho winter here.
Tho Athena visitors in Pendleton
Sunday were Homer S. Watts. G. W.
Bradley and Charles Nelson. They
were all guests of tho Golden Itulo
A marriage licenso was ganted Sat-
urday evening by County Clerk W. D.
ijnamoeriain to C. J. Hamilton and
Ora G. Armstrong, both of Umatilla
C. F. Kennedy and wlfo have re
turned from Cayusa wheio Mr. Ken.
nedy has been managing tho ware
house for tho Paclflc Elevator com
Dr. A. J. GIsendofer, of Tho Dalles,
was In town Sunday on his way from
Hot Lake. Ho was met hero by his
old friend and schoolmate, Dr. Botkln,
of Athena.
Mrs. J. A. Gavltt and daughter, Miss
Mlnta, arrived in town Saturday
afternoon from tho Sound and Joined
Mr. Gavltt hero, whero they will make
their homo.
E. J. Itlco and Nick Thoma, promi
nent business men of Porneroy, pass
ed through town Saturday on their
way to Kansas City, where they go
on business,
W. H. Foyler loft today for The
Dalles, where ho will represent Uma
tilla county as commissioner at the
race meeting during tho carnival,
which Is being held thla weok.
C. M. Sharpstoin and Prank A.
Mooro came down from Walla Walla
Sunday In an automobllo and spent
Sunday night at Hotel Pendleton.
They returned homo this morning.
Leo Teutach, proprietor or the
Tcutsch store, went to Echo Sunday
and returned in tho evening with Mrs.
Teutsch and sou, Mastor Lee, who
havo been visiting Uiero for a weok.
Mrs. M. P. Kelly, of tho Golden
Rulo hotel, and Miss Margaret Kel
Iy, of Portland," who la visiting Mrs.
Kelly, returned Saturday evening
evening froni Walla Walla, where they
visited the fruit fair.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hand and Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Finn, will arrlvo in i own
Wednesday and will probably make
Umatilla, county their home. Mrs. I
Hand and Mrs. Finn aro Bisters of C.
It. Dutton, tho candy man.
n.miitv Postmaster Charles I
Termini, nnd nimrlos Cameron loft Sat
urday ovenlng for Walla Walla, whero
annnt 1lin nlcllt nnd SlimlaV 8CC-
Ing tho sights displayed at the fruit
rn r Thnv rnturncii sununy UIIU1-
. .. -
Will It. Scott, of Athonn, a gradu
tn nf Mm Weston Normal school, '01
went through Pendleton this morning
on his way to Portland, whero ho will
tako up tho study of mcdlclno In tho
medical department or tuo ainio uni
Dr. Lock and wife, ot Portland, who
liavn linen nt Hot Lako. accompanied
by Dr. O. W. Tape and wlfo, of tho
lnlto. nasseii through Pendleton bun
day on their way to Portland. Thoy
worn iolned hero by Mr. nnd Mrs
Walter Pierce, who accompanied them
to Portlnnd.
Davo and Frank Gordon aro In town
todnv from Ihelr ranch nt Juniper,
nlles north of Pendleton. Tno uor-
Ion brothers aro fanning 2000 ncrcs
near Juniper nnd aro considered
nmong tho most oxtonslvo and pros
porous fannera of tho county. Thoy
havo disposed of most of tholr grain
John Huffman, of Leo station on
Eureka Flat In Walla Walla county,
Is In town. Sir. Huffman Is ono of tho
most extensive farmers of tho Eureka
Flat country nnd ho sold his wheat
this fall for G2 cents. Ho Is hero to in
vestlgatc a well drill with the inten
tlon of sinking a deeper well on tho
lint If he can find a machine that will
do the work.
The Weston Boom.
County Surveyor J, W. Klmbroll re
turned Saturday from Weston, where
lie had been aurvoylng n 10-acro tract,
adjoining tho town, which Is being
platted for a now addition. The new
ndilltlon Is to bo called Kllgore's ad
dition to tho town of Weston, nnd
Itobert Kllgore. Robert Jamison nnd
Charles Plerco aro nt the back of the
movement. Their intention is to lay
out the 10 acres Into blocks and lots
and sell them. They are also going
to build a dozen or moro cottuges for
;ent and sale and a part of tho ma
terial Is already on tho ground for
tho erection of the buildings.
Mysteriously Caught Fire While on
Sldlno at Umatilla.
Tho soparntor of W. W. Glllott
burned last night on tho siding nt
Mr. Glllott was returning from the
Palouso country, whero ho had boon
running his threshing outflt. He
reached Umatilla Sunday night and
tho cars wore sidetracked for tho
night. During tho night tho separa
tor caught fire, and when discovered
was a mass of flames. How tho out
fit caught Is a mystory, but it is
thought that it was from tho sparks
of a passing engine as tho machine
was very dry nnd full of dust, which
would have Ignited from a very small
spark. The car tho soparntor was on
was nlso a total loss. Tho engine was
Farmers Waiting for Another Shower
Before Starting Drills.
Fnimcrs In town today say thnt
they r.ro beginning to think of plant
ing for tho 1303 crop. The rains of
tho past fow days havo moistened the
ground almost enough for seeding on
summer fallow and with ono moro
light shower drills will bo put to work
In every section of tho county.
Plowing will not commence for
somo tlmo unless mere comes norn
rnlns but with favorable weather.
many fnrmors will bo seeding within
tho next week, it does not tako so
much rain In tho fall to propnro tho
summer fallow for seeding ns it takes
to get tho stubble fields In readiness
for tho plow.
Funeral of C. A. Craig.
The funeral of Charles A. Craig who
died Friday at his homo near Pilot
Hock, was held nt tho Itock today and
tho body Interred this aftornoon at 2
o'clock. Mr. Craig leaves no rola.
tlves in this country. Ho has one
nophow, In Maine, who is tho only ono
of his relatives known. Mr. Craig loft
an estnto of something like $15,000.
A ni,v
screw iajSS
1 1 v wn j
worn o... '
t,le lamDs,iJ?fl
Take Y0J
f .CC0 bn
I700 bun o
at one could wiiii ('fti
Just Missed a Hold-up.
Mrs. J. T. Ilinkle. who left hero
Thursday for Grangovllle, Idaho, to
visit tho parents of Mr. Hlnklo, was
just 24 hours too late to bo In tho
hold-up of the Grangovillo stngo, near
tjtites, Tiiursday night. She was on
tho Friday night's stngo and the
night beforo it was held up by a lone
nigiiwaynian and tho passengers re
lloved of nearly JCOO. When Mr. Hlii'
le first heard of the hold-up ho was
somewhat alarmed because ho thought
that it was tho Friday night's stage.
and nad such been tho case, Mrs. Hln
k'le would havo experienced tho sen
sntlon of a hold-up.
A Big Squash.
A squash that is attracting consid
erable attention is being displayed In
trout of tho Alexander Department
store. It was grown by Julius Gor-
larlan, on his ranch on .McKay Creek
and weighs 71 pounds. Around this
mammoth squash in tho center it is
C5 inches and 72 Inches around length
wise. Everyono who has seen tho
squash says it is tho largest thoy
over saw, and Mr. Gerdnrian challen
ges any ono to beat It.
J. Plnrpont Morgan has formed a
company with a capital of $20,000,000.
ic invest, in uaniornia on wens.
! This Week
Buys a good business
tine snoo is union i
made, fino valour calf, J
-- vompo, ueuuuu
; ; tips, good buttons, Good
; ; year stitched,
A serviceable, sensible.
JL A' I 1 1 ' '
x pruuucaoie anoe.
j Peoples Warehouse 1
It la to like u n, ! rolC:
12,100 theta with
I BOO bini .a. ,
bottom Uid. "1",ta',Det
AnrthlncTon.L. ?leI
otiocre, '"""t.-flJMa
1200 (icrei, 40 of uB,i,51s'ilh
1 . flpdedlt
Real Estayving' t
Commences today, on Cloaks, Capes, Jackets ul'jf
Dress Skirts, and will continue until the nqVi
October 2nd. A big cash discount will bemittt
these Roods. ?3
Do not miss this sale if you wapt best gooiw
styles for lowest prices that will enable yoa ll
them this season. Remember the largest stocha
county to select from and prices RtiaranteedtlnW
Itememlier: The largest stock of goods In the county to jyJ
rnomr TUB KP1
Ih where an expertlol
or merits of anW!r"
showy easels netukfi-sL
cellence. Bomethbl
bio is required tojiAriJgS
Our pianos are tbehft1"?
nrd of merit. Prtat Wjl
tlon, touch, tone, wye
Jan. Always the Wjptj
test. Sold with gowStro
rook prices. Cashoristy,
S. L, Watfll
Vholesnlo nnd Retail X
6, C0UKTa
We arc Headquarters for
fWciallyw '11
ana jcckcip( -finc'tt
line tvfi
X W4V . .1
Pofliner 16 tl"
Come and ft
nrai ciase repairing, best materials.