East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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or m
eather Wear
lloves, Fancy Scotch Plaids, worth OR
er pair
31 was, red, blue, brwn and black, 0R
h SSn finH 40ft snonial
3, new and stylish effects in HAftA
r and Fancy Melton, $5.60 to piv.W
irfe, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. '
.50 to $20.
9, Fox, Beaver, Mink, Chinchilla, Seal,
Persian iamo.
e Teutsch
Bros. Dry Goods Company.
!R 29, 1902.
tiltaWn 1
at Joorger'a.
a and tobacco.
Ivos, 30c a bottle,
iply you with
e grapes, they
twley Bros.
Idb nowdor and
mngor & Son's.
Ing at Phillips'
ilncr tastes trood.
itMf.laelome-made confec
wy tiif, C.fegHkw treat for your
I'Shantcr caps .for
ipbell's. Oh my!
10 ol.
no terrors at the
lent, where good
omen In Pendle-
earing our exclu-
ol, comfortable
den Rule and en
tz beer.
.candy? Delta
that was when
no more.
Vwheat farm, 10
all Bummer
?' fenced. Good
Box 495.
i iii jarriiii ii i
i :irora TwiiiiHMiin
(red; MMrtTatt
' All ;tyao.oy olties that
I mil-
do, 1 V1
flin the fash
Bracelet is
$1.10 and
R, Alexander
Whltaker, the dentist
Olympla oysters at Castle's.
Fresh oysters at F. S. Younger &
Fine yellow Crawford peaches at
Ilawley Bros.
Gregg's Moca and Java coffee at F.
S. Younger & Son's.
New shipment of ping-pong, 25c to
$7.95. Nolt's book store.
Hazelwood and Gold Medal butter
at F. S. Younger & Son's.
"Wanted Bell boy at Hotel Pendle
ton. Apply at hotel office.
Fine sound citrons for preserves,
at Martin's Family Grocery.
Cigars, tobacco and smokers' sup
plies at Jack Candish's, Patton's old
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rlhorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Daniel F. Beatty second-hand piano,
upright, good as new. A bargain. At
S. L. Wakefield & Co.'s.
All kinds of candy, such as cara
mels, creams, chocolates, taffy and
nut candles made at the Delta.
Two men were taken before Recor
der McCourt this morning for being
drunk. They were both discharged
with a reprimand.
A bicycle was left in my place of
business over two months ago. Owner
can have same by calling and describ
ing property. M. Gratz.
Elmer E. Turner's new transfer
wagon will do your hauling. Head
quarters at Brock & McComas' drug
store. Telephone main 201.
Buy Chase & Sanborn coffee and
teas and you will use no other. It is
medium in price and th3 quality is the
best. A C. Rohrman'a grocery.
We have a bargain in a solid ma
hogany second-hand piano. $25 takes
It. Must make room on our floor for
new goods. S. L. Wakefield & Co.
At bedtime. I take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion Is better. My
doctor says that It acts gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys and Is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herb:., and is prepared as easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowols each day. Price 25c and sue.
For sale by Tallman & Co., sole
Would you like to take a thorough
course in one of thei leading law
schools iu the United States? The
Pendleton Business College has two
scholarships to be given to two
bright, ambitious young men or one
to a young man and the other to a
young lady, who will go through the
law college, taking the complete
course and build for themselves a bril
liant reputation. Call at the ofllco of
the Pendleton Business College and
receive complete explanation. Thin
opportunity will only be open about
two months.
ot Continue
your salt water baths as you..did .while on your
at the sea shore ? You can have the same thing
nd of our Atlantic City Sea Salt will make'two de
salt water Datns, equal to a sea bath, -zz.
have bath brushes, bath sponges, wash rags, bath
fand everything that helps to improve?your Jjath.
From Main St., Toward the Court House
1 1 I'M
Born, this morning, to Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Schmidt, a girl.
Fall and winter stylos await your
inspection at Seibert & Schulz, tail
ors. A beautiful foot makes a woman at
tractive. Lee Teutsch has the neces
sary footwear.
Suits and overcoats for men and
boys. It If about time you were
thinking about them. We have tho
best nnd tho best Is trie cheapest.
Baer & Daley.
Pendleton will have a new city re
corder on and after next Wednesday
night. The newly-elected recorder,
Thomas Fltz Gerald, will then bo In
stalled in the place now held by Re
corder McCourt, who resigned.
One of the most Important events
at this theater during the present sea'
son will be the Joint appearance In
the near future of Louts James and
Frederick Warde, in Wage&hals and
Kemper's sumptuous spectacualr pro
duction of "The Tempest." Few if any
of this season's enterprises have pr-v
voked such lavish praise. The scene
of the storm and shipwreck with
which the play opens presents ono
of thoso marvelous transformations
which are rarely seen except on the
stage of the old Drury Lane theater
In London. There are 4? people In
the company which Includes a ballet
and chorus among whom are such ar
tists as Norman Hackett, Teresa Max
well, Thomas Cooko, Edith "Fassett.
and Wadsworth Harris. The scenery
was painted by H. Logan Reld who
was for many years the scenic artist
for Augustln Daly.
Among the more Important events
on trie local stage this season will
bo the joint appearance of Louis
Jnmcs and Frederick Warde In the
early part of October, when they will
bo seen In Wagenhals and Kemper s
sumptuous spectacular production of
"The Tempest." Although the play Is
a classic and acknowledged to be
Shakespeare's greatest masterpiece, It
docs not need a studious mind to ap
preciate It. It is an exquisite comedy,
a typo of play In which the fancy of
youth and age, of boy and girl, child
and parent may run riot. There is no
villain to annoy tho sensitive, no
tragedy to upset those who are nerv
ous, but all is sunshine and froltc. It
presents a constant succession of
beautiful and wonderful scenes, with
the charm of music and dancing, In
addition to the portrayals of Interest
ing characters by the greatest leglti
mate players of the present time.
Wagenhals and Kemper have Just
purchased another new play for
Blanche Walsh entitled "What Will
People Say," tho daring naturo of
which is said to have suggested Us
odd title.
Picnic Ends at Klne's.
Last night ended the season's gate
ties at Kine's groye. For the past
several months Peter Smith has been
running a dancing platform and gen
eral Sunday afternoon and evening
picnic In the grove and last night was
the last of the season. The evenings
are getting too cool to continue the
dances longer and Mr. Smith has an
nounced that they would be discon
tinued until next year, when the
platform will again be put Into use
for the entertainment of those wish
ing to spend a few hours once a week
tripping tho light fantastic. Mr.
Smith wishes to thank the general
public for their patronage and appre
ciation of his efforts In entertaining,
and promises to give a better time, If
possible, next season.
Hughes Gone to Salem.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor left this after
noon for Salem with Bllllo Hughes,
who will be cared for In the asylum.
Hughes was examined Saturday and
found to bo suffering from the results
of a kick from a horse which he re
ceived several months ago, and which
left an Indenture In the skull, from
which he never completely recovered.
He was not apparently In a very seri
ous, condition until recently, when he
became a heavy drinker, and this
brought on temporary insanity
Hughes was born in Wales and Is 24
years of age. His parents are living
in Utah.
Funeral of Levi Hay6.
The funeral of Levi Hays, who died
at the Sisters' hospital Friday, was
held at the Congregational church
Sunday afternoon. The services were
conducted under the auspices of the
Woodmen of the World and was at
tended by a large number of friends
of the deceased.
A Itemed y Alvraya Ilnndy.
Keep tho carbolic acid and other
poisons out of the children's reach.
But If enterprising little fingers are
too much for your caution, remember
that vinegar, vinegar, vinegar is the
thing to give Internally nnd to upply
externally, Then follow with lard
warm lurd or olive oil, If you have It.
Do just the same if a child swallows
lye and do It quick. It will save llfo
every time If the remedy Is reasonably
speedy In the glvjng.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me must eettle by Octo
ber 10th, or their acounts and note
will be placod In the band of an at
torney with Instruction to collect
. . a, ,E. Lj. SMITH.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
Good Calicoes Red. Blues and Fancies,
per yd 4
Good Ginghams We carry none but good
quality. Apron Checks, per yd Be
Outing Flannels per yd 4c
6c, other stores, our price 5c
8c, other stores, our price, 16 for. . . .$1.00
i2c, other stores, our price 10c
Dress Goods Beginning at ioc and then
I2c, 15c, 20c, 25c up to 1.50 per yard,
with stops all along the line, and it dees
not matter which price you pick out you'll
find it cheaper, quality considered, than at
any other store in town.
Underwear For Women and Children in
wool, in wool and cotton, in all cotton,
pants, vest separate and union suits. Best
25c garment on earth. Best 35c garment
on earth. Best 50c garment on earth.
Hosiery For Women and Children. Plain
and ribbed in grey and black in all wool,
part wool and cotton, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c,
25c ;nd 35c. No matter which you select
you will be getting the best values obtain
able. Plenty of Clerks and courteous treatment for
all. No trouble to show goods, and your
money back ff you say so.
Women's Ready
Ladies, it is now no more trouble for
you to get your CLOTHES Ihnn for your hus
bands and brothers to get theirs. We are pre
pared to fit you out with Tailor-Made Suits
from if 6.4-8 to $20 00. each in grand assort
ment of styles and colors, and we guarantee
you a fit every time. Alterations made on the
premises while you wait.
The coats in three-quarter lengths, in full
lengths and Monte Carlo styles, f 10 and up, all
late style.
The jackets 22, 24, 26 to 27 inch lengths
2.50 to $15. Great assortment. Low prices,
nnd they always fit,
In silk, wool and cotton, in walking lengths
and regular lengths, in black and colors, in
prices from 98c to io each, and no matter
which you buy you get this season's styles.
In silk, velvet, wool, sateen, ctaminc and
cotton. , The grandest assortment wo have over
shown and at the lowest prices. 75c, $1, St.50,
2.50 to $7.50. Have them suitable for wed
dings, and fit you while you wait.
Petticoats, wrappers, dressing sack?,
muslin underwear. No trouble to show
them. Plenty clerks, plenty light, courteous
Cezmua ot Domestic Anlmnls.
The census bureau In a report on do
mestic animals, fowls nnd bees In the
United States on June 1, 1000, an
nounces that all the domestic animals
In tho United States have n probable
value of at least 3,200,000,000. Of this
amount the value of tho animals on
farms and ranges constitute over 03
per cent and those not on farms 7 per
cent The total value of all domestic
animals on farms and ranges was (2,
081,054.115 against 52,208,707,513 In
1800. There wus u gain In all parts of
the country except in tho north Atlan
tic states.
Glaten For Hor.ra.
Gluten products for horses muy be
fed with good results, in connection
with oats, corn or other grain. Begin
by giving to each horse each day about
half a pint or halt a pound of gluten
feed or gluten meal. After a few days
Increase slightly, but at no tlmo should
these concentrated feeds constitute
more than from one-fourth to one-alf
the horse's .grain ration.
Your Place
Sub-committees have been appoint
ed In the various cities of Oregon to
osslst In raising funds with which to
purchase a sword to be presented to
Admiral Clarke, tho gallant eomiiiMn
der of tho battleship Oregon In tho
naval battle of Santiago.
Nice tender celery at Martin's Fam
lly Grocery and Bakery.
All kinds
and the
vety latest
Ty a
Boston Store
UL Shoes
)) t Shoes
!! 50
UU. Shoes
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Hundreds of bars of Fine Toi
let Soap, offered this week at 3c,
5c, 8c and ioc a bar.
Is always ready at our tables.
There is a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our
bill of fare. Everything is
served by courteous and at
tentive waiters.
The French Restaurant
UH XiA FONTArNK, i'rop.
Santa ClauB lloadqnartors.
Tlphone Main 4.
8 . s
Strict dhtenc to H ttmblea M U qvaUfy willing workers U rente
aptrlor tcrric m bookkcpra l4L cittograpliri. Oar lutrnctlo fa
wanwalT thorough fact so wltUly kova tint raputatioa alea Magi
tu molt of out itudtaU. Qllty riwmya taunt. I2zamln lata mm
fecilltie better now the m kttfen. Imdutrioms, willing ttudtnta auka
nyU advancement la all tUdba takto. Call, or wrlU for oar catalog,
FarV and Washington Street A. t. Ajmutrong, hi. M., rrUctf
Come and get our prices on
The new stock of Fall Furniture is now in and includes
all the modern ideas of the East, West, North and South,
so you have a conpletc assortment to select from. We
keep our promise to 3avo you money on Furniture, Car
pets, Stoves, Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Next to Postottlce,