East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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GOOD GOODS at Alexander's.
thorn. Not poor goods cheap, but "good
moderate prices. This fall "wo have a
ttor selected, lower priced stock of dry
ovor before.
STS In a large variety of bright colors.
trimmed with flat brass buttons. A new fad,
very practical. Priced at $2.48, $2.25, 98o.
OMEN AND CHILDREN This is the season
should be looking towards us for warm foot
We have an abundance to choose from, some
me part wool, some ribbed, some plain. All
m but elastic. Per pair, 48c, 35o, 25c, 19c.
AINE BAGS An "elegant, big, grey leather
idized stiver mountings, heavily covered and
bright cut steel beads. The usual $:, $i
ind, this week for $2.48, $1.98 and $1.00.
der Dept. Store
Iblue, or black or any other color, but he
me to us and see our line of
fc UM Ml rainter's supplies
A' Ms
WeihaviB tappericnced workmen to do your painting and
u dollars on your job if you let us figure
ring is a specialty with us and no store in
on carries a more complete stock of up-to-
per than we do.
The Paint and Paper Dealer j$j
for SHARP Ideas.
wit -(tattoo
Hi. V W1
IHWI. '2S'
r i tsissas;
$M11aTON, ore.
aepiemoer 17m. inis scnooi is located
jtown in the Northwest for young people.
emic, Collegiate, Music, Elocution and
es. Separate and first-class dormitory
his tor boys and girls.
artment, Shorthand and Typewriting, '
epmg and Business 530. iotal in
atrd, room, lights and tuition, $138 for
Thorough Instruction and Practical
W. C. HOWARD, A. B., Pres. '
Bib Cold Storage Plant Enterprising
Mormons Where the Music Came
La Grande, Or., Sept. 29. Tho Blue
Mountain Fruit Company, of Ia
Grando, has Just completed one of the
most complete and extensive cold 8tor
age plants la the Northwest. The
structure Is of brick, 50x110, with
basement and cellar cemented, and ar
ranged for the storage of fruit In the
most intensely cold weather. The cel
lar Is 50x100 with 11-foot celling.
The walls of the building have a
thickness of brick,, a 2-Inch air space.
10 Inches of sawdust and a layer of
prepared cork, and then a lining of
lumber. The capacity of the cellar
and storage rooms Is 200,000 boxes of
fruit. The company Is prepared to
buy or store fruit and has one of the
most useful Institutions in Eastern
Oregon, In view of the vastly Increas
ed fruit crop of the section. Raising
fruit Is the smallest part of business.
Preparing It for the market In good
shape and finding a good market, are
more Important This institution fills
a long-felt want. The company ex
pects to handle the winter apple crop
this year.
Street Fair Music. 1
Joseph, Wallowa county, a little
town of 300 Inhabitants, 70 miles In
the Interior, furnished the music for
the La Grande street fair and carni
val, with a concrt band of 20 pieces,
at a salary of $600 for the six days.
It was one of the leading attractions,
and brought out many well-merited
Industrious Mormons.
VithIn the past three years 200
Mormons have settled In the Grande
Hondo Valley. They have purchased
some of the choicest farms on the
Sand Ridge, and divided them up into
20, 40 and 80-acro tracts, and are
raising sugar beets principally. In
the city of La Grande they have a
commodious church building with a
seating capacity for about 500 peo
They own the beet sugar factory,
have recently purchased tho plant of
the Grande Ronde Lumber Company
at Perry, by far tho most complete
saw mill In Eastern Oregon, the Steel
Spur Saw Mill, the Hllgard planer and
all the available timber near these
They have a grocery store, paint
store, jeweler, loan agent, real estate
men, lawyers and other business men
In La Grande, besides a thriving com
munity at Allcel and Union. They are
Industrious, frugal folks and cultivate
their farms to tho highest degree.
I Men's Winter Undencear 1
32 Complete Lines to Select From.
Come in while the sizes are complete.
liiii all the Normal Brandies. Also Music
f .': Zjfmt Bosiness Department
faWml ififUlHed to give a thorough course in J3ook
Typewriting, Commercial Law and other
tuis important branch. Tuition free.
unications to
dale, Pres., Weston, Ore.
sn.-r if Ami i vs. 4 m
uday at a p. m. Admission to dancing plat.
v 1.i: t r i t
vk-, juuica iiuc, .uu&sius iu ana irom me
grounds day and night.
IR0UHDS. The grovo can be emrapred for
:by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel
Let Us Do
Yoi Hauling
We do trucking and hauling
ot all description at reason
able prices.
Your horses will be well cared
(or if taken to the Old Dutch
Henry Feed Yard, corner
West Alta and Lillith streets.
Ha', grain .and al kinds of
feed bought and sold.
Horses for sale at all tinvs.
Successtor to HayVJ&jConnerley.
.Tlti ' f Kin .Vj,
Oldest Church Building in Walla
Walla Being Torn Down. -
Walla Walla, Sept. 29. After serv
ing a large congregation for 30 years
as a place of worship, the Episcopal
church Is being dismantled today, and
the last service has been held In the
old building. Yesterday saw the last
congregation gather for worship, and
the fixtures will be removed to the
new St Paul's church on Catherine
street, a n-iagnlnccnt edifice costing
over $10,000. It will be opened Octo
ber 12 with appropriate ceremonies,
The dese-ted church Is the oldest
religious building In tho city, having
Leon erected over 30 years ago. The
ongregatic-n is among the oldest
r.ot the oldest, In the city. When the
structure was completed It was th
finest building in this pat of the state
ana me rc.;ora is to be repeatea by
I lie congregation, when the now edi
flee Is accepted and opened. The new
building Is of stone and brick, and
will be, when furnished, the most
elaborate church in Eastern Wiasl:
ington or Oregon. The old building
has been purchased with the lot upon
which it stands, and the property will
be used in the near future for bus!
ness purposes.
Heavy Heavy fhic Wool
Co. ton Fleeced Cotton Fleeced
50c 50c 65c 65c
Ribbed Cotton Nibbed irpuvv
Tan lMnk HIo y,
Red or Y?0' Rrown K1
Black IMbed Wool - !,
75c 90c $1.00 $100
cSSl ?n!ue ffijSj
Fancy Derby 1'lnk or lliue Nntunil
Ribbed Ribbed Derby Wool
$100 $1.00 $1.25 $1.25
Swlts Balbrlwau Ulblied Very
Conde Don't Scratch 'AH Wool Wnriit
Unshrinkable Fancy Orey JSttrn-Blze
Woroted Wormed lMiwli AH Wool
$1,25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50
Fancy Very Wool 40,18,60
Strlj)e8 Hoi Heavy Rl; Men
Natural Alternate Very Finn Silk and
Wool S:rlpe Australian Woroted
$1.50 ' $1.75 $2.25 $2.50
Rlbled Worsted Wool For Fine Trade
Medium Weight Homo Winners Grey , 'Ulue and Pink
4 Lines of Fine Silk ami Peter Wright's
Fancy Light Wool Interscapular
$2.50 $2.50 $3 00 ' $4.25
Worsteds Weight That Finest Iingllsh
Very Talkative Full Fashioned Everyone LlkeH Make
Irish Oregon Munslng Call
Linen Flannel Union au
Mesh Red, Blue Suit and See
$3.50 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 to $5700 witholtiay
Fortune Favors a Texan.
'Having distressing pains In head
back and stomach, and being without
appetite, I began using Dr. King's
New Life Pills," writes W. P. White
head, of Kennedale, Ter., "and soon
felt like a new man." Infallible In
stomach and liver troubles. Only 25c
at Tallman & Co.'s drug store.
Waila Walla Makes a Success of Her
Annual Fall Festival.
Walla Walla, Sept. 29. Tomorrow
ovenlng tlx; sixth annual fruit fair
will come to a close in this city. The
exhibits win at once be removed and
the pavilion torn down. In every way
the fair has been a success.
Awards have been made of hundreds
of premiums, and the business of the
aftociatlon will be closed up with a
neat sum to be carried over to next
ear. At tne opening of the season
the treasurer held 11100, which was
left over from tho show last year.
The attendance has not been as
largo as It might have been, for which
there ares everal reasons. Last year
a number of excursions broueht hund
rods of people to the, city, ar.d tho at
tendance from the country around
about was very good. This year tho
xcursiona railed to brine the crowds
and locally other attractions deterred
many from attending several days.
as wps the general custom last year.
free show given by advertlslne
doctors has been giving perform
ances each afternoon nnd night, and
C 3
College Prepara
tion, Business,
Primary grade a
Pall term opens
Sept. 15.
The New Building to Be Occupied in December.
hundreds of peoplo are kept from tho!
8Mw by the excellent music and tho
funny program given at each tierform-
f.nce. The attendance last year was
aver 30,000, and with all the dlfflcul
ties encountered at this show, the
recoi1 will bo broken by several thotis.
and admissions.
tlOO Rcwar, $130
The readers of UiU' oiDer will ba nl..
ed to learn Uiat there la at leaat una
dreaded dlseaae tuat acUnce baa been atile
10 cure ia an ita augea and that la Ca
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tba 011I7
mjvik.TV cure no. mqdwd id iiia rnnirni
iraicrnitx. caiarru ueing a conitltatlon
ul iilaease, reyulrea a conatltotlonal
ircaimeoc nana iurrh r'tir.. i abn
lalernally. action dlrectlr Don ftll MnsiA
and mucoua aurfacea of the sjetem, there
by deatrorlDK tbe foundation of ih ii.
fS. "uu paiiani atrenxtb bj
building up tbe constitution and asalstluj
uvw. 111 uuiuf tiM wvrs. -u9 propnerora
hare ap much faith In Ita curatlre powers
that they offer Ona llundri iiniian. t.
11 . f T w cur- Bnd r
a if rJ' .UPi co- Toledo, r.
Hall's Family l'illa are U beat
All persona knowing themeelvea la.
debted to me will please call and set
tle their accounts.
If. M, 8LOAN.
iIG ....
House and two Jots, with one of
the prettiest lawns in town, cen
tral location $2000
House and lot, well shaded, nice
iuwii, not iar jrom Main St.
n. ,. . ..
nouse anti two lots with stable.
Mouse, live rooms, and lot, . , .
nouse, lour rooms, and lot
r . '
vacant lots ranging from
$200 to $250 nanh
Farm property, 160 acres. . .$2600
Arid much other property,
Easy Terms
Laatz Bros.
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
Wu are in the transferinj; and
trucking business and are pre.
pared to move light or heavy articles.
Ui? WOE-MAIN ST Near Depot,
1 uiujuioiio inaiD 01,
Dally East Oraaonlan bv r,rr.r
only 15 cents a week.