East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1902, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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    Gentlemen, you will clap your hands with satisfac
tion if you wear the celebrated
Edwin Clapp Shoes
Highest degree of workmanship known to shoe manu
facturing used in making these shoes. The highest
grade of leather enters into their construction in fact
the Edwin Clapp is the highest graUe and most satis
factory shoe for gentleman made. We have the Ed
win Clapp Shoe in Ideal Kid, Corona Colt and Vici,for
dress. For service we have them in French Calf, Eli
Calf and Glazed Calf.
Good Shoes
Dmdinger, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Black 91
from Pilot
Roy Belts Is In town
George Hudermann is In town from
his home at Warren,
John H. Bauer is in town from the
stato line, near Wallula.
P. Sones, one of the prominent bus'
iness men of Adams, was in town yes
Rev. W. S. Payne, pastor of the
United Brethren church of Weston, Is
in town.
Representative-elect W. M. Blnkley
Is In town today from his ranch at
Misses Jiauae ana jeanette PIcard
arc guests of the Golden Rule hotel
from Adams.
Mrs. Robert Folsom is expected
home Sunday from an extended visit
on the Sound.
"Grandma" Munra and Miss Agnes
Lowe are guests of Hotel Pendleton
from Meacham.
Among the Milton visitors In town
today are Joan and James Swanton
and H. R. Hogue.
C. A. Barrett, hardwaro dealer of
Athena, was transacting business in
town Friday afternoon.
Miss. Aln E.- Brown left today for
cue goes to finish her
His Wifo Believes That He Has Been
Murdered and Is Unconsolable Had
$150 In His Pockets.
Milton. Sent 27. Tho citizens of
Milton nro very much worked up ovei
the disappearance of Frank Sterling,
who has not been Been by any one
here or heard of Blnce noon Monday.
Sterling Is a young man who has
lived hero soveral years and is well
known. Several days ago he sold a
cow to a neighbor and the animal
could not be found. Monday morning
he left town saying that ho would go
in and search for the missing cow.
Ho left home afoot and at noon stop
ped with a harvesting crow a few
miles southeast of Milton, whro ho
nto dinner. Thnt Is tho last heard of
Mm Tl .1 .. lfBB
Edyth, of Portland, who have been mm.
visiting Robert Moore at Uklah, fori When ho left homo ho was known
tho past month, left this morning 'to hnvo $150 in his pocket and much
Eugene, wheu
education in the state np.u
Colonel William Parsons left on the
delayed night train for North Yakima,
where he goes on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor and Mias
for their home.
Frank Blair, at one time employed
store., spent last night in town visit LJrJ ft
lng friends. He left this morning for
his home In Weston.
Miss Crlgler, deputy in the county
clerk's office, left this morning for
her homo In Freowater, where sho will
spend Sunday. Sho will visit tho
fruit fair at Walla Walla.
D. B. Waffle and wife, Miss Bertha
Gross. Loren Harris and Furnish Sla-
tcr were among tho Pendleton people
who left this morning for Walla Walla
to take in the fruit fair.
Peter Weller Is in Pendleton from
Waltsburg, where ho has sold his
business Interests and farm ug lands
and Is looking for a now location. He,
may decide to como to Pendleton.
Frank Sherman, M. A. Jacks and
Grant Earnh&rt aro In town today from
Cold Springs country. They say most
of the grain from that section is in
tho warehouses and a great deal is
J. L. Neil wa3 In town today and
reports that the -now Umatilla thresh
er's reputation is still spreading
abroad. The years devoted to this In
vention, he thinks, will receivo ample
R. M. Hall, publicity man of tho 0.
R. & N., was In town last night on
his way to Portland from Walla
Walla, where ho had been to attend
the fruit fair. He left on the belated
passenger this morning.
O. Edwards, son of Rov. Jonathan
Edwards, of tho Congregational
church, has arrived from Spokane and
entered the Pendleton Academy. Ho
ball team and will be a good addition
to the academy team which Is being
May Taylor left this morring for, ja an ex-member of the Spokane "foot.
walla waua to visu ;no iruit wir,
Miss Mae Carmlchael. who Is teach
ing in the McKay district, spent last
night in town on her way to her home
in Weston.
George Lubken and family expect
to leave Pendleton this evening for
Boise City, where they will mako their
future home.
George Hill, of Helix, who is in
town today, will leave next week for
Pullman, where, he will enter tho
Washington Agrlcultuarl College.
A marriage license was Issued to
Allen Rhodes and Mattle Blackburn
by County Clerk Chamberlain this
afternoon. They are both of Umatil
la county.
speculation Is being Indulged In as to
the cnuso of his sudden disappearance.
Some have reached the conclusion
money nnd others think that ho has
left the country. Tho formor conclu.
slon Is tho general opinion, however,
as ho was n very quiet fellow and no
cause can bo assigned for his wanting
to skip out. He had a wlfo and child,
the latter a month old. His wlfo Is
distracted over his remaining nway
so long and Bho cannot bo mado to be
Hove but that ho has been murdered
He had no trouble with his wifo, was
not in flnnncial trouble and there can
be no cause for his disappearing of UU
own accord. His wlfo says they wero
happy and Mr. Sterling had beon talk'
lug of buying proporty and building
a home for himself nnd wife.
Mr. Sterling was 25 years of age,
dark curly hair, about flvo feet ten
Inches high, small features and had
a pleasing way about him when con
If any information can bo given
which will lead to his discovery It will
bo thankfully received by his wife or
brother-in-law, Will Mellor, at Milton,
evening, tho littlo boy, who wns riding
on a load of household goods, foil
from tho rig with the result that tho
fioah war nlmost all torn from tho
imiler law. Ho was brought to Pon
dleton nnd placed under tho enro of
Dr. Smith, who found It necessary iu
tnko nine stitches in tho flesh to close
the wound. Whilo tho injury Is not
nprpHRnrllv dnncorous. It Is BCNOU3,
nnd will continue so for boiuc time,
A Starving Billionaire.
Ono of tho richest men In tho world
worth almost n billion dollnrs, is starv
lng to death, bocauso his stomach has
become wcakoned through worry nnd
anxiety in looking after his Immcnso
fortune. His digestion is ucstroyea
and tho stomach cannot thoroforo as
slmllato nourishment. What avail Is
wealth when your health Is gono. If
your stomach is In a similar condition
no matter from what cause, commonco
taking Hostettor's Stomach Bitters at
once. It Is Nature's own remedy ior
the stomach nnd will restore tho appe
tlto. perfect the digestion nnd cure
belching, flatulency, dyspepsia, const!
patlon, biliousness and Ilvor nnd kid
ncy troubles. Tho gcnulno Is for salo
by all druggists and has our Private
Stamp over tho neck of tho bottle.
ight Remedies
For Summer F, & S. Bitters,
the greatest of all system tonics.
The correct tonic for all stom
ach disorders,
F. & S. Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparilla, combined with
burdock, mandrake, prickly ash,
dandelion, stillingia, iodide of
potassium and iron. This Com
pound is 'A powerful alterative,
tonic, invigorator and b'ood
purifier1 Sold only by
Jolly Club Dance.
The season opened for tho Jolly
Club's dances in Music hall last night
and a royal good time was had by i
large crowd of young people. This Is
the' first dance of tho season for this
club, which gave so many delightful
parties last winter and tho club will
continue them again this fall and win
ter. The dances will be given every
other Friday night.
Hughes Examined.
Blllle Hughes was examined this
afternoon at the court house for in
sanity and ordered taken to the Insane
asylum. Judge Hartman and Dr. Cole
were the Judge and examining physi
cian. Hughes' case, whilo It is not
considered serious, is quite bad, but
the physicians ifiJns that with proper
care he will get all right
' Reception to Rev. Warner.
A reception was given at the home
of Rev. G. W. Rlgby, on Thompson
street, last evening In honor of Rov.
Warner, the new M. E. minister for
tho Thompson street church. A good
ly number of the members of the con
gregation were present to get ac
quainted with the now pasior and 6.
delightful social time was had.
Club Notes.
Tho Thursday Afternoon Club hold
Hs opening meeting for the club year
1U02-3, last Thursday afternoon at the
homo of Mrs. Henry Bean.
An Interesting program on Oregon
History wns given. Other topics
wero talked over Informally, such as
ppre foods, Inspection of milk In our
Own city, waye and means for remov
ing rubbish from our strecs, subjects
that are of practical Interest to every
one living In Pendleton.
Some ono mentioned the proposed
cemetery Improvement, when one of
the bright club women remarked that
"Cemetery improvement was a good
thing, but in her opinion a sewer sys
tem for the benefit of tho peoplo still
alive should first bo looked after," and
It would seem that the remark was
not altogether lmpertlment.
Notice to Consumers.
Pondloton, Or., Sopt. 24, 1902,
We, tho undorslgned milkmen of
tho city of Pendleton, hcroby glvo no
tlco that on and nfter Oct. 1st, 1002,
until further -otlco, do hereby agree
on tho following retail prices:
1 pint per day, per mouth, $1.25.
12 pint tickets, 50c.
1 quart per day, por month, $2.35.
13 qunrt tickets, $1.
3 pints por day, por monlh. $3.35.
i gallon por day, por month, $4.25,
3 quarts por day, per month, $5.Gu
1 quarts por day, per month, 0.50,
Cream, per half pint, 16c.
Cream, per pint, 25c.
W. J. NEIL,.
as In most of tho countries whoro
these peoplo nro coming from and they
aro not surprised nt tno pneo askod
for good wheat land. In fact, they
think prices horo nro vory icasonable,
nnd they nre, compared to prices cf
good farming sections of tho middle
Speaking of tho continuation of tho
Immigration rates Mr. CNoil said:
"Whether theso rates arc to bo con
tinued longer this fall rosts with tho
peoplo of tho Northwest nnd doponds
upon tho nmount or advertising matter
dcscrlptivo of tholr special sections,
that they place In tho hands of tho
railroad company for distribution. If
no Interest Is shown tho rates and tho
Immigration plans will bo abandoned
'Tho homesookors' rates win bo
continued ovory spring and fall until
the homesookors censo to seok homes
or until tho peoplo of tho West domon.
strate they no longer care to liavo
tholr country built up or their popuUv
tlon Increased. This much Is certain.
though, thnt If tho peoplo of.tno north.
west do not tako Bumcient interest
1 ntho upbuilding of their own local!
ties to supply flultnble Iltoraturo, tho
Immigration movement will not bo a
success and tho rates will bo with
Last Day.
Tho O. R. & N. Company will soil
tickots to Walla Walla and roturn to
morrow at $1.90 for tho round trip.
After tomorrow tho round trip rate
will bo $2.80.
United Artisans Notice.
All members of Alpha Assembly No.
9, and Harmony No. 113, United Art!
snns, aro requested to bo presont at
their meeting Tuesdny night. Dr. J.
B. Armstcad, superintendent of xaeAl
cal Examiners, will bo horo from Port
land and speak to the mombers ol
both lodges.
Pendleton Horse Wins.
Starkqy, owned by Robert Stark
weather, of this city, won the 2:15
pacing race at Portland Thursday, at
tho Irvingtnn track. Owing to tho
rnin nnd slippers condition of tho
track the time made was two secondB
less than It would havo otherwise
Mufflet, Just right for cold weather.
Mufflot, Just right for cold weather.
Mufflet. Just right for cold wcathor.
Tho Peoples Warohouso shows them.
Tho Peoples Warehouse Bhows them.
The Peoples "Warehouse shows them.
For Rent.
What Is known as Jacobs Block.
Enquire of C. B. WADE.
lift i rv in
-- 1 Mil
,rm the
lUSt rn.l .
-J-l 30 V
worn out..
no. J"
Take Yon
tiXCO till vt tan...
Mo tons ol hy BnffijKSy
be-ftnek ranch
It Is to like It n, ', m
12,1 W Bheop with rut! W
liecobmiiiA..., Jt'
bottom liid. ""nirtB
J bun !00 uII..ifu
fromPtiidleton. """'Wte
Anythlnz Ton nn,i r
one a to.
1200 wei,) ol una i,
E. T. ?
There seems to be a feeling that
Pendleton Is not sufficiently advertls
ed. and is thus missing tho benefit
of tho present large Immigration.
Daphne Circle, Attention.
The funeral of Neighbor Levi Hays,
husband of Outer Sentinel Martha
Hays, will occur Sunday at 2 o'clock
p. m., at the Congregational church.
A full attendance of tho Circle Is de
sired. ADA C. ROSS,
Guardian Neighbor.
Man wants bnt littlo here below,
This statement causes mirth;
It may have been so long ago,
But now he wantsjthej)earth.
I have some very desirable pieces of Earth lor sale,
ed in and about Pendleton.
Choice city property, ranches and farms
at bargains.
locat- j
The club women wonder If the large
piles of refuse and trash of all sorts
by the sides of our city streets do not
advertise tho fact that Pendleton has
very little civic pride, and possibly
does not attract newcomers?
Our city draymen aro evidently, not
very well posted on city limits, as
they are dumping collections from the
center of town on the corner of Jack
son and East Bluff streets. It would
seem that there are large holes that
might be filled up before the street
cornBrs are used for this purpose.
Tho local club women take pride in
tho enterprise of their townsman, Mr.
C. S. Jackson, of the Oregon Dally
Journal, and read tho column, "Among
tho Club Wornon," with much Inter
est, and they wish him success in his
new field. "
Mrs. Lillian Colo-Bethel, of Colum
bus, O., will teach classes in parlia
mentary law In Eastern Oregon dur
ing October and November. Baker
City, Union and La Grande clubs will
organize classes for October, and
Pendleton, Athena and Tho Dalles for
November. The Pendleton class will
he during the week beginning Novem
ber 3d, place and hour of meeting
will bo advertised In the dally papers
Tho next meeting of tho Thursday
Afternoon Club will bo held at tho
homo of Mrs. Charles Colesworthy.
Tho Parliamentary Club will have
Its first meeting Tuesday, Octobet
Uth. Tho regular meeting days are
the second and fourth Tuesdays nf
each month from October to May In
elusive. The club will havo now nnd
Interesting features this year.
Child Injured.
The four-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Maplo was severely In
jured Friday evening near Yoakum
Htatlon by falling from a moving
vagon. Mr. and Mrs. Marplo havo
been living in Pendleton and recently
purchased a place at Yoakum. They
wero moving to tholr now home Fri
day .asd when nearing Yoakum in tho
A Correction,
The East Oregonian said yesterday
that only about seven-eights of the
1901 taxes for Umatilla county had
not been paid. It was intended to say
that seven-eights had been paid nnd
only one-eighth romnined unpaid.
Landslide at Bonyvllle.
Traffic going east from Portland has
been cut off today. Passenger train
No. C. due here at 5:40 this morning,
has not put In an appearance yet, and
It Is not known when it will bo horo,
on account of a slide near Bonyvllle.
"Did he break tho uigagment with
Miss Spendthrift?"
"No, the engagement hroko him."
Smart Set.
Mndo with
Undressed Kid
tops, Vioi Ivid
vamps, Beveled
Welt Solos and
Half I-Tonoh
Heels. A
light, airy
1 looking
Street Shoe
Peoples Warehouse
ST. JOE 571
Gommencos today, on Cloaks, Capes, Jackets uik
Dress Skirts, and will continue until the evqtS
uctouer sua. t mg casn aiscount win oeaw
these goods.
Do not miss this sale if you want best!
styles for lowest prices that will enable yon b
them this season. Remember the largest stoclij
county to select from and prices guaranteed lien
Remember: The largest stock of goods In the county to
Tk wlinrn au expert k
or merlu- of an to
showy case Is not
....ll..., Cmnclhlnt I
ble is required toJt?f
Our pianos are the )m
nrd of merit. PecUS
tlon, touoh.tone, W
isn. Always iuc
test. Sold wiin
rook wices. Cash or 6
tYnolesalo a2l UtttU fl
We arc Headquarters fof h
Especially in 'j
aim is
mi ft i vi
Come ande
aIoe ef them. A htH Mpfly hryi W